US Global Foreign Policy - UCLA Department of Information Studies

Dr. John V. Richardson Jr.,
UCLA Professor of Information Studies
UCLA DIS 281 “Historical Methodology”
26 October 2010
US vs. Them
The St. Petersburg State Academy of Culture
 “Education for Library and Information Science in
Russia: A Case Study of the St. Petersburg State
Academy of Culture,” Journal of Education for Library
and Information Science Education 39 (Winter 1998):
More Results
 “The Origin of Soviet Education for Librarianship: The
Role of Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya (18691939), Lyubov’ Borisovna Khavkina-Hamburger (18711949) and Genrietta K. Abele-Derman (1882-1954).”
Journal of Education for Library and Information
Science 41 (Spring 2000): 106-128.
Working in Russian Libraries
 “Spravochnye Sluzhby i Dostup k Informatsii/
Reference Services and Information Access,” Bloct
Knigi: Biblioteka Izdatelstvo Vuz (no. 2, 2001): 43-46,
Dictionary’s Origins
 “Virtual Reference Services: A Response to Disintermediation?”
In Informatsionnye Tekhnologii v Upravlenii i Uchebnom
Protsesse Vuza; Materiali 4-i Vcepossiickoi Ochno-zaochnoiprakticheskoi Konferenstii (15-17 October 2003), edited by A. F.
Kovalevskii (Vladivostok: Vladivostok State University of
Economics and Service Press, 2004), p. 246-247.
 “Automation of Higher Education Administration: A Case Study
of UCLA’s Online Environment,” In Informatsionnye Tekhnologii
v Upravlenii i Uchebnom Protsesse Vuza; Materiali 4-i
Vcepossiickoi Ochno-zaochnoi-prakticheskoi Konferenstii (15-17
October 2003), edited by A. F. Kovalevskii (Vladivostok:
Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Press,
2004), p. 248-251.
Harriet G. Eddy
 "Harriet G. Eddy (1876-1966): California's First County
Library Organizer and Her Influence on USSR
Libraries," California State Library Foundation
Bulletin, No. 94 (2009): 2-13. (pdf)
 "Soviet-American Librarian Intersections: Harriet G.
Eddy, First California County Library Organizer and
Anna G. Kravchenko," Library Science in Russia and
Western Tradition/Bibliothekswissenschaft in
Russland und die Traditionen des Westens, 1910-1930
Conference, 4-5 September 2006, Moscow, Russia.
(Power Point presentation in English or Russian)
189-195 Countries in the World
8 Major Civilizations
The New US versus …
And More of Them!
So, what do they think of US?
So, what do they think of US?
What does America want abroad?
What does America want abroad?
 Concept of Cultural Diplomacy
 The U.S. Department of State’s role in CD:
 Lecture series
 Fulbright Scholars
 USIA/USIS abolished in 1999
 American Corners (which replaced USIA/USIS libraries)
 Information Resource Centers
My international work…
 Russia
 SPB and Moscow (1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2006)
 Vladivostok (2000 and 2005)
 Uganda (2001)
 Zambia (2001)
 Eritrea (2003)
 Turkmenistan (2006 and 2009)
 Tanzania (2010)
Hardship Posts
 Range from 0-35% pay differential (see Form DS-267, Post
Differential Questionnaire, for list of determining factors):
0=Western Europe, Japan, Korea
5=Colombia, Bogotá; Hungary, parts
10=Bahrain; Alice Springs, Australia
15=Mexico; China, Beijing or Shanghai
20=Tel Aviv; Fiji; Gabon, parts ; Ghana, parts ; Guatemala, parts
25=Tanzania; Ethiopia; Burundi
30=Turkmenistan, Eritrea or Burma
35=Iraq, Afghanistan; Pakistan, Peshawar, Tajikistan, or East
 A Brief Intellectual History of the STEPE Model
or Framework—
 the Social,
 Technical,
 Economic,
 Political, and
 Ecological)
Working Abroad: Some Advice
 Do your homework before you go, so you know as much as possible
Confirm what you think you know by asking more questions than
making statements.
Be open minded and respectful of other cultural practices—people do
things differently—our approach isn’t always better.
Genuinely care about the people you meet and their situations. Be
empathetic to those you meet—understand that systemic or structural
factors can be constraining them. Be collaborative in your approach as
opposed to “I’m here to solve your problems.”
Faithfully keep a diary/journal along with photos; it’s amazing how
quickly you can forget the details.
Set a high standard for yourself—deliver more than you promise.
Be willing to go to seemingly hopeless places. You may be pleasantly
surprised by the attitude of the people you meet.
 Samuel P. Huntington, Clash of Civilizations:
Remaking of World Order (NY: Simon and Schuster,
1996, especially “preface”) based on
 1992 lecture at the American Enterprise Institute
 1993 Foreign Affairs article
 Bernard Lewis, “The Roots of Muslim Rage: Why so
many Muslims deeply resent the West, and why their
bitterness will not easily be mollified,” Atlantic
Monthly 266(no. 3, September 1990): 47-60.
 Rich Steves, Travel as a Political Act. (New York:
Nation Books, 2009).