RFP from UIA: Full Flight simulator dry lease services Private Stock Company Ukraine International Airlines TENDER DOCUMENTATION (Full Flight simulator dry lease services) Ukraine, Kyiv November 2015 ___Nov 2015 Page 1 of 15 RFP from UIA: Full Flight simulator dry lease services Table of Contents: 1. 2. 3. 4. Tender Announcement Important Tender Documentation Requirements Tender Procedure Instructions Annex 1 ___Nov 2015 Page 2 of 15 RFP from UIA: Full Flight simulator dry lease services TENDER ANOUNCEMENT 1. Customer: 1.1. Private Stock Company Ukraine International Airlines. 1.2. Legal address. 4, Lysenka street, Kyiv, 01030, Ukraine 1.3. Person responsible for Tender. Procedure issues – Stakhurska Maryna, Tender Committee Secretary, Tel.:+380 44 581 5656 (9533); Stahurskaya.maryna@flyuia.com; Technical issues – Vladimir Gaidamaka, Head of training Gaidamaka.Vladimir@flyuia.com; Petrychenko Iryna, Senior engineer of air staff's training Petrychenko.Iryna@flyuia.com; Matsela Olga, Engineer of air staff's training Matsela.Olga@flyuia.com 2. Information about subject of Tender: 2.1. BOEING 737NG,CL, BOEING767, EMBRAER 170/190 Flight simulator dry lease services. 2.2. Place and term of services. Europe, monthly service. 3. Receipt of Tender documentation. Via E-mail. 4. Conditions of tender proposal submission: 4.1. Place. Ukraine International Airlines, 201-203, Kharkivske Road, Kyiv, 02121, Ukraine Attention: Stakhurska Maryna, Tender Committee Secretary 4.2. Means of receipt. Via Courier 4.3. Deadline. 21 December 2015, 13 h 00 m (Kyiv time) 5. Opening of tender proposals: 5.1. Place. 201-203, Kharkivske Road, room 717, Kyiv, 02121, Ukraine 5.2. Date. 27 November 2015, 14 h 30m (Kyiv time) Tender proposal ___Nov 2015 Page 3 of 15 RFP from UIA: Full Flight simulator dry lease services Important Tender Documentation Requirements 1. Ukraine International Airlines Ukraine International Airlines (UIA) is Ukrainian leading airline established in 1992. Today, UIA is a 100% privately-owned company. UIA’s primary business is to provide safe and reliable passenger and cargo transportation. The UIA’s fleet currently comprises 35 modern aircraft: medium-haul Boeing 737 (including one freighter 737-300SF), medium-haul Еmbraer-190 and long-haul Boeing 767. The main base airport for UIA is Kiev Boryspil International Airport (KBP). 2. Request for proposal This Tender documentation includes all necessary information about the main criterias to Full Flight simulator devices and the quantity of hours that we need annually. It is described in Workscope. Tender proposal validity time shall be not less than 60 days from the date of opening of Tender proposal. Currency of this Tender documentation is Euro or US Dollars. Payments for services shall be made in Euro or US Dollars. UIA is searching for the qualified training centers which provide the dry lease of full flight simulator devices for the following types: Boeing 737CL, Boeing 737NG, Boeing 767, Embraer 170/190 with the next qualifying criterias and conditions: - - - - The quality of Full Flight simulator: Level C/D, technical facilities, visualization, instructor’s station, TCAS, EGPWS equipment according to current requirements; ability for smoke removal training; availability of EGPWS, latest update of FMC software (Boeing 737-10.8; Embraer 190 - 25.4); latest update for TCAS software (7.1); simulator B767 with P&W engines. It will be preferable, if the same simulator training centre has, for example, Boeing 737 CL, NG and Boeing 767 simulators for the possibility to involve double type intructures in one business trip. And also it will be prefered if the same simulator centre has several full flight simulator devices of one type. Time conditions for the training – slots from 06:00 AM till 00:00 The main condition is preventing of monopolization (the risk of breaks in pilot’s work because of the inability to provide services by training centre). The best approach is the presence in several training centres, for example, three with Boeing 737 CL simulators and three with Boeing 737 NG simulators; two with Boeing 767 simulators and one with Embraer 170/190 simulator. Training centre should be situated not far from the airport and from the hotel for the reduction of transport expences; hotel – preferebly minimum 4 stars. Visa support. (i) Workscope Annually we need around 900 hours on Boeing 737CL simulator, 900 hours on Boeing 737NG, 340 hours on Boeing 767 and 440 hours on Embraer 170/190 . The amount of hours tend either decrease up to 10% or increase up to 20% . Lot # Lot #1 Lot #2 Lot #3 Hours per year 300 hours 300 hours 300 hours Type of FSTD Boeing 737CL Boeing 737CL Boeing 737CL ___Nov 2015 Page 4 of 15 RFP from UIA: Full Flight simulator dry lease services Lot #4 Lot #5 Lot #6 Lot #7 Lot #8 Lot #9 Lot #10 (ii) 300 hours 300 hours 300 hours 170 hours 170 hours 220 hours 220 hours Boeing 737 NG Boeing 737 NG Boeing 737 NG Boeing 767 Boeing 767 Embraer 170/190 Embraer 170/190 Payment terms Payment conditions will depend on Parties agreement. (iii) Certification Participant must have all the necessary flight simulator training device certificates and the evaluation reports. The Participant must provide these documents to UIA. 3. 3. Selection process The successful candidate will be selected deriving from the following process: 3.1. All documents provided by Participant meet requirements of tender documentation: the completeness of proposal meeting of requested payment terms meeting of requested service level and others 3.2. Criteria: The lowest offered price shall detail Participant’s prices per dry lease hour for the simulator training, price for hotel accomodation and transfer. Participant shall present the package pricing detailed to the level that gives the opportunity to demonstrate its competitive advantages. The decision of tender committee will also depend on the UIA flight schedule (daily morning flights for minimization of pilot’s bussiness trip) and on the visa expenses. The fix price should include: Price per dry lease hour on fly simulator training services; Price for hotel accomodation; Price for transportation (if it's necessary) Essential items of agreement: To indicate in the agreement the conditions of slots cancellation; To indicate in the agreement that the amount of hours may decrease up to 10%. 3.3. UIA leaves the right: to Extend timing of selection process to Stop the selection process anytime ___Nov 2015 Page 5 of 15 RFP from UIA: Full Flight simulator dry lease services not to select a successful candidate. All Participants will be informed about results in accordance to UIA’s internal tender procedures as further described herein. UIA does not bear any responsibility or obligations associated with costs or missed opportunities of any candidate somehow linked or seemed to be linked to his/her response to this request for proposal and his/her possible expectations from the selection process and/or results of projects. 4. Confidentiality The procedure for the purchase of the flight simulator dry lease (Boeing 737CL and NG, Boeing 767 and Embraer 170/190) - open tender. ___Nov 2015 Page 6 of 15 RFP from UIA: Full Flight simulator dry lease services TENDER PROCEDURE INSTRUCTIONS 1. General 1.1. Private Stock Company Ukraine International Airlines (hereinafter – UIA) announces tender (hereinafter – the Tender) for the purchase of services in accordance with the procedures and conditions specified in the Tender documentation (hereinafter - the Tender documentation) and internal UIA tender procedure orders. 1.2 Participants are individuals (residents or nonresidents), which confirmed their intention to participate in the procurement procedure and filed a Tender proposal. 1.3. In accordance with the requirements of the Tender documentation Participants must meet the qualification requirements. 1.4. Each Participant shall submit its proposal in the form properly executed in accordance with the requirements hereof. 1.5. Participant shall be responsible for all costs associated with preparation and submission of its Tender proposal and such costs will not be reimbursed to the Participant(s). 2. Clarification of the Tender documentation 2.1. Participant has the right not later than seven calendar days before the deadline for submission of Tender proposal to contact UIA for the clarification of the Tender documentation. UIA within three business days (in Kiev, Ukraine) should answer to such the request of the Participant. 3. Amendments to Tender documentation 3.1. Not later than five working days before the deadline for submission of a Tender proposal UIA has right on its own initiative or on the results of searches of Participants who received Tender documentation to amend the Tender documentation and to notify about such changes in writing all persons who filed UIA with a Tender proposal. 3.2. Before the expiration of the deadline for submission of Tender documentation UIA is entitled to decide on its continuation in the event that one or more Participants who have received the Tender documentation may not submit a Tender proposal for the specified period in accordance to any objective reasons. Notice of extension of time, change of place and procedures for opening of tender offers (proposals) shall be immediately sent to each person who was submitted with a Tender documentation. ___Nov 2015 Page 7 of 15 RFP from UIA: Full Flight simulator dry lease services 4. Tender proposal language 4.1. All documents relating to the Tender proposal shall be made in English, Ukrainian, Russia. 5. Contents of tender proposal 5.1. Proposal submitted by the Participant shall include complete information about products or services and price information made pursuant to the requirements of the Tender documentation, the list of documents required to verify compliance of Participant’s qualifications (including but not limited to the information set forth in Annex 2 hereto) and other requirements of the Tender documentation, documents certifying the credentials of the person signing the Tender proposal, as well as other documents that must be executed and submitted by the Participants in accordance with this Tender documentation. 6. Prices of Proposals 6.1. Participant shall determine the price of goods or services which it offers to put under the Agreement, indicating the taxes and fees paid or to be paid and all related expenses. 6.2. Price mentioned in Tender proposal shall be specified in accordance with the requirements of Tender documentation. 6.3. Prices must be clearly defined. 7. Documents proving compliance of Participant with the qualification requirements 7.1. Participant is responsible for obtaining any and all necessary permits, licenses, certificates, required for sale of goods or services, and other documents related to the Tender and shall be responsible for all costs of their receipt. 7.2. According to this Tender Participant shall submit such documentation as part of its Tender proposal proving compliance of Participant with qualification requirements. 7.3. UIA has the right to request from any Participant to repeat confirmation with the qualification requirements set forth in this Tender documentation. 7.4. In the event of (i) Participant's refusal to provide such confirmation or (ii) receipt of reliable information about his non-compliance with the qualification requirements set forth in the Tender documentation or (iii) it is discovered that Participant has made any false statement or material misrepresentation in any provision of the Tender proposal, UIA has right to reject Tender proposal of such Participant and determine the winner of Tender proposal among those Participants who remained. 8. Documents proving compliance of the goods or services 8.1. Proposal submitted by the Participant, shall include the technical, quality and other characteristics of the subject of Tender and certificates. ___Nov 2015 Page 8 of 15 RFP from UIA: Full Flight simulator dry lease services 9. Tender proposal duration 9.1. Tender proposal remains valid after the submission deadline for the period specified in the Tender documentation. Tender proposal valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by UIA, as such, that does not meet the Tender documentation requirements. 9.2. Before the expiration of the Tender proposal UIA may require the Participant to continue the validity of the proposal for an additional period of time. Request to and response from the Participant shall be submitted by means of communication, followed by written confirmation. 10. Execution and signing 10.1. Tender proposal shall be submitted in writing in a sealed envelope to ensure confidentiality of the Participant prior to its official opening. Tender proposal shall be submitted via courier. 10.2. Tender proposal shall be signed by the Participant or person (s) duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Participant. Such powers shall be specified in writing instruction that is part of the Tender proposal. All pages of Tender proposal must contain the signature of the authorized person(s). All pages of the Tender proposal where were made any specific records or edits should be indicated by the initials of the person or persons signing such proposal. Responsibility for the errors printed in the documents and submitted to the Tender Committee and signed accordingly is on the Participant. 10.3. Tender proposal must (i) be broshured, (ii) have pagination and (iii) register of the documents. 11. Sealing and marking of proposals 11.1. Tender proposal shall be submitted in one copy in the appropriately marked envelope and must indicate the name and address of UIA, the subject of Tender according to the announcement of the Tender and the Participant's name, address, contact telephone numbers. 11.2. If the envelope is not marked in accordance with the above requirements, UIA is not responsible for the premature opening of such Tender proposal. 12. Deadline for submission of Tender proposal 12.1. Proposals must be submitted via courier and not later than the time and date specified in the Tender documentation. 13. Proposals which were delayed 13.1. All proposals submitted to UIA after the deadline of the submission shall not be considered by UIA and will be returned to the Participant. ___Nov 2015 Page 9 of 15 RFP from UIA: Full Flight simulator dry lease services 14. Change and cancellation of Tender proposal 14.1. Participants may change or cancel their proposal by notification to UIA in writing before the deadline for submission of Tender proposal. 15. Alternative Tender proposal 15.1. Submission of alternative Tender proposal is not allowed. 16. Disclosure of Tender proposal by UIA 16.1. UIA opens Tender proposal in a time and place specified in this Tender documentation. Participants are allowed their representatives to be present during procedure of opening of Tender proposals. Such representatives shall have official document from Participant (power of attorney etc) confirming its authority. 17. Tender proposal explanation 17.1. UIA may request the Participant to explain or comment on its Tender proposal in order to facilitate its review, evaluation and comparison with other offers. It is not accepted, not discussed and not allowed to make any changes to the Tender proposal on merits, including changes to prices, delivered during the opening of Tender proposal and the changes are aimed at adjusting the Tender proposal, which does not meet the requirements of the Tender documentation, in order to bring it in compliance with such requirements. 18. Tender proposal consideration 18.1. UIA will consider the Tender proposal to determine that the Participant meets the qualification requirements, and that each Tender proposal meets the conditions of Tender documentation. 18.2. If the proposal does not meet any condition of Tender documentation, it shall be rejected by UIA and can not be brought into conformity by adjusting or changing or canceling inappropriate deviations or reservations. 18.3. Tender proposal defined as those that meet the conditions of Tender documentation will be reviewed by UIA in terms of arithmetic errors. Errors will be corrected by UIA as follows: a) When the difference between the amounts indicated in letters and figures, the amount of letters is crucial; ___Nov 2015 Page 10 of 15 RFP from UIA: Full Flight simulator dry lease services b) When the difference between unit price and total price of services obtained by multiplying the price per unit of quantity, the unit price is decisive and final price is being corrected. If, in the opinion of UIA, in the unit price is a clear shift decimal distributor, in this case meant the final price is crucial, and the unit price corrected. 18.4. UIA has the right to correct arithmetic errors when receiving the written consent of the Participant to such correction. 18.5. If a Participant does not agree with the correction of errors, his Tender proposal shall be rejected. 19. Evaluation and comparison of Tender documentation 19.1. After the opening of Tender proposal, checking them for the accuracy of and compliance with the qualification requirements and conditions of Tender documentation, than evaluation begins and UIA determine the winner. UIA evaluates and compares those proposals which were not rejected. 19.2. For proposals evaluation UIA will be using the criteria specified in the Tender documentation. 20. Privacy 20.1. To ensure confidentiality of information regarding the consideration and/or evaluation of Tender documentation, such information will not be distributed to and between the Participants. 21. The right of UIA to reject all proposals 21.1. UIA reserves the right to reject all Tender offers (proposal) at any time prior to acceptance of the Tender proposal. 21.2. UIA shall have no liability to the Participant in the case of Clause 22.1. 21.3. In case of rejection of all Tender offers (proposals) UIA cancels Tender and will send respective notice to the Participants. 22. Acceptance of a Tender proposal 22.1. UIA accepts the Tender proposal of the Participant who meets qualification requirements specified in the Tender documentation and whose proposal is the best from the evaluated Tender offers (proposal) and meets the requirements of the Tender documentation. 22.2. If the Participant, whose Tender proposal accepted, refuses to sign the Agreement, UIA shall select the best Tender proposal among those whose validity has not expired and are sufficient to determine the winner. 22.3. Final acceptance of Tender offer shall be made by UIA Supervisory Board. ___Nov 2015 Page 11 of 15 RFP from UIA: Full Flight simulator dry lease services 23. Execution of Contract 23.1. The contract will be signed with the Participant, whose Tender proposal was accepted. 24. Audit 24.1. If necessary, UIA may audit the Participants on the stage of evaluation for compliance with the requirements of Tender documentation (including quality and safety audit). 24.2. Ukrainian CAA may audit Participants according to Ukrainian legislation. ___Nov 2015 Page 12 of 15 RFP from UIA: Full Flight simulator dry lease services Annex 1 Tender offer (proposal) should contain, but not limited to, the following information: 1 COMPANY INFORMATION 1.1 Company trading name: 1.2 Contact name: 1.3 Head office address: 1.4 Postcode: 1.5 Telephone number: 1.6 Fax number: 1.7 Email address: 1.8 How long has your company been established? 1.9 Registration number: 1.10 Date of registration: 1.11 Address of registered office (if different from above): 1.13 What is the ownership structure of the business? Sole Trader Public Ltd Company Partnership Public Sector Limited Company Subsidiary If you are a Subsidiary, please provide: 1.14 Holding Company Name: 1.15 Names of other Divisions / Subsidiary companies within the same group: ___Nov 2015 Page 13 of 15 RFP from UIA: Full Flight simulator dry lease services 2 CERTIFICATION AND QUALITY PROCESSES 2.1 Please describe any relevant certifications and approvals held by your company. 2.2 Please describe your quality assurance systems in your company’s processes. Include in your response details of any relevant quality programmes (e.g. ISO 9000, date achieved, etc.). 3. EXPERIENCE 3.1 What experience does your organisation have in managing contracts such as this? 4 REFERENCES Please provide at least two references and contact details (below) from organisations you have done work of a similar scale for. Referee Name: Company Name: Address: Postcode: Telephone: Referee Name: Company Name: Address: Postcode: Telephone: ___Nov 2015 Page 14 of 15 RFP from UIA: Full Flight simulator dry lease services APPENDIX B – COMMERCIAL OFFER We (name of the supplier) provide our commercial offer to participate in the tender for Full flight simulator dry lease services on Boeing 737CL, Boeing 737NG, Boeing 767 and Embraer 170/190 according to the requirements of tender documentation. Having studied request for proposal and tender documentation we are authorized to enter the agreement, have possibilities and agree to fulfill requirements on the conditions stipulated in RFP and tender documentation at the price provided below: Lot # Lot #1 Lot #2 Lot #3 Lot #4 Lot #5 Lot #6 Lot #7 Lot #8 Lot #9 Lot #10 Hours per year Type of FSTD 300 hours 300 hours 300 hours 300 hours 300 hours 300 hours 170 hours 170 hours 220 hours 220 hours Boeing 737CL Boeing 737CL Boeing 737CL Boeing 737 NG Boeing 737 NG Boeing 737 NG Boeing 767 Boeing 767 Embraer 170/190 Embraer 170/190 Amount EURO/USD 1. Your tender documentation and our commercial offer (subject to conformity with all requirements) are valid as a preliminary contract until our tender offer is accepted. In case our commercial offer is accepted, we will undertake to fulfill all conditions of the tender documentation and the Contract. 2. We agree to fulfill conditions of commercial offer over a period of 180 calendar days starting from the date of opening. Our offer is binding and can be accepted by you at any time during the term of validity. 3. We agree that you can reject our commercial offer or all commercial offers according to the tender documentation. We understand that you can accept any other offer which includes more beneficial conditions. We realize that you are not obliged to accept the offer based on the lowest price or other conditions only. 4. Hereby we confirm fulfillment of requirements of RFP, attachments to RFP tender documentation and the Contract. 5. In case our offer is accepted we will undertake to sign the Contract with the UIA within 14 days from the date of acceptance according to requirements of the tender documentation and accepted offer. Position, full name and signature of the person authorized by the Supplier. Certification by stamp is required. ___Nov 2015 Page 15 of 15