number line problems

Number Line I
The points on the number line below are evenly spaced.
On the number line above, -2 is located at C and 1 is
located at I.
1. What is the location of 0 (zero)?
2. What is the location of -3?
3. What is the location of ½ ?
4. What is the location of -2 ½ ?
5. What is the location of -1 ½ ?
PAST Number Line Problems
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Number Line II
The points on the number line below are evenly spaced.
On the number line above, 3 is at the position labeled C and 4
is at H.
1. What is the coordinate of D ?
2. What is the coordinate of G ?
3. What is the coordinate of I ?
4. What is the coordinate of A ?
PAST Number Line Problems
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Number Line III
The points on the number line below are evenly spaced.
On the number line above, 0.0019 is the coordinate of point B
and 0.0085 is the coordinate of point H.
1. What is the coordinate of C ?
2. What is the coordinate of E?
3. What is the coordinate of A?
4. What is the coordinate of G?
5. What is the coordinate of F?
PAST Number Line Problems
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Number Line IV
The points on the number lines below are evenly spaced.
On the number line above, √𝟑 is at the position labeled B and
√𝟓 is at F. (These coordinates, √𝟑 and √𝟓, are exact numbers,
whereas, 1.73205 is an approximation of √𝟑 and 2.23606 is
an approximation of √𝟓 .)
1. What is an approximate coordinate of D ?
2. What is the exact coordinate of D?
PAST Number Line Problems
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Now, consider this number line:
3. What is an approximate coordinate of D ?
4. What is the exact coordinate of D ?
5. What is the exact coordinate of E ?
PAST Number Line Problems
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Number Line V
The points on the number line below are evenly spaced.
Place the following numbers on the number line above at their
approximate location:
√𝟐 and label it 𝝁.
√𝟑 and label it 𝝈.
𝝅 and don’t label it.
√𝟓 − 𝟐 and label it 𝝎
and label it 𝝋.
PAST Number Line Problems
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Number Line VI
The points on the number line below are evenly spaced.
1. What is the coordinate of point E?
2. What is the coordinate of point B?
3. What is the coordinate of point C?
4. What is the coordinate of point H?
5. What is the coordinate of point A?
6. What is the coordinate of point F?
PAST Number Line Problems
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Number Line VII
The points on the number line below are evenly spaced.
1. What is the coordinate of point A as a percent?
2. What is the coordinate of point A as a decimal?
3. What is the coordinate of point D as a percent?
4. What is the coordinate of point J as a decimal?
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Number Line VIII
The points on the numbers lines below are evenly spaced.
What is the coordinate of point C (use %s, then decimals) ? ________, ________
The number line below is an enlargement of the number line above from A to C.
Place the coordinate you found above for C also on the graph below at C.
a. Place D on the point halfway between points A and C. What is the coordinate
of point D? ________, ________ Place this coordinate on the graph directly
October MLSN High School Break Out
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Continue to use the number line for A to C from part a. on the previous page.
b. Place E on the point halfway between points A and D. What is the coordinate
of point E? ________, ________ Place this coordinate on the graph.
c. Place F on the point halfway between points A and E. What is the coordinate
of point F? ________, ________ Place this coordinate on the graph.
d. Place G on the point halfway between points A and F. What is the coordinate
of point G? ________, ________ Place this coordinate on the graph.
What is your coordinate for point G as a fraction in lowest terms?
Write this number in scientific notation: ______________
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