QUESTIONS on Prologue Through flashbacks we gain an

QUESTIONS on Prologue
1. Through flashbacks we gain an impression of Red Hook past and present. Using brief
quotations, describe what kind of place Red Hook is and used to be.
2. Alfieri is a lawyer. What do Italians traditionally think of the law according to
Alfieri? (Top of P.12)
3. At the bottom of page 12 what hint do we get that this play is going to be a tragedy?
4. 4* A different kind of justice system existed when Alfieri first came to America.
What do you think he means by ‘There were many here who were justly shot by unjust
5. 5* Alfieri says most Italian Americans have changed over the years, become
‘civilised’ and ‘Now we settle for half’. What do you think he means by ‘we settle for
6. How does Alfieri have ‘A view from the Bridge’?
Act 1 - Section 1 Plot Questions
What is Eddie’s job?
Who are Catherine and Beatrice?
How old is Catherine and why does she want to leave school? (P.18)
Eddie calls Catherine ‘Madonna’ What does this phrase mean in Italian and reflect
about his feelings towards his niece?
5) How does Eddie treat his wife, Beatrice towards the end of this scene?
6) Who are coming to stay and why is their concern regarding their status?
7) What is the significance of the Vinnie Bolzano story?
Act 1 Section 2 Questions
What relation to Beatrice are Marco and Rodolpho?
How old is Marco and how old would you guess Rodolpho is? (P.26)
What does Marco want from his time in America? (P.30)
What does Rodolpho want from his time in America? (P.30/31)
What does Rodolpho do that impresses Catherine? (P.32)
What slip of the tongue betrays the fact that Catherine fancies Rodolpho? (bottom
P.32) What can you tell about their developing feelings for each other from the
dialogue at the bottom of page 33?
7) What does Eddie order Catherine to do on P.33? Why do you think he does this?
Act 1 Section 3 Questions
1. What do you think are the two main reasons Eddie has taken a dislike to
2. What do you think Beatrice means by the line “When am I gonna be a wife again
Eddie”? (P.36)
3. What do Eddie’s two friends say about Marco? (P.37)
4. What do Eddie’s two friends say about Rodolpho? (P.37)
5. What does Eddie mean by the advice he gives Catherine about Rodolpho: “He’s only
bowin’ to his passport” ? (P.41)
6. Identify the two examples Beatrice gives of Catherine acting inappropriately in front
of Eddie. (P.43)
7. What is the main advice Beatrice gives to Catherine? (P.43/44)
A View from the Bridge – Act 1 – Section 4
1) What is Eddie’s main purpose for going to see Alfieri?
2) What are the two main arguments Eddie provides in an attempt to find a law against
Rodolpho? (P.45 & P.47)
3) What is the only law against Rodolpho? (P.48)
4) What is Alfieri’s main advice to Eddie on P.48?
A View from the Bridge – Act 1 – Section 5
1) “Girl don’t have to wear black dress to be strict. Know what I mean?” What is Eddie’s
thinly veiled message to Rodolpho in this line?
2) How does Eddie try to humiliate Rodolpho on page 55?
3) What lies behind Eddie’s desire to teach Rodolpho how to box?
4) Why do you think Marco challenges Eddie to lift up a chair at the end?
Act 2 Section 1
What are two reasons Catherine gives for wanting to live in Italy? (P.60)
How does Rodolpho shatter her illusions about Italy? (P.60)
What is Catherine’s real motivation for wanting to live in Italy? (P.60)
What two points does Rodolpho make clear to Catherine? (P.61)
Identify two reasons why Catherine believes she would make a better wife than
Beatrice. (P.62)
“You think it’s so easy to turn around and say to a man he’s nothing to you no
more?”Why might this comment be a hint of Catherine’s unhealthily close relationship
with Eddie? (P.62)
Explain Rodolpho’s metaphor about the bird (P.63)
Why do you think Eddie kisses a) Catherine b) Rodolpho? (P.64)
What is Eddie’s double warning to Rodolpho? (P.65)
Act 2 Sections 2 & 3
How is the light on the phone box an effective stage direction?
2) What does Eddie do against Alfieri’s advice? (P.67)
3) What news does Eddie discover that he finds so distressing on page 70?
4) Why is Eddie so keen to get the other two ‘submarines’ out of the house? (P.72/73)
5) Why might an audience begin to view Eddie’s persistent pleas to Catherine of ‘only
wanting the best for her’ as rather pitiful and empty? (P.73)
6) Who accuses Eddie of betraying them at the end of this scene and how does
everyone but Beatrice react to Eddie? (P.77)
A View from the Bridge – Act 2 Scenes 4 & 5
1) What does Marco want to do to Eddie after being betrayed?
2) *What is Marco’s complaint about the American laws? How do they compare with his
own idea that ‘all the law is not in a book’?
3) Which event does Eddie refuse to attend and what is the only way he says he will
go? (Page 80)
4) What does Rodolpho try and do and how does Eddie react? (Page 82)
5) *How is Eddie’s demand that he ‘wants his name’ hopeless?
6) *How is the fact Eddie dies by ‘his own hand’ symbolic?