Nursing Theorist Grading Rubric - Telling Digital Stories

Digital Story – Multimedia Report Guide
SBSN 306
This assignment is a culminating work/learning activity in SBSN 306. It is a digital project exploring the
use of information literacy tools in creating a storybook about a selected nursing theorist. It is an
opportunity for each of you to study and create an in depth work on a nursing theorist and their
influence on the profession of nursing. This assignment was created in collaboration with Cindy
Jennings, Director of Learning Technologies at USC Upstate.
The purpose of the digital story is as follows:
1. This learning activity offers the student the opportunity to study a nursing theorist of
2. This learning activity allows the student to connect a particular nursing theory to current
nursing practice.
The presentation should include:
3. The background of a nursing theorist
4. An explanation of the nursing theory
5. Provide three detailed applications to nursing practice (i.e. how the theory is used).
The following nursing theorists are available:
Virginia Henderson
Imogene King
Madeleine Leininger
Betty Neuman
Florence Nightingale
Dorothea Orem
Hildegard Paplau
Calista Roy
Jean Watson
You will find information about these individuals and their theories in Chapter 4:
Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice in your Fundamentals of Nursing text.
You will ‘present’ your research and completed work in a digital format which will be uploaded to a
central website by the instructors. This will enable sharing with the other groups in class. Your project
should include substantial explanatory text, and should also include additional media of your choosing
to enrich and support your information. This presentation cannot exceed 10 minutes in length. College
Digital Story – Multimedia Report Guide
SBSN 306
level research is expected with this project and citation of all sources including any images and/or
digital media is expected. A minimum of 6 resources should be consulted and cited.
Website to provide additional instruction:
Digital Story – Multimedia Report Guide
SBSN 306
Process :
1. January 29 – Submit group members
Select one person from your group to submit group member’s names to instructors at
the beginning of class by 2:00 PM. You can have a maximum of four people in each
group. Once these names are submitted you cannot change groups.
2. February 12 by 2:00 PM – Submit the top three names of theorists your group would
like to study. We will try to assign you one of your selections, but there is a possibility
you may not be assigned someone from your list.
3. March 5 by 2:00 PM – Submit annotated bibliography of at least 6 project resources in
APA format.
Resources that will be of help:
4. April 9 by 2:00 PM – Submit Theory Storyboard
For this submission, you should be able to provide an outline of your progress in draft form. This
work will be supported by your initial resources submission
5. April 23 by 2:00 PM – Theory presentation due to instructors. Each member of the group will
turn in their own personal reflection of the project. A description of this is found on the grading
rubric and this is also included in the final grade for the project.
Note: Groups will manage their own distribution of effort issues without our consultation, intervention
or involvement. (i.e.: We will not intervene with group outliers who are not pulling their weight).
Digital Story – Multimedia Report Guide
SBSN 306
Nursing Theorist Grading Rubric
Interim Submissions
30 points – (6 points per submission deadline)
Completed as suggested and on time
Quality of resources (10 points)
Minimum of 6 resources utilized
Depth (30 points)
Content knowledge
The background of a nursing theorist
An explanation of the nursing theory
Provide three detailed applications to nursing practice
Design (10 points)
Content is clear and concise with logical progression of ideas
Attribution of sources of materials/images, etc. (5 points)
Group Discussion (5 points) The projects will all be uploaded to ______. At this point, each student will
watch and comment on the other group’s presentations.
Personal Reflection (10 points)
This reflection pertains specifically to your work on this project …how and what you learned
from this experience. What contributions did you make to your group? Did you encounter any
frustrations in working with other people? This reflection should be written in time to be
included with your final project submission on April 23.