Middle Years Digital Citizenship and Balanced Literacy Presentation

Digital Citizenship and the
Balanced Approach to Learning
in Middle Years
What is the Role of Digital Technologies in
What does modern
learning really look
like at the level of a
student’s desk?
What are the Essential Skills for
21st Century Learning?
21st Century Fluencies are
the transferable essential
skills that students need
today and in their future.
They are the fundamental
elements of learning that
are driven by pedagogy and
help to leverage curriculum.
Check out our Digital Book on the
Essential Skills of 21st Century Learning
Photo Source: Teach Thought
The 3 Digital Citizenship “REPs”
Source: Dr. Mike Ribble http:digitalcitizenship.net
Digital Citizenship Continuum Overview
3 Pillars of Digital
The 9 Elements are
under the 3 Pillars
What is the
Based On?
Image Source: Sylvia Duckworth
Work of Dr. Mike Ribble and the Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship
Essential Questions:
Etiquette: Are students aware of others when
they use technology? Do students realize
how their use of technology affects others?
Access: Does everyone in school have equal
access to technology? Do all students need to
engage in a digital society?
Law: Are students using technology the way
it was intended? Are there rights infringed
upon? Why should students using digital
technologies be accountable for how they are
Source: Dr. Mike Ribble http:digitalcitizenship.net
Essential Questions:
Communication: Do I use email, cell phone
and instant messaging technologies
appropriately when communicating with
others? What rules, options and etiquette do
students need to be aware of when
communicating with technology?
Literacy: Does everyone in school have equal
access to technology? Do all students need
to engage in a digital society?
Commerce: Are students using technology
the way it was intended? Are there rights
infringed upon? Why should students using
digital technologies be accountable for how
they are used?
Source: Dr. Mike Ribble http:digitalcitizenship.net
Essential Questions:
Rights & Responsibilities: What rights and
responsibilities do students have in a digital
society? How do we make students more
aware of their rights and responsibilities
when using technologies?
Safety & Security: How do students protect
their technology in a digital society? How
can students be taught to protect
themselves and their equipment from
Health & Welfare: How can students be
physically affected by technology? Are
students aware of the physical dangers that
can accompany the use of digital
Source: Dr. Mike Ribble http:digitalcitizenship.net
How Does Digital Citizenship Connect to
• Integrate authentically
• Connect Digital Citizenship lessons
to Curriculum to make learning
• Lessons can go beyond just stand
alone lessons, but connect to
Source: National Canadian Common Curriculum Framework
for Digital Citizenship in schools
Digital Citizenship Lesson Development
• Small groups will focus on one pillar and elements
in a pillar
• 2-3 participants/group of similar grade levels;
each group will create a collaborative lesson plan
that focuses on 1 or 2 of the nine elements in the
Digital Citizenship Continuum.
(Respect, Educate, Protect)
• Build a Collaborative Document in O365:
• Review Continuum, especially the Pillar you are assigned.
• Brainstorm lesson ideas, use the resources from
• Connect to curricula - How can you integrate the skills and
knowledge in an authentic way with curriculum?
Digital Citizenship Continuum Exploration
Include in your Lesson:
• Curriculum Areas:
• Curricular Outcome(s):
• Resources /Materials:
• Websites and Digital Resources:
• 21st Century Essential Skills:
Digital Citizenship Concepts and Skills: RESPECT, EDUCATE, PROTECT
Digital Citizenship Essential Questions:
Essential Knowledge - See Digital Fluency Continuum
Knowledge: What will students understand?
Skills: What will students be able to do?
Resources for Building Lessons
• Ministry of Education
I am Stronger Resources for Educators
• RCSD Digital Citizenship Resources
Other resources not listed:
Resources for Digital Citizenship Week
Edutopia – Digital Citizenship Week, 6
Resources for Educators
• Inctrl http://www.teachinctrl.org
Lesson Framework
• Collaborative Ideas for Digital
Citizenship Integration into teaching
• Framework Template – Click on the
link, go to Office365.
• Exemplar Lesson – Digital Citizenship
and Politics
• Download and save the template
and start developing a collaborative
lesson. Share with Jennifer StewartMitchell.
Lesson Framework
Lesson design
that incorporated
21st Century
Learning Skills
Lesson Framework
Be sure to
elements from the
Digital Citizenship
Continuum when
you plan.
When You Plan, Consider…
Think About Pedagogy
• What’s best for
learning and your
• What are the learning
needs of all your
students? How do you
When You Plan, Consider…
Think About 21st
Century Skills
• What Essential Skill or
Skills do you want to
• How can these skills and
the use of digital
technology leverage
Check out our Digital Book on the
Essential Skills of 21st Century Learning
When You Plan, Consider…
Think About
• What outcomes
and indicators do
you want to
• What Skills?
Integrating Digital Tools to
Leverage Learning
Integrating Digital Tools to Leverage Learning
How can we
and inspire
students to
create their own
The Key to Balanced Literacy is Balance.
Each of these elements of a balanced literacy
approach is essential for developing
independent readers and writers.
What new reading strategy or task have you
implemented successfully in your classroom?
Discuss and share on our Padlet discussion
Word Study
Want to know more about Padlet in the classroom, watch this
Integrating Digital Tools in Balanced Literacy
How can digital tools be meaningfully
integrated into Balanced Literacy?
Set the
Technologies can transform the ways in which
teachers and students engage in literacy
experiences and build a literate learning
Turn and share. What apps or software have you
used as part of your Tech Tasks? Or what digital
tools are you interested in trying?
Set the Course for Balanced Literacy
1. What aspect of Balanced literacy
do you want to examine? What 21st
Century Essential Skill do you want to
explore? What digital tool will fit?
2. Create task cards for students
using Power point or Word.
Add details like images and borders
from sites such as
Set the Course for Balanced Literacy
1. Make Task Cards suit the needs of your class, add
verbal directions or video.
2. To add verbal directions use QR Codes and a site
like Vocaroo.
- Record audio using Vocaroo and save it online.
Anyone who visits the link can hear the recording.
- Create a QR code for the Vocaroo link using
- Copy paste the QR Code onto the task card.
- When printed, students can use the app, QR Droid
to access the directions on the Vocaroo site.
Provide Content
Provide reading content for fiction and
non-fiction at a Center.
You can use a variety of apps and websites.
Apps include:
• News-o-matic for grades 3 – 8
• Pearson Portal
• Epic – App to try and it’s free
Websites for weblinks in Tab Pilot or QR Codes:
• Wonderopolis for Inquiry
• Soundcloud.com for audio podcasts
• The Kids Should See This Videos
• Kidscbc2 for videos and news articles
• TedEd for videos and amazing lessons
Provide Content
Provide reading content for fiction and
non-fiction at a Center.
Collect web links onto one page. If you
students will be visiting multiple web
links for the center, use sites to post
and organize them. Provide a Bitly link
or QR code to the collection for easy
Remember to use goqr.me to create
the QR Code for the station.
Provide Content
Other ways to generate content
is to create interactive
Use videos from YouTube, Vimeo,
or TeacherTube or upload your
own using MovieMaker, Office
Mix or Sway.
Make a QR Code for students to
scan and access the content.
Support Creativity
Active Learning is Creating
Create a mindmap to help
students reflect on skills they are
learning at a center.
App to try:
Mindomo to create a mindmap
Online resources to try:
Support Creativity
Active Learning is Creating
Students can support their learning through other tasks to support
critical thinking, communication and creativity.
Students my want to try making an InfoPic – combines pictures
with text layered on top to communicate a message.
App to try:
Explain Everything
Comics Head
Camera App on the device
Online resources to try:
Powerpoint online
InfoPic Example
Capture Responses
Summative Assessment, Sharing
Student work and Celebrating Learning
Use Office 365 Groups blogs, web pages,
OneNote or even Excel forms to reflect
on learning. Provide framework
questions to help students reflect and
self assess, as well as comment on the
work of each other.
Digital Exit Slips: Excel Forms, Kahoot,
Quizziz, Plickers
Sample Balanced Literacy Task Cards
The following are task cards for
grades 6-8.
Feel free to adapt and change
the task cards to suit your
students’ needs, grade level,
technical comfort and context.
Be sure to think of digital tools
that are relevant, authentic and
will leverage learning. It’s about
keeping it simple and focusing
on what will leverage learning.
Listen and Read Stories
Tech Task
1. Go to Epic, click on the app that looks
like this. Find your teacher’s name in the
list and tap it.
2. Read one of these short books, jot
noting connections that you make on
sticky notes or on paper as you read
3. Go to your Office 365 account, write a
response to what you have read, making a
connection to another text. This text piece
can be in another subject, or in another
book or in a non-fiction item (such as in
the news).
This is a sample app for
reading. You can choose
another app or online
Tech Task
Read, Listen, Reflect and
Go to QR Droid, click on the app that looks
like this.
Scan the link to the podcast “Dear Prime
• In partners, jot note quotes that you found
thought provoking from the podcast. Then
jot note areas that should have been
• If you could write a letter to our new Prime
Minister what would you say? Write a letter
of advice using the podcast as inspiration.
• Go into Office365 and collaboratively
brainstorm ideas for your letter, then start
composing in a second draft.
Podcasts for
View, Read, Reflect and Connect
Tech Task
1. Go to QR Droid and Scan the link to the weblink,
for the site The Kids Should See This
Choose a video from “Nature”. See the menu.
2. Meet a Canadian Scientist! Go to the David
Suzuki Foundation website and find an article that
you think connects to a video you watched. Read it
and jot down connections that you can make.
Explain the connection in your words.
3. Go to Mindomo and create a web that shows
the connections between the two sites. Be sure to
incorporate multimedia, such photos and videos to
illustrate your point.
Watch, Reflect and Respond on
Human Rights
Tech Task
1. Go to the QR Droid app and Scan the QR
code for the TEDEd video, What are
Human Rights?
2. Jot not key points on paper in the form of
a mindmap about the video.
3. Create a Mindmap about What are
Human Rights and Connections to Your
Life. Use the app, Mindomo and
incorporate visuals and websites in your
4. In closing sharing your thoughts as
whether or not the right to the internet
should be considered a Human Right?
Add you comment to our Padlet Page.
TED Ed videos for Kids, What are
Human Rights?
Padlet QR – Use goqr.me
to create a QR code
after creating a Teacher
Padlet account. Students
can then access the
discussion board.
Watch, Reflect and Respond on
Human Rights
The following is an extention to the previous Tech Task
on TEDEd video, What are Human Rights?
Humans around the planet are working hard to protect
habitat. Are these conservation efforts enough, or is it too
late for us to sustain the ecosystems that we all rely on?
1. What do you think is the most important and neglected
human right? Why?
2. 2. Look at your own country: do you think human rights
are upheld and protected where you live? Why/why
Share your responses to the Office 365 Group for our class.
Be sure to explain your ideas in complete sentences.
After you finish your post, read the posts of others and offer
your comments. Be sure to use the 3 C’s + Q model for
commenting effectively.
TED Ed videos for Kids, What are Human Rights?
Read Online News Stories
Tech Task
1. Click on QR Droid
2. Scan the QR code and read the article
from Tween Tribune
3. Scan the QR code to our classroom
Kidblog account.
4. Locate your name and login.
5. Write a Connections Reflective
Response. Write connections about the
article, focusing on either 2 of the three
connections: Text to Text, Text to Self,
or Text to world.
Tweentribune. com
Read and Listen to Poetry of
Famous Poets
Tech Task
1. Click on QR Droid
2. Scan the QR code and read the poem
from Poem Hunter, “People Equal” by
James Berry www.poemhunter.com
3. Scan the QR code to our classroom
student Weebly account.
4. Locate your name and login.
5. Write a Connections Reflective
Response. Write connections about the
poem, focusing on either 2 of the three
connections: Text to Text, Text to Self,
or Text to world.
People Equal
Read other poems from
Tech Task
Listen and Look at Pictures
of Non-Fiction Storybooks
Expectations – Remember to only explore the books on this
Youtube page.
1. Tap QR Droid and scan the QR code
2. Choose a story from the list of Youtube videos from
3. Listen to a story being read by famous people who also love
4. Journal:
In your journal, write your favorite part of the story. Is there a
part that reminds you of another story? Tell us about it.
Create Comics with New Words
Tech Task
1. Scan the QR code and go to
Wonderopolis.com and read the Wonder of
the Day
2. Choose two Wonder Words that are new to
3. Learn the definitions of the words.
4. Write a sentence that uses both words in
your journal.
5. Create a comic in Comics Head using these
new words showing the meaning of the
word through the character’s actions and
dialogue. Be sure to have the character
using one of the words in a sentence.
Teacher Soundcloud.com
audio directions
Tech Task
Create a Story about
What You Have Read
1. Write a story with a beginning, middle and
end about one of the characters you read
about in your Read to Self Station.
• Create a comic using the Comics Head app
with 3 panels for your beginning, middle and
• Choose a background, a character you want
in your story, then add props to help tell the
Create a Alternate Chapter
Comic from a Novel
Tech Task
Is there a part in your book where you feel that the character makes a mistake
and the consequences of his or her decision drastically impacted their lives?
Wouldn’t it be nice to change things up?
Write an “Alternate Chapter” with a beginning, middle and end about one of
the characters from a novel you are currently reading, that shows how their
actions impacted the plot of the book.
• Create a comic using the Comics Head app with at least 8 panels to clearly
show what’s going on. You will need to create 2 separate comics on the
same tablet, to get 8 panels.
• Choose a background, additional characters you want in your story, then
add props to help tell the story.
• Use the Writing Process to make sure that your story has flow. Brainstorm
your story on paper or in Office 365 – Word.
• Create a storyboard in the form of a table to help plan out what will
happen in each panel.
• Revise the language to ensure the plot is clear.
• Start drafting in Comics Head. You will be able to go back and edit if you
need to.
Narrate Your Story
Tech Task
1. After you have created your comic in Comics Head, it is
time to add your voice!
2. Take screen shots of your comic. Open your comic.
Hold down the power button and the down volume
button at the same time, this will take a picture.
3. Click on Explain Everything and start a new
4. Insert your comic.
5. Start narrating and recording your voice as you read
your story with lots of expression.
6. A Big Buddy will help you save your video and upload
to your teacher’s account on Youtube.
Narrate Your Story
Tech Task
1. After you have created your comic in Comics Head, it is
time to add your voice!
2. Take screen shots of your comic. Open your comic. Hold
down the power button and the down volume button at
the same time, this will take a picture.
3. Click on Explain Everything and start a new presentation.
4. Insert your comic.
5. Start narrating and recording your voice as you read your Buddies
story with lots of expression.
6. Please ask your teacher for help to save your video and
upload to you’re his/her account on Youtube. Note:
Students are not allowed to have Youtube accounts on
Read & Listen to News-o-matic
News Stories
1. Click on the News-o-matic app.
2. Choose a news story for today. Read the
story and listen. Use your earphones.
3. View the video and slideshow and check
your understanding with a quick quiz!
4. Scan the QR code to our classroom Kidblog
5. Locate your name and login.
6. Write a Connections Reflective Response.
Write connections about the article,
focusing on either 2 of the three
Text to Text, Text to Self, or Text to world.
Class Blog login
Blog about a Book
In this station you are going to reflect on a
book that you are reading during the Read to
Self Station. This can be an AR book.
Scan the QR code to our classroom Kidblog
Locate your name and login.
Write a Connections Reflective Response.
Write connections about the chapter you are
currently reading, focusing on either 2 of the
three connections:
What text to text connection can you make about
your book and other articles, stories or books you
have read?
What connections can you make with the text to
your self?
What connection can you make with events in
your book to what’s going on in your world?
Class Blog login
Tech Task
Tech Task
Tech Task
Buddies Activity
Tech Task
Tech Task
Reminders - Upcoming Events
• Teachers interested in engaging their students regarding issues on
Digital Citizenship, may pre-register for the Student First Anti-Bullying
Online Forum on November 17th, 2015; hosted by the Ministry of
Education and facilitated by Dr. Alec Couros.
• Register before October 30th