Unit 3: Middle East


Unit 3: Middle


Study Guide Review


Ms. Roelke


A series of religious wars launched against the

Muslims by European Christians.

Question #2

Involved Christians, Jews, and Muslims.

Main Purpose: to gain or keep the Holy Land.

Affect on Europe: many battles, monarchs became more powerful.

Effect on Jews: Jews continued to be discriminated against.


People who move from place to place in search for food.


A man born in 570 CE, believed to be the prophet of Allah.

Created the religion Islam.

Was approached by the angel Gabriel explaining how he was the messenger of


Political leader in Mecca/Medina.


The Islamic Holy Book.

Believed to be the word of Muhammad and Allah.

Muslims show reverence to the Qur’an by not letting it touch the ground and by keeping it from getting dirty.


3 rd monotheistic religion.

Followed by Muslims.

Muhammad is the prophet, Allah is God.

Follows of this religion must respect and follow the 5 Pillars of Faith.


People who remain in one place.

Decide to settle there and create permanent shelters.


The belief in only ONE God.

Religions (in the order they were created) which are monotheistic are:

Judaism (#1)

Christianity (#2)

Islam (#3)




Belief in more than one god.

Five Pillars of Faith

The most basic acts of worship for Muslims.

Question #1

1 st Pillar: Shahadah: Submission to God; expression of their devotion to Allah and Muhammad as the prophet.

2 nd Pillar: Salat: Daily Prayer. 5 times a day facing the city of Mecca.

3 rd Pillar: Zakat: Almsgiving. Giving charity to the poor

(2.5% of income).

4 th Pillar: Siyam: Ramadan, fasting from sun rise to sun set for a whole month. Helps develop an understanding and sympathy for the poor.

5 th Pillar: Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca where they circle the



A title taken by Muslim rulers who claimed religious authority to rule.


Internal or external struggle that one must find ways to solve in their lives. Violence is the LAST solution.

Arabian Peninsula

An area of land located between the

Red Sea and the Persian Gulf.

Mecca is located on the Arabian


Current main country today: Saudi



5 th Pillar of Faith

All Muslims are expected to take this journey in order for them to reach heaven.

Muslims travel to the city of Mecca

(where Muhammad was born). They travel to Medina then return to Mecca to circle the Ka’ba.


Located on the Arabian Peninsula.

Place of Muhammad’s birth.

Home of the Ka-ba.

All Muslims pray in the direction of Mecca when they perform their daily prayers.

Irrigation Systems

Dams, Canals, Reservoirs, Levees, etc.

Purpose: to maintain water so the people never lose their water supply. Also gives easier access to the water supply.

Terrace Farming

An adaptation used to help people get the most out of the land.

Process of cutting into the land, creating flat land to plant crops.

This method is mostly used in mountainous areas.


An Islamic leadership position, often the worship leader of a mosque.

Person who leads the prayer in the mosque. Similar to a minister in Christianity and a Rabbi in Judaism.

Minarets and Mosques

Mosque: a place where Muslims go to pray and show devotion to their God.

(Church=Christianity; Mosque=Islam)

Minaret: a tower in a mosque where the call to worship is delivered.

Muslim Empire (Question #3)

The Muslim Empire was able to maintain its power through its cultural influence.

Cultural Influence= religion

Why didn’t everyone follow

Muhammad? (Question #4)

Some people did not agree with

Muhammad’s teachings because they were polytheistic.

Also, rich merchants did not want to share their wealth with the poor.
