A & P Jan. 9-13

Mechalske Lesson Plans (BR-bell ringer, CT-class time, HW-homework, SA-summative assessment, FAformative assessment)
Class: Anatomy & Physiology
Week of: Jan. 9-13
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to….
Topic(s): Finish overview of
anatomy/work on alien project (Monday)
Basic chemistry, biomolecules, Cells
*Explain the 11 major body systems as to (Tuesday-Friday)
what each does and organs represented
Pop Quiz either Monday, Tuesday or
in each
Wednesday on what we’ve talked about
*Describe the similarities and differences -Monday
so far!!
between atoms, molecules, elements
BR: Body System concept map
and compounds
CT: Break up into groups of 2 to create an alien
complete with all body systems and two novel
*Analyze factors that can affect cellular
activities (carbohydrates, lipids, protein, system, as part of this project will must draw
and label your alien with the systems and write
nucleic acids)
an essay describing each system, organ, how the
*Relate cellular functions to specialized
Check for understanding
alien has been able to adapt and is able to
structures within cells.
*Bell ringers in the morning
maintain homeostasis-will be due on Tuesday,
*Describe the plasma membrane and
*Choral response to questions
January 17 (remember next Monday is a
how structure relates to function
*Students going over class work
HW: Work on Alien project
*Identify the major organelles of a cell
*Creating an Alien with body systems
(structure and function)
*Enzyme flipbooks
21 Century:
*Alien project: environmental literacy,
Creativity and innovation, Critical
thinking and problem solving,
Communication and collaboration,
Information literacy, Initiative and SelfDirection, productivity, responsibility
*Element poster: Health literacy,
BR: Complete the coloring pages on your desk
pg. 1,2, 5, 6 (directional/regional terms)
CT: Rd. pg.26-30 (stop at radioisotopes) and
answer #1 -5 on pg. 25, Using your textbook,
create a concept map of basic chemistry,
explaining each as you go-atom, molecule,
element, compound; make sure to include how
all are related to one another and are
HW: Work on Alien project
creativity, innovation, collaboration
*Enzyme flipbook: creativity, innovation,
collaboration, communication, flexibility,
*Cell Storybook: Creativity and
innovation, Critical thinking and problem
solving, Communication and
collaboration, productivity, responsibility
*Overview of anatomy quiz: SA
*Homework questions to give students a
deeper understanding of the material: FA
*Alien assignment (FA and SA): FA-Peer
assessment of paper and product,
observing students as they work; SAgrade of final project
*Textbook chapter 2 & 3
*Coloring pages 1,2,5,6
*Computers for aliens
*Chemistry of life PowerPoint
*Chart paper for elements
*Macromolecule & enzyme PowerPoint
*Microscope diagram
BR: Work on chemistry basics worksheet using
your textbook, you may work with a partner
CT: Go over chemistry of life PowerPoint, divide
the class up into twelve groups (oxygen, carbon,
hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus,
potassium, sulfur, sodium, magnesium,
copper/zinc and lithium), each group will create
an ad for their particular element explaining
what it is, it’s importance, and why it’s the best
element, the class will then present; if time,
class time for alien activity
HW: Work on alien project, Read Handouts
(pages 40 (Biochemistry)-41 (stopping at acids
and bases), 44 (carbohydrates), 46-47
(carbohydrate functions, lipids & triglycerides),
pg. 49-50 (proteins) , pg. 55-57 (nucleic acids
DNA/RNA) and answer #16 on pg. 25)
BR: Study for quiz
CT: Anterior body quiz, macromolecule
PowerPoint, talk about enzymes and their
importance (pg. 54 & 55 shows diagrams how
enzyme activity), create a flipbook with at least
20 pages describing how they work and their
importance, must include enzyme, substrate,
active site and activation energy,
HW: Finish flipbooks
-Friday (1/2 Day)
BR: Study for root word quiz
CT: Root word quiz prefix #2, go over
microscope parts and functions
HW: None 