AERIFinalReport - DSpace at The University of Texas at Austin

From the Server to the Virtual Machine: Archiving the AERI 2013 Website for
Preservation in a Trusted Digital Repository
Nicole Feldman
Lauren Gaylord
Amye McCarther
Jim Rizkalla
INF392K: Digital Archiving and Preservation
Dr. Patricia Galloway
April 30, 2014
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
OUR TASK ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
OUR ROLES ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
PROJECT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................................. 4
ADMINISTRATIVE HISTORY .............................................................................................................................................. 5
SCOPE AND CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................................... 5
PROJECT GOAL & COLLECTION ASSESSMENT ..................................................................................................... 6
SECTION I: PRESERVATION METHODS .................................................................................................................... 7
AERI 2013 CONFERENCE WEBSITE ................................................................................................................................ 7
WEBSITE OUTLINKS AND WIDGETS ................................................................................................................................ 8
Twitter ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Google Maps .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
Outlinks .................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Flickr ........................................................................................................................................................................... 11
SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Sarah Buchanan ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
Lorrie Dong ............................................................................................................................................................. 12
Patricia Galloway ................................................................................................................................................... 13
Jane Gruning........................................................................................................................................................... 13
Sarah Kim................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Virginia Luehrsen .................................................................................................................................................. 13
Katie Pierce Meyer ................................................................................................................................................ 14
SECTION II: DEVELOPMENT OF ARRANGEMENT ............................................................................................... 14
SECTION III: INGEST OF MATERIALS AND METADATA .................................................................................... 15
DISCUSSION & CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................... 18
LESSONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................................ 18
CONCLUSIONS FOR FUTURE WEB ARCHIVING PROJECTS .......................................................................................... 19
APPENDICES .................................................................................................................................................................... 21
APPENDIX 1: INVENTORY OF WEBSITE FILE DIRECTORY ............................................................................................... 21
APPENDIX 2: JQUERY SCRIPT TO OUTPUT #AERI2013 TWEETS ............................................................................ 23
APPENDIX 3: ARCHIVE READY REPORT ....................................................................................................................... 24
APPENDIX 4: BASECAMP DOCUMENTATION .............................................................................................................. 25
Our Task
This project was tasked with archiving the AERI 2013 Conference Website, as well as
the happenings of the conference event, itself.
The 2013 conference was hosted at the University of Texas at Austin and ran from
June 17-21, 2013. Its website, logo, and program were designed by faculty and doctoral
students at UT’s School of Information. Planning for the conference began in the fall of
2012 and the initial website was established November 28, 2012, as was the website’s email
The four project members responsible for archiving the website were students in Dr.
Patricia Galloway’s INF392K: Digital Archiving and Preservation course. These students
were charged with both archiving the website as it existed on the School of Information’s
server and with capturing attendant documentation generated during the creation of the
website and over the course of the conference.
Our Roles
Lauren Gaylord acted as our community administrator and was chiefly responsible
with managing the workflow of our project and ensuring materials were properly ingested
into the repository. Amye McCarther served as the group’s metadata specialist and
managed this aspect of our project workflow and created all the documentation needed
for a successful batch ingest. Nicole Feldman researched and gathered the widget
materials and ran the script to collect conference tweets. She took the lead on
documenting the group’s process. Jim Rizkalla was initially in charge of collecting emails,
but as the scope of our project changed he established contact with many of the creators
and technical staff and set meetings to gather information and documents.
The project’s primary focus was to capture any information relating to the AERI
2013 website. The first step taken was an initial inventory of the various components
comprising the website, including any widgets and outgoing links. Once a general sense
was gained of the website’s contents and functionality, students and faculty members
identified as contributors to the website and the conference were contacted.
Administrative History
AERI (Archival Education and Research Institutes) is a series of annual week-long
conferences funded by a four-year grant from Institute of Museum and Library Sciences
(IMLS) that began in 2009 with the intention of strengthening education and research and
supporting academic cohort-building and mentoring. Goals of AERI include the fostering
of curriculum development and collaborative work.
A key part of AERI’s mission is the encouragement of diversity amongst doctoral
candidates as supported by minority scholarships for undergraduate and graduate
students interested in pursuing doctoral studies in Archival Studies, fellowships for current
doctoral students, and mentorship opportunities.
AERI 2013 was held at the University of Texas at Austin from June 17-21, 2013. The
AERI 2013 website and logo were designed by doctoral candidates at UT’s School of
Information, and supporting materials were supplied by faculty and other students.
Previous institutes were held at UCLA, the University of Michigan, and Simmons College.
The next incarnation of the AERI Institute is scheduled to be hosted at the University of
Pittsburgh in July of 2014. The 2015 Conference will be hosted at the University of
Maryland, College Park.
The accompanying AERI 2013 website was initially designed and implemented by
PhD student Virginia Luehrsen. It was established on November 28, 2012 at and contained application forms, scholarship
forms, and Travel and Accommodations information. Edits were made to the website in
December 2012. After registration for AERI 2013 concluded on April 15, 2013, the planning
team posted participants’ bios, the preliminary schedule, an Explore Austin page, and an
Information for Presenters page to the website.
Scope and Contents
The AERI 2013 Website community documents the website maintained by the
University of Texas at Austin School of Information for the 2013 Archival Education and
Research Institute (AERI). The community contains HTML code, PDFs, JPGs, GIFs, PNGs,
mp4 files, docx and doc files, css files, kml files, text files, tar files, and a virtual machine
disk file. The materials in this community were collected and created by Nicole Feldman,
Lauren Gaylord, Amye McCarther, and Jim Rizkalla as part of a class project for Digital
Archiving and Preservation (INF 392K) taught by Dr. Patricia Galloway in Spring 2014.
The website subcommunity contains the underlying directory structure and
encoded representation of the AERI 2013 website. This subcommunity includes a rendering
of the pages of the AERI 2013 website in DSpace’s HTML support, screencaptures of the
AERI 2013 website, a virtualization of the AERI website in VirtualBox, and a zipped .tar file
that captures the directory structure of the site as it lives on its hosting server through the
linux rsync function.
The supporting documentation subcommunity contains materials created by
members of the AERI 2013 planning team in the course of conference and website
development. Materials include 7-zip files preserving directory structure as well as JPG and
GIF logo files. Within the 7-zip creator files are MSWord documents, MSExcel
spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, MSAccess databases, PDFs, PNGs, JPGs, GIFs, TIFs,
HTML files, CSS files, and TXT files, as well as materials generated by Adobe Photoshop,
Illustrator, and Dreamweaver programs, including EPS, PSD, AI, and MNO files.
The website project documentation subcommunity contains the materials
generated by the INF 392K team regarding the archiving of the website. Files include a
sample spreadsheet used for batch ingest, final report, a data management plan, the SIP
Agreement, and a group presentation.
Heretofore, web archiving has traditionally been conducted through using web
crawler technologies. However, the code underlying the AERI 2013 Website lives entirely on
an iSchool server, which presented us with the opportunity to capture the look, feel, and
underlying technical architecture of the AERI 2013 Website entirely from the backend. The
website was coded exclusively in HTML and CSS and capturing the directory structure did
not require tremendous programming knowledge. We ultimately chose to use the rsync
linux command in order to create a preservation quality .tar file of the website, to display
the look and feel of the website through HTML support available on DSpace, and to create
a virtualization of the website in Virtual Box in order to greater extend access to the site.
The AERI 2013 Website also contains several outlinks and widgets not hosted by a
local server, and this added a level of complexity to our project. Our group chose to
exclude the outlinks on the page, (excepting the professional websites of Conference
participants) feeling that these items were largely ancillary to the website and the
conference event. Widgets seemed more crucial to providing a portrait of the website and
the conference event, and we decided to document the Google Maps, tweets, and Flickr
page established for the event in a manner that would outlive the inevitably temporal
lifespan of these proprietary web applications.
Lastly, the website was designed and the conference was planned by faculty
members and doctoral students at UT’s iSchool, many of whom are still based in Austin
and retained their personal planning documents. Since this supporting documentation was
both so readily available to be securely captured by members of our group and serves to
provide users with a richer sense of the website and the event, our group decided it would
be instructive to include these materials, as well. Items with confidentiality issues like
personal emails or registration lists, as well as very early draft stages of planning materials,
were deemed beyond the scope of our collecting focus. In the end, our group chose to set
up separate collections by creator within a supporting documents subcommunity and to
ingest these supplementary AERI website materials in the order in which they were
AERI 2013 Conference Website
Using the Linux rsync command and capturing the entire file directory of the AERI
2013 Conference Website enabled our group to archive and display the website in a variety
of ways. We created a .tar file to preserve both the directory structure and all of the
public_html files of the AERI Website in a single zipped file. Our first attempt to create the
.tar failed due to a lack of server space allotted to Lauren Gaylord’s iSchool account. After
being temporarily granted more server space by the iSchool webmaster, we successfully
created a .tar file and ingested it into DSpace.
We also installed the open source windows utility, 7Zip, onto our workstation and
were able to extract all of the component files from the .tar. We saved these files to a
folder on the desktop of our workstation. DSpace has built-in HTML support, which allows
websites to be hosted and encoded within the trusted digital repository via an internal
server. We ingested the AERI Website 2013 index.html as our primary bitstream, and then
manually ingested all of these component files and pages as subsequent bitstreams linked
to that main page. Visitors to DSpace only see the single “index.html” file but are able to
experience the AERI 2013 Conference Website in full.
VirtualBox is an open source virtualization software tool developed by Oracle.
Virtualization software is a desktop application that allows users to emulate a software
environment of creation by installing a guest operating system on top of a host machine.
While Windows 7 is currently an operating system du jour, “agile development” seems to
be the rallying cry of the entire technology industry, and it could very well fade into
obsolescence in the near future. Our group decided it would be worthwhile to include
virtualization in our preservation strategy and installed a 32 bit Windows 7 Virtual Machine
on our work station.
As other groups had mistakenly downloaded malware while building their virtual
machines, we installed anti-virus software before proceeding with downloads or file
transfers. Though we were originally planning to use Clam AntiVirus software, which is
open-source, we found that the only free, available version for a Windows Operating
System was Immunet 3.0, powered by ClamAV. The free version of Immunet 3.0 only offers
Cloud-based protection, which is not helpful for virus protection in a Virtual Machine. Thus,
we downloaded Windows Endpoint Protection, which was available to us through UT
Austin’s BevoWare website. We also downloaded Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox web
browsers since these browsers were the ones most commonly used to access and view the
site during its creation. Internet Explorer 6 was already installed on the machine.
Once the virtual machine was set up, we used the secure shell client to create an
identical .tar file within the virtual environment, and similarly, installed 7Zip in this
application and were able to extract all component files from the tar. After this step of the
project had been completed, we opened the local file of the AERI 2013 Conference
Website in Chrome and Firefox. In order to prepare the Virtual Machine for ingest, we
uninstalled the secure shell client and 7Zip, which would be of no use to users, and left the
AERI Website open in the two web browsers. Once we were content with the saved
machine state we had established on our virtual box, we manually ingested the Virtual
Machine Disk (VMDK) file into DSpace and provided users with enough descriptive context
to explore the site in the virtual environment.
Website Outlinks and Widgets
Widgets, while especially attractive to website users for their interactivity and
dynamic content, present extraordinary difficulties for preservation. They often utilize
proprietary or commercial formats and draw from externally-hosted content. Unlike other
outlinks such as hyperlinks to repositories and transportation services, widgets involve
embedded content and in this case were more directly relevant to the conference and look
and feel of the website than other outlinks. Therefore, we decided to focus on preserving
the widgets over other, less relevant outlinks.
An account with the handle @aeri2013 was created and maintained throughout the
planning stages and the 2013 conference event. However, this account was passed on to
the group at University of Pittsburgh who is hosting the 2014 AERI Conference. Twitter
provides users the opportunity to request and download their entire archive in zipped text
file. However, since the AERI Website Creators were no longer in control of this account,
this was not a possibility for our project. Additionally, the account was little used and
mostly for the purpose of announcing registration as well as a call for papers.
Conference participants were encouraged to generate tweets with the hashtag
#AERI2013 over the course of the event, and a widget containing all the tweets tagged this
way is embedded directly on the AERI Website homepage. These tweets provide a
wonderful granular perspective into the conference event and our group thought it would
be highly valuable to capture this facet of the website. As the 2013 Library of Congress
Report on the federal institution’s ongoing Twitter project adeptly remarks, “Archiving and
preserving outlets such as Twitter will enable future researchers access to a fuller picture of
today’s cultural norms, dialogue, trends and events to inform scholarship, the legislative
process, new works of authorship, education and other purposes,” (Twitter Report, 1). Our
group was eager to ensure that this aspect of the AERI Website was accessible to a future
Ultimately, we chose to capture these tweets in two ways. First, we took screenshots
of the widget as it appears on the AERI homepage, in addition to taking screenshots of all
of the tweets tagged with #AERI2013, which are still live on Twitter’s web application.
Based on the vast amount of data a highly trafficked site like Twitter processes daily, it is
highly unlikely that these tweets will be easily web searchable for much longer and we
wanted to capture these items in a more persistent fashion. In order to accomplish this, we
experimented with writing code that would output all the #AERI2013 in a static HTML page
that would preserve the informational and contextual value of these tweets. Initially we
tried writing a Ruby script for these tweets that would grab from Twitter’s Public API, or
Application Programming Interface, which large websites like Twitter often make freely
available in order to encourage application development. However, Twitter only includes
the preceding six months of tweets in their Public API, and accordingly, the #AERI2013 had
been long deprecated. Instead, we had to grab tweets directly from the Twitter website,
which took some more maneuvering. After some trial and error, we were able to develop a
JQuery script (see Appendix 2) which captured the #AERI2013 tweets in a chronologically
ordered list. This page provided working outlinks to websites embedded in tweets, user
pages explicitly mentioned in tweets, and other hashtags users included in tweets. This
second archiving approach offers a considerably more dynamic insight into this aspect of
the conference event and we included this HTML page in this same subcommunity.
Google Maps
As with the Twitter widget, the Google Maps widgets found on the “Travel
Accommodations” webpage presented difficulties as the content is hosted on an external
site and utilizes a unique, proprietary display format. While capturing the look and feel is
ideal, for the map widgets we settled for preserving the look on the webpage through
screenshots and the KML file download option provided by Google.
KML stands for Keynote Markup Language and is an xml notation used to
communicate and visualize geographic data. Though mostly employed by Google
applications including Google Earth and Google Maps, KML is an international standard
maintained by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). The OGC offers the official schema
for download on its website. Because it is a file format maintained by OGC and an xml
language, we felt confident preserving the files in that format. The file contains information
about location (with geographic coordinates), icons, and names of places (e.g. Wendy's
Restaurant). Thus we anticipate that if the file is opened in ten or fifteen years, it will
display the location and place name that was plotted by the AERI 2013 coordinators for the
conference and will not update to new locations or place names.
The website contains outlinks to other web sites regarding transportation, housing,
local sites to visit and participant web pages. After discussing to what degree our group
should pursue capturing content hosted on other web pages, we decided that commercial
websites were outside the scope of our collection. Likewise, institutional websites were
deemed out of scope due to their size and complexity as well as the potential of
encountering rights issues regarding their contents. However, given that participant web
sites are a direct reflection of the archiving community’s members and their research
interests, in combination with the likelihood that they will not remain stable over the long
term, we decided that it would be appropriate to archive the homepages of participants’
websites linked to from the AERI 2013 “Participants’ Bios” page. Screenshots of these pages
were taken by Amye McCarther at various locations scrolling down the pages and
reassembled as composite images in Photoshop. These composite images were exported
as TIFs and ingested on April 26, 2014.
After the conclusion of the AERI 2013 conference, a Flickr group was created on
June 26, 2013 and a link to the group was placed on the AERI 2013 website. Digital
photographs of the event were uploaded to Flickr by Lorrie Dong. Because Flickr is an
active website and its interface and design are likely to change in the coming years, we
decided to take a screenshot of its presentation to capture its look while the AERI 2013
website was actively used. This screenshot was taken by Lauren Gaylord on April 23, 2014
and ingested on April 26, 2014. Additionally we decided to download the photographs in
the group for ingest into DSpace so that they would be accessible even if Flickr changes its
format or ceases to exist. The group consisted of 85 photographs, though Flickr mistakenly
listed the count as 96. These JPG files were downloaded at their original size by Lauren
Gaylord on April 23, 2014 and were ingested on April 26, 2014.
Supporting Documents
Many of the doctoral students involved in both the creation of the AERI 2013
Website and the planning of the AERI 2013 Conference Event are still based in Austin.
These students were very responsive to our inquiries when were conducting research
about AERI 2013, and we decided it would be instructive to include supporting
documentation within the scope of our project. Our group had read an abundance of
literature about how easy it is to inadvertently alter metadata when retrieving digital
materials from creators, and we knew we had to be extremely cautious in executing this
phase of the project.
Our initial plan was to schedule individual meetings with each AERI 2013 creator
and to securely retrieve their files using the write-blocker included in the Forensic Recovery
of Evidence Data (FRED) workstation. Unfortunately, we were unable to locate a USB Cable
to USB Cable (A to A) that would make the passage of files off a creator’s host machine,
onto an external storage device, and onto our workstation in the Digital Archaeology Lab a
completely secure pathway. That said, we were able to transfer files from a host machine
onto an external hard drive in a secure way, and to pull up files on our workstation while
keeping the write-blocker’s “read-only” settings activated. This allowed us to view
supporting documentation without altering vital metadata fields like date created. It was a
worthwhile learning experience to experiment with the write-blocker and to gain a sense
of how delicately one must proceed when retrieving materials from creators.
In-person transfer was not always a possibility. One creator, Sarah Kim, is based in
South Korea and retrieving her materials by email was our only feasible option. In addition,
Jane Gruning was unable to schedule an in-person meeting with us and did not have a
tremendous role in designing the website and elected to share her files with us over
Dropbox, a cloud-based file storage and transfer service. We were displeased to see that
Dropbox changed the “creation date” and “date modified” metadata fields of files and also
compressed files in an appreciable, but not significant way. Finally, we were able to grant
DSpace administrator, Dr. Patricia Galloway collection privileges that afforded her to ability
to upload all her supporting documentation, which might be the preferred mode of
transfer for any trusted digital repository.
Sarah Buchanan
Sarah Buchanan is a PhD student at the University of Texas at Austin and was part
of the planning team for AERI 2013. Sarah created and edited content for the website,
organized and transcribed participants’ information, and kept minutes of the AERI 2013
planning meetings. Her materials were retrieved by Amye McCarther using a clean external
hard drive on April 9, 2014. These documents, which included MSWord documents and
MSExcel spreadsheets, were reviewed and any items containing confidential information
were removed. The remaining documents were then prepared for batch ingest (see
Lorrie Dong
Lorrie Dong is a PhD student at the University of Texas at Austin and was part of the
planning team for AERI 2013. She created the content for all of the non-CFP pages of the
website, including lodging, schedule, bios, and transportation maps. Materials were
retrieved from Lorrie Dong by Amye McCarther using a clean external hard drive on April
13, 2014. The documents were converted to a 7-zip file by Nicole Feldman on April 23,
2014. The zipped file contains MSWord documents, PDFs, MSExcel spreadsheets, Power
Point presentations, JPGs, GIFs, HTML, TXT and MNO documents. Two folders and one
spreadsheet were removed prior to the documents being zipped as they contained
confidential information.
Patricia Galloway
Dr. Patricia Galloway is a professor at the University of Texas at Austin School of
Information. She played a leadership role on the planning team for AERI 2013. Because she
is the administrator for the iSchool DSpace repository, we gave her submitter permission
to ingest documents into her creator collection.
Jane Gruning
Jane Gruning was part of the AERI 2013 planning team, but had a very minor role in
creating the website. She reviewed materials that went onto the site and helped form the
restaurant list. Her content was generated using a 2011 MacBook Air running Mac OS and
Microsoft Word and Excel 2008. Materials were retrieved from Jane Gruning by Jim Rizkalla
via DropBox April 13, 2014. The documents were converted to a 7-zip file by Nicole
Feldman on April 23, 2014. The zipped file contains four MSWord documents and one PDF
file. These files consist of drafts of application forms, programs and schedules.
Sarah Kim
Sarah Kim was a PhD student at the University of Texas at Austin and was part of
the planning team for AERI 2013. She initiated the @AERI2013 Twitter account for the
Conference Event and designed the official logos for the event and the website (which
were adopted by the institution hosting the 2014 AERI Conference). She also transformed
the text prepared by Sarah Buchanan for the program into a booklet PDF. Kim currently
lives and works in South Korea, so our group was restricted to receiving her materials
virtually. Materials were retrieved from Sarah Kim by Nicole Feldman via email on March
31, 2014. The files consist of various versions of the AERI logo in JPG and GIF formats.
Virginia Luehrsen
Virginia Luehrsen is a PhD student at the University of Texas at Austin and was part
of the planning team for AERI 2013. She was involved in the early stages of planning and
designed the initial website, but played a diminished role after February 2013. Materials
were retrieved from Virginia Luehrsen by Lauren Gaylord and Jim Rizkalla using a clean
external hard drive on April 16, 2014. The documents were converted to a 7-zip file by
Nicole Feldman on April 23, 2014. The zipped file contains MSWord documents, MSExcel
spreadsheets, JPGs, PNGs, HTML and CSS documents and one MSAccess database file.
Two folders were removed prior to the documents being zipped as they contained
confidential information or duplicate files.
Katie Pierce Meyer
Katie Pierce Meyer is a PhD student at the University of Texas at Austin and was
part of the AERI 2013 planning team, though she had a very minor role in creating the
website. She contributed content to the website for the schedule and room assignments.
She also designed the AERI 2013 tote bag. Materials were retrieved from Katie Pierce
Meyer by Lauren Gaylord using a clean external hard drive on April 18, 2014. The
documents were converted to a 7-zip file by Nicole Feldman on April 23, 2014. The zipped
file contains MSWord documents, PDFs, MSExcel spreadsheets, Power Point presentations,
JPGs, PNGs, GIFs, TIFs, Bitmap images, HTML, PSD, AI, and EPS documents. Three folders
and two spreadsheets were removed prior to the documents being zipped as they
contained confidential information.
Before working directly in DSpace it was necessary to develop the architecture of
the arrangement for our collection. Our primary goal in this project was to preserve the
AERI 2013 website, so naturally, that was selected as the first subcommunity in our
collection. This subcommunity contains archived components, aggregate versions, and
externally hosted content of the AERI 2013 website. The collections within the
subcommunity are the AERI 2013 Virtual Machine, AERI 2013 Website Component Files,
and AERI 2013 Website Externally Hosted Content. The AERI 2013 Virtual Machine consists
of the Virtual Machine Disk (VMDK) file that captures the virtualization of the AERI 2013
website. AERI 2013 Website Component Files consists of two items: the HTML pages
individually ingested, showing the functionality (as of April 2014) of the AERI 2013 website
created by UT doctoral students and faculty as well as, a .tar file of the public_html
directory of the AERI 2013 website. AERI 2013 Website Externally Hosted Content contains
nine items: KML Files of AERI 2013 Google Maps, Lorrie Dong AERI 2013 Flickr
Photographs, a Persistent html page of #aeri2013 tweets, Screenshot of AERI 2013 Flickr
Page, Screenshot of DIPIR Web Page, Screenshot of Lorrie Dong Web Page, Screenshot of
Sarah Ramdeen Web Page, Screenshots of AERI 2013 GoogleMaps, and Twitter
The proceeding subcommunity captures our group’s efforts to archive the AERI
2013 Website. The AERI 2013 Website Project Documentation subcommunity consists of
documentation about the archiving of the 2013 website created by the 392K team
including SIP Agreements, project reports, and project notes.
Our group felt it would be instructive to also include supporting materials that
documented the creation of the AERI 2013 Website as well as the planning of the 2013
Conference Event. The AERI 2013 Website Supporting Documents subcommunity contains
supporting documents used during the creation of the AERI 2013 Website and the
planning of the accompanying conference. Collections are arranged according to creator
and maintained in the order received. There are seven collections in this subcommunity,
namely: Jane Gruning Materials, Katie Pierce Meter Materials, Lorrie Dong Materials,
Patricia Galloway Materials, Sarah Buchanan Materials, Sarah Kim Materials, and Virginia
Luerhsen Materials. Enough descriptive specificity was given to indicate whether a creator’s
role was more in the planning of the conference or more in the creation of the website.
Accurate identification and description of digital objects is critical to their longevity.
For much of history archives have been populated with paper records which may remain
stable over long periods with little need of interference, and whose functionality depends
only on the durability of its material substrate and the fixity of any markings thereon. By
contrast, digital records are highly unstable and depend entirely on computing
environments in order for their contents to be interpreted in a way that is humanly
readable. Composed of bytestreams, literally sequences of magnetized and demagnetized
particles literally signifying 1s and 0s, these objects and the hardware and software
environments that support their creation quickly obsolesce. Without detailed metadata
about the file formats represented in these bytestreams and the environments that may
render them, the objects become opaque and unusable. Hence, while traditional records
archiving could allow a degree of inattention given the proper storage conditions, digital
records afford no such luxury.
In addition to serving the functional purpose of keeping digital objects usable,
metadata is also key to establishing authenticity. The evidentiary value of metadata has
been recognized in the digital forensics community and the same concepts can be applied
within archival practice. Metadata may be used to authenticate, track and safeguard digital
assets. The ease with which digital objects may be transferred or altered makes the
detailed and accurate collection of metadata regarding their original instantiation of
utmost importance. Digital objects are also vulnerable to invisible changes as they move
from one operating environment to another. Checksums may be used to mathematically
calculate the components of a digital object and, thus, are useful for validating that a
digital object has been transferred without change. Some file formats, such as BWF Wav
files, may have checksums embedded in the file itself while others require separate
documentation. Additionally, tools developed by the digital forensics community such as
write-blockers, can facilitate the transfer of digital objects between devices without
DSpace is equipped to store and create many types of metadata about the objects
it ingests. These include metadata describing contents and creators as well as functional
aspects. DSpace currently borrows most of its qualifiers from the Dublin Core Libraries
Working Group Application Profile (LAP), which it adapts and appends as needed. Some
metadata fields are automatically populated by DSpace when items are ingested, such as
accession date and checksum values, while other fields may be entered manually or
harvested separately and ingested as a batch.
Once our team had identified the type and extent of the materials gathered to be
archived, we informed the UT DSpace administrator, Dr. Pat Galloway, of the MIME types
that were present in the collection so that DSpace could be prepared to ingest them. The
items comprising the AERI 2013 website, including KML files of the Google maps and live
content harvested from Twitter and Flickr, were ingested manually. In addition to these
documents a VirtualBox containing the .tar of the website and contemporary web
browsers. These together provide a virtualization of the website as most viewers would
have seen it while it was active, in anticipation of a time when those web browsers and
their rendering of web content will no longer exist. Narrative description of all of the file
types and the methods of their retrieval were provided for each item in addition to
identifying file formats in the appropriate DSpace field. The remainder of the project
documentation followed a similar methodology for description.
Supporting documentation was ingested by two means, batch ingest and manual
ingest of zipped file directories or individual items. A batch ingest was employed as a test
case. The smallest collection of materials was chosen for batch ingest, as so that any
problems occurring during the process could be quickly accounted for and amendments
Preparation for the batch ingest involved a two-step process: harvesting metadata
and preparing documents for DSpace to ingest. The New Zealand Metadata Harvester was
downloaded to our workstation and used to extract XML metadata tags for each of the
items. While the process was performed quickly, the tags produced did not conform to the
Dublin Core schema used in DSpace. To produce the proper tags a spreadsheet was made
of the tag elements we selected to ingest with the items, with columns left blank between
tags to be populated accordingly. These values were populated using a combination of
narrative information from creators and metadata extracted using the New Zealand
Harvester. Each row was then concatenated and compiled as an XML document for each
item. Batch ingest further requires that each item reside in a file titled item_000, item_001,
item_002, etc. and that each file contain the digital item, an XML document containing the
Dublin Core metadata tags entitled dublin_core.xml, and a TXT document containing only
the filename of the item and entitled contents. With the exception of one folder containing
other nested folders, all of the items prepared for the batch ingest were individual files. For
the folder a nested folder was removed due to confidentiality concerns and the remaining
contents were zipped to retain their structure.
Figure 1. Example of a directory prepared for batch ingest.
The batch ingest was conducted with the help of information technology
coordinator, Carlos Ovalle.
For the remainder of the supporting documents it was decided that manual ingest
would be used; however the number of these documents was deemed too unwieldy for
them to each be ingested individually. As with the folder in the batch ingest, the file
directories of each creator were zipped into 7-zip files and these 7-zip files were ingested
into their respective collections. The advantage to using this method was that the structure
of the file directories was maintained in the order received from the contributors,
providing evidence of the organization and file naming schemes employed by each.
Finally, documentation produced during the course of archiving the AERI 2013
website was zipped and submitted manually by members of the project group.
Lessons and Recommendations
The paper backlog is a familiar obstacle, stymying the efficiency of archival
institutions, and has led to the widespread adoption of policies like “More Product, Less
Process” (MPLP). MPLP articulates that archival theory does not always neatly align with
archival practice, and that institutions should work towards an operational strategy that
best serves users. Similarly, the daily hurdles archivists working with analog materials face,
befall digital archivists, too. Accordingly, our group had to navigate the murky territory
between theory and practice throughout our efforts to archive the AERI 2013 website.
For example, the batch ingest process undertaken by our group proved to be very
time-intensive due to the incompatibility of the metadata tags exported by the New
Zealand Metadata Harvester with the DSpace metadata schema. As a result, tedious
copying and pasting of harvested values was necessary to prepare the ingest XML
document, and detracted from the amount of time our group had to complete other parts
of our project.
In a similar vein, one of the common types of problems we encountered during the
process was the unavailability of critical resources and dependency on other people.
Though we would have liked to gather all available supporting documents from their
creators with a write-blocker and external hard drive, in practice, this was not possible. We
were unable to locate a A to A USB cable (also known as male to male), which we required
to copy materials from the originating device to our external drive via a write-blocker. Due
to time constraints we proceeded without using the write-blocker to copy supporting
materials. Additionally, an external hard drive was not immediately available to us, delaying
the collecting of supporting documents. Another instance of lack of resources occurred
when we were unable to create a .tar file due to our accounts not being allotted enough
space on the iSchool server. Our group’s unfamiliarity with many of the technical processes
needed for our project also made us dependent on iSchool IT staff for command-line
functions and batch ingest processes.
Towards the end of our process of collecting supporting documents from creators,
we learned of the planning team’s use of the online project management tool Basecamp. It
was not universally adopted by the group and thus is an incomplete record of their
activities. While it would have been worthwhile to explore preserving the documentation
on Basecamp, time constraints prevented us from gathering and ingesting the materials.
Additionally, many members of the planning team found the tool cumbersome and
difficult to navigate, leading to its reduced use towards the end of the planning stages.
Many of the sixteen files uploaded to Basecamp were duplicated within the existing creator
collections, but the Writeboards contain information created within Basecamp and thus
not available anywhere else. The AERI 2013 Basecamp contains seven Writeboards and
allows users to review different revised states. Basecamp allows these boards to be
exported as HTML or TXT files, if they are considered worthy of preservation in the future.
A list of the files and Writeboards is included in Appendix 4 for reference. The late
discovery by our group of the Basecamp documentation speaks to the difficulties of
coordinating with a large group of creators. Few of the creators remembered the site’s
existence until prompted, and their frustration with it as a project management tool led
many to discourage its preservation. On the fly decisions, such as this, characterize the
exciting and challenging nature of digital archiving.
Conclusions for Future Web Archiving Projects
One of the biggest obstacles our group faced in completing this project was
overcoming our minimal technical knowledge. We primarily surmounted this setback by
working collaboratively with IT Staff at the iSchool, who were instrumental in seeing that
our project tasks were executed correctly. Going forward, our group feels that archivists
should adopt a like-minded collaborative attitude and elect to work symbiotically with IT
Support Staff as well as with web designers and web developers at their institutions. Simple
Linux commands like RSync, which were critical to our archival strategy are well known
within IT Support Staffs, and archivists serve to gain tremendously from working with these
In addition, by working directly with web designers and web developers, archivists
can aid in making sure websites are designed to meet optimal archival benchmarks. Sites
like Archive Ready (see Appendix 3) generate comprehensive reports on a website’s
archival compatibility, and should be thoroughly engaged with before embarking on an
archival project. While our group enjoyed the imagination required to capture widgets, we
would recommend that future website archiving projects not devote considerable
resources or time to these endeavors unless the content hosted on these items is
completely essential to the underlying archival mission.
Appendix 1: Inventory of website file directory
8 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
5486 Jun 1 2013 about.html
16 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
12419 May 14 2013
72 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
67056 Apr 15 2013
1328 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users 1353967 Jun 12 2013 AERI2013-Program.pdf
72 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
66014 Apr 30 2013 AERI2013_Week-at-a-
8 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
5731 Sep 13 2010 aeri2.css
8 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
5721 Sep 6 2010 aeri3.css
8 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
5338 Sep 8 2010 aeri4.css
8 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
5451 May 20 2013 aeri.css
316 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
317050 Jun 25 2013 AERIgroup.JPG
32 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
28689 May 20 2013 AERI-logo-bold.jpg
16 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
13498 Jun 1 2013 AERI-logo-web.gif
8 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
4566 Nov 28 2012 aeri.png
68 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
63488 Dec 26 2012 application.doc
148 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
145917 Jun 3 2013 bios.html
24 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
22956 Apr 29 2013 Briscoe.jpg
44 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
43520 Dec 27 2012 chair.doc
4 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
1407 Dec 26 2012 chair_guidelines.doc
4 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
1274 Dec 26 2012 chair_guidelines.html
28 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
25172 Apr 18 2012 CHIPS.jpg
8 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
4303 Jun 3 2013 doctoral_proposal.html
36 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
34069 Dec 17 2012 EASP_Application_2013.docx
8 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
7687 Jun 3 2013 emerging_scholars.html
8 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
6689 Jun 3 2013 explore.html
8 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
4662 Jun 3 2013 faculty_proposal.html
4 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
3995 May 21 2013 follow_bird-b.png
4 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
3090 May 11 2013 food.html
4 drwxr-xr-x 2 lgaylord users
4096 Apr 1 2013 forms
170400 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users 174313472 Jun 18 2013 HRC-Mamlet1931-video-2013-0617-Kim.mp4
28 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
27170 Apr 3 2013 IMLS_logo.jpg
8 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
4465 Jun 25 2013 index.html
4 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
4016 Jun 3 2013 info.html
12 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
8236 Apr 29 2013 iSchool.jpg
8 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
5114 May 11 2013 lodging.html
8 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
4669 May 20 2013 meeting.html
48 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
45568 Dec 27 2012 mentor.doc
4 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
1774 Dec 27 2012 mentor_guidelines.html
44 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
44544 Dec 26 2012 paper_poster.doc
4 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
1318 Jan 31 2013 paper_poster_guidelines.html
8 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
5407 Jun 3 2013 proposals.html
4 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
3184 Jun 3 2013 registration.html
28 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
27030 Jun 16 2013 schedule.html
36 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
33280 Dec 26 2012 scholarship.doc
8 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
4357 Jun 3 2013 scholarships.html
12 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
11137 Apr 3 2013 SJH bathroom.jpg
16 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
12490 Apr 3 2013 SJH bed.jpg
4 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
105 Apr 30 2013 top.gif
8 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
5741 May 8 2013 transportation.html
16 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
15367 Jun 11 2013 travel.html
136 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
134546 May 14 2013
56 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
51712 Dec 27 2012 workshop.doc
4 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
1262 Dec 26 2012 workshop_guidelines.doc
4 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
1224 Dec 26 2012 workshop_guidelines.html
4 -rw-r--r-- 1 lgaylord users
1224 Dec 26 2012 workshop_guidelines.txt
4 drwxr-xr-x 2 lgaylord users
4096 May 20 2013 zzz
Appendix 2: JQuery Script to Output #AERI2013 Tweets
$('.content').map(function(i, el) { return { #AERI2013: $(el).find('.fullname').text(), tweet:
$(el).find('.tweet-text')[0].innerHTML } })
Appendix 3: Archive Ready Report
Appendix 4: Basecamp Documentation
AERI Workshops – categories
General notes – Katie
Schedule for the Week
Schedule for the Week – another option
Student day schedule – Wednesday
Workshop idea: Promotion and Advancement
Files Uploaded:
Expenses list for AERI 2012.xlsx
AERI Application Form - Draft 1.doc
Timeline for Preparing AERI 2012.doc
To-do for AERI 2013 planning.xlsx
Works Cited
January 2013 White Paper entitled, “Update on the Twitter Archive At the Library of
Congress.” Accessed on April 12, 2014 at