ABSTRACT IRMAWATI PERMATASARI, 2012, A STUDY OF IMAGERY FOUND IN LORD BYRON’S THREE POEMS, ADVISORS: (I) Drs. ANDI ROESTIONO, M.Pd, (II) Drs. H. HARDONO, M.Pd. This study is concerned with the analysis of imagery in Lord Byron’s poems. The writer presents three statements of the problem in her study. First, what kinds of imagery are found in Lord Byron’s three poems, second, how are the meanings of those imageries,and the third how are the imageries expressed in the poems. The writer uses the qualitative approach because the data are collected in the form of words and sentences. The writer also uses the qualitative method to analyze the data because she wants to give descriptive information. The writer uses content analysis technique to do research. As the source of data, the writer analyzes three poems of Lord Byron, they are: “When We Two Parted”, “On this Day I Complete My Thirty-Sixth Year”, and “Darkness”. The procedures of data collection are reading the poem carefully, quoting the imagery, and identifying the imagery. The procedures of data analysis are classifying the kinds of imagery, describing the meaning of imagery, and explaining how the imageries expressed in the poems. After analyzing the data, the writer finds five imageries. They are visual, auditory, internal sensation, tactile, and kinesthetic imagery. Actually, the writer finds 51 internal sensation, followed by 30 kinesthetic, then, 24 visual, ten tactile, and also eight auditory imageries. The writer does not find olfactory and gustatory imagery that are expressed by the poet. Besides imagery, the writer also looks for figuratives language because the poet uses them to express the idea to bring the readers’ imagination. The writer gets seven figuratives language in general, such as simile, metaphor, personification, synecdoche, hyperbole, paradox, and symbol. She can find ten hyperbole and symbol, followed by five simile and personification, then, three synecdoche and paradox, and one metaphor. Finally, the writer concludes that the first poem tells about the feeling of a man after his relationship has ended. The writer finds five kinds of imageries; the internal sensation or feeling imagery is a dominant one, and then visual, auditory, tactile, and followed by kinesthetic imagery. The second poem describes about the poet feels sad and regretful because he has not gotten the true love. The writer can find four kinds of imageries; they are internal sensation or feeling imagery dominantly, then visual, kinesthetic, and tactile imagery. The third poem explains about a mountain has erupted. From the third poems, the writer finds visual, auditory, internal sensation, tactile, and kinesthetic imagery. v