Medical Law & Ethics Quiz: HIPAA, Bioethics, Research

Medical Law & Ethics: Chapters 10 & 11 Quiz
Multiple Choice
1. In order to deidentify a patient’s public health information, all the following have to be
removed except:
a. Telephone and fax numbers
b. Communicable disease
c. Social security number
d. Email address
e. All of the above have to be removed
2. Under HIPAA, medical practitioners and other covered entities are required to
a. Use their employer identification number for electronic transfers of patient
b. Supply all their patients with notice of privacy practices
c. Meet all the notification requirements by the year 2008
d. A and B only
e. A,B,and C
3. The purpose(s) of HIPAA is/are to:
a. Allow patients to have easier access to their health records
b. Protect computerized medical records and billing
c. Prevent the police from accessing a patient’s medical record
d. Prevent hospitals from placing patients’ names in their directory
e. A and B only
4. Signed authorizations from patients restricting disclosure of PHI
a. Must be retained permanently
b. Are not enforceable
c. Should be retained for 10 years
d. Should be retained for six years from the date they were created
e. Do not have to be retained
5. A privacy officer should
a. Be appointed by every covered entity
b. Should be trained to receive complaints
c. Should be trained to provide information concerning the provider’s privacy
notice materials
d. A and C only
e. A, B and C
6. People and organizations that require a patient’s health information include
a. Police
b. Selected family members
c. Insurance companies
d. Ambulance services
e. All of the above
7. Under HIPAA, a patient cannot have his or her name removed from a hospital patient
a. True
b. False
8. Compliance with HIPAA has been relatively inexpensive for the covered entities such as
Blue Cross.
a. True
b. False
9. The privacy rule that went into effect on April 14, 2001, grants a five-year period for
a. True
b. False
10. Under HIPAA, nursing homes have the right to deny access to patient’s medical
a. True
b. False
11. Medical device companies have no rights under HIPAA to a patient’s medical
a. True
b. False
12. Vital healthcare information, such as a patient’s case of venereal disease, can be
supplied and still be in compliance with HIPAA.
a. True
b. False
13. The penalties for noncompliance with HIPAA are relatively mild.
a. True
b. False
14. Under HIPAA, patients can request to be contact only at work by their physicians.
a. True
b. False
15. Under HIPAA, patients can examine all of their medical records, with the exception of
the physician’s written comments.
a. True
b. False
16. Under HIPAA, patients have the right to restrict the access of their medical file.
a. True
b. False
17. Virtually everyone in the U.S. healthcare system is affected by HIPAA.
a. True
b. False
18. The two unique identifiers used under HIPAA are EIN (employer identification number)
and EIS (employer’s tax ID or EIN.
a. True
b. False
19. A double-blind test means that
a. Neither the patient nor the researcher knows who is getting the treatment
b. The participants are visually impaired
c. The results will not be gained form an objective method for texting
d. The control group will eventually benefit from being in the experiment
e. There is an unethical practice taking place
20. Many professional codes of ethics are based on
a. Current laws
b. Mandates form the government
c. Early writings of Hippocrates
d. Outdated value systems
e. None of the above
21. Stem cells are
a. Genetically identical cells from a single common cell used to create identical
b. Master cells in the body that can generate specialized cells
c. The same as chromosomes
d. The same as gene markers
e. None of the above
22. What topics are included under the topic of bioethics?
a. Stem cell research
b. Fetal tissue research
c. Random clinical trials
d. A and B only
e. A, B, and C
23. Taking away a license to practice medicine is called
a. Revocation
b. Censure
c. Expulsion
d. A and C only
e. A, B, and C
24. Medical issues relating to bioethics include:
a. Harvesting embryos
b. DRGs
c. Withdrawing treatment
d. HMOs
e. A and C only
25. The American Medical Association’s Principle of Ethics discusses all of the following
a. Human dignity
b. Confidentiality
c. Responsibility to society
d. Sanctions for unethical behavior
e. Honesty
26. The AAMA Code of Ethics discusses
a. Human dignity
b. The need for continued study
c. Giving patients advice
d. Confidentiality
e. A, B and C only
27. An institutional review board oversees the sale of organs in interstate commerce.
a. True
b. False
28. The social utility method of allocation of organs uses the criteria that there is a strong
chance that the recipient will survive.
a. True
b. False
29. The Seven-Step Ethical Decision Model provides a subjective method for solving ethical
a. True
b. False
30. Since nontherapeutic research will not directly benefit the research subjects, it is not
necessary to obtain informed consent.
a. True
b. False
31. The entire healthcare team is responsible for explaining to the patient the risks involved
in a research project.
a. True
b. False
32. Medical etiquette is the same as medical ethics.
a. True
b. False
33. Posthumous means occurring after the death of a person.
a. True
b. False
34. Euthanasia is the self-inflicted death of a person.
a. True
b. False
35. Censure is the same as condemnation of an individual.
a. True
b. False