
From Tree To Tree
From the TREE of Life
(Garden of Eden) to
the TREE of Life
(Cross of Christ)
Gal 3:13 “Christ hath
redeemed us from the curse
of the law, being made a
curse for us: for it is written,
Cursed is every one that
hangeth on a tree:”
From the TREE of Life
(Garden of Eden)
Gen 1:11-12 “And God
said, Let the earth bring
forth grass, the herb
yielding seed, and the fruit
tree yielding fruit after…
Gen 1:11-12 …his kind,
whose seed is in itself,
upon the earth: and it was
so. And the earth brought
forth grass, and herb…
Gen 1:11-12 …yielding
seed after his kind, and the
tree yielding fruit, whose
seed was in itself, after his
kind: and God saw that it
was good”
Gen 2:9 “And out of the ground
made the LORD God to grow
every tree that is pleasant to the
sight, and good for food; the tree
of life also in the midst of the
garden, and the tree of
knowledge of good and evil”
Gen 2:15-17 “And the LORD
God took the man, and put
him into the garden of Eden
to dress it and to keep it. And
the LORD God commanded
the man, saying, Of every…
Gen 2:15-17 …tree of the
garden thou mayest freely eat:
But of the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil,
thou shalt not eat of it: for in
the day that thou eatest thereof
thou shalt surely die”
Gen 3:22-24 “And the LORD
God said, Behold, the man is
become as one of us, to know
good and evil: and now, lest
he put forth his hand, and
take also of the tree of life…
Gen 3:22-24 …and eat, and
live for ever: Therefore the
LORD God sent him forth
from the garden of Eden, to
till the ground from whence
he was taken. So he drove…
Gen 3:22-24 …out the man;
and he placed at the east of
the garden of Eden
Cherubims, and a flaming
sword which turned every
way, to keep the way of the
tree of life”
Prov 3:13 “Happy is the
man that findeth
wisdom, and the man
that getteth
Prov 3:13, 18 “Happy is the
man that findeth wisdom, and
the man that getteth
understanding…18 She is a
tree of life to them…”
To the TREE of Life
(Cross of Christ)
Gal 3:13 “Christ hath
redeemed us from the curse
of the law, being made a
curse for us: for it is written,
Cursed is every one that
hangeth on a tree:”
Deut 21:23 “His body shall not
remain all night upon the tree, but
thou shalt in any wise bury him that
day; (for he that is hanged is
accursed of God;) that thy land be
not defiled, which the LORD thy
God giveth thee for an inheritance”
Luke 23:33 “And when they
were come to the place, which
is called Calvary, there they
crucified him, and the
malefactors, one on the right
hand, and the other on the left”
1 Pet 2:21-25 “For even
hereunto were ye called:
because Christ also
suffered for us, leaving us
an example, that ye…
1 Pet 2:21-25 …should
follow his steps: Who did
no sin, neither was guile
found in his mouth: Who,
when he was reviled…
1 Pet 2:21-25 …reviled not
again; when he suffered,
he threatened not; but
committed himself to him
that judgeth righteously…
1 Pet 2:21-25 …Who his own
self bare our sins in his own
body on the tree, that we,
being dead to sins, should
live unto righteousness…
1 Pet 2:21-25 …by whose
stripes ye were healed. For ye
were as sheep going astray;
but are now returned unto the
Shepherd and Bishop of your
Acts 13:29-30 “And when they
had fulfilled all that was
written of him, they took him
down from the tree, and laid
him in a sepulchre. But God
raised him from the dead”
Acts 10:39-40 “And we are
witnesses of all things which he
did both in the land of the Jews,
and in Jerusalem; whom they
slew and hanged on a tree: Him
God raised up the third day, and
shewed him openly”
Acts 5:30 “The God of
our fathers raised up
Jesus, whom ye slew
and hanged on a tree”
Rev 22:14 “Blessed are they
that do his commandments,
that they may have right to
the tree of life, and may enter
in through the gates into the
Rev 22:2 “In the midst of
the street of it, and on
either side of the river, was
there the tree of life, which
bare twelve manner of…
Rev 22:2 …fruits, and
yielded her fruit every
month: and the leaves of
the tree were for the
healing of the nations”
Rev 2:7 “He that hath an ear, let
him hear what the Spirit saith
unto the churches; To him that
overcometh will I give to eat of
the tree of life, which is in the
midst of the paradise of God”
From the TREE of Life
(Garden of Eden) to
the TREE of Life
(Cross of Christ)
Luke 6:43-45 “For a good tree
bringeth not forth corrupt
fruit; neither doth a corrupt
tree bring forth good fruit. For
every tree is known by his
own fruit. For of thorns…
Luke 6:43-45 …men do not
gather figs, nor of a bramble
bush gather they grapes. A
good man out of the good
treasure of his heart bringeth
forth that which is good…
Luke 6:43-45 …and an evil
man out of the evil treasure of
his heart bringeth forth that
which is evil: for of the
abundance of the heart his
mouth speaketh”
Luke 3:9 “And now also the
axe is laid unto the root of the
trees: every tree therefore
which bringeth not forth good
fruit is hewn down, and cast
into the fire”
Jer 17:7-8 “Blessed is the
man that trusteth in the
LORD, and whose hope the
LORD is. For he shall be as a
tree planted by the waters,
and that spreadeth out her…
Jer 17:7-8 …roots by the river,
and shall not see when heat
cometh, but her leaf shall be
green; and shall not be careful
in the year of drought, neither
shall cease from yielding fruit”
Seed + Soil + Water.
Gal 3:16 “Now to Abraham
and his seed were the
promises made. He saith not,
And to seeds, as of many; but
as of one, And to thy seed,
which is Christ”
Luke 8:11 “Now the
parable is this: The
seed is the word of
1 Pet 1:23 “Being born
again, not of corruptible
seed, but of incorruptible,
by the word of God, which
liveth and abideth for ever”
Heart =
Matt 13:23 “But he that received
seed into the good ground is he
that heareth the word, and
understandeth it; which also
beareth fruit, and bringeth forth,
some an hundredfold, some
sixty, some thirty”
Luke 8:15 “But that on the
good ground are they,
which in an honest and
good heart, having heard
the word, keep it, and bring
forth fruit with patience”
Matt 5:8 “Blessed are
the pure in heart: for
they shall see God”
Isaiah 66:22 “For as the new
heavens and the new earth,
which I will make, shall
remain before me, saith the
LORD, so shall your seed and
your name remain”
Psa 126:6 “He that goeth
forth and weepeth, bearing
precious seed, shall
doubtless come again with
rejoicing, bringing his
sheaves with him”
Eph 5:26 “That he
might sanctify and
cleanse it with the
washing of water by the
Acts 10:47 “Can any man
forbid water, that these
should not be baptized,
which have received the
Holy Ghost as well as
Heb 10:22 “Let us draw near
with a true heart in full
assurance of faith, having
our hearts sprinkled from an
evil conscience, and our
bodies washed with pure
2 Pet 2:17 “These are wells
without water, clouds that
are carried with a tempest;
to whom the mist of
darkness is reserved for
Gal 3:27 “For as many of
you as have been
baptized into Christ
have put on Christ”
From Tree To Tree
Hear, Believe,
Repent, Confess,