2.1 – Monasticism, Filial Piety + Artistic Expression

Name: ______________________________
AP World History
Classical Period 600 BCE – 600 CE –
CULTURAL TRADITIONS - Part IV – Comparing Belief Systems + Artistic Expressions
3.10.2 Create a
system of
organization to
sequence ideas,
concepts, and
information to
make important
connections and
Not a 3.0 yet
52 – 48
47.5 – 43
42.5- 38.5
Under 38.5
Skip down to the following on 2.1 – Take notes on the following about Monasticism + Filial Piety ___/3 points
Belief systems affected gender roles. Buddhism and Christianity encouraged monastic life and
Confucianism emphasized filial piety.
Read the link on Buddhism and Christianity encouraged monastic life & take 6-9 notes in each box
Now click on the link for - Confucianism emphasized filial piety. Take notes on the definition of filial
Piety, its role in Confucianism and how filial piety came into Buddhism
Filial Piety
(5-6 notes)
(4-5 notes)
(8- 12 notes)
Essay Prompt – How did the belief systems using monasticism and filial piety affect gender roles?
___/10 points
Brainstorm and take notes on two ways that belief systems like monasticism and filial piety affected
gender roles
Topic sentence
Topic sentence
Now Let make our essay prompt into a basic 2-3 sentence introduction/thesis statement
Essay Prompt – How did the belief systems using monasticism and filial piety affect gender roles?
Restate the prompt in a sentence – it is best to change a couple of the words to synonyms or change the
order if possible
How did these belief systems affect gender roles – restate your argument (similar to your topic
sentences) that you will be writing about and use them in your thesis statement. (This can be 1-2
sentences long)
Introduction that restates prompt and has clear thesis
Topic sentences for paragraphs that clearly state the main idea of the paragraph
Two paragraphs that have 4-5 pieces of evidence each - 3 points per paragraph
____/2 points
____/2 points
____/6 points
Scroll down to: Ancestor veneration persisted in many regions (Africa, Mediterranean region, East Asia, Andean
areas (this site is on Incan ancestor worship that was derived from earlier beliefs).
First click on Ancestor veneration persisted in many regions (Africa, Mediterranean region, East Asia, and take
about 8- 10 notes on each the following areas
Veneration of the dead – intro and Overview –
Ancient Rome
West and Southeast African cultures
East Asian cultures
Now click on the link for Andean areas (this site is on Incan ancestor worship that was derived from earlier
beliefs). And take 8-10 notes below
Use the information from the readings to answer the question
___/8 points total
What role did Ancestor Veneration and worship play in societies in Classical Civilizations?
Took complete notes of readings
___/2 points
Topic sentence and Grammar are correct
___/2 points
Explanation of Ancestor veneration/worship and shamanism for African, Mediterranean, East Asian and
Andean people
_____/4 points
Artistic Expression- Take notes on all of the following
___/3 points
Scroll down to - Literature and drama (Greek Plays, Indian Epics)acquired distinctive forms that influenced artistic
developments in neighboring regions and in later time periods.
Click on the link for Greek Plays and Indian Epics and take 10- 15 notes below
Greek Plays
Indian Epics
Scroll down to :
Distinctive architectural styles developed in many regions in this period (India, Greece, Roman
Empire, Mesoamerica).
Jigsaw- we will break up into groups of five to take notes on the following on the next page
Hindu Temple Architecture and Design (including The Site, and The Layout)
Greek Architecture
Roman Architecture – Stop reading at Mosaics!
Mesoamerican Architecture
Scroll down to The convergence of Greco-Roman culture and Buddhist beliefs affected the development of
unique sculptural developments. And take 12- 15 notes – Stop at Cupids
Short Essay – Comparison
Analyze similarities and differences in Artistic expressions, including literature and drama, architecture, and
sculpture, for two of the following regions in the period 600 B.C.E. to 600 C.E.
South and East Asia
Latin America
Mediterranean Region
Step #1 – Brainstorm some claims of differences that existed in artistic expression of two of the
following Classical societies using your notes.
Step #2 – Find two of your best claims from above and make those into comparison paragraphs showing
the differences between artistic expression from two of the regions in the Classical Era
Paragraph #1
Claim/topic sentence
Evidence to support claim (5-7 details)
Paragraph #2
Claim/topic sentence
Evidence to support claim (5-7 details)
****Step #3- Write your Paragraphs on a separate sheet of Paper ****
Topic sentences in paragraphs – 3 points each
Evidence used that show differences – 5 points per paragraph
___/6 points
___/10 points
Step #4 – Brainstorm some claims of similarities for artistic expression from two of the regions in the
Classical Era
Step #5 – Find two of your best claims from above and make those into comparisons showing similarities
between artistic expression from two of the regions in the Classical Era.
Paragraph #3
Claim/topic sentence
Evidence to support claim (5-7 details)
****Step #6- Write your similarity Paragraph underneath where you wrote your change paragraphs
Topic sentences in paragraph – 3 points
Evidence used that show changes – 5 points per paragraph
___/3 points
___/5 points
Question for the WebsiteIf you had to pick between living in a Greco-Roman Civilization and an Indian Civilization, which would
you choose and why?
-Give 3-4 details explaining way
- Topic sentence with your stance __/1 points
- 3-4 details defending your stance ____/3 points