ASUC Green Certification Program Task Diary Entry Dates Winter Break Status Pending February Newsletter Winter Break Pending Selection of New Groups Undecided Pending Contract with GoTeam Undecided Pending Midterm Report 12/9/2011 Pending GreenCat Auditor Application Interview and Select GreenCAT members 9/6/2011 Completed 9/9/2011 Completed GreenCAT workshop Select New Groups 9/16/2011 Completed 9/21/1110/7/11 Completed Introductory Workshop for new groups Internships 10/14/2011 Completed July-August 2011 Completed Metrics BERC Symposium Fall 2011 Explanation/Notes We will also be writing the diary entry during winter break in order to participate in the online student community. We will be writing an article for the February Newsletter including the metrics for the midterm report and a thorough timeline of our program since the Fall of 2010 to the present. The spring semester will include a second round of groups. We are currrently deciding the period of time that these groups will be auditited. We will potentially be allowing groups that did not make the first cut for the Fall into the Spring Audit. Contract would allow for the transition of funds to GoTeam whenever a student group that is undering going the auditing process or has completed the auditing process utilizes their TrashTalk services. Each TrashTalk student would be paid $10 per hour up to 5 hours per event. Each student group will have a limit of $100 per year (10 hours of service). Collecting all the data from the student groups and creating a metric and midterm report. We are accepting applications for new GreenCAT auditors. A number of interviews that were conducted inorder to select the new members of GreenCAT. Introduction to the processes of the ASUC GCP. Reading applications of groups applying to be a part of ASUC GCP. We selected groups and invited them to an initial workshop. Budget N/A N/A N/A We are still deciding where these funds will be pulled from, we are expecting to evaluate the cost at the next meeting. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Logistics and planning for the upcoming school year WHAT IS YOUR REMAINING BALANCE? See Excel Sheet on ASUC Green Certification page for all metrics $2,000.00 $28,600.00 Task Form Symposium Team Status Done Choose/Iterate Panel Topics Solicit Panelists Dates February-March 2011 March 2011 April 2011 Solicit Keynote Speakers April 2011 Done Build EventBrite Ticketing Site Create 2011 Logo and Program Skeleton with Graphic Artists Create Logistic Roles April 2011 April 2011 Done Done Website in process Meeting on 4/21 April 2011 Done Done Begin Inviting Poster Presenters April-June 2011 Done Recruiting posters from Berkeley, Stanford, LBNL, NREL, etc for Innovation Expo. Innovation Expo may be partially funded by ARPA-E Update Website April-Sepetember 2011 Done Updating website as different content becomes available, migrating website to new BERC infrastructure Purchase badge printers August 2011 Done Solicit Electric Vehicles for Showcase Print Book Materials September 2011 Done Part of TGIC Grant - these day of use printers prevent us from having to print badges for no shows at BERC Event Tesla Roadster and Nissan Leaf done October 2011 Done Parking/Public Transportation September 2011 Done Collect Post Conference Survey November 2011 Done Leadership Lessons Learned Sessions November2011 Done Assemble All Documentation November 2011 Done Hand off Meeting December 2011 Pending Done Done Explanation/Notes Form a team to choose panel topics and recruit panelists. Panel topics chosen Initial contacts have been soloicted and Symposium team is reaching out to them Jennifer Granholm, Arun Majumdar, Jigar Shah, Brook Porter, Daniel Nocera, Gavin Newsom, confirmed Part of TGIF Grant - Using recycled stock - remainder from reusable printers Parking for panelists has been provided, public transportation has been encouraged for all bay area attendees Collect information for the organizers of next years Symposium Both Innovation Expo and Symposium had sessions to go over lessons learned and capture the result for next year's team BERC document was held during the first week of November - all the important documents were uploaded during the meeting BERC working retreat is scheduled for Dec 3rd for Jerome and I to introduce and set up standing meetings throughout the remainder of the year Max Metrics Symposium Attendance (people) VIP/Media Professionals Attending Recyclable Items used (nametags, programs, plates, glassware) 800 250+ 5000 700 250 $5000 Poster Session Presenters Financial Impact to BERC (Self sufficient + profit for 2012 80+ 14000 80 $70000 All Relevant documents uploaded for 2012 Partner School Outreach Done Done 8 8 Sold out ticket sales Sold out the VIP invites as well Between Day of printer and recycled material used for books we believe the entire TGIF grant will have been allocated Over 80 posters presented $24000 in ticket sales, $70000 in cost, $55000 in sponsorship raised. Net profit close to $14000 for BERC Davis, Stanford, MIT, Northwestern, Carnegie Mellon, etc all contacted BicyCAL 1. Your name Severin Martinez 2. Project Leaders names (if different from report submitter) Chris McDermut, Austin Andrews 3. Organization / Department BicyCAL 4. Project summary a. Goals of the project BicyCAL is a cooperatively run and student founded organization at UC Berkeley that aims to empower UCB students, faculty and staff to successfully integrate the bicycle into their daily lives. b. Accomplishments and successes – what went well? Fall 2011 has been BicyCAL's most successful semester by far. The week of September 7, 2011 we started offering 'open shop' in our recently acquired stairwell three times a week – Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 12pm to 3pm. Two months later in November we managed to expand services to be open four times a week; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday from 12pm to 3pm. Our ability to offer services so frequently in largely due to increased structure within the organization and increased volunteer base. Unlike previous semesters, this Fall we had: three head mechanics (one who served double duty leading Tuesdays and Fridays); one operations manager; one fundraising and outreach coordinator; and an all time high volunteer base. In our previous report we wrote we had helped an estimated 217 students through offering services 31 days over two semesters. We were open almost 40 days in this single semester and recorded 263 services. However, our first two weeks this semester went unrecorded. Assuming an average of five people were helped per open day in our first two weeks (our actual average number of customers per day is almost 8!), that adds an additional 30 'customers'. Also, while we try to diligently record each customer, sometimes we have our hands full and as a consequence, a 'handful' of customers go unrecorded in our customer service record book. We estimate 10 customers went unrecorded this semester. This brings the total estimated number of students (and occasional faculty) helped this semester to 303. This semester we also managed to obtain a bulk of popular bike repair necessities like cables and housing, and inner tubes, through coordinating with local bicycle cooperative 'Waterside' in West Berkeley. This wasn't until some time in November meaning that we unfortunately weren't able to help some students that stopped by in earlier months requiring a change of brake or shifter cables. c. Challenges and obstacles – what were the challenges in this project and how did you respond? What do you wish you had known before you started / what could have been improved? The challenges and obstacles BicyCAL face at the moment are increasing volunteer base, and funding. While we have a solid volunteer base, it is essential we get volunteers 'while they're young'. Fortunately this semester we got two freshmen volunteers! Next semester we hope to have greater outreach, particularly among the student co-ops, and eventually we hope to be mentioned to incoming students during their orientations on campus. A lesser challenge is recording every customer. We plan to better our communication holistically, internally and among our constituents. We will also host more fundraisers in the future (we are in the planning stages of one at the moment). 5. Sustainability Impact a. What quantifiable sustainability impacts did your project have? Helping over 300 students has undoubtedly great sustainability impacts, while some services were fairly simple, many of our customers came to us knowing we could help with big projects like overhauling a hub or working with crank set or helping install items students had bough independently elsewhere. Occasionally we would hear things like “glad you're here because parking a car in Berkeley sucks” suggesting that some students would otherwise drive! It was also not uncommon to help students who said, after we had finished helping and teaching them, things like “Wow, I thought I'd have to buy a new bike”. We saved bicycles that would otherwise be junked and likely put in landfills. Additionally, it is well known that bicycles are low impact, not only in terms of pollution, but also on our roads– by helping students continue cycle, we reduced the physical impact on Berkeley's notoriously deficient streets. More broadly, bicycling is good for the health and we keep students healthy by helping them continue cycle, reducing likelihood of illness/health problems associated with inactivity (which many students are known for falling victim to). There is no mathematical equation we could produce but encouraging cycling, and keeping people cycling means we are promoting low impact, low demand, space efficient, energy efficient travel. b. Do you expect on-going benefits (annual cost savings)? Please include estimates of these impacts. TGIF may follow up with you in one year to confirm these benefits. While we expect on-going benefits, our efforts are tied to the city's, and University's efforts to encourage cycling. We can create demand for cycling facilities and infrastructure by adding more confident transportation cyclists but it is up to the campus and city to accommodate it appropriately. 6. Visibility / Outreach (examples include building renovations, signs, a garden, etc.) a. Please include any examples of publicity with your final report (if possible, please send original files with your final report) Unfortunately we do not have recent examples to share, our facebook page has increased in activity and our website is currently being updated. b. Photographs of your project (if possible, please send original .jpg or other photo files with your final report) For photos of the project, please see our Facebook page. 7. Conclusions and next steps – will your project continue on into the future? Where do you plan to expand/continue working? Yes BicyCAL will continue in the future. While we may not have much to show physically since our last report, a number of projects continue to gain momentum. Next semester we will be open five days a week and we expect to help as many as 400 students– ambitious, yes, but that's how one should make goals. Unfortunately our previously (essentially) promised potential space in Lower Sproul isn't as secure as initially told but we hope that with an increased presence and demand that the University will accommodate our sustainability efforts on campus. We have also opened communication with the East Bay Bicycle Coalition for potential collaborative opportunities to further gain awareness of our organization and perhaps even benefit financially through this collaboration (joint fundraisers, donations from EBBC members). Bring Your Own Mug Project Leader Rebecca Andersen is presenting an update on BYOM at the January 19, 2012 CACS Meeting- see BYOM Presentation. Also, for the updates: we are really stuck on the "getting a logo" phase- fingers crossed we will get this done SOON. Once we finish that, we are ready to order and distribute mugs - and hire a intern to manage the project (we already have one intern that worked on the logo). Cal Habitat Restoration Student Leadership Program Task Project start daterevise training materials (staff), survey existing student partner organizations for potential intern hires and summer availability. Hire student intern Proj. Coordinator (funds needed July 1, 2010 or earlier) Proposed dates 5/1/2010 Actual dates 6/1/2010 Status Explanation/Notes Budget Completed $17,000.00 total grant amount 8/1/2010 9/1/2010 Completed Opted to hire Tyler Grinberg as Lead Coordinator and expand paid coordinator roles to include three other students who served at the time as de facto Coordinators trained during previous SRL program (David Pon, Katherine Blair; and Courtney Hann at the Richmond Field Station) This month or 1/2012 Tyler will drop off our payroll and we will hire three new replacement Coordinators. Interviews occurred last week. There were five very strong candidates. The decision will occur next week (12/12-12/16) (detailed accounting provided in final report; receipts on file in EH&S) Purchase equipment and install locking cabinets (next to Nursery or centrally in the Grinnell Natural Area; and RFS, TBD) 9/18/2010 12/1/2010 Partially completed Begin Fall 2010 student leader outreach and recruitment. 9/18/2010 9/18/2010 Completed Project Coordinator to set calendar of trainings (1) and restoration events (min. one each month) Collate event reports for Fall 2010 restoration season. Begin Spring 2011 student leader outreach and recruitment. 9/18/2010 9/18/2010 Completed 12/18/2010 4/1/2011 Completed See attached report. 1/20/2011 1/15/2011 Completed Project coordinator to set calendar of trainings (1) and restoration events (min. one each month). Present project status at Sustainability Summit Collate event reports for Spring 2011 restoration season. Seek funds for program continuation 1/20/2011 2/1/2011 Completed See note regarding DeCal above. Advanced DeCal participants that complete the course effectively become SRLs if they desire. Tyler Grinberg continued to fulfill Lead Coordinator role. As above. 4/20/2011 4/1/2011 Ongoing 5/11/2011 Not complete Ongoing Ongoing And intial purchase of tools from the budgeted list in the SRL grant occurred 12/2010; existing tools from previous CACS supported program make up the balance of needed equipment. Planned glove purchase delayed (donation from Grounds) and tool box w/ installation Spring 2012 is still planned. Outreach and recruitment occurred as part of the advertising for the SC Restoration Program DeCal. The semester long DeCal replaced the former staff taught 2-day weekend workshop in Spring 2010 and surpasses the depth and breadth of the previous SRL training process. Coordinators set the initial monthly "open" events calendar and began scheduling group events simultaneously. Tyler, David, Tim Pine and Karl Hans attended Summit. Poster submitted. See attached report. Several donations from supporting individuals and organizations contribute approx. $500 to the SCRP via the Strawberry Creek Fund the largest a donation from the UCB Hilel organization. Date funds completely expended 5/1/2012 est. 12/15/2011 Date for final report 5/1/2012 est. 12/15/2011 Depending upon the number of paid Coordinators (up to four), salaries will likely be the largest expenditure of the remianing grant money. The purchase of a tool storage box for the upper canyon area is still planned to occur some time in the next several months. $6,224.65 (remaining; nearly all expenses since the last report were salaries) Compost Alliance Task Campus-wide signage Dates Summer 2011 Status Design completeddistribution in progresss Phase 1 Buildings (A&E, University, Barrows, Eshleman, Sproul) AugustOctober 2011 In progress Phase 2 Buildings (Evans, Stanley, Mulford, GSPP) November 2011February 2012 February 2012-March 2012 Ongoing In progress Phase 3 Buildings (Haas, Boalt) Berkeley Composters Meetings Future Ongoingtwice semesterly meetings Explanation/Notes Signs have been designed and are currently being printed and disributed in pilot buildings and emailed and edited for use across other campus buildings First stage buildings are taking longer than expected due to matched-funding and approval processess Mulford implementation 12/5, Other buildings spring semester Will contact within next month Meetings of all entities on campus that compost to coordinate signage, support group Estimated Remaining Budget Estimated: $300 in student hours Estimated: $1,000 expended (student hours, bins, signage) TBD TBD N/A Balance: $30,000 How many people has your project educated or reached? estimated: 500 How much waste has been diverted from the landfill? estimated: 6,000 lbs How much has been recycled? not currently documented From University Hall, Eshleman, A&E, Sproul, Barrows We have paired with interns hired through CRRS to perform recycling education in the buildings we are working in. How much has been composted? estimated: 1,564 lbs again, will increase substantially Emissions avoided? estimated: 438 kgs CO2E diverted will increase with more buildings again, will increase substantially Fight the Flow FTF has changed the location of the valve installation to Unite 1 and has ordered 112 valves for RSSP to install. The valves are scheduled to arrive over winter break. We have conducted surveys in Unit 1 and two winners received $30 amazon gift cards for filling out the baseline survey, which will help us quantify savings after the valves have been installed. We have held a few tabling events in Unit 1 to publicize the valves and educate the residents on water conservation tips. Green Cup: Greek Energy Savings Competition Green Campus Leaders conducted a survey/pledge in the Greek Houses, requesting the following information from individuals (response choices were “Yes”, “No”, “I already do this”: Timestamp Your First Name Your Last Name E-mail Address Take shorter showers by 2 minutes Turn the water off when I brush my teeth or shave. Turn off the lights when I leave a room. Plug appliances into power strips and turn off when not in use. Replace one incandescent light bulb with a CFL Activate power save features on my computer so it "sleeps" when I'm not using it. Wash ____ loads of laundry in cold water each month. Dry ____ loads of laundry each month on a clothesline or drying rack instead of a clothes dryer. Task Recruit members, do background for competition Dates September Status Completed Run competition + small scale retrofits OctoberNovember In Progress Determine winner DecJanuary Pending Explanation/Notes This part went very well, we have email+pledges from at least 350 people (hard outreach), with members from each house. We also required a presentation on sustainability (per decision of sustainability manager). In all we have easily been heard by most members of the participating houses since a signed pledge is a much more significant step. Retrofits remain, competition is progressing Gathering energy usage bills WHAT IS YOUR REMAINING BALANCE? Metrics How many people has your project educated or reached? Signed pledges 367, estimate ~1000 by word of mouth How much energy has been saved? How much water has been saved? How much waste has been diverted from the landfill? How much has been recycled? How much has been composted? Emissions avoided? 73305 kWh Any additional metrics to show the effects of your project? n/a 524140 gallons (based on survey) n/a n/a n/a 70461 lbs CO2 2301.84 Therms, 11986$ saved meetings at most houses conducted by respective sustainability chairs. Awaiting responses from other outreach activities Does not include savings from bills Does not include savings from bills Does not include savings from bills Does not include savings from bills Budget Pending costs: 1200 for various retrofit supplies (under budget). Do not anticipate printing costs $2,500 I Heart Tap Water 2011-12 , Student Intern Mariah Gonzalez – Mid-Year Report The IHTW goals for this fall were to (1) maintain established social media and outreach visibility (2) build relationships with student groups and organizers (3) write an article for Bright Green News. 1. Facebook Page – Worked toward expanding followers via Facebook to have a space for students, staff and allies to see the logo, get updates on the campaign and learn more about tap water issues. We spent time taking pictures of drinking select drinking fountains and new water bottle refill stations, updating about the campaign, and looking for related articles or artwork to share. 2. Tap Map – In the beginning of the semester, we sent out mass emails asking people from different groups for feedback on the map. Based on the feedback we updated the map to add more spots and make descriptions as concise and informative as possible on location of the fountain/station. Additionally, we used data from the IHTW “pledge” to add popular drinking fountains; scoped out what sites that seemed convenient for students, and took pictures of fountains and hydrations stations, and uploaded and edited photos. 3. Student Group Partnerships – Last semester, the Take Back the Tap Campaign was established on our campus. Our IHTW intern met regularly with the two main organizers, the TBTT intern Ally Beach and Senator Elliot Goldstein, to provide background, outreach materials, and input on organization and planning for the campaign. We reached out to various sustainability groups and formed outreach/communications and policy committees. The bulk of the work was in initiating the beginning phases to prepare for events and more action in the Spring semester. 4. Bright Green News Article – One article submitted for the fall 2011. 5. General Outreach – IHTW was visible at over 25 events since June 2011, continuing promotion of the campaign and raffles for the IHTW t-shirts and water pitchers: All 20+ the CalSO sessions June 2011-January 2012 Fall opening tabling: various fall semester orientation tabling, UHS Open House, RSF Caltopia, RA res hall poster distribution August/September 2011 Mind & Body Awareness Week October 2011 6. Spring 2012 Action Items Earth Week 2012 PlayGreen (2/27-3/2/12) Tap Water Conversion Kit Continued Dissemination of T-shirts and Pictehrs Define Partnership with Take Back the Tap Continue to Update Google I Heart Tap Water Map End of Semester: Transition Plan for Mariah and Future Greening Kroeber Art Studios and Bathrooms October Poster November Poster December/January Poster Task Get Permanent Signage Dates Nov Status In Progress Budget $20/sign Completed Completed Explanation/Notes Emails have been sent to PP-CS, Currently in discussion with signage company and finding best cost and materials Postcards to be printed by Bacchus Press Printed by UC Printing Posted and received permission Postcards for Water Theme Posters for Water Theme Created Water Theme board Intern Design Work Postcards for Waste Theme Posters for Waste Theme Contacting all art professors andfacilities services staff to get their approvals Nov Completed Nov Nov Dec/Jan Dec/Jan Completed In Progress Interns paid To be sent to Bacchus 1717.5 - Dec/Jan Dec/Jan In Progress In Progress WHAT IS YOUR REMAINING BALANCE? $81.56 $36 0 3092.94 Human Powered Gym Protoype educational kiosk (pedal powered laptop) Fall 2011 - Spring 2012 Pending Convert stationary recumbent bicycle into a pedal powered laptop station We anticipate spending approximately $100 more $726.75 spent already, we budgeted $710 previously. Prototype human power harnessing system Fall 2011 - Spring 2012 Pending Convert elliptical machine into energy harnessing system We have spent $1182.24 purchasing most of the parts for the retrofit. We budgeted approximately $1000 for this item and we anticipate we will need to spend approximately $200 more. Test prototyped energy harnessing system and try to improve energy efficiency Prepare to retrofit 14 elliptical machines at the RSF with protoyped technology Work on energy education campaign for the RSF and the human power gym installation Spring 2012 Pending Spring 2012 Pending Fall 2011 - Spring Pending approximately $14000 We currently have two undergraduates working on this campaign, however we would like to recruit more students and perhaps a "Educational Intern" to help with this part of the project Retrofit 14 elliptical machines, install educational osk (pedal powered laptop) at the RSF, and install other energy education materials (posters, energy consumption of each machine, interactive "Daily Energy Generated" display) Collect energy generation data Project completion date Summer 2012 Pending Summer 2012 Summer 2012 Pending approximately $14000 (budget detail submitted previously, including labor and educational publicity) Pending NOTE: We have made a lot of progress this semester thanks to the help of a team of 15 undergraduates. We have been offering course credit for their research work and documenting all that they do through meeting minutes, design review presentations, and final reports. We are very excited to be continuing and hopefully completing this project next semester! Installation of Hydration Stations Task Installation of 4 refill stations: Evans Hall, Stanley Hall, Boalt, University Hall Next steps: explore the bottle filler retrofits Received TGIF approval to add another refill station Purchase filters for the Elkay models Dates 12 weeks Status Completed Explanation/Notes The installation of the 4 refill stations went smoothly and came in on budget. 8 weeks Determining which fountains and locations to test bottle fillers on is still in progress. We will make the final decisions in January, 2012 and then move forward. Inventory of water fountains completed. The initial step is to determine the specs on the types of fountains and costs. 6 weeks Barrows Refill Station installed. 6 weeks Estimated provided, waiting confirmation of the purchase Inventory of water fountains being completed as a class project in preparation for identifying locations of water fountains that can be retrofitted with bottle filler, or replaced with a refill station. Estimate is 3,336, waiting for final bill. WHAT IS YOUR REMAINING BALANCE? Budget 18,312.65 3,336 1734 3,617.35 Metrics How many people has your project educated or reached? Survey has been completed and we are awaiting the report and comparison data to 2006. How much waste has been diverted from the landfill? The I Heart Tap Water website has the google map of locations of the refill stations. The NST 166 class is surveying about 800 students and the survey includes questions about tap water, use of refillable containers, knowledge of the refill stations, use of the refill stations. The refill stations are saving thousands of single use, plastic bottles from the landfill. Lawns to Meadows Review methodology and palette Master Plan Dec - '10 Team pending Present master plan to Facilities Services Advertise and hire summer intern May - '11 Completed VC Denton accepted projects May March '12 Completed some, in process on other work $1,670 Prepare contract documents for test areas Implement trial conversions Install informational signs Oct - Nov '11 Feb - April '12 Jan - Feb '12 Spring 12 Dec '11 forward pending by Lutsko pending Kathy Tong has conducted a water audit, written text for publicity signs, prepared base plans, and drafted a poster and powerpoint presentation. At the request of Katherine Walsh she wrote an article about the project. water meters, irrigation system design, planting design Landscape contractor Signs are being made $3,300 allowance Compare water, fuel and labor use to baseline. Observe other changes to flora and fauna. $2,000 1200 Printing expenses Student monitoring and reports every three months in construction $23,000 Low Water Irrigation Task FUNDING OF PROJECT ORDERING OF HYDROMETERS, WEATHER STATION, AND FIELD CONTROLLERS INSTALLATION OF HYDROMETERS Dates July-11 Status Completed July-11 Completed July Aug 11 Completed Explanation/Notes Unable to order until funds are transferred into account Field controllers are built to our specifications for each location for field operations & connectivity to the central irrigation command center Because this project is designated as a high priority for PP-CS, additional support in the tune of 280.5 hours were provided by other departments of PP-CS ($28330.77). Grounds Services has spent 78 hours ($5304.10) and $898 in materials to date. Budget $38,072 $30729.48(S PENT)/$289 84 (ESTIMATE +TAX) $4928(SPEN T) /$4988(ESTI MATE) INSTALLATION OF WEATHER STATION July Aug 11 Grounds Services spent 5 hours ($340) to install weather station. Additional support was provided by other trades to install weather station. Grounds Services spent 21 hours ($1428). $6,320 July Aug 11 July Aug 11 Completed Nov 11 (WO160415 1) Completed Oct 11 Completed Nov 11 INSTALLATION OF FIELD CONTROLLERS PLACE ORDER FROM CNS FOR ETHERNET CONNECTION & IP ADDRESS, VENDOR SUPPORT TESTING OF ALL EQUIPMENT, SOFTWARE ADJUSTMENTS, ETC. HIRING OF STUDENT INTERN Programming and trouble shooting system with all components $1375 (SPENT)/$1 375(ESTIM ATE) July Aug 11 Completed Nov 11 Programming and trouble shooting system with all components Septem ber-11 Pending Pushed back to February 2012 $6,144 WHAT IS YOUR REMAINING BALANCE? $30729.48(S PENT)/$734 2.52(REMAI NING BALANCE) $18,140 Mercury Vapor Detection Equipment Task Purchase new mercury meter Dates 6/1/2010 Status Received June 29, 2011 In progress Train staff on new meter Reach out to School of Public Health summer/fall 2011 fall 2011 Any additional metrics to show the effects of your project? Currently, we are comparing the instrument to our existing instrument which measures mercury differently. Strangely, the readings are not consistent, sometimes lower, higher and the same. In progress Explanation/Notes The meter was received and studied July/August 2011 Budget $4,497 Spill response team members and environmental staff have been trained on instrument use School of Public Health Intern Nisha Parikh has been instrumental in learning how the instrument works and training EH&S staff. She is aware of the instrument and is sharing its availability with fellow graduate students as a potential tool for studies. UPDATE 11/30/11 Nisha has been using the instrument in a major mercury exposure assessment at the University Herbaria. Approximately 100 measurements have been made and are being compared to the old style mercury meter. More sampling events should help us define the utility of this instrument. UPDATE 11/30/11 In the course of the above mentioned project, the 100 or so measurements have confirmed that this instrument is indeed more sensitive and helpful in localizing mercury vapor. None of the previously mentioned inconsistent readings have been noted in this project. The lack of a digital readout that provides "one" number versus a range is somewhat problematic. Strawberry Creek Native Plant Nursery and Garden Task Proposed dates 4/1/2008 Actual dates 4/25/2008 Status Explanation/Notes Budget Completed Advertise a work study position 4/11/2008 5/1/2008 Completed Our first group meeting after award. Advertised using list serve and emails to CNR/IB advisers. $12,865 total grant amount (detailed accounting provided in final report; receipts on file in EH&S) Hire work study student Date to receive first installment of funds Design plans for Nursery and Garden 4/21/2008 6/30/2008 Completed 5/1/2008 5/1/2008? Completed 5/1/2008 11/1/2008 Completed Purchase equipment and materials for construction 5/8/2008 4/1/2009 Completed Construction of Nursery 5/20/2008 4/1/200911/1/2010 Completed Establishment of Garden (creation of paths and beds) 5/20/2008 2/1/2011 Completed Garden planting 5/20/2008 4/1/2011 Ongoing Labeling botanical specimens Indicator measurement 9/30/2008 Date funds completely expended 4/1/2009 est. 4/1/2012 Waiting to consult with newly hired nursery manager to discuss fund expenditure and priorities. Date for final report 4/1/2009 est. 4/1/2012 $3326.31 (remaining, pending submission of several out of pocket expenses totaling ~ $300) Project start date Ongoing Not complete Ongoing This student was initially Emily McGuire. Received first installment around the end of May? Needed multiple approvals and reviews by Jim Horner, Landscape Arch., Joel Wishnoff, Head Const. Insp., and Brian Joseph, MCB Shop Supt. (const. supervisor) Commencing in April of 2009 with site survey work and nearly completed as of Nov. 2010 purchasing occurred on an as needed basis. Construction is 95 percent complete as of 9/28/2011. One final scope relating to irrigation remains (to contracted to Campus personnel). Work on the demonstration garden was severely delayed by exterior repair work to Giannini Hall. Plant specimens were both purchased and collected from UC property for placement into the demonstration garden. Waiting for additional rains. Considering purchase of labeler or contracting with Bot. Garden In process of hiring a new nursery manager and will task them with plant inventory and planting data. TGIF funded Strawberry Creek Restoration Project Student Leadership (2009) Project Lead: Tim Pine, Environmental Protection Specialist, (510) 643-854, The Fall 2011 Semester was a very active and successful one for the Student Restoration Leadership Program. There were two main goals this semester: recruit for and fully enroll the DeCal courses taught by SCRP Coordinators Tyler Grinberg and Katherine Blair, and, schedule and hold volunteer restoration events on as many days as coordination and support was available. Both goals were met with great success. The DeCal classes (Introductory and Advanced) enrolled a combined 50 students with 44 of them taking the introductory class and six taking the more independent advanced class. Students in both courses also performed numerous volunteer hours out on the Creek both managing invasive species as well as planting natives. One team from the advanced course, as part of their requirement to “adopt” a portion of the Creek, successfully restored an area directly adjacent to the north side of the Faculty Club at the South Fork confluence of the “Big” and “Little Inch” channels. The DeCal classes culminated with a pot-luck event at University Hall that included a session of “Creek Jeopardy” to test the creek knowledge of the classes. There were more than twenty individual volunteer events this semester including on group of over a hundred volunteers (the Greek event) and three events with over fifty volunteers. Other events included four “open” events held on one Friday each month and several events scheduled with non-affiliated service groups. More than 400 individual volunteers put in approximately 800 hours of restoration work this semester. A highlight of their efforts is the newly cleared section of the S. Fork directly between Hildebrand and the Women’s Faculty Club (also known as the Eastern Goodspeed Natural Area). This area was worked on by four different volunteer groups and their combined efforts removed more than 40 cubic yards of ivy and other invasive species. Tyler Grinberg finishes up his career as Lead Coordinator and will be ably replaced by Katherine Blair for the coming Spring 2012 semester. Tyler has compiled lesson plans for the DeCal and so this class will hopefully continue to be popular as well as an effective recruiting tool for future Coordinators. Sustainability Map Project Task Gain Access to Wurster Computer Labs: the software only runs on PCs, and I (Brendan Cronshaw) have a Mac. Get map on the server and online Dates Sept. 10Oct. 1, '11 Status Completed July '11 Completed Explanation/Notes Somewhat delayed due to the complications of having Judy Chess and Capital Projects pay for computer access; high levels of bureaucratic red tape is slowing the process; should be completed in next week or 2 Al Vera and I (Brendan Cronshaw) made major progress over the summer getting the map online; got it online months ahead of schedule Budget S33 spent $44 spent Edit and add new features Sept.-Dec. '11 In progress Contract with consultants December '11 In progress Recently gained access to Wurster and the files on the server from Al. I have since begun updating the files and will be working with the consultants either next week or over winter break to get the site even further developed. Working with Judy and Al to complete the wording of our contract with Vestra for their GIS and computer consulting services $66 spent, 165 Talking Louder About Sustainability- The Next Generation Task Dates Status Explanation/Notes Budget Next Generation: Student Communications Associates July '11 June '13 In Progress The Next Generation 3person team has been in training with Communications Lead Joanna Young, taking over responsibilities from the past team. $7,000 personn el costs and wages Execute the Campaign July '11 June '13 In Progress The Next Generation team wrote for and published three Bright Green newsletters, held the fall student forum in September, attended over 10 different events to talk sustainability, signed up 165 new subscribers to the Office newsletter. The team has been making new connections with the resident hall sustainabiltiy coordinators and at the Greeks. Total Expenditures (SeptDec.2011) 1,854 Total Remaining $672 for supplies 149 507 7,672 2,003 5,281 4,774 Teaching, Learning, Change Task Dates Explanation/Notes Budget Expenditures (Sept-Dec 2011) Expenditures to Date Hire & Employ Student Interns July 2010May 2012 The Office currently has four student interns working on various aspects of this project. $14,25 0 person nel costs and wages. 2,661 12,191 Total Remaining 2,059 Multi-Media project materials and services Septem ber 2010 Februar y 2012 Staff Training project materials and services March 2011 January 2012 Office Internships Septem ber 2010 May 2012 Miscellaneous July 2010June 2012 Total UC Bee Sustainable to date has had 523 views and continues to be promoted. The transportation alternative video - "how do you get around Berkeley" has been completed and posted - to date it has had 126 views. The final project - a sustainable fashion blog and photo display is in final post-production and will be launched in January 2012. Kaya Allan Sugarman designed the training, developed the curriculum, marketed the training, secured participants, and successfully held the trainings in Nov. and Dec. - 19 staff graduated WORKbright green. Evaluations of the course were very positive and several trainees are considering sustainability projects back in their department. Taylor Zhou provided assistance on the GHG inventory verification site visit and is providing an analysis of building energy use for OE energy management. Joanna Young continued to produce the Bright Green News and coordinated the training and coaching of the Next Generation of communications associates. Insurance and benefit/retirement expenses associated with employees. $500 for service s and supplie s $1,400 for service s and supplie s $500 for 2 years of expens es 16,650 280 666 666 220 734 248 3,327 13,385 252 3,265 UC Campus Dashboard Meeting with project leader, Sam Borgeson, 1/22/12 at 10am UC Campus Dashboard was funded by TGIF in 2008 and is going into its fourth year. Sam is looking to transfer the remaining grant responsibilities to another campus entity. Top three ideas: Residential Life (Greg Snow) Res Life has its own IT group who could manage the web based tools The programmers and system admins are student interns The main issue is securing future funding to keep the program going Res Life would have connections to the residents, blackout battles, education of students Computer Science Department, LoCAL program Already active in looking at campus energy patterns Would be able to determine what is the best way to collect, observe, store, and promote the data Would have the ability to display the data in different formats depending on the audience OE Energy Management Initiative (Chuck Frost) Wurster Hall Display: The display was originally set-up to show new data points every fifteen minutes. When the buildings timeframe changed to every five minutes, it affected the display. Sometimes the display freezes as it cannot handle the quick turn-around. The display needs someone with flash experience to look at it. Game console: The game is being house in the CITRIS museum. Sam is working with the museum to replace the broken foot pedal and change the set-up of the game so people will want to use it. Free Speech Movement Display: Sam brought in the finished signs for the energy lights bar in FSM. Two signs are permanent and one can be switched out. Sam was meeting with the Moffitt Library architect on 1/23/12 to get his help with the signs and future designs. Next Steps: 1. Sam will determine was has been completed and what remains to be completed. He will propose the incomplete parts to LoCAL to determine if they want to carry-on with the project and complete the grant, working with TGIF to do so. If there is still remaining funds, LoCAL can either make a budget reallocation pitch to TGIF or the money can be returned to the TGIF general fund. 2. Sam will check on the budget balance with BIE; last check, the balance seemed too low. We think the water metering funding and the dashboard funding was combined and mixed up, meaning there is remaining water metering funding that should be returned to the dashboard project. 3. Sam will write a final report and creating a project poster during this semester, spring 2012. University Hall Goes Green Project Leader Rebecca Andersen is getting an update on how much money we have left from Allen; once she gets that, we will see how we can close out this project. We did install window film in University Hall and the occupants seem to enjoy it! She will be doing a post-window film installation survey once the weather gets warm and we can see what difference it makes. Waste Reduction in the Cal Greek Community Read the report here.