Department of Computer Science Overview

Department of Computer Science
Department of Computer Science:
An Overview
Gopal Gupta
Erik Jonsson Professor and Department Head
Department of Computer Science
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science
at UTD:
at UTD:
Founded in early 70s: Part of math sciences
Became an independent program in School of Natural Science
and Mathematics in the 80s
Became part of the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and
Computer Science in 1986 upon founding of the school
Upper division BS CS added in the late 80s; Lower division
added in 1990
Rapid growth in MS population in 80s, 90s and 2000s
Significant growth in faculty and PhD population in the 2000s
Significant investment through Project Emmit
Department of Computer Science
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science
Computer Science at UTD: Present
One of the largest departments in the country
Largest Department at UT Dallas (11% of population)
~2,600 students (1300 BS, 1150 MS, 150 PhD)
50 T/T faculty, 30 non-T/T fac., 12 part-time lec.
BS, MS, PhD degrees offered in CS, SE, CE & TE
175-190 course sections offered each semester
~700 students graduated each year
21st in LinkedIn placement ranking
Our faculty publish in top conferences & journals
8 to 9 Million in annual research expenditures
~9 Million in new funding each year
Many initiatives to lift the department even higher
Department of Computer Science
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science
Great Progress Continues …
• Undergraduate education – new programs
• Graduate education – new tracks, increased
applicant numbers, stronger applicants
• Research – increase in external funding,
• Community Outreach – significant expansion,
largest program in the nation?
• Industry Interaction – significant increase
• Faculty hiring – outstanding hires (T/T & SLs)
Marketing – campaign launched, new website
Department of Computer Science
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science
Erik Jonsson
of EnggPast
and CS
at UTD:
Founded in 1986 with just 2 departments: CS and EE
– 5,740 students enrolled in Fall of 2014 in six depts:
Computer Science
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Systems Engineering
Material Science
– 1,053 student graduated in 2013-14
– 149 Tenure/Track Faculty, 50 Senior Lecturers
– $46.7 Million in annual research expenditure
Department of Computer Science
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science
Recent Faculty Additions
Dr. William Semper Dr. Mehra Borazjani
Networks, SW Engg
SW Engg
Dr. Neeraj Gupta
Dr. Richard Min
AI, Prog. Languages
Dr. Andrian Marcus Dr. Nicolas Ruozzi Dr. Lingming Zhang
SW Maintenance Machine Learning
Software Testing
Dr Ben Raichel
Comp. Geometry
Dr. Khiem Le
Dr. Nurcan Yuruk
Data Science
Department of Computer Science
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science
Undergraduate Programs
BS in CS, SW Engg and Computer Engg
Many innovations to make our BS program the best
in the nation:
CS2 Honors Program
Living Learning Community
CS Freshman Experience
Computer Science Mentor Center
UT Design Capstone Project Program
Industry Internships
Undergraduate Research
Student Clubs
Programming Competitions & Hackathons
K-12 Outreach
Department of Computer Science
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science
Why UT Dallas CS?
• CS Computing Scholars (CS2) program:
– Gifted Freshman CS students are invited to join this program
(need to pass an exam)
– Taught in a cohort of 30 max, by some of our best teachers
– Scholars have their own lounge/lab
– Many activities organized, and mentoring provided
• Living Learning Community:
– CS/SE majors can be part of the living learning community
in newly built on-campus residence halls;
– Year-round activities involving faculty are organized
• Hackathon
• Faculty Game Night
Department of Computer Science
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science
Programming Sequence
Discrete Mathematics
Undergraduate Program
Department of Computer Science
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science
Why UT Dallas CS?
• Mentoring and Tutoring
– Computer programming and Discrete Mathematics are
foundations of computer science and software engineering
– Round the clock tutoring and mentoring facilities provided
to ensure students have adequate help outside the class.
– Second Chance to Learn: highly successful way to engage
• UT Design Capstone Project Program
– Every student completes a capstone team-project in their
senior year
– Almost all capstone projects are industry sponsored
– Great chance for students to gain practical experience
Department of Computer Science
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science
Discrete Math Mentor Center
Why UT Dallas CS?
• Undergraduate Research
– Academically gifted students are expected to do research in
their junior and senior year
– Faculty advisors work with students to place them in
appropriate faculty members’ labs
• Industry Internships
– UT Dallas is located in an area that is home to hundreds of
telecom companies.
– Large number of internship opportunities exist for CS
Department students
– We run the 4th or 5th largest internship program in the
Department of Computer Science
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science
Why UT Dallas CS?
• Student Clubs
– Organized under the student chapter of the Association for
Computing Machinery.
– Many more student clubs, organized as special interest
groups under student ACM exist:
 Linux Users’ Group
 Computer Security Group
 Women Who Compute
 .Net Group,
 Open Source Community
 Android Developer Group
 UTD Hackers
Department of Computer Science
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science
Why UT Dallas CS?
• Programming competitions
– There are many active groups that meet every so often to work
on competitive programming problems.
 Codeburners group: experts focused on advanced problem solving
 Codewarmers group: beginners interested in competitive programming
– Competitive Programming Team: Coached by Dr. Ivor Page
• K-12 Outreach
– UT Dallas Computer Science Department runs one of the
largest university-based K-12 computer science outreach
program in the nation (visit
– Students can join as an instructor or volunteer to help our
outreach efforts
Department of Computer Science
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science
Why UT Dallas CS?
– UT Dallas gives large number of Academic Excellence
Scholarships (AES)
– 15% of the tuition money is invested into AES
– Strictly Merit-based and not means based
One of the strongest reasons to choose UT Dallas
Department of Computer Science
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science
Computer Science Faculty
Highly distinguished faculty:
Faculty publish in top conferences and journals:
10 faculty hold the prestigious NSF CAREER award
Three Airforce Young Research Investigators
20 best paper awards in last few years
More than 30 software systems made available
Intelligent Systems: AAAI/IJCAI, ACL, ICML, UAI, NIPS
Cyber Security: NDSS, ACSAC, Usenix Security, CCS
Networking: SIGCOMM, InfoCom, PODC, ICCPS
Systems: Multimedia, SIGGRAPH, ISCA, VLDB, RTSS, ICLP
SW Engineering: ICSE, FSE, POPL
Computing Theory: SODA, CAV, SoCG
ACM “Publications Rank” of 29th in CS & 24th in SE
Department of Computer Science
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science
Areas of Research
• Wide variety of research areas covered:
- Cyber Security
- Computer Systems
- Software Engineering
- Intelligent Systems
- Computer Science Theory
- Computer Networking
• Strategic areas of focus:
- Machine Learning, Data Science, Cyber Security
• Focus on Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary research
- Computing Theory: Medical Image Proc., Comp. Bio., Mathematics
- Computer Systems: Medicine, Rehabilitation, Image Proc., Art & Tech.
- Cyber Security: Mgmt and Math Sci (risk management), political sci.
- Intelligent Systems: Medicine, Speech processing
Department of Computer Science
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science
Institutes and Centers
Cyber Security Research & Education Institute
(Director: Dr. Thuraisingham)
 Human Language Technology Institute (HLTRI)
(Director: Dr. Sanda Harabagiu)
 Institute for Data Analytics
(Director: Dr. Ron Bose)
 Net-centric Software Center
(Director: Dr. Farokh Bastani)
 Center for Software Testing
(Director: Dr. Eric Wong)
 iPerform: Center for Assistive Technology
(Director: Dr. Ovidiu Daescu)
 Center for CS Education and Outreach
(Director: Dr. Jey Veerasamy)
Department of Computer Science
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science
CS Department: Accomplishments
• Ranked 14th in the nation for number of women undergraduate students
• Ranked 15th in the nation for number of hispanic undergraduate students
• Ranked 24th in the nation for number of african american undergrad.
Department of Computer Science
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science
Student Placement
• An artifact of our location:
ample internship opportunities:
• Large number of alumni in top companies
Department of Computer Science
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science
#21 In LinkdIn SW Dev Rankings
Opportunities for CS/SE Graduates
For more information: