Senior Seminar Winter 2009 ISP 4860 Section 002 (Bowen) Class 4, February 4 Course web site: Agenda • Tonight in 012 Manogian Rest of semester, too • Pictures • Late / returned / future assignments • Research Searching WSU research databases Review, search terms Research portfolio Citing web pages and websites • Content: development and consumption • Writing: organization 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 2 Late Assignments • Your paper subtopic is due today via Moodle, many have not come in. Not a good start. See/call/email/IM me for help getting started I have started a discussion topic on Moodle about this, if anyone wants online help (or wants to complain). • Reminder – a component of the course grade comes for getting assignments done on time 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 3 Returned Assignments • “Is it a happy new year?” Why did I do this? 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 4 Making Up Work • Makeup Work page on course website • Cannot get back credit for being on time • Change in making up in-class work: Much in-class work involves group discussion To make this up, get a group of students together to do the discussion Group discussion counts one letter grade for these assignments 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 Assignments Coming Up • Today – bring Research Portfolio (notebook) • February 11: Chapter Planner for Chapter 1 • February 18 – list of references via Moodle Suggestion – do some each week • February 25 – draft of Chapter 1 (overview) 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 6 Topic, Subtopic, etc. • The Topic of the course (“main topic”) is The Human Footprint • You will choose a subtopic to focus your paper on. You might choose, for example, Food. If you narrow Food to Grains (a type of food) then “Grains” becomes your subtopic. That is, there are no sub-subtopics • If you narrowed two levels (e.g. to specific country), I need a fuller description of intent 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 Research - Databases • Highly-recommended databases on purple handout 2/4/09 ABI/INFORM Global Online Communication and Mass Media Complete Ebrary (eBooks) Expanded Academic ASAP FirstSearch GaneNet LEXIS-NEXIS Academic Universe ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 8 Databases • Highly-recommended databases on purple handout Library Press Display Netlibrary (eBooks)’ Opposing Viewpoint Center SIRS Researcher on the Web (starter only) • Textbooks are also research sources, and list other references as well • Websites of scholarly organizations, 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 9 Google Scholar • Free or not? References free on public Interent Some full-text as well Much restricted to paying customers, so doesn’t cost you to use full Google Scholar through WSU 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 10 Research - Searching • Case-insensitive • Yellow handout • Boolean words: and, or, not world and hunger: articles MUST have both words in it (not necessarily together or in that order) world hunger: same as or – can have first only, second only, or both. Not necessarily in that order “world hunger”: treated like one word 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 11 Searching • Boolean words: or is done before and • water or drought and world means water and world, or drought and water • Not mentioned but on handout: * (wildcard) fish* would get fish, fishing, fisherman, fishery, etc. 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 12 Searching - keywords • For many of the topics here, adding “world” helps world and food is more specific that food by itself, which would include recipes, for example Would miss specific areas, but you can add these – world or africa and food • Try the opposite (antonym) world and drought has more articles than world and water Also try world and “water shortage” Or world and water or drought 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 13 Keywords • Thesaurus lists synonyms and antonyms (Roget’s is the standard thesaurus) • Suggestions for search terms 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 14 Research - Portfolio • Three-ring binder • Dividers to separate sections – example sections Syllabus Study Tools: dates, names, definitions, etc. Word hoard: Definitions of new words you learn. Weekly Meetings: notes, handouts Scrapbook: materials related to course including newspaper clips, media comments, INTERNET downloads, ads, cartoons, summaries of conversations, documents, essays, etc. Final Research Paper: all materials related to papers such as drafts, database sheets and bibliography, notes, photocopies of readings, and all drafts. Pouch for tools such as pens, markers, 3-hole punch, stapler, etc. Place for 3½-inch floppy diskette labeled with your name, or a USB flash drive, any capacity 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 15 Research portfolio • Comparison and discussion in groups • Complete and turn in Portfolio selfassessment • Will be repeated two more times during semester March 4 (self-assessment) April 8 (self-assessment and Instructor assessment) 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 16 Research – Citing the Web • MLA standard – Everyday Writer Pp 383 Author (if listed) Title / subtitle of page Print publication information • Any given information about print publication Electronic publication information (. after each) • Title of website, underlined, major words capitalized • Version number • Month and year 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 17 Research – Citing the Web • MLA standard – Pp 383 Access information • Most recent date viewed • URL in < >, for homepage if more than one line, plus Path (list of links with >) • Practice – group exercise using handout 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 18 Content – Consumption & Waste • David’s dollar-bill economy Spin the wheel faster & we all get richer If everybody plays, wheel is bigger • Cash – slow • Bank accounts – faster • Credit – fastest, more of it, too • US & rich world, we do this very well Get what you want (will pay for) – better hope it’s good for you! Shopping as entertainment 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 19 Panic Time • “Wall Street bailout” These firms give us the credit and move the money If credit part of wheel stops: • Wheel really slows down • Eventually drags accounts down, too • Money wheel eventually stops, almost Saw this happening last week Not “too big to fail” but “to important to fail” 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 20 Consumption and Waste • ROW (Rest Of World) wants this Weak national economies, must export to rich world - globalization Doing “our” jobs – OK if it is not too much Enlarge the circle – we send them money How do we get the money back to spend again? • They invest it in us – T-bills (debt of US gov’t) • Trade deficit – about $60B per month 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 21 Consumption and Waste • Last week, ROW slow to reinvest • Most economists feel this is unsustainable We have to produce a larger fraction of what we consume US a $15T annual economy • Trade deficit $700B = $0.7T Federal debt (total money government owes) = $10.6T $11.3T with “bailout” • Federal deficit is what we add to debt each year, now about $407B = 0.4T 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 22 US Economy ↓ • At least is not growing as fast (what is a depression?) • Structural imbalance one reason • Gas prices another Indirect effects on many other goods and services • Housing crisis – people used to spending the value of their houses • International effects worse 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 23 Trade Barriers • All countries put up trade barriers in certain areas US claims it is for free trade but subsidizes agriculture • Food aid generous, but o Much must be spent on food from US o We subsidize exports of food • Result: farmers in poor countries cannot compete with low (subsidized) food from US • Collapse last year of “Doha round” of trade talks to reduce barriers 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 24 Consumption and Waste • Money wheel spins one way • “Stuff” spins the other way Packaging becomes waste immediately Some stuff is not used, becomes waste quickly (food) Everything that was in the package also becomes waste – just more slowly • Running out of places to put the garbage • Can we find another way to spin the wheel? 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 25 Does Stuff Make Us Happier? • Up to a point, more stuff makes us happier • But levels off • So is there a better way? • Virtue of individuals not enough 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 Consumption and Waste • Do we care about ROW? Yes – foreign aid (but smaller than most in US think) One reason for wanting to help poor nations develop is their health Poverty poor health (often) Hunger makes it worse Leads to high population growth, eventually endangers us, too 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 27 Sovereign Wealth Funds • Another effect of US economic unbalance • Sovereign Wealth Funds – the accounts built up by our international creditors who are not market-based China Saudi Arabia Russia • Will they use that wealth against us? Probably more subtle effects 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 Writing: Organization Chapter Level • Title: Chapter number (1, 2, 3, etc) and descriptive title (describes content of this Chapter) • Introduction (roadmap) • Body • Conclusion (review, conclude or wrap up, so what?) 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 Organization: Within Body • Organization: Treat topics one by one in some order – have a plan, don’t just hop around Examples of orders that work: a. Start with a specific example or story, then go to what that is an example of (generalize) b. General to specific c. Historical order, order of development d. Logical order – what does the reader need to know first? e. Combinations – a then b, for example 2/4/09 A new topic requires a new paragraph. Smooth transitions to prepare the reader and show that your thinking is under control, not just random. ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 30 Outlining • An outline can be a quick way to organize your topic. Not required except for Chapter 1 I used to outline, but with word processors I just shuffle stuff around • Organization in-class assignment (groups) Get card pack Groups can go somewhere else – 30 minutes Turn in report on next slide 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 31 Writing: Organization • Chapter Planner on course website has helped some • Required for Chapter 1 of your Paper next week As of last week, you had all of the information you need to write Chapter 1 • OK if you want to add references, later Turn in via Moodle • After this, optional 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 32 Group Reports - Organization • Each group should turn in a report with the following information (by number) 1. List the group members (first and last names) 2. Take the cards out of the envelope and put them in the best order. What is the best order of the cards (by number)? 3. Of the styles of organization listed in class (or including others that you may be aware of, what organization scheme did you used in 2, and why? 4. Pick one other style of organization and describe how you might reorganize the material on the cards to make that other style work. • You can leave once you turn in this report 2/4/09 ISP 4860 Winter 2009 Class 4 33