Act 3 Summary Skipped in the film. Scene 1 – Cassio shows up at O’s home to ask Emilia to talk to Desi about talking to O. Emilia says Desi is already trying to help. Emilia tells Cassio that O. needs to get over it on his own – he likes Cassio but Cassio hurt a big wig in Cyprus. Scene 2 – O. sends off letters to the Venetian senate confirming the war is over. Iago Othello Desdemona Emilia Cassio O. and Iago arrive as Cassio leaves. Desi pleads his case to O. Iago questions O. about Cassio’s intentions and states his own loyalty to O. Iago admits he’s cynical of others and asks for O’s opinion of Cassio, warning O. against jealousy. Iago plants the seeds of jealousy in O’s mind; O’s resolve and trust of Desi begins to waver. O. says he trusts until proven wrong, thinks Desi is honest. O. tells Iago to tell him more if he learns more. Iago stresses Desi’s innocence while pushing his doubts. O. is visibly shaken by Iago’s manipulation. Desi enters after Iago leaves, sees O. feeling unwell, dabs his head with her handkerchief, a gift from O. As they leave, she forgets it. Emilia finds Desi’s handkerchief and gives it to Iago who has been asking for it. Iago plans to leave it at Cassio’s home to frame C. and Desi. O. has a dream of Cassio and Desi having sex, wakes in a cold sweat, and goes for a walk, disturbed by his vision. Cassio gives the handkerchief to Bianca as a gift. O. begins to believe Iago’s claims and is infuriated with Iago for planting the seed. O. tells Iago he had better be able to prove his accusation or he will be killed. Iago feigns offense and says he is honest, says he has proof and lies about Cassio talking in his sleep about Desi and seeing the handkerchief at Cassio’s. Emilia Desdemona Othello Desi cannot find her handkerchief. Emilia doesn’t tell her she gave it to Iago. Othello enters asking for the handkerchief and sharing the story behind it. Desi doesn’t tell him she can’t find it, tries to change the subject to Cassio, and doesn’t get why he’s behaving so irrationally. Desi thinks O. is worried about work, has no idea he’s jealous as she hasn’t done anything wrong.