Body Image and Healthy Weight To Do: Pg. 130 #3-4

Chapter 4
To Do: pg. 110 #1-1-4
Lesson 1: Nutrients for Good Health
Nutrients: substances in foods that your body needs to grow, have energy and stay healthy
6 Types of Nutrients
1. Carbohydrates: starches and sugars found in foods
Simple: sugars (foods, fruit, milk, honey)
Complex: starches (made up of many sugars, potatoes, beans, cereals)
Fiber: complex carbohydrates that the body cannot break down or use for
2. Protein: used to build and repair cells
3. Fats: promote normal growth, give you energy, and keep your skin healthy
Saturated Fats: solid at room temperature(meat, butter, dairy)
Unsaturated Fats: liquid at room temperature( plants, vegetable oils, olives,nuts)
Cholesterol: waxy, fat like substance that the body uses to build cells and make
other substances
LDL: BAD sticks to the walls of the blood vessels causing heart disease
HDL: GOOD protects against heart disease
Trans fatty acids: fat formed when hydrogen is added to vegetable oil during
4. Vitamins: compounds that help to regulate body processes
Fat Soluble: dissolve in fat and can be stored in the body
Water Soluble: dissolve in water
5. Minerals: substances in the body uses to form healthy bones and teeth, keep blood
healthy, and keep the heart and other organs working properly
(Iron: helps make red blood cells, meat, poultry, beans)
6. Water: essential to every body function, carries nutrients to cells, and regulates body
Guidelines for Good Nutrition
1. Make smart food choices
2. Avoid too much added sugars and salts
3. Balance food and physical activity
Getting the Nutrition Facts
(Look at Figure 4.1 Nutrition label)
Lesson 2: Creating a Healthy Eating Plan
To Do: pg. 115 #3-5
Nutrition: the process of taking in food and using it for energy, growth and good
Review old and new pyramids: (My Plate)
MyPyramid food guidance system: a guide for developing a healthful eating plan.
Calorie: unit of heat that measures the energy available in foods
Look at figure 4.3A and 4.3B (pg. 113)
Eat a variety of foods
Influences of food choices
1. personal preference
2. traditions
3. convenience
4. media
Lesson 3: Planning Healthful Meals
To Do: pg. 121 #3-5
Healthful Eating Habits (figure 4.4)
Focus on fruits and vegetables
Make half your grains whole grains
Get your calcium-rich foods
Choose healthful fats
Limit salt and added sugar
Begin the day with a healthful breakfast
Pack a healthy lunch
Smart snacking
Keeping foods safe
Keep your hands, utensils and surfaces clean
Separate raw, cooked and ready to eat foods
Cook foods thoroughly
Chill when necessary
Serve safely
Follow directions
When in doubt, throw it out
Lesson 5: Body Image and Healthy Weight
To Do: Pg. 130 #3-4
Body Image: the way you see your body
How to develop a positive body image
 Accept yourself and your body
 No one correct body
 Don’t compare yourself to actresses
 Reasonable goal to lose or gain weight
Finding your Healthy Weight Range
Healthy weight depends on: gender, age, height , inherited body type
Body Mass Index(BMI): method for assessing your body size by taking your height and weight
into account (figure 4.8, pg.130)
Lesson 6: Maintaining a Healthy Weight
To Do: pg: 135 #3-4
Benefits of a Healthy Weight:
Positive body image
Reduce risk of serious health problems
Eating Disorders: extreme eating behaviors that can lead to serious illness or even
 Anorexia Nervosa: eating disorder in which a person strongly fears
gaining weight an starves themselves
 Bulimia Nervosa: eating disorder in which a person repeatedly eats large
amounts of food and then purges
 Binge Eating: disorder in which a person repeatedly eats too much food at
one time
Calories and Weight (Figure 4.9)
Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Weight:
 Balance the calories you eat with the calories your body uses
 Choose healthful foods
 Physically active
 Avoid fad diets