Week #10 - WordPress.com


Week #10

Jacksonian Democracy

Monday, October 26th


• Rage Against the Machine, “No shelter” (4:12):

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NEoesmnYU4

• Krs One, “Hold” (5:55):

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YMWvhcUIl8

• Stetsasonic, “Freedom or Death” (1:42):

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZTCQ3b2eYA


• Option #1

• 30 terms to define, 60 points

• 2 page essay, 40 points

• Option #2

• 3 page critical review of literature, music, movie related to the era, 50 points, can use several, must make a coherent argument

• 2 page essay, 50 points

Women, Wages, the Market and Independence

• “Independence” is crucial to a good citizenry, but capitalism creates a permanent class of dependent wage earners

• Independence is re-imagined around gender, men become

“independent” by making women dependent on them

• Men need a clearly defined private domestic sphere to maintain the illusion of their independence (despite being wage slaves)

• Unpaid housewife is central to the economic system, without her unpaid labor, the system of paid labor wouldn’t work

• As industrial capitalism rises, women’s work, once thought of as crucial to the home economy begins a transition to be seen as leisure (unattached women go from important extra set of hands to economic liability)


• The key to the market is demand, what is “obsolescence”?

• Make a better product, make products that fall apart, turn products into status symbols (fashion)

• Outdated sayings “see you on the flipside”, a “broken record”

• Why are teenagers so important to today’s market economy?

• They spend their own money, they spend their parents’ money, they are future customers

• The irony?

• Adults complain about kids’ behavior but they actually profit from it

• They do not want to fundamentally change schools, parents like their kids being at school, parents emulate their kids (have to stay young)

• Denying teens real power breeds the desire for status (which is great for capitalism)

• Status determining opinion (1:41):

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdIWKytq_q4&feature=youtu.be

Youth and Capitalism

• Fashion vs Use Value: “dictated by top ten lists”, “hot items”, “others also bought” not needs or quality

• Consumption is crucial, why is high school so important?

• Socializes us to hyper consume by making us desire status

• Contradiction of late Capitalism?

• We need to be efficient producers, but also voracious consumers

• What is the solution?

• The “preppy” in high school who becomes the “bourgeois bohemian” in adulthood, make sure they can be producers but are also hard core consumers

• Who was a “prep”? A “brain”? A “loser”? An “alternative” (punk, goth, hippy)? A “normal”? A “jock”?

Age of Jackson

• Banks/Debt (9:31):

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Knf8KA5aAjw

Week #10

Jacksonian Democracy

Wednesday, October 28th


• Michael Jackson, “Thriller” (4:51):

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hG6oy46qKE4

• Patti Smith Group, “Ghost Dance” (4:51):

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfzqX_88QzM

Jackson, Democrats, Whigs, Political Parties

• Jackson and the development of political parties:

• http://www.davidwalbert.com/extras/political_parties_poster.pdf

Getting to Jackson

• American System (Democratic–Republicans)

• National Bank

• Tariffs to Support American Industry

• Infrastructure

• Moral Legislation

• Missouri Compromise 1820 (36 o 30’)

• Martin Van Buren and the Democratic Party

Age of Jackson

• Crash Course 8:30-14:35 (6:00):

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beN4qE-e5O8


• Whigs

• Democrats

• Spoils System

• Nullification Crisis

• Bank War/Panic of 1837

• Indian Removal Act



Indian Removal


Age of Jackson

• What you rather keep your traditions and move, or adapt to be able to stay?

• What do we associate with civilization?

• What do civilized people have/do?

• Indian Removal (5:20):

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQfP2Y2t45U


• Written language, English

• Christianity

• Private Ownership

• Farming

• Patriarchy

• Civil Government

• Education

Jackson: Tactics and Strategies

• How did Jackson approach the Native Americans?

• Pitted tribes against each other

• Bribery

• Fraudulent deals and treaties

• Torture, terrorism, and extreme brutality (cutting off noses to count the dead, making leather from skin, desecrating bodies, night raids, burning down villages, killing women and children)

• Laws designed to decimate history and culture?

• Diminished power of chiefs

• Outlaw communal ownership

• Outlawed meetings, ceremonies, and language

George Orwell (



• “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”

The Bargain, The Legacy

• Removal gives Native American land to poor whites, lottery system gave some away for free, sale helps to pay off the national debt

• Whiskey, Shays’, Slavery, etc.: using racial scapegoats to get poor whites to buy into the system

• Jackson legacy as president mixed at best, clearest success was decimating Native

Americans yet it seems to be a footnote

• Precedent for the way that the United States acquires territory and deals with colonial subjects (Hawaii, Guam, the Philippines, Latin America, etc.)

• Newt Gingrich 2012, asked about the Taliban “Andrew Jackson had a pretty clear cut idea about America’s enemies . . . KILL THEM.”

• The Crime: Native Americans almost universally villains, savages, aggressors, or pathetic, victimized, children of nature.

• Native Americans in Hollywood (5:22)

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hJFi7SRH7Q
