Chapter 16 worksheet

MATCHING DIRECTIONS: Place the letter of the correct term from the word bank with the description that best
matches. For the terms that are NOT used, write a brief definition on a separate sheet of paper.
a. Jim Crow laws
b. literacy tests
c. W.E.B. Du Bois
d. Las Gorras Blancas
e. Grandfather clauses
f. Poll taxes
g. Booker T. Washington
h. Ida B. Wells
i. spoils system
j. civil service
k. Pendleton Civil Service Act
l. gold standard
m. Oliver H. Kelley
n. Grange
o. Populist Party
p. William Jennings Bryan
q. William McKinley
_____1. kept blacks and whites segregated in the South
_____2. required voters to prove that they could read in order to vote
_____3. campaigned against lynching
_____4. allowed a person to vote as long as his ancestors had voted prior to 1866
_____5. discouraged African Americans from demanding immediate recognition of their civil rights
_____6. destroyed ranchers’ property in defense of Mexican Americans’ land rights
_____7. The ______________________________includes federal jobs in the executive branch.
_____8. Bankers worried that abandoning the ______________________________would weaken the economy.
_____9. Under the ______________________________, officials awarded government jobs to loyal party workers.
_____10. The ______________________________established an exam for prospective government employees.
_____11. grassroots political movement that ran slates of farm-friendly candidates
_____12. Republican candidate who won the 1896 presidential election
_____13. founder of the Granger movement
_____14. organization that provided education on new farming techniques
_____15. Democratic candidate who advocated “free silver” in the 1896 presidential election
MULTIPLE CHOICE DIRECTIONS: Write the letter of the best answer or ending in each blank.
_____16. Some African American leaders responded to segregation by
a. tearing up railroad ties and burning houses.
b. educating themselves and writing pamphlets.
c. going to court to change immigration laws.
d. establishing Jim Crow jury boxes.
_____17. W.E.B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington
a. worked together to overturn Jim Crow laws in the South.
b. argued that African Americans should demand full equality.
c. rejected the United States and moved to Ghana.
d. disagreed over whether achieving equality was the burden of the nation or of African Americans.
_____18. The Chinese Exclusion Act
a. barred U.S. cities from hiring Chinese workers.
b. prohibited Chinese laborers from entering the country.
c. stripped Chinese Americans of their U.S. citizenship.
d. forced Chinese children to attend segregated schools.
_____19. Unlike African American men, women in the late 1800s
a. had to pay a poll tax to vote.
b. were able to vote under grandfather clauses.
c. did not have the legal right to vote.
d. experienced no restrictions when voting.
_____20. Which Gilded Age President was known for his integrity?
a. Chester Arthur
b. Grover Cleveland
c. Benjamin Harrison
d. Rutherford B. Hayes
_____21. What did political cartoonist Thomas Nast work to expose?
a. the conspiracy behind James Garfield’s assassination
b. the awarding of thousands of postal jobs in exchange for votes
c. the illegal activities of “Boss” Tweed
d. the secret deal behind the election of Rutherford B. Hayes
_____22. Which of the following encouraged President Arthur to pursue civil service reform?
a. adoption of the gold standard
b. arrest of William “Boss” Tweed
c. assassination of Garfield
d. loss of thousands of postal jobs
_____23. Republicans argued that high tariffs would
a. allow American industries to grow.
b. lead to a loss of manufacturing jobs.
c. increase the costs of consumer goods.
d. make it harder for farmers to sell products abroad.
_____24. The Coinage Act of 1873 caused protest by
a. abolishing paper money.
b. abolishing silver coins.
c. minting gold and silver coins.
d. overturning the gold standard.
_____25. Farmers opposed the gold standard because they claimed that it would
a. cause high inflation.
b. undermine the economy.
c. make the currency unstable.
d. cause crop prices to decline.
_____26. After the Civil War, farmers’ debt increased as a result of
a. falling crop prices.
c. their influence in politics.
b. lower transportation costs.
d. greater crop production.
_____27. In response to the Granger movement,
a. the federal government disbanded the Interstate Commerce Commission.
b. membership in the Farmers’ Alliances declined.
c. the Supreme Court overturned laws regulating the railroads.
d. Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota set maximum rates for shipping.
_____28. Farmers’ Alliances did which of the following?
a. encouraged farmers to disband cooperatives
b. established postal banks to provide farmers with low-interest loans
c. excluded African American farmers
d. ran candidates in local elections to end the gold standard
_____29. What did the Populist Party suggest would raise crop prices?
a. government-owned railroads
c. an alliance of urban workers
b. the coinage of “free silver”
d. a graduated income tax
_____30. The Populist Party lost power in large part as a result of
a. their refusal to endorse William Jennings Bryan.
b. their exclusion of African Americans.
c. the 1896 election of McKinley.
d. the collapse of the gold standard.
Directions: Read the quotation below. Then, on a separate sheet of paper, answer the question that follows.
“[This book] deals with an entirely ideal state of society; and the chief embarrassment of the writers in this realm
of the imagination has been the want of illustrative examples. In a State where there is no fever of speculation, no
inflamed desire for sudden wealth, where the poor are all simple-minded and contented, and the rich are all honest
and generous, where society is in a condition of primitive purity and politics is the occupation of only the capable
and the patriotic, there are necessarily no materials for such a history as we have constructed out of an ideal
—Mark Twain, The Gilded Age, 1873
31. Interpret Point of View: Why does Mark Twain call the economic and social conditions depicted in his novel
“an entirely ideal state of society”?