B. to use - HUBT Sharing

1.In the last decade, computers have come an integral part of every life at home, work,
school, and nearly everywhere else. Of course, almost every computer user encounters a
problem occasionally, whether it is the annoyance of a forgotten password or the disaster of a
crashing hard drive. The explosive use of computers has created demand for specialists who
provide advice to users, as well as for the day-to-day administration, maintenance, and
support of computer systems and networks. The word 'integral' in the passage is referred
*All the choices are correct
2.In the last decade, computers have come an integral part of every life at home, work,
school, and nearly everywhere else. Of course, almost every computer user encounters a
problem occasionally, whether it is the annoyance of a forgotten password or the disaster of a
crashing hard drive. The explosive use of computers has created demand for specialists who
provide advice to users, as well as for the day-to-day administration, maintenance, and
support of computer systems and networks. The word ' explosive' in the passage is referred
3.However, machine code as a means of communication is very difficult to write. For this
reason, we use symbolic languages that are easier to understand. Then, by using a special
program, these languages can be translated into machine code. For example, the so-called
assembly languages use abbreviations such as ADD, SUB, MPY to represent instructions.
These mnemonic codes are like labels easily associated with the items to which they refer.
According to the passage, machine code is___.
impossible to write
not easy to write
easy to write
*very difficult to write
4.However, machine code as a means of communication is very difficult to write. For this
reason, we use symbolic languages that are easier to understand. Then, by using a special
program, these languages can be translated into machine code. For example, the so-called
assembly languages use abbreviations such as ADD, SUB, MPY to represent instructions.
These mnemonic codes are like labels easily associated with the items to which they refer.
Which of the following does these languages in the passage refer to?
assembly languages
special programs
*symbolic languages
machine code
5.However, machine code as a means of communication is very difficult to write. For this
reason, we use symbolic languages that are easier to understand. Then, by using a special
program, these languages can be translated into machine code. For example, the so-called
assembly languages use abbreviations such as ADD, SUB, MPY to represent instructions.
These mnemonic codes are like labels easily associated with the items to which they refer.
Which of the following is the word 'instructions' in the passage closest to?
6.Basic languages, where the program is similar to the machine code version, are know as
low-level languages. In these languages, each instruction is equivalent to a single machine
code instruction, and the program is converted into machine code by a special program called
an assembler. These languages are still quite complex and restricted to particular machines.
Which of the following does ' these languages' in the passage refer to?
machine code version
high-level languages
*low-level languages
7.Basic languages, where the program is similar to the machine code version, are know as
low-level languages. In these languages, each instruction is equivalent to a single machine
code instruction, and the program is converted into machine code by a special program called
an assembler. These languages are still quite complex and restricted to particular machines.
Which of the following is not TRUE about the passage?
*Low-level languages are still quite complex and restricted to any machines.
The program is converted into machine code by an assembler.
In these languages, each instruction is equal to a single machine code instruction.
Basic languages are know as low-level languages.
8.To make the program easier to write and to overcome the problem of intercommunication
between different types of machines, higher level languages were designed such as BASIC,
COBOL, FORTRAN or Pascal. These are all problem-oriented rather than machine-oriented.
Programs written in one of these languages (know as source programs) are converted into a
lower-level language by means of a compiler (generating the object program). On
compilation, each statement in a high-level language is generally translated into many
machine code instructions. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
The function of a compiler in a program
The intercommunication between a high-level language and a low-level language.
The difference between problem-oriented and machine-oriented.
*Higher level languages were designed to solve the problem of intercommunication between
different types of machines
9.To make the program easier to write and to overcome the problem of intercommunication
between different types of machines, higher level languages were designed such as BASIC,
COBOL, FORTRAN or Pascal. These are all problem-oriented rather than machine-oriented.
Programs written in one of these languages (know as source programs) are converted into a
lower-level language by means of a compiler (generating the object program). On
compilation, each statement in a high-level language is generally translated into many
machine code instructions. Which of the following does 'these languages' in the passage
refer to?
machine code instruction
*higher level languages
low-level languages
10.To make the programs easier to write and to overcome the problem of intercommunication
between different types of machines, higher level languages were designed such as BASIC,
COBOL, FORTRAN or PASCAL. There are all problem-oriented rather than machineoriented. Programs written in one of these languages ( known as source programs) are
converted into a lower-level language by mean of compiler (generating the object program).
On compilation, each statement in a high-level language is generally translated into many
machine code instructions. The word 'translated' in the passage is the closet to___.
11.People communicate instructions to the computer in symbolic languages and the easier
this communication can be made the wider the application of computers will be. Scientists
are already working on Artificial Intelligence and the next generation of computers may be
able to understand human languages. The word 'communicate' in the passage is the closet
12.People communicate instructions to the computer in symbolic languages and the easier
this communication can be made the wider the application of computers will be. Scientists
are already working on Artificial Intelligence and the next generation of computers may be
able to understand human languages. Which of the following is true about the passage?
Symbolic languages can make a wider application of computers.
*The next generation of computers may be able to understand human languages.
Scientists have been working on Artificial Intelligence
People communicate with the computer in symbolic languages
13.The question of security is crucial when sending confidential information such as credit
card number. For example, consider the process of buying a book on the Web. You have to
type your credit card number into an order from which passes from computer on its way to
the online bookstore. If one of the intermediary computers is infiltrated by hackers, your data
can be copied. it is difficult to say how often this happens, but it's technically possible.
Which of the following is the passage about?
sending confidential data such as credit card number
*the importance of security when sending confidential data
the process of buying a book on the Web
data can be copied by intermediary computers
14.The question of security is crucial when sending confidential information such as credit
card number. For example, consider the process of buying a book on the Web. You have to
type your credit card number into an order from which passes from computer on its way to
the online bookstore. If one of the intermediary computers is infiltrated by hackers, your data
can be copied. it is difficult to say how often this happens, but it's technically possible. The
word 'which' in the passage referred to___
*An order form
Your credit card number
credit card number
the process of buying a book
15.The question of security is crucial when sending confidential information such as credit
card number. For example, consider the process of buying a book on the Web. You have to
type your credit card number into an order from which passes from computer on its way to
the online bookstore. If one of the intermediary computers is infiltrated by hackers, your data
can be copied. it is difficult to say how often this happens, but it's technically possible. The
word 'its' in the passage referred to___
credit card number
*An order form
16. A computer displays images on the phosphor-coated surface of a graphics display screen
by means of an electron beam that sweeps the screen many times each second. Those portions
of the screen energized by the beam emit light, And changes in the intensity of the beam
determine their brightness and hue. The brightness of the resulting image fades quickly,
however, and must be continuously 'refreshed' by the beam, typically 30 times per second.
Which of the following is the passage about?
Performance of an electron beam
The role of the brightness of the resulting image on screen
*How a computer displays images on a graphics display
The interaction between brightness and hue on the screen.
17.A computer displays images on the phosphor-coated surface of a graphics display screen
by means of an electron beam that sweeps the screen many times each second. Those portions
of the screen energized by the beam emit light, And changes in the intensity of the beam
determine their brightness and hue. The brightness of the resulting image fades quickly,
however, and must be continuously 'refreshed' by the beam, typically 30 times per second.
The word 'portion' in the passage is closest to_____
18. Private networks connected to the internet can be attacked by intruders who attempt to
take valuable information such as Social security numbers, bank accounts or research and
business reports. To protect crucial data, companies hire security consultants who analyze the
risks and provide security solution. The most common methods of protection are passwords
for access control, encryption and decryption systems, and firewalls. The word 'intruders' in
the passage is referred to_____
While hackers
19.Private networks connected to the internet can be attacked by intruders who attempt to
take valuable information such as Social security numbers, bank accounts or research and
business reports. To protect crucial data, companies hire security consultants who analyze the
risks and provide security solution. The most common methods of protection are passwords
for access control, encryption and decryption systems, and firewalls. According to the
passage, which of the following do security consultants do?
*Analyze the risks and provide security solutions
Take valuable information
Provide common methods of protection
Protect crucial data
20. If your friend suddenly had an accident and was unconscious or incoherent, could you
provide any information to an ambulance crew? Would you know her type, her allergies, the
prescription drugs she takes? Probably not. Even family members may not have this
information, or be too distraught themselves to provide needed medical information. Enter
the MediCard, a plastic card that has an embedded chip containing all that patient
information. Small computers that can read the cards are installed in ambulances and in
hospital emergency rooms. This system is working successfully in some communities. The
biggest problem is making sure that people carry their cards at all times. Which of the
following is the passage about?
Performance of an ambulance crew
Providing needed medical information
*Introduction of the MediCard
Installing small computers in ambulances and in hospital emergency rooms
21. If your friend suddenly had an accident and was unconscious or incoherent, could you
provide any information to an ambulance crew? Would you know her type, her allergies, the
prescription drugs she takes? Probably not. Even family members may not have this
information, or be too distraught themselves to provide needed medical information. Enter
the Medicard, a plastic card that has an embedded chip containing all that patient information.
Small computers that can read the cards are installed in ambulances and in hospital
emergency rooms. This system is working successfully in some communities. The biggest
problem is making sure that people carry their cards at all times. According to the passage
which of the following is NOT TRUE about the Medicard
A plastic card with an embedded chip providing a person's needed medical information
A plastic card with an embedded chip providing a person's blood type, her allergies, the
prescription drugs
A plastic card with an embedded chip containing all that patient information
*the Medicard is installed in ambulances and in hospital emergency rooms
22. If your friend suddenly had an accident and was unconscious or incoherent, could you
provide any information to an ambulance crew? Would you know her type, her allergies, the
prescription drugs she takes? Probably not. Even family members may not have this
information, or be too distraught themselves to provide needed medical information. Enter
the Medicard, a plastic card that has an embedded chip containing all that patient information.
Small computers that can read the cards are installed in ambulances and in hospital
emergency rooms. This system is working successfully in some communities. The biggest
problem is making sure that people carry their cards at all times.
the passage is closest to_____
The word 'distraught' in
23. This may sound very much like shopping by the internet, but in fifty years' time it will be
very different. Shoppers will be able to scan down virtual supermarket aisles on their PC and
click on to whatever they want, the goods will then be delivered shortly afterwards.
Customers may well be able ta call up a virtual assistant who will talk them through their
shopping or to ask the computer for suggestions. Moreover, people will be able to get
background information on shops and goods, and will be able to boycott any that offend their
ethical considerations. Which of the following is the passage is mainly about?
Goods delivery
Getting background information on shops and goods
*Computer shopping
Shopping by the internet.
24. Computer support specialists provide technical assistance, support, and advice to
customers and other users. This occupational group includes technical support specialists and
help-desk technicians. These troubleshooters interpret problems and provide technical
support for hardware, software, and systems. They answer telephone calls, analyze problems
by using automated diagnostic program, and resolve recurring difficulties. What do
*technical support specialists and help-desk technicians
help-desk technicians
technical support specialists
customers and other users
25. Computer support specialists provide technical assistance, support, and advice to
customers and other users. This occupational group includes technical support specialists and
help-desk technicians. These troubleshooters interpret problems and provide technical
support for hardware, software, and systems. They answer telephone calls, analyze problems
by using automated diagnostic program, and resolve recurring difficulties. What is not the
job task of computer support specialists?
Providing technical support for hardware and software
*Providing technical support and diagnosis program to customers
Providing advice to customers via telephone
Using automated diagnostic programs to analyze problems
26. Experts advise us to register country-specific do main names such as '.fr' for France, '.mx'
for Mexico or '.vn' for Vietnam. That way, we can protect our brand name in other countries
and be ready to expand our business internationally. There are now more than 191 countrycode domain names available, each with its own set of regulations. A Belgian company's
country-code domain names will most probably be�
*None of the choices is accepted EXCEPT THIS ONE
27. Experts advise us to register country-specific do main names such as '.fr' for France, '.mx'
for Mexico or '.vn' for Vietnam. That way, we can protect our brand name in other countries
and be ready to expand our business internationally. There are now more than 191 countrycode domain names available, each with its own set of regulations. What is not true about
country-specific domain names ?
They are, for example , .fr, .mx, or .vn
There are nearly 100 country- specific domain names now
*Country- specific domain names may the same for some countries
Country-code domain names has different regulations
28. Experts advise us to register country-specific do main names such as '.fr' for France, '.mx'
for Mexico or '.vn' for Vietnam. That way, we can protect our brand name in other countries
and be ready to expand our business internationally. There are now more than 191 countrycode domain names available, each with its own set of regulations. Why should we register
country- specific domain names?
*To protect our brand in other countries
To expand locally
To have a set of regulations
To protect your business domestically
29. the U.S. Anti-cyber squatting Consumer Protection Act, which makes it easier for
business to sue pirates holding domain names for ransom, has just been approved. However,
the effectiveness of the new remains an open question. Moreover, small companies and
individuals cannot afford a lengthy court battle. What can RANSOM most probably be?
30. the U.S. Anti-cyber squatting Consumer Protection Act, which makes it easier for
businesses to sue pirates holding domain names for ransom, has just been approved.
However, the effectiveness of the new law remains an open question. Moreover, small
companies and individuals cannot afford a lengthy court battle. Which statement is not
In the US, there has been an anti-cyber squatting Consumer Act
*There is a question about the anti-cyber squatting Consumer Act
If you cyber squat in the US, you may be sued
People are still not sure about the effectiveness of the anti-cyber squatting Consumer Act
31. a new batch of domain extensions would open the field for businesses and consumers
who have been shut out of the '.com' Web land. Based on negotiations among ICANN
members, there ultimately could be many more extensions. No final decisions have been
made -ICANN is expected to debate this issue at its next international conference -but new
extensions under consideration include .biz, .firm, .shop, .airline. What is not true about the
ICANN members decide what new extensions should be included
ICANN hasn't decided what new extensions should be
*biz, .firm, .airline and .shop are four new extensions that ICANN has decided to have
one of the topics to be discussed at ICANN's next international conference is a new batch of
domain extensions
32. A new batch of domain extensions would open the field for businesses and consumers
who have been shut out of the 'com' web land. Based on negotiations among ICANN
members , there ultimately could be many more extension. No final decisions have been
made-ICANN is expected to debate this is sue at its next international conference- but new
extensions under consideration include .biz, .firm, .shop, .airline. What is the main idea of
the text?
ICANN members
ICANN's next international conference
*new domain extensions
33. A new batch of domain extensions would open the field for businesses and consumers
who have been shut out of the 'com' web land. Based on negotiations among ICANN
members , there ultimately could be many more extension. No final decisions have been
made-ICANN is expected to debate this is sue at its next international conference- but new
extensions under consideration include .biz, .firm, .shop, .airline. What dose BATCH mean
in this text?
*roup or set
34. Cyber squatters only have to pay $35 for a domain name and the return on a $35
investment can range hundreds to thousands- and sometime even millions- of dollars,
depending on the buyer. A trio of cyber squatters made headlines last year when they tried to
sell barrydiller.Com for $10 million. But rather than pay, USA Networks CEO Barry Diller
took them to court and won. How much did Barry Diller pay for 'barrydiller.com'?
35. Cyber squatters only have to pay $35 for a domain name and the return on a $35
investment can range hundreds to thousands- and sometime even millions- of dollars,
depending on the buyer. A trio of cyber squatters made headlines last year when they tried to
sell barrydiller.Com for $10 million. But rather than pay, USA Networks CEO Barry Diller
took them to court and won. How much does a domain name cost?
36. Viruses can enter a PC through files from disks, the internet or bulletin board systems. If
you want to protect your system, don't open e-mail attachments from strangers and take care
when downloading files from the web. What dose the writer advise us to do to avoid
*never open email attachments from a person you do not know
never download files from the internet
never use removable disks without scanning you do not know
never join a bulletin board system
37. To protect crucial data, companies hire security consultants who analyze the risks and
provide security solutions. The most common methods of protection are access control,
encryption and decryption systems, and firewalls. Which of the following are the ways to
protect data that people often use?
hiring security consultants, using passwords, firewalls and decryption and decryption systems
analyzing risks and using password , firewalls and decryption and decryption systems
*using password , firewalls and decryption and decryption systems
all of the choices are true
38. To protect crucial data, companies hire security consultants who analyze the risks and
provide security solutions. The most common methods of protection are access control,
encryption and decryption systems, and firewalls. This is an extract from an article
*internet security
the job of security consultant
coding systems
39. pictures are stored and processed in a computer's memory by either of two methods:
raster graphics and vector graphics. Raster-type graphics maintain an image as a matrix of
independently controlled dots, while vector graphics maintain it as a collection of points,
lines, and arcs. Raster graphics are now the domain computer graphics technology Which
type of graphics is more popularly used nowadays?
*raster graphics
vector graphics
the one that uses points and lines
the one that uses dots and arcs
40. pictures are stored and processed in a computer's memory by either of two methods:
raster graphics and vector graphics. Raster-type graphics maintain an image as a matrix of
independently controlled dots, while vector graphics maintain it as a collection of points,
lines, and arcs. Raster graphics are now the domain computer graphics technology What is
the text mainly about?
*how pictures are stored and processed
a prospect for raster graphics
dominant computer graphics technology
the similarity between raster and vector graphics.
41. a computer-graphics system basically consists of a computer to store and manipulate
images, a display screen, various input and output devices, and a graphics software package,
i.e. a program that enables a computer to process graphics images by means of mathematical
language. these program enable the computer to draw, colour, shade, and manipulate the
images held in its memory.
What can users do with a graphics package?
store images
process mathematical language.
*draw pictures or images
hold images in memory
42. a computer-graphics system basically consists of a computer to store and manipulate
images, a display screen, various input and output devices, and a graphics software package,
i.e. a program that enables a computer to process graphics images by means of mathematical
language. these program enable the computer to draw, colour, shade, and manipulate the
images held in its memory. What is a graphics package?
devices storing and manipulating images
input and output devices
a mathematical languages
*a program enabling computers to process graphics images
43. a computer-graphics system basically consists of a computer to store and manipulate
images, a display screen, various input and output devices, and a graphics software package,
i.e. a program that enables a computer to process graphics images by means of mathematical
language. these program enable the computer to draw, colour, shade, and manipulate the
images held in its memory.
How many main parts or components needed in a computergraphics system are
mentioned in the text?
44.justin Hall, who began eleven years of personal blogging in 1994 while a student at
Swarthmore College is generally recognized as one of the earliest bloggers, as is Jerry
Pournelle. What can we say about Justin Hall?
he's amongst the first people who had a blog
he studied at Swarthmore
he first blogged in 1994
*all of the choices are right
45.support specialists may write training manuals and train computer users in how to use new
computer hardware and software. What are training manuals?
*instructions to use computers
books on training
documents for advertising computers
leaflets about computers
46.to create the illusion of movement, an image is displayed o the computer screen then
quickly replaced by a new image that is similar to the previous image, but shifted slightly.
What does the phrase SHIFTED SLIGHTLY mean?
moved a bit
*changed a bit
changed a lot
remained unchanged
47.there are a lot of benefirts from an open system like the internet, but we are also exposed
to hackers who break into computer system just for fun, as well as to steal information or
propagate viruses.so how do you go about making online transactions secure?
What does
the word PROPAGATE mean in this text?
48.there are a lot of benefirts from an open system like the internet, but we are also exposed
to hackers who break into computer system just for fun, as well as to steal information or
propagate viruses.so how do you go about making online transactions secure?
What is
NOT true about the text?
The internet has good side as well as bad side
there are three reasons why hackers breaking into computer system
our system can be attacked if we are connected to an open system
*all hackers want to steal data from the system they break into
49.after a slow star ,blogging rapidly gained in popularity. blog usage the near-simultaneous
arrival of the first hosted blog tools such as open diary which was launched in October
1998,soon growing to thousands of online diaries. open diary innovated the reader comment,
becoming the first blog community where readers could add comments to other writes' blog
entries. According to the passage, which of the following statements is right?
people liked blogging from the first time
Blog appeared first in1999
*blogging didn't develop well at first
blogging was named Open Diary
50. After a slow star, blogging rapidly gained in popularity. Blog usage spread during 1999
and the years following, being further popularized by the near - simultaneous arrival of the
first hosed blog tools such as Open diary which was launched in October 1998, soon growing
to thousands of online diaries. Open Diary innovated the reader comment becoming the fist
blog community where reads could and comments to other writer's blog entries. The phrase
� gain in popularity� in the passage means ____.
became more and more popular
became less and less developed
*attracted the attention of few people
became attracted by the population
51. After a slow star, blogging rapidly gained in popularity. Blog usage spread during 1999
and the years following, being further popularized by the near - simultaneous arrival of the
first hosed blog tools such as Open diary which was launched in October 1998, soon growing
to thousands of online diaries. Open Diary innovated the reader comment becoming the fist
blog community where reads could and comments to other writer's blog entries. What can
be inferred from the passage?
*After a slow start, a lot of users liked and supported blogging
After a slow start, blogging became popular until 1999
The launching of Open diary made lots of people know about blogging
People liked blogging because they could write comments to it
52. However, the evolution of tools to facilitate the production and maintenance of web
articles posted in reverse chronological order made the publishing process feasible to a much
larger, less technical, population. How are web articles arranged?
The oldest entry is followed by others
*The latest entry is followed by the less recent
Entries are randomly selected to appear
Entries are shown according to their page view counts
53. Cyber - squatters only have to pay $35 for a domain name and the return on a $35
investment can range from hundreds to thousands and sometime even millions depending on
the buyer. A trio of cyber - squatters made headlines last year when they tried to sell
barrydiller.com for $10 million
. But rather than pay, USA Networks CEO Barry Diller
took them to court and won. Which statement is TRUE?
*The fee for registering a domain name $ barrydiller.com 35
Cyber - squatter only have to invest $35
USA Network had to pay $10 million for domain name
It is the Cyber - squatters who decide the price of a domain name
54. Cyber - squatters only have to pay $35 for a domain name and the return on a $35
investment can range from hundreds to thousands and sometime even millions depending on
the buyer. A trio of cyber - squatters made headlines last year when they tried to sell
barrydiller.com for $10 million. But rather than pay, USA Networks CEO Barry Diller took
them to court and won. Make headlines' means_____.
To make headline for barydiller.com
*To be an important item of news in newspapers or on the radio or television
To make barrydiller.com famous
To be an important item in the Internet
55. Now let's turn our attention to speed. Access times vary from 8ms to 20ms. Access time' or seek time - is the time it takes your read/write heads to find any particular record. You
have to distinguish8 clearly between seek time (e.g.20ms) �and data transfer rate� ( the
average speed required to transmit data from a disk system to the RAM, e.g. at 20 megabits
per second). Remember that the transfer rate also depend on the power o your computer.
Which statement is TRUE according to the text?
Access time and data transfer rate mean the same
Seek time and data transfer rate mean the same
*Access time and seek time mean the same
Access time is the average time required for the recording
56. Now let's turn our attention to speed. Access times vary from 8ms to 20ms. Access time' or seek time - is the time it takes your read/write heads to find any particular record. You
have to distinguish8 clearly between seek time (e.g.20ms) �and data transfer rate� ( the
average speed required to transmit data from a disk system to the RAM, e.g. at 20 megabits
per second). Remember that the transfer rate also depend on the power o your computer.
The access time is always____.
Over 20ms
Under 8ms
8ms or 20ms
*Between 8ms and 20ms
57. The Maltese Amoeba may sound like a cartoon character, but if attacked your computer,
you wouldn't be laughing. The Maltese Amoeba is a computer virus. It is a form of software
which can �infect� your system and destroy your data. Making computer viruses is only
one type of computer crime. Others include hacking ( changing data in a computer without
permission) and pirating ( illegally copying software programs). How many types of
computer crimes are mentioned is the passage?
58.the Maltese amoeba may sound like a cartoon character but if it attacked your computer
you wouldn't be laughing the Maltese amoeba is a computer virus.it is a from of software
which can infect your system and destroy your data making computer viruses is only one type
of computer crime. others include hacking and pirating( illegally copying software
programs). Which one is NOT MENTIONED
name of a computer virus
*How can a virus work
types of computer crimes
the definition of computer virus
59, the Maltese amoeba may sound like a cartoon character but if it attacked your computer
you wouldn't be laughing the Maltese amoeba is a computer virus.it is a from of software
which can infect your system and destroy your data making computer viruses is only one type
of computer crime. others include hacking and pirating( illegally copying software
programs). Which is NOT TRUER about the text
*pirating means legally copying software programs
hacking is one type of computer crime
computer virus is a form of software which can infect your system and destroy your data
when Maltese amoeba attacked your computer your wouldn't be laughing
60. a postscript file consists of two main parts: the prolong which contains a set of
subroutines used to from different graphic elements and the script which contains the
elements introduced by the user the script calls up the subroutines stored in the subroutines
stored in the prolog and adds the parameters for example, if you have drawn a square of 10x5
cm the script calls up the subroutines square and specifies the values 10x5.
statement is NOT TRUE
prolog and script are two main parts of a postscript file
*prolong contains different graphic element such as rectangle and curves
subroutines used to form different graphic element are stored in the prolog
the script calls up the subroutines and adds the parameters
61. a postscript file consists of two main parts: the prolong which contains a set of
subroutines used to from different graphic elements and the script which contains the
elements introduced by the user the script calls up the subroutines stored in the subroutines
stored in the prolog and adds the parameters for example, if you have drawn a square of 10x5
cm the script calls up the subroutines square and specifies the values 10x5. If you want to
draw an equilateral triangle of 5cm the script calls up the subroutines____.
square and specifies the values 5
square stored in the prolog and adds the parameter 5
*triangle stored in the prolog and add the parameter 5
triangle in the script and specifies the values 5
62. Graphics software programs enable the user to draw colour and shade and manipulate an
image on a display screen with command input by a keyboard.
What can be inferred from
the passage?
*the keyboard can be used to input commands
we can use the keyboard to draw
graphics software can store an image
graphics software lets users to manipulate different kinds of texts
63.help-desk technicians deal directly with customer issues and companies value them ass a
source of feedback on their products. they are consulted for information about what gives
customers the most trouble as well as other customer concerns most computer support
specialists start out at the help desk. Help desk technicians���_______.
make deals with customers
value customers as source of feedback
*collect information about customers issues
help customers through telephone line
64. help-desk technicians deal directly with customer issues and companies value them ass a
source of feedback on their products. they are consulted for information about what gives
customers the most trouble as well as other customer concerns most computer support
specialists start out at the help desk.
According to the passage which one is NOT TRUE
about help technicians?
they deals directly with the customers
they may start their job at the help desk
they know customers problems
*they value customers
65. They are talking to each other. The very first job of the Internet was to move files from
one computer to another even when these computers were very far apart, and Files Transfer
protocol was used for this job. If you use the Net just to browse your favorite website, you
may not use FTP a lot, but the people who built those websites almost certainly used a FTP
program to put the pages on the web in the first place.
Which of the following is the best
definition of a protocol?
The way that a computer talk
Something made from FTP
A method between two computers
*An agreed means of communication
66. one of the earliest bits of the Net is FTP, which stands for Files Transfer Protocol. 'File'
and 'transfer' are easy enough to understand, but what is a 'protocol'? Put simply, a protocol is
a method that two computer have agreed to use when they are talking to each other. The very
first job of the Internet was to move files from one computer to another even when these
computers were very far apart, and File Transfer Protocol was used for this job. If you use the
Net just to browses your favorite websites, you may not use FTB a lot, but the people who
built those website almost certainly used a FTB program to put the pages on the web in the
first place.
Which of the following sentence is not true according to the passage?
You may not use ATP very often if you the internet just to browses your favorite website
*The very first job of the Internet was to move files from one computer to another if these
computer were not very far apart
File Transfer Protocol was used for moving files between computer
People use a ATP program to put the pages on the website
67. we all know what e-mail is, but did you know that you usually use two different protocols
with it? We usually send mail by SMTP( Simple Mail Transfer protocol) and pick it up, as
you might expect by POP ( Post Office Protocol). And yes, the World Wide Web also uses a
protocol. The links on a web page that you click to take you to another part � the Net are
call ' hypertext links'. Now look at the top of your web page, and you should see
'http://www.english-online.org.uk/'. Http stands for(you guessed it!) Hypertext Transfer
Protocol and that 'www' after that show that this page is part of the world wide web.
How many protocol dose the text mention?
68. we all know what e-mail is, but did you know that you usually use two different protocols
with it? We usually send mail by SMTP( Simple Mail Transfer protocol) and pick it up, as
you might expect by POP ( Post Office Protocol). And yes, the World Wide Web also uses a
protocol. The links on a web page that you click to take you to another part � the Net are
call ' hypertext links'. Now look at the top of your web page, and you should see
'http://www.english-online.org.uk/'. Http stands for(you guessed it!) Hypertext Transfer
Protocol and that 'www' after that show that this page is part of the world wide web.
How many protocol dose the text mention?
At the top of the web page shows that it is part of the world 'www' wide web
Http stands for hypertext Transfer Protocol
Hypertext links is the links from a web page to another part of the net
*http means you guessed it
69. we all know what e-mail is, but did you know that you usually use two different protocols
with it? We usually send mail by SMTP( Simple Mail Transfer protocol) and pick it up, as
you might expect by POP ( Post Office Protocol). And yes, the World Wide Web also uses a
protocol. The links on a web page that you click to take you to another part � the Net are
call ' hypertext links'. Now look at the top of your web page, and you should see
'http://www.english-online.org.uk/'. Http stands for(you guessed it!) Hypertext Transfer
Protocol and that 'www' after that show that this page is part of the world wide web.
How many protocol are used to send an email?
70. we all know what e-mail is, but did you know that you usually use two different protocols
with it? We usually send mail by SMTP( Simple Mail Transfer protocol) and pick it up, as
you might expect by POP ( Post Office Protocol). And yes, the World Wide Web also uses a
protocol. The links on a web page that you click to take you to another part � the Net are
call ' hypertext links'. Now look at the top of your web page, and you should see
'http://www.english-online.org.uk/'. Http stands for(you guessed it!) Hypertext Transfer
Protocol and that 'www' after that show that this page is part of the world wide web.
Which of the following statement is true?
You use Http to send an email
You use SMTP and POP to send an email
*You use SMTP to send an email
You use two different protocols to send an email
71. A blog is website in which items are posted on a regular basis and displayed in reverse
chronological order. The term blog is a shortened from of web log, maintaining a blog or
adding an article to an existing blog is called 'blogging'. Individual articles on a blog are
called 'blog post', 'posts' or 'entries'. A person who posts these entries is called a 'blogger'.
'blog' can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog. Blogs use a
conversational style of document. Often blogs focus on particular area of interest s, such as
Washington D.C.'s political going-on. Some blogs discuss personal experiences.
Blog definition and related term
*What is a blog?
Blog definition and uses
Blog definition and topics
72. A blogs is a website in which items are posted on a regular basis and displayed in reverse
chronological order. The term blog is a shortened form of weblog or web log .Authoring a
blog, maintaining a blog or adding an article to an existing blog is called 'blogging'.
Individual articles on a blog are called 'blog posts', 'posts', or 'entries'. A person who posts
these entries is called a 'blogger'. 'Blog' can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or
add content to a blog. Blogs conversational style documentation. often blogs focus on
particular ' area of interest', such as Washington D.C.'s political goings-on. Some blogs
discuss personal experiences.
Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the
Blog's related terms
*types od blog
blog's is topics
blog definiton
73. A blogs is a website in which items are posted on a regular basis and displayed in reverse
chronological order. The term blog is a shortened form of weblog or web log .Authoring a
blog, maintaining a blog or adding an article to an existing blog is called 'blogging'.
Individual articles on a blog are called 'blog posts', 'posts', or 'entries'. A person who posts
these entries is called a 'blogger'. 'Blog' can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or
add content to a blog. Blogs conversational style documentation. often blogs focus on
particular ' area of interest', such as Washington D.C.'s political goings-on. Some blogs
discuss personal experiences.
Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE?
Blog can be used as a verb
blog is short form of weblog
Blog can be used as a noun
*Blog can be used as an adverb
74. A blogs is a website in which items are posted on a regular basis and displayed in reverse
chronological order. The term blog is a shortened form of weblog or web log .Authoring a
blog, maintaining a blog or adding an article to an existing blog is called 'blogging'.
Individual articles on a blog are called 'blog posts', 'posts', or 'entries'. A person who posts
these entries is called a 'blogger'. 'Blog' can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or
add content to a blog. Blogs conversational style documentation. often blogs focus on
particular ' area of interest', such as Washington D.C.'s political goings-on. Some blogs
discuss personal experiences.
Items displayed in reverse chronological order
*events arranged in reverse order in which they happened
Items arranged in chronological order in which they happened
Items displayed upside down
events arranged in the order in which they happened
75. A blogs is a website in which items are posted on a regular basis and displayed in reverse
chronological order. The term blog is a shortened form of weblog or web log .Authoring a
blog, maintaining a blog or adding an article to an existing blog is called 'blogging'.
Individual articles on a blog are called 'blog posts', 'posts', or 'entries'. A person who posts
these entries is called a 'blogger'. 'Blog' can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or
add content to a blog. Blogs conversational style documentation. often blogs focus on
particular ' area of interest', such as Washington D.C.'s political goings-on. Some blogs
discuss personal experiences.
which of the following statement is true?
Articles on a blog are called ' blogging'
Blog always focus on a particular 'are of interest'
*author of a blog is called a 'blogger'
Posting articles into a blog is called 'posts'
76.viruses are programs which are written deliberately to damage data. viruses can hide
themselves in a computer system. Some viruses are fairly harmless. They may flash a
message on screen, such as ' gotcha! bet you don't know how i crept in'. The Yankee Doodle
virus plays this American tune on the computer's small internal speaker every eight days at 5
p.m. Others have serious effects. They attach themselves to the operating system and can
wipe out all your data or turn it into gobbledygook. When the Cascade virus attacks, all the
letters in a file fall into a heap at the bottom of the screen. This looks spectacular but it's hard
to see the funny side when it's your document.
Others' refers to_____.
Other message
*other viruses
other programs
other tunes
77. viruses are programs which are written deliberately to damage data. viruses can hide
themselves in a computer system. Some viruses are fairly harmless. They may flash a
message on screen, such as ' gotcha! bet you don't know how i crept in'. The Yankee Doodle
virus plays this American tune on the computer's small internal speaker every eight days at 5
p.m. Others have serious effects. They attach themselves to the operating system and can
wipe out all your data or turn it into gobbledygook. When the Cascade virus attacks, all the
letters in a file fall into a heap at the bottom of the screen. This looks spectacular but it's hard
to see the funny side when it's your document.
which of the following statement is true?
*The Cascade can turn your into gobbledygook
All viruses have serious effects on your computers
The Yankee Doodle flashes a message on screen
Some viruses are totally harmless
78. viruses are programs which are written deliberately to damage data. viruses can hide
themselves in a computer system. Some viruses are fairly harmless. They may flash a
message on screen, such as ' gotcha! bet you don't know how i crept in'. The Yankee Doodle
virus plays this American tune on the computer's small internal speaker every eight days at 5
p.m. Others have serious effects. They attach themselves to the operating system and can
wipe out all your data or turn it into gobbledygook. When the Cascade virus attacks, all the
letters in a file fall into a heap at the bottom of the screen. This looks spectacular but it's hard
to see the funny side when it's your document.
Which of the following statement is true?
*The Yankee Doodle virus activates at 5 p.m every eight days
The Yankee doodle virus plays this American tune on the computer's small internal speaker
every days at 5p.m
the Cascade can wipe out all your data
When the Cascade virus attacks you are funny because the screen looks spectacular
79. A PostScript file consists of two main parts: the 'prolog' which contains a set of
subroutines used to form different graphic elements (rectangles, curves, etc�), and the script,
which contains the elements introduced by the user. The script calls up the subroutines stored
in the prolog and adds the parameters: for example, if you have drawn a square of 10x5 cm,
the script calls up the subroutine Square and specifies the values 10x5.
Which of the
following statement is Not True?
Prolog and script are two main parts of a Postscript file
Subroutines used to form different graphic elements are stored in the prolog
*Prolog contains different graphic elements such as rectangles and curves
The script calls up the subroutines ands the parameters.
80. . A PostScript file consists of two main parts: the 'prolog' which contains a set of
subroutines used to form different graphic elements (rectangles, curves, etc�), and the script,
which contains the elements introduced by the user. The script calls up the subroutines stored
in the prolog and adds the parameters: for example, if you have drawn a square of 10x5 cm,
the script calls up the subroutine Square and specifies the values 10x5.
If you want to
draw an equilateral triangle of 5cm the script calls up the subroutines _____.
Triangle in the script and specifies the values 5
Square stored in the prolog and adds the parameter 5
Square and specifies the values 5
*Triangle stored in the prolog and adds the parameter 5
81. Graphics software program enable the user to draw, colour and shade; and manipulate an
image on a display screen with commands input by a keyboard.
What can be inferred
from the passage?
*The keyboard can be used to input commands
Graphics software lets user to manipulate different kinds of texts
Graphics software can store an image
We can use the keyboard to draw
82. Project managers develop requirements, budgets, and schedules for their firms'
information technology projects. They coordinate such projects from development through
implementation, working with internal and external clients, vendors, consultants, and
computer specialists. These managers are increasingly involved in projects that upgrade the
information security of an organization.
Project managers in IT often responsible
Being involved in projects
Upgrade the information security of an organization
Coordinating the different projects
*Developing requirements, budgets, and schedules for their firms' information technology
83. when buying a hard disk you should considers the kinds of drive mechanisms and
products available. There are 'internal' and 'external' drives which are bots fixed hard drive,
i.e. rigid disks sealed into the drive unit, either within or attached to the computer. A third
type of hard drive, known as 'removable', allows in formation to be recorded on 'cartridges',
which can be removed and stored off-line for security purposes. Popular removable hard
disks include Jaz and Zip drives. A Jaz cartridge can store up to 2 GB of data, whereas a Zip
drive can store up to 250 MB of data.
How many factors should you consider when
buying a hard disk?
84. when buying a hard disk you should considers the kinds of drive mechanisms and
products available. There are 'internal' and 'external' drives which are bots fixed hard drive,
i.e. rigid disks sealed into the drive unit, either within or attached to the computer. A third
type of hard drive, known as 'removable', allows in formation to be recorded on 'cartridges',
which can be removed and stored off-line for security purposes. Popular removable hard
disks include Jaz and Zip drives. A Jaz cartridge can store up to 2 GB of data, whereas a Zip
drive can store up to 250 MB of data.
How many types of hard drives are ment ioned in
the passage?
85. when buying a hard disk you should considers the kinds of drive mechanisms and
products available. There are 'internal' and 'external' drives which are bots fixed hard drive,
i.e. rigid disks sealed into the drive unit, either within or attached to the computer. A third
type of hard drive, known as 'removable', allows in formation to be recorded on 'cartridges',
which can be removed and stored off-line for security purposes. Popular removable hard
disks include Jaz and Zip drives. A Jaz cartridge can store up to 2 GB of data, whereas a Zip
drive can store up to 250 MB of data.
Which type of hard disk can be stored off-line for
security puposes?
86.As your e-mail message travels across the net, it is copied temporarily on many computers
in between. This means it can be read by unscrupulous people who illegally enter computer
systems. The only way to protect a message is to put it in a sort of' envelope' , that is, to
encode it with some form of encryption. A system designed to send e-mail privately is Pretty
Good Privacy, a freeware program written by Phil Zimmerman
According to the
passage, which statement is NOT TRUE?
Using encryption to make your message safer online.
A kind of 'envelope' is used for your message.
*You can send messages securely through the net
Your e-mail messages travels through the net
87 As your e-mail message travels across the net, it is copied temporarily on many computers
in between. This means it can be read by unscrupulous people who illegally enter computer
systems. The only way to protect a message is to put it in a sort of' envelope' , that is, to
encode it with some form of encryption. A system designed to send e-mail privately is Pretty
Good Privacy, a freeware program written by Phil Zimmerman.
The word 'it' in the
passage is referred to�����_____.
The envelope
The form
88. As your e-mail message travels across the net, it is copied temporarily on many
computers in between. This means it can be read by unscrupulous people who illegally enter
computer systems. The only way to protect a message is to put it in a sort of' envelope' , that
is, to encode it with some form of encryption. A system designed to send e-mail privately is
Pretty Good Privacy, a freeware program written by Phil Zimmerman.
What can be
referred from the passage ?
Using 'envelope' is the safest way to protect your message
*Your messages through the net are sometimes exposed to others
Most of Internet users are illegally
It is very sending e-mail through the Internet
89. private networks connected to the Internet can be attacked by intruders who attempt to
take valuable information such as Social Security numbers, bank account or research and
business reports. To protect crucial data, companies hire security consultants who analyze the
risks and provide security solutions. The most common methods of protection are password
for access control, encryption and decryption system, and firewalls.
How many ways to
protect private networks are mentioned in the passage?
90. Security is crucial when you send confidential information online. Consider, for
example, the process of buying a book on the web. You have to type your credit card number
into an order form which passes form computer to computer on its way to the online book
store. If one of the intermediary computer is infiltrated by hacker, you data can by copied.
Which of the following does the passage imply?
You have to use credit card buying online.
Someone might copy your data when you send it on the Internet.
You can visit a book store online.
*You should pay attention when sending important data online.
91. There are many benefits form an open system like the Internet, but one of the ricks is that
we are often exposed to hackers, who break into computer system just for fun, to steal
information, or to spread viruses.
Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the
People can get both the good side as well as the bad side of the Internet.
The Internet is an open system.
*Hackers do no harm on the Internet.
People who break into computer system are called hackers.
92. Publishing has existed in its current form for centuries. Ever since paper was first
invented, human being have found ways of using it to pass on message to each other. Book,
magazines, and newspapers are now part of our everyday lives, but with invention of the
Internet and the speed of new technological advances, the word of publishing is changing.
Online newspapers and magazines, blogs, and even e-book are changing the way we get
Which of the following is TRUE about the passage?
Paper publication is the only way of getting information for users.
*Online publishing have great effect towards the way people get information.
Books, newspapers and magazines are sold online.
The Internet hasn't made any change in the world of publishing.
93. The only language a PC can directly execute is machine code, which is consists of 1s or
0s. This language is difficult to write, so we use symbolic languages that are easier to
understand. For example, assembly languages use abbreviations such as ADD, SUB, and
MPY to represent instructions. The program is then translated into machine code by software
called an assembler.
Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
*People easily understand machine code.
Programmers use abbreviation to write instruction.
An assembler translates symbolic languages into machine code.
Machine code is a kind of computer languages consists of 1s and 0s.
94. The only language a PC can directly execute is machine code, which is consists of 1s or
0s. This language is difficult to write, so we use symbolic languages that are easier to
understand. For example, assembly languages use abbreviations such as ADD, SUB, and
MPY to represent instructions. The program is then translated into machine code by software
called an assembler.
Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
An assembler is used to translate machine code into normal language.
Machine code is the language that people can understand.
*It's not easy for programmers to write machine code.
People can't understand symbolic languages.
95.You don't need a sophisticated cell phone to surf the Internet when you are on the road just your own voice. That's the idea behind a new breed of voice service that is popping up all
over the place. Subscribers dial a toll-free phone number and use spoken commands to listen
to anything from weather conditions to stock quotes, or flight information to news stories.
Which of following is TRUE about the passage?
People can use any phone surf web.
People can't get news when they are driving.
People don't have to subscribe to voice services but they still use them.
*People can use their voice to start a program.
96. You don't need a sophisticated cell phone to surf the Internet when you are on the road just your own voice. That's the idea behind a new breed of voice service that is popping up all
over the place. Subscribers dial a toll-free phone number and use spoken commands to listen
to anything from weather conditions to stock quotes, or flight information to news stories.
The word 'toll-free' in passage is closest to ___.
*no charge
a lot of money
no service
97. The basic equipment has changed drastically in the last few years. You no longer need a
computer to use the Internet. Web TV provides email and access to the Web via normal TV
set plus a high-speed modem. More recently, 3-Generation mobile phones and PDAs,
personal digital assistants, also allow you to go online with wireless connection, with cables.
Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the passage?
The basic equipment is changing quickly these days.
People can use Web TV to surf the Internet.
*You must have a computer to access the Internet nowadays.
You can connect webs through a 3-G mobile.
98. The basic equipment has changed drastically in the last few years. You no longer need a
computer to use the Internet. Web TV provides email and access to the Web via normal TV
set plus a high-speed modem. More recently, 3-Generation mobile phones and PDAs,
personal digital assistants, also allow you to go online with wireless connection, with cables.
According to the passage, to the Internet, you don't need to have ___.
*a computer
a modem
a mobile phone
99. The basic equipment has changed DRASTICALLY in the last few years. You no longer
need a computer to use the Internet. Web TV provides email and access to the Web via
normal TV set plus a high-speed modem. More recently, 3-Generation mobile phones and
PDAs, personal digital assistants, also allow you to go online with wireless connection, with
The word 'drastically' in the passage is closest to ___.
100. If you want to protect your PC, don't open email attachments from strangers and take
care when downloading files from th Web. Remember to update you're anti-virus software as
open as possible, since new viruses are being created all the time.
Which of the following
is NOT TRUE about the passage?
user should protect their computer carefully
*open whatever e-mail attachments you get
update the latest anti-virus regularly
New viruses are born every time
101. Kevin Mitnick, a legend among hackers, began hacking into banking networks and
altering the credit reports of his enemies. He didn't expect that his most famous exploit hacking into North American Defense Command in Colorado Springs - would inspire the
film War Games in 1983.
Which of the following is TRUE about Kevin Mitnick?
He is a computing legend
He stole all the credits reports in bank networks
*Film directors got inspiration from his work
The film War Games was on display in 1983
102. In modern commercial printing, DTP files output directly to the printing plates without
using film as an intermediate step. This new technology is known as Computer-to-Plate
(CTP) or direct to plate, and the machine that generates plates for a printing press is called
plate-setter. CTP machines are expensive, so most people take their files to a service bureau,
a company that specializes in printing other people's files. Service bureaus offer a full range
of scanning and printing solutions.
According to the passage, people _____use film when
printing DTP files.
have to
*don't have to
103. In modern commercial printing, DTP files output directly to the printing plates without
using film as an intermediate step. This new technology is known as Computer-to-Plate
(CTP) or direct to plate, and the machine that generates plates for a printing press is called
plate-setter. CTP machines are expensive, so most people take their files to a service bureau,
a company that specializes in printing other people's files. Service bureaus offer a full range
of scanning and printing solutions.
Which of the following is TRUE about the passage?
CTP isn't a new technique in modern printing
Everyone can print DTP files using CTP machines
Plate-setter can print DTP files
*A service bureau is one kind of printing companies
104. Audio is becoming a key element of the Web. Many radio stations broadcast live over
the Internet using streaming audio technology, which lets you listen to audio in a continuous
stream while it is being transmitted. The broadcast of an event over the Web, for example a
concert, is called a webcast. Be aware that you won't be able to play audio and video on the
Web unless you have a plug-in like RealPlayer or QuickTime.
What can be inferred from
the passage?
People have to make a clip before they want to broadcast on the Internet
*Some small program are needed to play audio or video on the Web
Audio cannot transmitted over the Internet
You won't be able to play audio or video on the Web
105. Audio is becoming a key element of the Web. Many radio stations broadcast live over
the Internet using streaming audio technology, which lets you listen to audio in a continuous
stream while it is being transmitted. The broadcast of an event over the Web, for example a
concert, is called a webcast. Be aware that you won't be able to play audio and video on the
Web unless you have a plug-in like RealPlayer or QuickTime.
Which of the following is
TRUE about the passage?
You won't be able to play audio or video on the Web
It's not easy to transmit audio over the Internet
A plug-in effects badly to the Web
*A webcast is an event which you can listen to or watch on the Internet
106. If you want to inject something special into your web pages, you can use Adobe Flash to
include interactive animations and streaming audio. Additionally, you can insert Java applets
- small programs that enable the creation of interactive files. Animations are made up of a
series of independence picture put together in sequence to look like moving pictures. To see
or hear all these files, you must have the right plug-in, an auxiliary program that expands the
capabilities of your web browser. What is the function of Java program?
Streaming audio over the Internet
*Providing interactive features to web applications
Integrating with plug-in programs
Expanding the abilities of web browsers
107. If you want to inject something special into your web pages, you can use Adobe Flash to
include interactive animations and streaming audio. Additionally, you can insert Java applets
- small programs that enable the creation of interactive files. Animations are made up of a
series of independence picture put together in sequence to look like moving pictures. To see
or hear all these files, you must have the right plug-in, an auxiliary program that expands the
capabilities of your web browser. The word 'auxiliary' in the passage is closest to____.
108. It is important not to confuse programming languages with markup languages, used to
create web documents. Markup languages use instructions, known as markup tags, to format
and link text files.
Which of the following is TRUE about the passage?
Programming languages are very confusing
*Programming languages and markup languages are not the same
There aren't any differences between programming languages and markup languages
Markup languages are used to create web documents
109. Visual Basic was developed by Microsoft in 1990. The name BASIC stands for
Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. The adjective Visual refers to the
technique used to create a graphical user interface. Instead of writing a lot of instructions to
describe interface elements, you just add pre-defined objects such as buttons, icons and
dialog boxes. It enables programmers to create a variety of Windows applications.
Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the passage?
Visual Basic was generated in 1990
Visual Basic helps programmers create Windows applications
*In Visual Basic, programmers have to write a lot of instructions to describe interface
In Visual Basic, programmers use a lot of pre-defined objects to describe interface elements.
1.Java is an object-oriented language, similar to C + +, but more dynamic and simplified to
eliminate possible programming errors. A Java program is both compiles and interpreted.
First, the source code is compiled and converted into a format called bytecode, which can
then be executed by a Java interpreter.[cr]The word in bold in the passage is closest to:
*B. active
C. interesting
D. compatible
2.Java is an object-oriented language, similar to C + +, but more dynamic and simplified to
eliminate possible programming errors. A Java program is both compiles and interpreted.
First, the source code is compiled and converted into a format called bytecode, which can
then be executed by a Java interpreter.[cr]The word in bold in the passage is closest in
meaning to:
B. take away
C. cancel
*D. All are correct
3.Most programmers like Java because
it allows them to write applets which make
web pages moreinteractive and attractive. They can create graphic objects (for example, bar
charts and diagrams) and new controls (for example, check boxes and push buttons with
special properties). A web page that uses Java can have sounds that play in real time, music
that plays in the background, cartoon-style animations, real-time video and interactive
games.[cr]Which of the following can be used as the heading of the paragraph?
A. The Java language
B.Characteristics of the Java language
*C.Why is Java popular?
D.Alternatives to Java
4.Most programmers like Java because it allows them to write applets which make web pages
more interactive and attractive. They can create graphic objects (for example, bar charts and
diagrams) and new controls (for example, check boxes and push buttons with special
properties). A web page that uses Java can have sounds that play in real time, music that
plays in the background, cartoon-style animations, real�time video and interactive
games.[cr]The word in bold in the passage is closest in meaning to:
A. advents
*B. check/ supervision
C. attention
D. manipulations
5.Most programmers like Java because it allows them to write applets which make web pages
more interactive and attractive. They can create graphic objects (for example, bar charts and
diagrams) and new controls (for example, check boxes and push buttons with special
properties). A web page that uses Java can have sounds that play in real time, music that
plays in the background, cartoon-style animations, real�time video and interactive
games.[cr]The word in bold in the passage is closest to:
A. real estates
B. realties
*C. attributes
D. animations
6.Most programmers like Java because it allows them to write applets which make web pages
more interactive and attractive. They can create graphic objects (for example, bar charts and
diagrams) and new controls (for example, check boxes and push buttons with special
properties). A web page that uses Java can have sounds that play in real time, music that
plays in the background, cartoon-style animations, real�time video and interactive
games.[cr]Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the passage?
A.Bar charts and diagrams are graphic objects in a web page using Java.
B.Interactive games can run in web pages that use Java.
C.Thanks to Java, programmers can play music in the background of a web page.
*D.Phones are configured to use Java games with animations and music in the background.
7.Most programmers like Java because it allows them to write applets which make web pages
more interactive and attractive. They can create graphic objects (for example, bar charts and
diagrams) and new controls (for example, check boxes and push buttons with special
properties). A web page that uses Java can have sounds that play in real time, music that
plays in the background, cartoon-style animations, real�time video and interactive
games.[cr]How many new controls are mentioned in the passage?
A. one
*B. two
D. four
8.Senior Programmer required by DigitumUK, a leading supplier of business systems to the
insurance industry. You will be able to work on the full range of software development
activities - analysis, design, coding, testing, debugging and implementation.[cr]The word in
in the passage is closest in meaning to:
B. normal
D. minor
9.Senior Programmer required by DigitumUK, a leading supplier of business systems to the
insurance industry. You will be able to work on the full range of software development
activities - analysis, design, coding, testing, debugging and implementation.[cr]The word in
in the passage is closest to:
B. area
*D. All are correct
10.Senior Programmer required by DigitumUK, a leading supplier of business systems to the
insurance industry. You will be able to work on the full range of software development
activities - analysis, design, coding, testing, debugging and implementation.[cr]Which of the
following is the passage about?
*A.A job advert for a senior programmer.
B.DigitumUK is a leading supplier of business system to the insurance industry.
C.You can work as a software engineer.
D.You need to develop the software.
11.it We are looking for a bright, competent QuarkXPress operator with at least three years�
experience in design and layout. Skills in Photoshop, Freehand or Illustrator an advance.
Ability to work in a team and to tight deadline is vital.[cr]The word in bold in the passage is
closest to:
A. proficient
c. handsome
D. nice
12.We are looking for a bright, competent QuarkXPress operator with at least three years�
experience in design and layout. Skills in Photoshop, Freehand or Illustrator an advance.
Ability to work in a team and to tight deadline is vital.[cr]Which of the following years of
experience in design and layout is best suitable for the requirement?
A. 0
13.We are looking for a bright, competent QuarkXPress operator with at least three years�
experience in design and layout. Skills in Photoshop, Freehand or Illustrator an advance.
Ability to work in a team and to tight deadline is vital.[cr]Which of the following is NOT
MENTIONED in the passage?
*A.The QuarkXPress operator with three years experience has a high salary.
B.The candidate needs to be excellent in Photoshop, Freehand or Illustrator,
c. The candidate is capable of working in group
D.The candidate can be able to finish work under pressure of time.
14.In recent years, TV and radio broadcasting has been revolutionized by developments in
satellite and digital transmission. Digital TV is a way of transmitting pictures by means of
digital signals, in contrast to the analogue signal used by traditional TV.[cr]The word in bold
in the passage is closest in meaning to:
A. assist
*c. reform / change
15.In recent years, TV and radio broadcasting has been revolutionized by developments in
satellite and digital transmission. Digital TV is a way of transmitting pictures by means of
digital signals, in contrast to the analogue signal used by traditional TV.[cr]The word in bold
in the passage is closest to:
*A. by
c. because of
D.according to
16.In recent years, TV and radio broadcasting has been revolutionized by developments in
satellite and digital transmission. Digital TV is a way of transmitting pictures by means of
digital signals, in contrast to the analogue signal used by traditional TV.[cr]The word in bold
in the passage is closest to:
*A.in opposition to
B. compare with
c. similar to
D.similar with
17.In recent years, TV and radio broadcasting has been revolutionized by developments in
satellite and digital transmission. Digital TV is a way of ?ansmitting pictures by means of
digital signals, in contrast to the analogue signals used by traditional TV.[cr]Which of the
following is NOT MENTIONED in the passage?
A. Digital transmission changes radio broadcasting recently.
*B.Digital TV provides a better quality of picture and sound,
c. Digital signals are used to transmit pictures on digital TV.
D.Traditional TV uses analogue signals to transmit pictures.
18.The use of GPS in cars and PDAs is widespread, so you can easily navigate in a foreign
city or find the nearest petrol station. In the next few years, GPS chips will be incorporated
into most of mobile phones.[cr]The word in bold in the passage is closest in meaning to:
*D. popular
19.The use of GPS in cars and PDAs is widespread, so you can easily navigate in a foreign
city or find the nearest petrol station.[cr]Which of the following does the passage IMPLY?
A.You can find a foreign city easily.
B.It takes a little time for you to find a gas station,
c. There is always a petrol station around you.
*D.Wherever you are, with GPS, you can�t be lost.
20.The use of GPS in cars and PDAs is widespread, so you can easily navigate in a foreign
city or find the nearest petrol station. In the next few years, GPS chips will be incorporated
into most of mobile phones.[cr]Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the passage?
A.Cars and PDAs are popularly equipped with GPS.
B.With GPS, you can easily navigate in a strange city.
C.GPS chips will be embedded in most of cell phones in the near future.
*D.Mobile phones are equipped with GPS nowadays.
21.It is important that you remember to log off after using the Internet. An open line increases
the risk of viruses, and hackers might break into your computer to steal confidential
data.[cr]The word in bold in the passage is closest to:
A. safety
B. security
*C. danger
D. truth
22.It is important that you remember to log off after using the Internet. An open line increases
the risk of viruses, and hackers might break into your computer to steal confidential
data.[cr]The word in bold in the
passage is closest to:
A. secret
B. private
C. intimate
*D. All are correct
23.It is important that you remember to log off after using the Internet. An open line increases
the risk of viruses, and hackers might break into your computer to steal confidential
data.[cr]Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?
*A.You need to exit the line on the Internet to avoid the dangers of viruses and hackers.
B.Viruses exist on the Internet
C.Hackers can steal your private data.
D.All are correct
24.Wireless networks let you move, roam, from one access point to another, but they are less
secure and subject to interference.[cr]The word in bold in the passage refers to:
*A. Wireless networks
B. you
C. one access point
D. another access point
25.Wireless networks let you move, roam, from one access point to another, but they are less
secure and subject to interference.[cr]The word in bold in the passage is closest to:
A. backup
B. accommodation
C. circulation
*D. intervention
26.In a client-server network, a computer acts as a server and stores and distributes
information to the nodes, or clients.[cr]The word in bold in the passage is closest to:
A. build
C. raise
D. communicate
27.In a peer-to-peer network, all the computers have the same capabilities - that is, share files
and peripherals without requiring a separate server computer.[cr]The word in bold in the
passage is closest to:
A. mobility
*C. ability to perform
D. extract
28.A lot of modem games certainly draw inspiration from films and even TV. You can see it
in the look of the characters, the sound of the dialogue, and in even more artistic elements
such as lighting and camera work.[cr]The word in bold in the passage is closest to?
A. picture
*C. genius
D. view
29.A lot of modem games certainly draw inspiration from films and even TV. You can see it
in the look of the characters, the sound of the dialogue, and in even more artistic elements
such as lighting and camera work.[cr]The word in bold in the passage is closest to?
A. to see or to watch
*B. the appearance
D. glimpse
30.A lot of modem games certainly draw inspiration from films and even TV.You can see it
in the look of the characters, the sound of the dialogue, and in even more artistic
elements such as lighting and
camera work.[cr]Which of the following is
the passage about?
*A.Many modem games are influenced by films and TV.
B.The characters are beautiful.
C.Characters make dialogues.
D.The lighting and camera work are artistic.
31.The use of A-list Hollywood actors to provide voice work in games is no coincidence
either and is a good example of the two media coming together.[cr]The words in bold in the
passage refers to:
A.the alphabet
C.a list of A
D.a series
32The use of A-list Hollywood actors to provide voice work in games is no coincidence
either and is a good example of the two media coming together.[cr]Which of the following is
TRUE about the passage?
*A.Well-known Hollywood actors dub in video games.
B.Well-known Hollywood actors appear in video games.
c. Hollywood actors� appearance in video games is no coincidence.
D.Hollywood actors appear in video games by accident.
33.TV and video games are amusing and can be educational. But too much of this kind of
entertainment can be addictive and make children become accustomed to violence.[cr]What
does �this kind of entertainment� mean?
B.video games
*c. TV and video games
D. amusing and can be educational
34.TV and video games are amusing and can be educational. But too much of this kind of
entertainment can be addictive and make children become accustomed to violence.[cr]Which
of the following is the main idea of the passage?
A.Video games are not good for children.
B.TV and video games can help in education.
c. Video games distract children from school and homework.
*D.On the one hand, TV and video games are helpful. On the other hand, they make children
become familiar with violence.
35.The term Artificial Intelligence originated in the 1940s, when Alan Turing said: �A
machine has artificial intelligence when there is no discernible difference between the
conversation generated by the machine and that of an intelligent person.�[cr]The word
�that� in the passage refers to:
A. the machine
B. artificial intelligence
*c.the conversation
D. intelligent person
36.The term Artificial Intelligence originated in the 1940s, when Alan Turing said: �A
machine has artificial intelligence when there is no discernible difference between the
conversation generated by the machine and that of an intelligent person.�[cr]What does
�1940s� in the passage mean?
*A. From 1940 to 1949
B. From 1940 to 1950
c. From 1941 to 1950
D. From 1939 to 1950
37.The term Artificial Intelligence originated in the 1940s, when Alan Turing said: �A
machine has artificial intelligence when there is no discernible difference between the
conversation generated by the machine and that of an intelligent person.�[cr]The word
�discernible� in the passage is closest in meaning to:
*A. perceptible
B. capable
D. intelligent
38.When you enter the airport, a hidden camera compares the digitized image of your face to
that of suspected criminals. At the immigration checkpoint, you swipe a card and place your
hand on a small metal surface. The geometry of your hand matches the code on the card, and
the gate opens.[cr]The word �hidden� in the passage is closest in meaning to:
A. reliable
*B. concealed
D. modem
39.When you enter the airport, a hidden camera compares the digitized image of your face to
that of suspected criminals. At the immigration checkpoint, you swipe a card and place your
hand on a small metal surface. The geometry of your hand matches the code on the card, and
the gate opens.[cr]The word �that� in the passage refers to:
A. the airport
B. the hidden camera
*c.the digitized image
D. your face
40.When you enter the airport, a hidden camera compares the digitized image of your face to
that of suspected criminals. At the immigration checkpoint, you swipe a card and place your
hand on a small metal surface. The geometry of your hand matches the code on the card, and
the gate opens.[cr]The phrase �immigration checkpoint� in the passage refers to:
A. immigration
B. immigration control
*D. A & B are correct
41.When you enter the airport, a hidden camera compares the digitized image of your face to
that of suspected criminals. At the immigration checkpoint, you swipe a card and place your
hand on a small metal surface. The geometry of your hand matches the code on the card, and
the gate opens.[cr]The word �matches� in the passage means:
A.short pieces of wood used for lighting a fire
B. contestes
*c. to combine well with
D. to give in marriage
1.Dot matrix printers are noisy, ___ laser printer are quiet.
there for
2.Graphics software programs enable the user ___ an image on a display screen with
commands input by s keyboard.
*to manipulate
to manipulating
3.Images on paper ___ into the computer through the use of scanners, digitizers, patternrecognition devices, or digital cameras.
*can be scanned
can scan
can be scan
can scanned
4.Various output devices such as image-setters or film recorders___recently.
has been developed
*have been developed
have developed
has developed
5.Pictures___in a computer's momory by either of two methods: raster graphics and vector
*are stored and processed
store and process
is stored and processed
are storing and processing
6.This technique is identical ___ how the illusion of movement is achieved with television
and motion pictures.
7.___ security for online banking services, most banks use digital certificates.
*to assure
to assuring
8.When an e-mail message travels across the net, it ___ temporarily on many computers in
was copied
*is copied
is copying
9.An extortionist is someone who ___ registers trademarked names.
10.Network and computer systems administrators are responsible ___ local-area networks (
LAN ), wide-area networks (WAN), network segment, and internet and intranet systems.
11.They are ___ involved with the upkeep, maintenance, and security of networks.
12.If you close a text file that you are editing, the computer will request ___ the file.
to save
you to save
you save
13.There is a message displayed on the screen to tell you ___ to log on.
not try
not trying
to not try
*not to try
14.The data bus is bidirectional,___ the address bus is unidirectional.
15.Early weblogs were simply manually ___ components of common websites.
were update
to update
16.In Delphi, the code ___ to the objects is written in a form of Pascal
which attaches
*which is attached
is attached
17.Server is a specia list computer ___ a server to a network.
is provided
18.A network is simply two or more computers ___ together to allow users to share files,
software, and hardware.
are linked
are linking
19.Help-desk technicians ___ telephone calls and e-mail messages from customers looking
for help with computer problems.
have responded to
responds to
*respond to
20.Systems administrators ___ maintaining network efficiency.
are responsible for
are in charge for
are accountable for
*all choices are right
21.Network and computer systems administrators ___ local-area networks (LAN), wide-area
networks (WAN), network segment, and internet and intranet systems.
are in charge with
*are in charge of
are responsible to
are accountable to
22.CIOs are responsible ___ the overall technological direction of their organizations.
23.The chief technology officer often ___ the organization's chief information officer.
reports for
*reports to
account to
be responsible to
24.Floppy disks store small amounts of data ___ hard disks store large amounts of data
25.Handheld computers fit into your pocket ___ supercomputers occupy a whole room
*in contrast
26.High-level languages are easy to understand, ___ machine code is very difficult to
even though
27.Basic is a simple language, ___ C++ is complex
28.Modern computers are powerful and relatively cheap ___ older computers were less
powerful and quiet expensive
in addition
according to
*in contrast
29.An analyst analyses problems and finds solutions, ___ a programmer turns these solutions
into computer programs
30.A graphics package produces images and designs ___ a word processer produces texts
in contrast
31.___ a printer runs out of paper, an interrupts carries a signal to the CPU
32.___ the CPU receives the signal, it interrupts its takes.
33.The CPU sends a message to the user ___ it saves its current status in a special area of
as soon as
34.___ the user reloads the paper tray, the processor returns to its previous state
35.___ computers are general purpose instruments, they can be used in many different ways.
as well as
36.Robots inhuman from ___ often featured in Science fiction.
37.Robotic arms ___ commonly used for car manufacture, nuclear plants, and for bomb
38.In the future, insect-sized robot micro-machines ( tiny mechanisms built on electronic
chips) ___ used as or for doing work in very small spaces which are difficult to access
is being
*may be
39.Insect-sized robot micro-machines may even be used __ the human body for drug
delivery, curing common ailments
40.Virtual reality (VR)___ already___ for games and entertainment
41.Medical cards, ___ store information about the user's medical history, may become
common; and banks are already
42.Smart cards are already being used for storing information about the user, for controlling
access to facilities, and as a means of providing money __ _ an electronic form.
43.Computing is changing and developing ___ a very fast pace
44.Videophones, electronic pets, and robots already exist and may become ___ in the future
more commonly
*more common
more commoner
45.postscript is mainly used to ___ the appearance of text, graphics and images on the printed
be described
46.The development of smaller computers and computing networks s making it ____ for
computers to be used in more stuations.
More easy
More easily
47. It is already necessary ____ some computing skills for most jobs.
*To have
48. We will produce students who are not good ____ communicating with others and
working as a team
49. PostScript war ____ by Adobe Systems, Inc. In 1982 as a page description language for
50. Picture created in PostScript and saved as separate files ( khown as Encapsulated
PostScript (EPS) files) can be _____ into a document.
51. The CPU sent a message to the user _____ it saves current status in the memory.
52. When buying a hard disk, you _____ consider the kinds of drive mechanisms.
Have to
53. In programming, it is necessary to ____ the coding among a team of program.
Divede on
Divede to
Divede into
*Divede up
54. Went the user and the computer are active on communication on a graphics system, we
refer to this as ___ active graphics.
Dec*InterMicroMulti55. Micro-machines ____ used for drug delivery
Is going to
Are going to
*Are going to be
Is going to be
56. Simple programs can be written in a few hours but some programs may _____ more than
a year to create.
Be talking
57. If a website _____ too long to download, people will _____ and go to other sites.
*Takes/ give up
Take/ giving up
Took/ gave
Taking/ giving
58. Modeling refers to the process ____ buiding objects on the computer monitor.
59. It's importan ______ what computer uses you need before ____ one.
Define/ buy
To define/ buy
Define/ buying
*To define/ buying
60. The modern blog evoived from the online diary, ____ people would keep a running
account of their personal lives.
61. The brightness of the resulting image must be ____ 'refreshed' by the beam
62. He tries to ____ every interesting articles from IT magazines
Pick off
*Pick up
Pick on
Pick at
63. Text and graphics are adjusted ____ they all fit well.
64. After a slow start, blogging rapidly gained ____ popularity.
65. Pupils will have access _____ a world of leaning.
66. You can avoid ____ the surface of a CD-ROM by _____ it by the edges
Marks/ hold
To mark/ to hold
Marking/ held
*Marking/ holding
67. 3D graphics ARE SUITABLE WITH broadband connection. Which one is similar to the
Can go with
Accompanied by
*Are compatible with
Used with
68. _____ we finish a project, we often put a copy of the software as a record.
In addition
On purpose
69. Thanks to advanced technology, our lives will become _____
Easily and comfortably
*Easier and more comfortable
Harder and cheaper
More difficult and complicated
70. The best way to ____ development in computer science is to subscribe to PC magazines
Keep up
Keep on
Keep up to
*Keep uo with
71. Picture _____ in a computer's memory by either of two methods: raster graphics and
vector graphics
*Are processed
Is processing
72. To keep your message safe, you should _____ it with some form of encyption.
Be encoded
73. Java is originally designed ____ programming small electronic devices such as mobile
74. He teacher me how ____ some programming languages.
*To use
75. He has to ____ some projects on high technology.
*Carry out
To carry out
Be carried out
Carrying out
76. Modern computer are lighter and more powerful _____ old computer were quite big and
less powerful
77. Simple programs can be written in a few hours but some programs may ____ more than a
year to create.
Be taking
78. People may ____ your website by chance when they are browsing the net.
To come across
Become across
*Come across
Coming across
79. Modeling refers to the process ____ building objects on the computer monito.
80. Yoy can protect your computer from viruses by ______ anti-virus program frequently.
To run
81. The data bus is bidirectional, ______ the address bus is unidirectional.
82. CGI is another way people call computer animation which ______ in films.
*Is used
83. It's importan _____ what computer uses you need before _____ one.
*To define/ buying
To define/ buy
Define/ buying
Define/ buy
84. We are now familiar ____ the term of ' body chips '
85. A computer system has two or more cental processors which are under common control,
it is called a _____ processor system. What is the right prefix?
86. Computing technology is likely _____ in popularity today.
*To gain
On gaining
To gaining
87. 3D graphics _____ suitable with broadband connection.
88. A Jaz cartridge can store up to 2 GB of data, _____ a Zip drive can store up to 250 MB of
In contrast
89. The brightness of the resulting image must be _____ refreshed by the beam.
90. To avoid risks, you should set all the security alerts to high ____ your web browser.
91. He tries to _____ every interesting articles from IT magazines.
To pick up
*Pick up
Picking up
Picked up
92. In Delphi, the code attached to the objects _____ in a form of Pascal.
*Is written
93. There _____ lots of benefits from an open system like the internet.
94. A blog ______ by a mobile device like a mobile phone or PDA is called a mob log.
Which is written
*Both ' which is written' & ' written are' correct
None of the choices is correct
95. Computing is relatively new and is developing _____ an incresingly fast rate.
96. JavaScipt can ______ to perform simple tasks or tie other programs together.
*Be used
Be using
97. I usually ____ about JavaScrip but this week I ____ to learn how to use Active Server
Learn/ try
Learning/ am trying
Learning/ trying
*Learn/ am trying
98. A rare type of blog hosted on the Gopher Photocol is know____ a Phlog.
Such as
99. You can get rid ______ logic errors by hand- testing the program.
100. It is ____ to transfer the rendered animation into another format.
101. Doctors will experiment computing technology ______ simulated patients.
102. While your email message travels along the net, it can be read by unscrupulous people
who _____ enter the system.
103.Mind Mega XT is compatible ______.IBM PCs or Macintosh computer.
104.Raster graphics maintains an image as an array of controlled dots."an array of" mean
______ a variety of
*a collection of
a lot of
a type of
105.when you test a progam, different kinds of problem ______ comes up
came up
*come up
is coming up
106.Graphics program enables users ______ the images help in its memory.
*to manipulate
107. 3-D virtual reality systems ______ ,the internet to make shopping easier, and smart
cards ______ to provide an electronic money system.
*can be used on/ may be used
can use in/ may use
are used in/ can used
can being used on/ may be using
108. if your password is simple, someone ______ guess what it is and access your files.
have to
109.it is unusual ______ a program to work properly the first time it's tested.
110. there are always some technical assistants ______ on duty at the help desk.
is working
will work
111. reading about new developments ______ a lot of Colin's free time
to take up
*takes up
take up
taking up
112. various output devices ______ recently in computing industry.
*have been developed
have developed
113. the technique used in computer animations is identical ______ how the illusion of
movement is achieved with television.
114.children will ______ communicate directly with experts through the net in the feature.
able to
be able
*be able to
115.when you are online, you are sometimes exposed to hackers ______ break into your
computer system.
116.the transfer rate depends ______ the power of the computer.
117.live connections to classes and lectures will be ______ in the near future.
118.we ______ start our websites with abrief piece of information to attract readers
have to
119 I have worked for several IT businesses and ______ for IBM currently.
will work
was working
*am working
120. you can return to your starting page on the web by ______ the home button.
to select
121 the total number of pixels in which the display ______ both horlizontally and vertically
is known as the resolution.
is dividing
*is divided
122. dot-matrix printers use pins to print the dots ______ to shape a character.
to require
to be required
123.all the features of postscript can ______ with macintosh, windows or os/2 environments.
*be used
to use
124.however, an IC ANN spokesperson suggests______ a domain name from an official
registrar so you have a contract and the protections that go with it.
to buy
have bought
125. they are ______ involved with the upkeep, maintenance, and security of networks.
126.computer and information systems managers do everything from______.to construct a
business plan to ______.network security to directing internet operations.
127.A blog______ by a mobile device like a mobile phone or PDA is called a mob log.
which is written
only B
128.A vertical or horizontal bar at the side or bottom of a window that can be used______ a
mouse for moving around in a document.
no word
129. the grandfather, father, son method is one way of______ your document.
*backing up
130. the computer mouse is a hand-operated device that______ you______ control more
easily the location of the pointer on your screen.
131. you can share idea with other internet users______ a subject you're interested in by
joining a newgroup.
132.you can get rid of logic errors by______ the program.
133.the brightness of the resulting image fades quickly, ______,and must be continuously
�refreshed� by the beam.
134.the bill______ by multiplying the number of weeks by the rate.
is divided
is executed
*is calculated
is taken
135.the language______ will depend on a number of factors incluing what system the
program will run on, what the function of the program is, and the knowledge of the
being chosen
136. the Active Server system______ by the analyst/programmer is a system that allows web
pages______.for running small programs on the main server computer on a network.
mentioning / using
*mentioned / to be used
mentioned/to be using
mentioning/ to be using
137. in this program the value of total will always be more than 0, and ______.the program
will go on forever. This is called and infinite loop.
138. handheld computers fits into your pocket______ ,supercomputers occupy a whole room.
*in contrast
so that
139. An analyst analyses problems and finds solution, whereas a programmer______.these
solution______ computer programs.
140. It is likely that VR______.in many ways in the future, including providing a home
shopping environment, and allowing premises to be guarded remotely .
is used
*will be used
will use
141. although it is ______ to predict the future with any certainty, one thing we can be sure
of is that the hardware and software we will be using in twenty or thirty years' time will be
very different from what is in use today.
142.email will allow pupils ______.will pupils in another part of the UK and in different
parts of the world.
*to communicate
143.pupils will become______ IT from an early age. Computer skills will help them when
they leave school.
*familliar with
familliar for
familliar of
144.perhaps humans______.one day travel to other planets and even discover other worlds.
going on
145. when a piece of virus code______,the virus can be identified.
*is found
is finding
146.the modern blog evolved from the online diary, ______.people would keep a running
account of their personal lives.
147.An anlyst analyses problems and finds solutions, then a programmer______ these
solutions______ computer programs.
148.Small computers that can read the cards______.ambulances and in hospital emergence
installed in
installing in
*are installed in
is installed in
149. Experience in the US has shown that greater use of computers______.school standards.
have not raised
*has not raised
didn't raise
don't raise
150. A smart card can be used in many ways, it can be used______.a key to the building.
such as
151. Experts foresee, within twenty years, implanted chips that can correct our ability to
interact______.the word.
152.Customers may well be able to______ a virtual assistant who will talk them through their
shopping or to ask the computer for suggestions.
being called up
calling up
to call up
*call up
153.bank customers can now download money from their account to an electronic wallet, a
smart card, using a specially ______ phone equipped with a smart card reader.
to design
154. banks in the future are likely to develop a ______ currency payment engine which
allows online retailer to sell their goods in sixteen countries.
mono*multimixmini155 . The Maltese Amoeda is a very dangerous virus and it looks funny but if it ___your
computer , you ___laughing.
*attacked /wouldn't be
attacked/would be
attack/would be
attack/wouldn't be
156. Most viruses remain dormant___activated by something.
157.If you do catch a virus , there are antivirus programs to hunt___and eradicate the virus
158.It is likely that VR___in many ways in the future , including providing a home shopping
environment, and allowing premises to be guarded remotely.
is using
*will be used
will use
is being used
159.It is also likely _for air traffic control and for training doctors , allowing them to practise
diffrcult operations safely.
be used
*to be used
will be used
being used
160.Computers may be connected directly to the humen brain using a direct neural interface
(DN1) to change the brain of the user ,___them to do things they couldn't do before
to allow
161.Smart cards are already ___for storing information about the user , for controlling access
to facilities , and as a means of providing money in an electronic form.
to be used
*being used
162.Smart cards will have a wide variety of uses and___to become very common in the near
is likely
*are likely
will be likely
are like
163.The development of smaller computers and computing networks is making it easier for
computers__in more situations
be used
are used
*to be used
being used
164.It would be better to spend the money__teaching reading , numeracy,and taking pupils on
field trips
165.Email will allow pupils__with pupils in another part of the UK and in different parts of
the world
will communicate
*to communicate
166.Computers will free teachers___paperwork
right away
at once
167.They will make a big change___computing and will inevitanly encourage a lot more
people to use computers___everyday situations
168.We will produce students who are not good___communicating with others and working
as a team
169.Computers are likely to continue to become___,and more efficient
faster,more cheap
*faster , cheaper
fast , cheaper
more fast ,cheaper
170.It is difficult ___a good time to buy a computer because they are always being improved
*to find
to be found
171.This is___important in a network where many users are storing vast amounts of data
172.Networks also require security systems___access
*to control
173.Electrolic computers ___around for a relatively short time
will be
*have only been
174.Mainframes are still in use however and have continued___developed
*to be
have only been
175.When a piece of virus code is found , the virus___,and an appropriate program run to
delete the virus code from the disk or file
is identified
will be identified
*can be identified
176.Experts advise us__country-specific domain names such as 'fr' for France, '.mx' for
Mexico or '.vn' for Vietnam
*to register
177.The mobile phone is a device___people use for communicating with each other
178.The amount of light produced by an LCD screen is called___, or luminance , measured in
bright less
179.New digital cameras offer innovative features such us Bluetooth___
180.The human brain is far___powerful than be ___advanced computer working at its full
181.I recomment getting the ___resolution monitor you can afford
182.Plasma screen are___than LCD screens
183.You___write on discs with permanent pens
have to
184.Don't___hit or move the computer while the hard disk is spinning
185.A virus entered my computer . ___,many files have been destroyed
on the other hand
in contrast
*as a result
186.We need more money to ___the school library
187.Today,most of the information we produce is stored___
188.To make a movie on the PC,user needs a special video___program
189.___is the technique used to make a graphic object look realistic,by adding reflection ,
shadows and highlights
to render
being rendered
190.We are looking for a web master who___design , improve and mmanitain our website
have to
191.I___use a computer when I was only five years old
192.It you want to create your own MP3 files from your CDs , you___have a CD ripper
193.If I ___you,I would buy the fastest computer to play encyclopedia version
had been
would have been
194.People___buy cracked software or download music illegally from the internet
have to
195.The Help facility enables the user___advice on most problems
*to get
196.Adding more RAM lets your computer___faster
to work
197.Users should avoid___off main power while they are working on the computer
to turn
being turned
198.They use special applets to create___fractals
to amaze
199.It is advisable___test the programs under different conditions
being tested
*to test
200.He refused___the project with me
*to do
being done
have done
201.Programs written in a high-level language require____-that is , translation into machine
cade , the language understood by the processor
202.A___is a program used to test and____other programs
203.A___keyboard alllows the user to configure the layout and the meaning of the keys
204.These days,you___learn how to use complicated HTML codes . Modern web design
software is user-friendly and converts a visual layout into HTML code
205.To view a PDF file , you___have Adobe Acrobat Reader
206.If I had the money,I___invest in some new multimedia software
207.A 23-year-old man known as Captain Zap on the networks hacked___the While House
and the Pentagon in 1981
208.In 1991, Kevin Paulsen was___stealing military files in America
*accused of
accusing of
accuse of
209.IBM international ___by hackers when they wanted to arrest a dangerous black-hacker
*is paralyzed
were paralyzed
was paralyzed
1.A banner applet displays graphic images on websites_______advertise products or services.
A. in order to
B. to
c. so as to
*D.All are correct
2.The Jman for Java applet permits medical researchers to view_____MRI (Magnetic
Resonance Images) of the brain.
*A. sequential
B. sequentially
c. sequence
3.One of the competitors of Java is Microsofts c #,______as C sharp.
A. pronounce
B. pronunciation
*c. pronounced
D. pronoun
4.The idea for Java started in 1990, when a team of software engineers at Sun Microsystems
decided_____ a language for a handheld device.
*A. to create
B. create
c. created
D. creating
5.With the advent of the Web in 1993, the company made a web browser based______
A. in
*B. on
c. under
D. with
6.Don’t let your children_____too much time on playing computer games.
*A. spend
B. to spend
c. spent
D. spending
the Oak langu
7.My boss doesnt allow me_______the company�s telephone for private calls.
A. use
*B. to use
c. used
D. using
8.The Java language_______
A. invents
*B. was invented
c. invented
D. inventing
*A. did - play
B. was I played
c. are I playing
D. do - to play
by a team of software engineers at Sun Microsystems.
you first_______a computer game?
10.How old were you when you______your first Java language lesson at school?
A. take
B. have taken
*c. took
D. are taking
11. Computer specialists________ about the computer system security when they found a
malicious virus attacking the system.
A. worry
*B. were worried
c. have worried
D. to worry
12.Plug-in is an auxiliary program that enables web browser_______
example animation.
A. support
B. supported
c. supporting
*D. to support
new content, for
13. He interacts very well______other students in his programming language class at college.
A. to
*B. with
c. on
D. in
14.The new technology should enable doctors_______the disease.
A. detect
B. detected
c. detecting
*D. to detect
15.With the compiler, a program is first converted_________Java bytecodes.
A. to
B. with
*c. into
D. on
16.The new analyst programmer makes her boss pleased with her high labor______ .
B. efficient
c. efficienced
*D. efficiency
17.The seft-discipline is one of the most important qualities for a senior programmer because
he has to control himself and to make______work hard in a particular way without needing
anyone else to tell him what to do.
'A. he
*B. himself
C. his
18.A computer security specialist needs to have a high_____in debugging.
A. accurate
B. accurately
*C. accuracy
19.A DTP operator needs to have_____
*A. imagination
B. imagine
C. imaginary
20.Why don�t you apply_____
to form great pictures or layouts.
the post of Web master at Digitum-UK? - Because
I�m lack______experience.
*A. for/of
B. in/of
C. for/in
21.Charles cannot play this game on his computer because it is not
compatible_______Window XP.
A. in
*B. with
C. on
A. do/in
*B. did/in
a course_____
graphic design at Highland ArtSchool in 2003.
C. do/on
23.An anti-virus software is a necessity to protect your computer______viruses.
A. in
B. on
*C. from
D. under
24. Mike stayed at high school_______
coding and debugging at Aston University.
A. for
B. since
C. ago
*D. until
he was 18 and went on to do a course in
25.I started______ in the DTP field six years ago and now I work as a DTP operator for a
leading financial magazine.
A. work
B. working
*C. to work
D. worked
26.Lisa worked as an analyst programmer for Computer Sciences______a year as part of her
*A. for
B. since
C. ago
D. until
27 ._____, I spent six months in America testing our new software for general commercial
A. Two years so far
B. Since two years
*C. Two years ago
D. Until two years
28.I have designed four programs in COBOL, and_______January I have been writing
programs in C.
A. for
*B. since
C. ago
D. until
29.She_______an IT consultant at Media Market, a company specializing in e-commerce and
IT strategy since 2004.
A. was
B. is
C. will be
*D. has been
30.How long ____you______
A. have - use
*B. have - been using
C. are - used
D. are - using
computer? - Since 2007.
31.How many spam emails________you______
*A. have - received
B. have - been receiving
C. had - received
D. had - been receiving
today? - More than twenty.
32.______you ever
in another country? -1 spent 6 months in London learning
hardware computer and networking at Cybernetics College.
A. Are - living
*B. Have - lived
C. Did - live
D. Have - been living
33.I______my CV of computer security specialist last Monday.______it yet?
*A.sent - Have you received
C. send - Have you received
B.sent - Have you been receiving
D. sent - Have you been receiving
34.How can a PC be connected______
A. to
B. with
C. X
*D. A & B are correct
another computer in a network?
35.Davis spent 1500 dollars________his course of graphic design and page layout at
Highland Art School.
A. in
*B. on
C. X
D. over
36.Mobile phones help you keep in touch with your family and friends but prolonged use of
them can affect _________your health.
A. in
B. on
*C. X
D. over
37.Wearable computers are designed to be worn on the body or integrated_________the
user�s clothing.
*A. into
B. for
C. X
D. A & B are correct
38.Most existing TV sets can be upgraded to digital TV by________a digital decoder.
A. connect
B. connected
*C. connecting
D. to connect
39.The term cyborg
_______by M Clynes and N Kline in 1960, with the meaning of
a cybernetic organism, a being that a part robot, part human.
A. invent
B. invented
C. is invented
*D. was invented
40.In recent years, most mobile phones_______
helps cell phones communicate over short distances.
A. equip
B. equipped
C. are equipped
*D. have been equipped
with Bluetooth, a technology that
41.I had to use my laptop this morning while my PC______
A. is fixed
B. was fixed
*C. was being fixed
D.is being fixed
42.Computer chips_______ of silicon with a certain grain size: 0,063 to 2mm.
A. made
*B. are made
C. make
D.have made
43.The examination papers are scored by machine. The students______their results next
*A. will be told
B. are told
C. were told
D.have been told
44.Social scientists warn that mobile phones_________while driving because they can make
drivers lose their concentration.
A. aren�t used
*B. shouldn�t be used
C.weren�t used
D. won�t be used
45.I applied for the job of help desk technician for IBM last week and now I_______for
A. am invited
B. was invited
*C. have been invited
D.will be invited
46.Why do you go to your programming language class on foot? Where�s your car? It_______at the moment.
A. is repairing
*B. is being repaired
C .is repaired
D. was repaired
47.It�s a pity the computer game was called off________rain.
A. because
*B. because of
D. A & B are correct
48.Separate networks are_______a public network, the Internet, the largest LAN in existence.
*A. linked over
B. linked out
C.linking in
D. link with
49.Do you think it is secure_______financial transactions via mobile phones?
A. carry on
*B.to carry out
C. carries in
D. to carry
50.To establish an Internet connection at home, you need to contact with your local
ISP,_______their form and wait.
A. filling over
B.to fill out
*C. fill in
D. filled up
51.To communicate with your friends, you need______an Internet connection for your
A. setting out
C. set in
*D. to set up
52.When you see a strange word, try to make your best guess before you_____it______
A. looked/on
in a dictionary
*C. look/up
D. looked/off
53.Remember_____the computer____
A. switch/in
C. switch/up
*D. to switch/off
before leaving your office.
54.It�s dark here. I can�t see anything clearly._____the light______, please.
A. Turning - in
*B.Turn - on
C. To turn - up
D. Turned - off
55.If you save your password in your web browser, your password appears when
you_______your username .
*A. type - in
B.are typing-on
C. have typed - up
D. will type - off
56.The wireless network in Los Angeles_______
a wireless access point or a wireless
router, which links multiple computers without using cables.
*A. consists of
C. consisted up
D. consist off
57. These files_____a lot of disk space.
A. are take up
B.are taken into
*C. take up
D. has taken on
58.She______a secret box when cleaning her house.
A. founded
C.has found out
*D. finds out
59.In a bus network, all the computers_______a main cable, or bus.
A. plug in
*B. are plugged into
C. have plugged into
D. have been plugged to
60.Several LANs connected together______a WAN.
A. are made by
B. have been made up
C.made of
*D. make up
61.Before purchasing a piece of new software, you should_________
*A. try out
B. to try on
C.trying in
D. be tried up
their trial version
62.You can play Typing Games on a personal computer. These games will challenge you to
type as _______as possible.
*A. quickly
B. quick
D. quicker
63. Java is a programming language__________
A. express - distributed
B.express - distributing
*C.expressly - distributed
D. expressly - distributing
designed for use in the_____
64.Serious video games are games that are designed______to convey information or a
learning experience of some sort to the player.
*A. primarily
B. primary
D. primality
65.The first______
A. full automatic
*B. fully automatic
C.full automatically
D. fully automatically
mobile phone was introduced by Motorola in 1981.
66.In banks, computers store information about the money held by each customer and enable
staff to access databases and to carry out__________
transactions at high speed.
*A. large financial
B. large financially
C. largely financial
D. largely financially
67.Games are now even more life-like and
A. visual attractive
B. visual attractively
*C. visually attractive
D. visually attractively
environment o
68.Wii is_______ the most________ of the three machines.
A. current/popular
*B. currently/popupar
C. current/popularly
D. currently/popularly
69.E-commerce has become_______ over the last decade.
A. increasing popular
*B. increasingly popular
C.increasing popularly
D. increasingly popularly
70. Stratergy games are mainly restricted______
A. with
B. on
C. in
*D. to
71.The new concept of party games - where people play together in multiplayer mode - has
recently injected new life_________ Adventure game and Puzzle game genres.
*A. into
B. out of
C. up
D. on
72.It is important_________ programming languages with markup languages.
A. not confuse
B. to not confuse
C. don�t confuse
*D. not to confuse
73. By 2020, scientists believe that nanobots will be injected_______
bloodstream to treat diseases at the cellular level.
*A. into
B. from
C. on
D. by
the body�s
74.Nanotechnology is going to have a huge impact______both business and our daily lives.
*A. on
B. in
C. into
75.As I was about_________when you interrupted me in the Computing class yesterday.
A. say
*B. to say
C. saying
76.Paula and Tom were on their summer vacation when the thieves broke____
smart house.
A. on
B. in
*C. into
77. In the future, doctors will use nanobots to inject medicine______
A. in
B. on
C. X
78. Listening to music on my Ipod makes me_____
A. happily
*B. happy
C. happiness
patients� body.
79.They hope that people__________naturally with hundreds of smart devices at a time.
*A. will interact
B. are going to interact
C. will be interacting
D. will have interacted
80.My lovely computer_______me a lot with your homework.
*A. helps
B. is going to help
C.will be helping
D.will have helped
81.By this time next year, I__________for IBM.
A. will work
B. is going to work
*C. will be
D.will have worked
82.By this time next month, I________the Iphone 6 plus that I have wanted to buy for
A. will buy
B. is going to buy
C. will be
*D.will have bought
83.By 2050, scientists believe that everyone___________in smart houses.
A. will live
B. is going to live
*C. will be living
D. will have lived
1.HTML stand for____ language.
*Hypertext Markup
Hightext Markup
Hypertext Makeup
Hypertask Markup
2.C++ was ___ from the C language.
3.C++ is___, i.e. programs written in C++ can be easily adapted for use on different types of
computer systems.
4.HTML is a page description language used for creating___.
System programs
*Web pages
Text files
5.Java is designed for programming small electronic devices such as___.
*Mobile phones
6.JavaScript, a___form of Java language, is powerful and easy to use.
7.Scripts are small programs that can be used to___simple task or tie other programs together.
8.Both VisalBasic and Delphi are___for developing programs for the Windows OS.
Machine codes
*Programming environments
Natural languages
Programming objects
9.CPU consits of Control Unit, ALU and___.
10.ALU stands for___Unit.
*Arithmetic Logic
Access Logic
Arithmetic Local
Access Local
11.The set of conductors that carry the memory address signals between different parts of a
computer system is called___.
Data bus
*Address bus
Control bus
All of choices are right
12.___are connectors that carry signals between the processor and other part of the
13.Data bus is a___bus as it carries data from the memory to the CPU and from the CPU
14.Clock line carries a signal from the clock chip to___the oprations of processor.
15.Personal computers can___instrutions in less than one-milionth of a second.
16.___refers to the combination of I-time and E-time.
Instruction time
*Machine cycle
Execution time
Machine code
17.Many people like using___computers as they fit into their pockets our pocket.
18.The control Unit DECODES the instructions ang dirests that the necessary data be moved
from memory to ALU. Find a word which best replaces the word DECODES.
19.VR headset, which can aso called___, showed graphics on a screen in fonts of our eyes.
*Head-mounted display
Head-wear display
Head display set
3-D headset
20.___is a very small mechanism containing a tiny computer. It is used in sensors, gyros and
drug delivery.
21.A plastic card containing a processor and memory chip is calles a___.
Electronic card
*Smart card
Chip card
22.An input device worn on the hand in a virtual reality system is called a___.
VR mouse
Hand glove
VR hand
*Data glove
23.If all schools and universities are___and develop e-learning, there will be paper-free
24.There will possibly be___computers inside human body to monitor and regulate our heart
rate or blood pressure.
25.___chips, chips inserted into your body parts, can correct our ability to interact with the
26.In the first computer generation, vacuum tubes, also called___, were used.
27.In 1965, ___(Ics) were introduced, which reduced the computer size considerably.
*Integrated circuits
Incorporated circles
Incorporated circuits
Integrated circles
28.A disk which is protected against writing is called___disk.
Wtite against
Write protect
29.In the near future, ___ screens will replace monitors.
*Flat panel
30.The second generation of computers were___by transistors.
31.___ refers to the unauthorized access to a computer system and changing its data.
Making virus
32.If you illegally copy software programs, you may be accused of___.
33.A plastic card with a magnetic strip containing a user�s identification number is called
PIN card
*Swipe card
Bank card
Access card
34.___ is a form of program which infects your computer and destroys your data or damages
your system.
35.Some viruses are___but some are destructive.
36.Viruses can be___ via removed disks, LANs, bulletin boards and email attchments.
37.Do not open email attachments send by strangers without___for viruses.
38.If your computer is infected with a virus, there are antivirus programs to hunt down
and___the virus.
*All of choices all correct
39.Compuserve was___ trafficking pornography and neo-Nazi propadanda.
*Accused of
40.A___sells computer hardware and arranges support or training for customers.
Hardware engineer
Software designer
*Computer salesperson
Computer System Support person
41.___ designs, writes, compiles, and tests the systems and applications of all kinds.
Hardware engineer
*Software engineer
System Analyst
Network Support person
42.A___ maintains all aspects of networks including software, wiring and workstations.
Software engineer
Hardware engineer
System Support person
*Network Support person
43.Software engineers often___ programs from libraries or sub-programs and combine them
to make up a complete system program.
44.A___ researches designs and develops computer, or parts of computers, and the
computerized element of appliances and vehicles.
System Analyst
Network administrator
*Hardware engineer
System Support person
45.Website with entrics posted on regular basis and displayed in reverse chronological order
is called a___.
Web log
*All choices are correct
46.Authoring a blog. Maintaining a blog or adding an articcle to an existing blog is called___.
47.It is possible for readers to leave___in an interactive format on blogs.
48.Micro-blogging is a type of blogging which consists of blogs with___.
*Short posts
Mixed media types
49.Blogs can be___ by dedicated blog hosting services, or they can be run using blog
50.The morden blog ENVOLVED from the online diary, where people would keep a running
account of their personal lives. Which of the following can word ENVOLVED be best
replaced with?
51.A PostScript file consists of two main parts, one of which is the �prolog� containing a
set of___ used to form different graphic elements.
52.A piece of equipment that is connected the CPU of a computer system is called a___.
Backup device
53.System Analyst Programmers have to___a feasibility study in the company before writing
a program.
*Carry out
Work out
Make up
Play back
54. my job is to persuade customers tha it�s ____ investing in new computer system on
extending the systems they already have
55. Technical sales managers have to _________ after the sale and make sure things are
working well.
keep on touch
keep in tour
keep in distance
*keep in touch
56. it�s my job to try _____ new components before they�re used in our computers.
with in
57. software designers have to change the specifications for a system into a ____ that can be
logical put
logical constructions
*logical order
logical sequence
58. software engineers are also ___ for developing new systems.
able charge
capable account
feasible look
59. unauthorzized access to compyter systems and tampering with other users data is know
making viruses
spreading viruses
60. intentionally attempting to spread viruses is considered as computer______
criminal illegal
61. because faults can be develop in computer systems , it is important to keep copies of
valuable data using a_____
storage device
store system
*backup system
62. connector that carry signals between the processor and oter parts of the computer are
63. in the machine cycle, the fetch an decode steps together are called___
*instruction time
decoding time
fetching time
64. the person who advises potenential customers about available hardware and sells
equipment to suit individual requirements is a____.
software engineer
*commputer salesperson
help desk
hardware producer
65. �com� or net is so called ___.
domain name
66.A _____ is someone to snaps up generic domain name.
domain owner
67. in low-level laguages, cash instruction is ____ to a sigle machine code instruction
68.the _____ of mocement with television and motion pictures is achieved in the same way as
the technique used in computer animation.
69.one of the most important steps in computing technology in the coming year is ____ to be
a return to mechanical methods.
70.only a step further is the idea of building insect ____ robots that could do difficult job in
very small places.
71. average time required for the recording heads to move and access data is ___.
data transfer rate
move time
search time
*access time
72. prolog , which is the short form of programming in logic, contains a set of __ used to
form different graphic elements.
73. technical sales managers have to ____ after the sale and make sure things are working
74. the data transfer rate also ____ on the power of your computer.
75. a piece of equipment that is connected the CPU of a computer system is called a_______.
76. it is common to _______ computers together to form a network.
77. system analyst programmers have to ___ a feasibility study in the company before writing
a program.
*carry out
work out
take up
set up
78. the aim is to see whether a new program would be better ____ the methods they use at
much more
79. the language I choose for coding will deend____ various factors.
80. viruses can be found and removed by _____ program.
anti-virus & kill-virus
81. it�s my job to try ____ new componects before they�re used in our computer.
with in
82. we have 2.600 pubs and 550____ engineers.
83. intentionally attempting to spread viruses � considered � computer____.
84. most viruses remain______ until activated by something.
the same
85. because faults can develop in computer systems, it is important to keep copies of valuable
data using a_____.
*backup system
store system
86. some computer systems use____ that scan and identify characteristics of the user such as
their fingerprints, facial features, voice , or eyes.
identify system
recognition system& backup system
backup system
*recognition systems
87. always ________ an email attachment before opening it.
88.bacsic languages , where the program is similar to the machine code version, are ___ as
alow-level languages.
89. the___ is made up of 1s and 0s.
*binary system
decimal system
90. processors follow a fixed sequence of steps, called the____ , to process a program
*machine cycle
cycle machine
cycle process
process cycle
91. the arithmetic /logic unit excutes the arithmetic or ___.
*logical operations
logical instructions
lgic instructions
logic operations
92.in the machine cycle the, the fetch and decode steps together are called___
decoding time
*instruction time
execution time
93. in the machine cycle the execute and store steps together are called_______.
*execution time
storing time
executing time
instruction time
94. each postscript-based printer has a microprocessor, at least 2 MB of RAM , and an
operating system that ____ the postscript code.
95. in the first steps of the machine Cycle, the control unit ___ the instruction from memory.
systems analyst
software engineer
*software designer
96. the person who studies employer�s requirements and working pattern, reports on
different options, and writes specifications for programmers is a ______.
computer salesperson
*systems analyst
software enginer
software designer
97. the person who often compiles program from libraries or sub�programs, combining
these to make up a complete systems program is a________.
software engineer
*software designer& software engineer
software designer
computer systems analyst programmer
98. the person who researches, designs, and develops computers, or parts of computers and
the computerized element of applicances , machine, and vehicles is a________.
*hardware engineer
systems analyst
software engineer
hardware designer
99. maintaining the link between PCs and workstations connected in a network is a part of a
___ job.
network designer
network engineer
*network support person
network analyst
100. You have to know the ___ to enter the system, in the same way that you have to know
your personal identification number to get money out of a bank cash machine
security system
*correct password
safety transaction
identity card
90-b. the ___ is a unidirectional bus. Data flows one way only. It carries addresses from the
processor to memory.
data bus
control bus
*address bus
all are correct
91-b. the ___ control bus is bidirectional.it carries instructions to and from the CPU and
other parts of the computer.
address bus
*control bus
data bus
all are correct
92-b. ___ are program that have been written to make a computer behave in an unexpected
and undesired way.
free ware
none is correct
93-b. as networking develops _______ is likely to become more common, although people
will prefer to meet face �to �face where possible
*video conferencing
relay chat
94-b. it is likely that computer will play a bigger role in teaching in the future. Teaching ,
however, requires________ and is unlikely to be done entiren by computers.
*human skills
95-b. three _____ of our daily lives that are certainly likely to be affected are health,
shopping and money
96-b. A ___ is a glove with pressure pads which make yor hand feel as if it�s picking up
object or touching surfaces.
VR glove
data glove
data gole, or VR glove
*all of the choices are right
97-b. In the near future all schools and libraries will be linked together to from a ___ for
Learning - just like the electricity grid which connects all consumers.
electricity centre
*National Grid
national library
national data
98-b. All study and most jobs in the future will require ___ computer literacy.
computer data
computer information
*computer literacy
computer illiteracy
99-b. Email will allow pupils to ___easily with other puplis in different parts of the country
and in different parts of the world.
101. Every individual is unique. Some security system us ____.
physical gestures
*individual body characteristics
102. A new product called �Facelt� uses ___to protect individual files.
*face recognition
voice recognition
speech recognition
103. Easy access to online ___ will not help pupils to develop original ideas.
104. In some companies, wrokers wear an ___ with an embedded chip, which signals where
the wearer is at any time.
*active badge-an ID card
plastic card
business card
smart card
105. ___ is mainly used to describe the appearance of text, graphics and images on the
printed page.
106. ___ refer to the process of encoding data so that unauthorized users can�t read it.
107. Small files used by Web servers to know if you have visited their site before are ___.
contemporary files
108. ___ are files that identify users and Web servers on the net, like digital identification
109. A(n) ___ is made of two or more computers linked together to allow user to share files,
software and hardware.
110. A person who obtains unauthorized access to computer system is called ___.
111. Computer ___ are pictorial images producted by computer and refer particularly to
images displayed on a video display screen, or display monitor.
112. A program that enables a computer to process graphic images by means of mathematical
language is called ___.
*graphic sofware package
desktop publishing package
image-setter package
paint and drawing package
113. A computer display images on the phosphor- ___ surface of graphics display screen by
means of an electron beam.
114. Changes in the intensity of light beam determine their brightness and HUE of the screen.
Which of the followinf can be the word HUE be best replaced with?
115. A picture can be drawn or redrawn onto the screen with the euse of a mouse, a ___
tablet, or a light pen.
116. An output device which print the image on paper or on photographic film is called ___.
pattern-recognition devices
117. The computer can also generate hard copy by means of ___.
digital camera
118. ___-type graphics maintain an image as a matrix of independently controlled dots.
Raster and vector
119. Computer animation is the art of � �___ moving images via the use of computers.
*all the choices are correct
120. CGI stands for computer-generated ___ or computer-generated imaging.
121. The differences in appearance between key frames are automatically calculated by the
computer in a process known as ___.
122. the question of security is crucial when sending ___ information such sa credit card
123. To void the risks of being hacked, you should set all the ___ to high on your Web
mail alerts
cookies alerts
pop-up blockers
*security alerts
124. ___ is the simple combination of a word with an extension like �.com� or �.net�.
Web identity
Web address
*Domain names
security alerts
125. ___ is the practice of registering dozens, even hundreds of popular, trademarked names
with the purose of selling them for big money.
126. It�s advisable to buy a domain name from an official ___ so you have a contract and
the protections that go with it.
domain user
Inter Service Provider
127.Experts advise us to register ___ domain names such as �.fr�, �.mx� or �.vn�.
128. ___ often request a large amount of money for domain names but sometimes they do not
receive any and even are taken to court.
129. If you want to set up an e-commerce business, firstly you must ___ a good domain
130. A prospector is someone to snaps up ___ domain names.
131. Almost every computer user occasionally ENCOUNTERS a problem such as forgotten
password or the disaster of a crashing hard drive. What dose �ENCOUNTERS� mean?
132. The EXPLOSIVEuse of computers has assistance has created demand for specialists
who provide advice to users. Which of the follwing is EXPLOSIVE closest in meaning to?
133. Computer ___ provide technical assistance, support, and advice to customers and other
*support specialists
134. Helpdesk specialists answer telephone calls, analyze problems by using automated
diagnostic programs, and recurring difficulties.
find solutions to
all of the choices are right
135. Computer hardware or software vendors are ___.
companies producing hardware and software
*companies that sell hardware and software
hardware and software specialists
scientists in software and hardware
136. If computer system break down due to hardware or software problems, technical support
specialists are responsible for ___ them.
137. Helpdesk technicians also OVERSEE the daily perfromance of their company�s
computer systems. What does the word OVERSEE mean?
*all answers are right
138. These workers GATHER data to identify customer needs and the use the information to
identify, interpret, and evaluate system and network requirements. What does the word
GATHER mean?
139. Computer and information system managers plan, coordinate, and direct research and
facilitate the ___ activities of firms.
140. Computer and information system mangers ___ the work of system anlysts, computer
programmers, support specialists, and other computer-related workers.
141. Computer and information system managers plan and coordinate activities such as
implementation of Internet and ___ sites in their organizations.
wide area
142. Computer and information systems managers assign and review the work of their ___.
143. Computer and information system ___ are Chief technology officers (CTO),
Management information systems (MIS) directors or infoermation technology (IT) directors.
help-desk supporter
144. If you have any questions or problems with your computer, you can call an IT
company�s ___.
sales department
development section
145. ___ managers develop requirement, budgets, and schedules for their firm�s information
technology projects.
Information system
146. ___ (CIOs) are who computer and information systems managers report to.
*Chief Information Officers
Computer Information Officers
Computer Input Operators
Chief lnformation Operators
147. PDt stands for _____
Postscript Description Laguage
*page Description Languagce
Postscript Digital languge
page Data Language
148. Producing the programs which control the internal Operators of Computer converting
the systerm aralysl's specificatior to a logical series of steps are parts of a ___'s job
hardware engineer
*Software engineer
systems analyst
hardware desinger
149. the simple combination of a word with an ex tent\sion, serve as both the address and the
identity of a Web company, is a ____.
*domain name
150. the person who illegally buys and officially records an address on the Internet that is the
name of an existing company or a well-known person, with the intention of selling it to the
owner in order to make money is called a _____.
cyber owner
domain owner
website owner
151. the illegal activty of buying and officially recording an address on the Internet that is the
name of an existing company or a well-known person, with the intention of selling it to the
owner in order to make money is so called _____.
152.A(n) ____ is someone to snaps up generic domain name.
domain owner
153.A(n)_________is someone who intentionaliy registers trademaker name.
domain owner
154.A(n)______ translales the original code into a lower.-level langunge or machine code
so that the CPU can understand it
None of the choices
155.postscipt can speak to different output devides and adjust the quality � the final output
to the highest capacities of the output devides do it is
independent devide
dependent devide
*devide dependent
devide independent
156.picture created in postscipt and saved as separates file which is called ESP file.in this
case ESP stand for ____
especial PostScript
English for specific purposes
*encapsulated PostScript
especial purposes
157.in low-level language, each instruction is ____ to a single machine code instruction.
158.Individual articles on a blog are ____ "blog posts" , "posts" or "entries"
159.blog can be _____ by dedicared blog hosting servies or they can be run using blog
160.graphics software programs ___ the user to draw, colour and shade
161.A picture csn be drawn or radrawn onto the ____ with the use of the mouse, a pressuresensitive tablet, or a light pen.
162. the computers can also ____ hard copy by means of flotters and laser or dot-matrix
163.C++ was used to ____ Microsoft Windows operating system
164.java is a programming language originally___ for programming small electronic devices
such as mobile phone
165visual basic is useed to write general purpose____ for the window operating system
166.program instructions and data must be ____ into memory from an input devide or a
secondary storage device
167 modern computer are ___ and relatively cheap. older computer werer less powerful and
quite expensive
168.there are various types of blogs, and each differs in the way___ is delivered or writen
169. A tylical blog combines text ,images, and ____ to orther blogs, webpages, and other
media related to its topic
170.A graphics ____ produces images and designs. A word processor produces texts
171.small computers that can read the cards are ___ in ambulances and in hospital emergency
put in
set up
172.the biggest problem is making sure that people ___ their cards at all times
173. One of most important steps in computing technology in the coming years is _____ to be
a return to mechanical methods.
174. The ____ of using a micro-machine to deliver drugs is getting a bit closer to more sci-fi
175. Swallowing an ant-sized machine to cure you or putting one inside some failed
machinery seems_ a really good idea.
176. Some drawing programs can produce _____ draws in PostScript directly.
text files
print outs
177. Using ____ reality headsets and gloves, doctors and medical students will be able to
experiment with new procedures on simulated patients than real ones.
178. Smart clothes which ____ their thermal properties depending on the weather.
179. Since we are already ____ with the notion of an internal pacemaker for the heart,
including a chip or two may not seem all that astonishing.
180. A mor commom implant would be a chip to ____ visual signals.
181. Shoppers will be albe to scan down virtual supermarket asisles on their PC and ___ on to
whatever they want.
182. ____ is a set of programs used to detectm, identify, and remove viruses from a system.
virus protection
*anti-virus program
data protection
data security
183. A computer - graphics system basically ____ a computer to store and manipulate
composes of
consists of
A & C are correct
184. Preexisting images on paper can ___ into the computer through the use of scanners,
digitizers, or digital cameras.
*be scanned
put into
185. Programmers ussually ___ alot mor than just write the program code.
186. The disigners sometimes use____ to show the sequence of logical steps in a program.
187. A (n) ______ in a computer program is often called a bug and the processes of finding
and fixing them is known as debugging.
188. When your computer has fiddiculties, the processor ____ the priority of the action and
stops what it is doing at an appropriate time to deal with the problem.
189. When your computer has difficulties, the processor ____ the priority of the action and
stops what it is doing ai an appropriate time to deal with the problem.
*is made up of
is combined
is consist of
is kept of
190. The CPU sends a message to the user after it saves its ____ status in a special area of
191. There are ____ areas of computing and the students are likely to be able to suggest very
recentn developments.
192. Computing is changing and developing at a very fast ____ around the word in every
193. It is already necessary for young people to have some computing____ if they want to
find a job in the companies nowadays.
194. Miniature computers may be used to ____ our health and the use of computer controlled body implants is likely to develop to some extent.
195. All study and most jobs in the future will require computer ____ .
196. Communication through networks will ____ teachers from paperwork.
197. Computers _____ continue to become faster, cheaper, and mor efficient.
will likely to
is likely to
*are likely to
going to likely to
198. Speech recognition will make a big ____ in computing and will ineviably encourage a
lot more people to use computers in everyday situations.
199. It is difficult to find a good time to buy a computer because they are always___.
being repaired
being sold
being changed
*being improved
200.Because___can develop in computer systems, it is important to keep copies of valuable
data by using a backup system.
201.Viruses are programs that have been written to make a computer behave in a(n)___way.
202. Plain text email messages cannot contain a virus, but viruses can be___email
*carried in
carried out
carried of
203. Viruses have a tendency to ___themselves, and often attach themselves to other
eather copy or replicate is correct
*both copy replicate are correct
204. It is common for a user to have a virus program on their disk without___it.
aware of
*being aware of
wareness of
knowledge of
205.___are temporary storage areas for instructions or data .They work under the direction of
the control unit.
Storage devices
main memory
206.___is the standard set of rules for communicating over the Internet.
*Transmission control protocol/Internet protocol
internet address
207.Popular network___include Unix,Novell Netware,and Microsoft Windows NT.
*operating systems
word processors
programming languages
208.A___is a group of parallel wires which earn electrical signals between different parts of
the computer
209.The___is a bidirectional bus.It carries data and instructions from the memory to the CPU
and form the CPU to memory.
*Only data bus is correct
both data bus and address bus are correct
address bus
neither data bus nor address bus is correct
210.Using built-in camera,you can make___to other 3G mobile phones and see yourself and
other person you�re talking to on the screen.
*video calls
211.If both card and PIN are valid, the ATM will proceed to___money to the customers.
212. A hacker is a person who___a network�s privacy
213. We are the world leading___of digital camera for professional photographers.
214. Ascreen___enlarger text and graphics on the screen,increasing legibility.
215.A___has a screen and a keyboard that transcribes spoken voice as text; it�s ideal for
deaf people.
216. When a disk is formatted, its surface is divided into concentric cireles know as___.
217. The set of all weblogs on the internet is called___.
218.The Apple I Phone combines three products � a mobile phone, a widescreen iPod,and
an internet device � into one small___device.
hand hold
219. To capture sounds in digital format and play them back, modern PCs contain a___card.
220.Text with links, which takes you to other Webpages, is called___
super link
221. A CD___is a program that extracts music tracks from audio CDs to file on your hard
222.The technique used to play sound and video files as a continuous stream while they are
downloading is called___
223. Compressed music can be played with an MP3___
224. Concert and other events are broadcast over the web in a process called___.
blog cast
225. Graphics programs have a ___that enables you to draw,paint and edit images on the
tool menu
paint box
226. Bitmaps, or___are stored as a series of tiny dots are called pixels.
vector graphics
*raster graphic
227. The basic elements used to construct graphical objects are called___;they include lines,
curcles,polygons and text.
228. Line objects can have different kinds of___, such as thickness, colour, etc.
229.CAD designers often start a project by making a___, a drawing showing the edges and
vertices of a 3-D model.
230.In image-editing programs,___are special effects that can be applied to pictures including
drop shadows,textures, distortions,etc.
231.___is the process of combining multiple images together to form one final image.
232. Gnofract 4D is a program that allows you to create___.
fractals amazing
*amazing fractals
amazed fractals
fractals amazed
233. The only language a PC can directly excute is___,which consistsof 1s and 0s.
*machine code
234__refers to the technologies and applications that integrate different media:
text,graphics,sound,video and animation.
Smart device
virtual reality
235.___represent images as mathematical formulae, so they can be changed or scaled without
losing quality.
*Vector graphics
Raster graphics
236.___adds textures to each surface, abd generates realistic reflections,shadows and
237.Crackers,or___-hat hackers, are computer criminals who use technology to perform a
variety of crimes.
238.___is one kind of crimes using e-mails or websites that look like those of real
239. Looking at web pages can be called �navigating the web� but is more commonly
*surfing the net
skiing the net
swimming the net
going to the net
240. A file which is copied from the internet into your computer is called___.
an upload
*a download
a load
a buffer
241. Designs and drawings in websites are usually called web___.
242.Websites with sounds and/or video clips and/or animations have___content.
243.A program that adds functions to a browser(eg Shock wave) is called a___.
244.A website which can only be viewed by authorized people has___access.
245.Internet users who like cyber-shopping should get a digital___,an electronic identity
246.Private network use a software and/or hardware mechanism called a___to block
unauthorized traffic from the Internet.
247.You can download___from the Net; this type of software is available free of charge but
protected by copy right.
248.Afer creating DTP files on the computer, most people often take their files to___,a
company that specializes in printing.
advertising a gency
software producer
service bureau
249.If you click on a___link,you can jump to another screen with more information about a
particular subject.
super link
250.MP3 is short for MPEG audio layer 3, a standard format that___audio files
251.___is a form of wnriched multimedia which allows an interactive and dynamic linking od
visual and audio elements.
Interactive games
252.___is a technique for playing sound and video files while they are downloading.
253.___is a special program which converts the source program into machine code � the
only language understood by the processor.
Machine code
254.Geographic information system (GIS) allow___to create detailed maps.
*carto graphers
map designers
255.In education, it is used in presentations and ___training courses.
based computer
256. In____, users interact with a simulated world.
the Internet
*virtual reality
257. Some kinds of browsers allow you to disable or delete___, a small file placed on the
hard drive by web servers so that they can recognize the PC once visited them.
plug-in programs
258. The activity happening on the internet like harassment or abuse, mainly in the chat
rooms or newsgroups is called___.
259. ___ involes adding paint, colour and filters to drawing and designs.
260. Video and audio components are decompressed using separate___, a formula used for
decomposing components of a data stream.
261. To find the webpage you want, you have to click on a webpage___ or enter a URL into a
domain name
262. ___is used for creating and editing webpages.
image editor
presentation program
*website editor
263. JPEG is the most common type of___ used for storing image data on the web.
264. The company uses___ techniques to decode ( or decipher ) secret data.
1.Compiled Java code can run on most computers because there are Java interpreters, known
as________ for most operating systems.
A. Java ME
B. Java applet
C. Java Script
*D. Java Virtual Machines
2.The Java Virtual Machine includes an option just-in-time compiler that dynamically
compiles bytecodeinto _____as an alternative to interpreting one bytecode instruction at a
*A. executable code
B. digits
C. java
D. binary code
3.Flash files, traditionally called____, have a .swf file extension.
*A. Flash movies
B. The Jman applet
C. The LandRover applet
D.Adobe Flash
4.A competitor of Java is Adobe Flash technology,which supports graphics, a scripting
language called____, and the streaming of audio and video.
A. Flash files
*B. Action Script
C. Adobe Flash
D. Flash movies
5.The Java language began to attract serious attention from____
*A. the Internet community
B. Wi-Fi
C. platforms
D.the Internet connection
6.Today, Java is a hot technology that runs on multiple____, including smart cards,
embedded devices,mobile phones and computers.
A. animations
B. screens
*C. platforms
D. moving texts
7.An_____ clock applet displays the time according to the web user�s computer and lets
you set the colors and style of the hands and numbers.
*A. analogue
B. digital
C. computer
D. synchronized
8.Java was designed to have the �clock and feel� of the C+ + language, but it is simpler to
use than C + and enforces a/an____ programming model.
*A. object-oriented
B. multi-threaded
C. single-threaded
D.B & C are correct
9.Duke, an animated character, is the_____of the Java language.
A. logo
*B. mascot
C. statue
10.The original name of____ was Oak, which was named after the tree outside the window of
James Gosling, one of the engineers at Sun Microsystems.
A. Java
B. the Java language
C. the Java application
*D. All are correct
11.Java applets let you watch_____characters on web pages.
*A, animated
B. object-oriented
C. compiled
12.Java does have______: Microsoft�s C# and Adobe Flash.
*A. competitors
B. applets
C. platforms
D.A & B are correct
13.A person who knows a lot about Information Technology and is employed to give advice
about it to customers and other people is a/an_____.
*B.IT consultant
C. DTP operator
D. network administrator
14.A person who uses page layout software to prepare electronic files for publication is
callled a/an_____ .
B. IT consultant
*C. DTP operator
D. network administrator
15.We call a person who manages the hardware and software that comprise a network
a/an____ .
A. DTP operator
B. IT consultant
C. DTP operator
*D. network administrator
16.A person who is responsible for creating, managing and maintaining one or more webservers or websites is called a/an_____
*A. webmaster
B. IT consultant
C. DTP operator
D. network administrator
17.A person who writes applications programs (computer programs designed to be used for a
particular purpose, e.g. wordprocessors, spreadsheets or database programs) is called
a/an____ .
A.IT manager
*C. applications programmer
B.system programmer
D. help-desk troubleshooter
18.A person who specializes in writing systems software (a program or set of programs that
are used to control the basic functions of a computer system, e.g. operating system programs)
is a/an____
A,IT manager
C. applications programmer
*B.system programmer
D. help-desk troubleshooter
19.A person who manages projects, technology and people. He is also responsible for
developing and implementing computer software that supports the operations of the business
is called a/an_____
*A . I T manager
C. applications programmer
U system programmer
D. help-desk troubleshooter
20.We call a person who works as part of telephone service that helps users solve problems
that occur on computer systems a/an____
A.IT manager
C. applications programmer
B.system programmer
D*. help-desk troubleshooter
21.A fault in a machine, especially in a computer system or program is a____
*A. bug
B. debug
C. blog
D. troubleshoot
22._____is the technique of detecting and correcting errors which may occur in programs.
A. Bugging
B. Bug
C. Debugger
*D. Debugging
23._____refers to the transmission of signals over a distance for the purpose of
*A. Telecommunications
B. teletext
C. mobile phone
D. Internet
24.VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol, a system which lets you make phone calls
using the____
instead of the regular phone line.
A. telecommunications
B. teletext
C. mobile phone
*D. Internet
25.With a Wi-Fi phone, you are using the Internet, so the calls are free or at least cheaper
than using a(n)_____
A. telecommunications
B. message
*C. mobile phone
D. Internet
26.Spit, or spam over internet telephony, means that our phones could be blocked with
unwanted voice_____
*B. messages
C. mobile phones
D. Internet
27.Thanks to telecommunications, people can now work at home and communicative with
their office by computer and telephone. This is called____
A. teletext
*B. teleworking
C. telemarketing
D. call centre
28_____ .is the process of selling goods and services over the phone.
A. Teletext
B. Teleworking
*C. Telemarketing
D. Call centre
29. A___ has the ability to handle a considerable volume of calls at the same time.
A. teletext
B. teleworking
C. telemarketing
*D. call centre
30._____ is a system for giving written information on many subjects, such as news, sport
results, share prices and weather forecasts, by television.
*A. Teletext
B. Teleworking
C. Telemarketing
D. Call centre
31._____ is/are transmitted by devices such as the telephone, radio, television, satellite or
computer network.
A. Information
B. Data
C. Signal
*D. All are correct
32. A___ is a being that a part robot, part human.
*A. cyborg
B. robotics
C. nanobots
D. android
33._____ is a machine that sends and receives documents in an electronic form along
telephone wires and then prints them.
A. Teletext
B. Set-top box
*C. Fax
D. BlackBerry
34.The Passport, the latest model of__
A. mobile phone
B.set-top box
C. wearable computer
*D. BlackBerry
, is officially released on September 24,2014.
35.A device that changes a digital television signal into a form which can be seen on an
ordinary television is called a_____ .
A. teletext
*B. set-top box
C. fax
D. BlackBerry
36.____ is a machine in or outside a bank from which you can get money from your bank
account using a special plastic card.
A. Cashpoint
B. Cash machine
C. Cash dispenser
*D. All are correct
37_ ___ cover a large geographic area, like a country or even multiple countries.
B. Intranets
*D. WANs
38.______ is a computer network interconnects computers within a limited area such as a
home, school, computer laboratory, or office building.
B. Intranet
39.A computer network typically includes a laptop, a mobile phone and a PDA is called___
B. Intranet
40.A company network that uses public internet software but makes the website only
accessible to employees and authorized users is called____
*B. Intranet
41.According to geographical area criteria,_______are divided into PANs, LANs, MANs and
A .topologies
B. architectures
C. network protocols
*D. networks
42. Networks use different_______. For instance, the Internet uses TCP/IP.
A .topology
B. architecture
*C. network protocols
D. geographical area
43.According to the criteria of________
peer-to-peer network.
A. topology
C.network protocol
D. geographical area
, networks include client-server network and
44.There are 3 kinds of_____
*A. topology
C.network protocol
D. geographical area
, or layout: bus network, star network and ring network.
45.A wireless network for connecting Wi-Fi hotspots is called______
46 .____ is the wireless technology that allows devices to communicate over long distances.
*B. Satellite
C. Bluetooth
47 .____ is the wireless network for mobile phones.
B. Satellite
C. Bluetooth
48.Much of the Internet uses high-speed______
A. Wi-Fi hotspot
*B. fibre optic cable
C. Ethernet cable
D. telephone line
to send data over long distances.
49.The device that serves as a common connection point for devices in a wireless network is
A. wired router
B.broadband modem
C.wireless adapter
*D. wireless access point
50.On___topology, all data flows through a central hub, a common connection point for the
devices in
the network.
A. bus
B. ring
*C. star
D. client-server
51. A___ is a device that outputs a video signal to display a video game.
A. personal computer
B. mobile phone
*C. video game console
D. portable gaming device
52.Some mobile phone games are programmed to run natively on the chip of____
A. personal computer
*B. 3G mobile phones
C.video game console
D. portable gaming device
53.Console games are played on_________, such as the Sony PS3 or Microsoft Xbox 360.
A. personal computer
B. 3G mobile phone
*C.video game console
D. portable gaming devices
54._________ are played on coin-operated machines, typically installed in restaurants, bars
and amusement arcades.
A. PC games
B.Handheld games
*C. Arcade games
D. Mobile phone games
55.The Snake series of games had been popular on many Nokia phones since the late 1990s.
The Snake is a____
A. PC game
B. Handheld game
C. Arcade game
*D. Mobile phone game
56.Her kid plays___
and plays it at any time.
A. PC games
*B. handheld games
C. arcade games
D. mobile phone games
on that small machine. He brings that machine to everywhere
57.This____can work with Window XP, but it is faster if you have Window Vista.
*A. PC game
B. handheld game
C. arcade game
D. mobile phone game
58._____ allow you to play against other users in other parts of the world using the Internet.
A. Arcade games
B. Console games
C. PC games
*D. Massively multiplayer online games
59.To play a______
A. handheld game
*B. console game
you just need the games controller that came with your machine.
C.PC game
D. massively multiplayer online game
60._____ is the science of making devices from single atoms and molecules.
A. Robotics
*B. Nanotechnology
C. Expert systems
D. Artificial intelligence
61._____ is a computer with electronic parts that are so small that they can only be seen using
a microscope.
A. Appliance
B. Pervasive computing
*C. Nanocomputer
D. Ubiquitous computing
62.The medical application of nanotechnology is called_____.
*A. nanomedicine
B. appliance
C. expert systems
D. biometrics
63._____ are chemical substances or materials that are manufactured and used at a very small scale.
A .Nanotube
B. Nanotransistor
C. expert systems
*D. Nanomaterials
64.Nano devices are measured in_____
*A. nanometers
B. nanotubes
C. nanotransistors
D. nanobots
65.The microscopic robots, built with nanotechnology are called____
A. robotics
B. android
*C. nanobots
D. asimo
66.Nanomaterials will be made from carbon atoms in the form of____
A. devices
B. nanotransistors
C. nanobots
*D. nanotubes
67.The science of making intelligent machines and programs is called____
A. robotics
C.expert systems
*D.Artificial Intelligence
68.The branch of .mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science that
deals with thedesign, construction, operation, and application of robots is called___ .
*A. robotics
B. android
c. nanobots
D. artificial Intelligence
69.A robot that resembles a human is called____
A. robotics
*B. android
c. nanobots
D. Asimo
70.In the future, doctors will be using______to diagnose illnesses.
A. robotics
B. nanobots
*c. expert systems
D. artificial Intelligence
71.______uses computer technology to identify people based on physical characteristics such
as fingerprints,facial features, voice, iris and retina patterns.
*A. Biometrics
B. Pervasive computing
c. Ubiquitous computing
D. Nanocomputers
72._____ is the new approach in which computer functions are integrated into everyday life,
often in an invisible way.
A. Nanocomputers
B. Pervasive computing
c. Ubiquitous computing
*D. B & c are correct
73.In the ideal smart home,______and electronic devices work in sync to keep the house
A. nanobots
B. nanotransistors
c. nanotubes