Hamlet Act III - D. Carrick English

Hamlet Act III
Presentation by Amalie, Caroline, Casey, Dan, Jodie,
and Miles
Summary 3.1
Opening the act, we see the King and Queen wondering
what is bothering Hamlet--why he's acting mad. In this
scene they use Ophelia to see if it caused by love. He
walks in, gives his "To be or not to be" speech after
which Ophelia converses with him. He tells her that he
never loved her and basically says love between them
would be pointless. He makes his exit. The King and
Polonius conclude that something else bothers him and
that he should be sent to England for some time.
Summary 3.2
Hamlets plans in seeing if Claudius is guilty are put in
action. He gives the actors he met a play for them to
perform that portrays his father's death. He calls it
"Mousetrap" because it is meant to bother those who
don't have a clean conscious. Hamlet asks Horatio to
observe the King for this reason. Finally, the actors
portray the death of the King and Claudius--and
everyone else minus Hamlet and Horatio--leaves.
Hamlet has proven his uncle's guilt to himself.
Later, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern come back to
Hamlet, telling him that his mother is upset and would
like to speak with him.
(Rising Action)
Summary 3.3
This scene has a lot to do with Claudius. First, he
discusses his plans to send Hamlet to England with
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, saying he would like
them to go also. Next, Polonius tells him that he is
going to eavesdrop on the conversation between
Gertrude and Hamlet. Finally, he kneels to pray.
Hamlet happens to sneak up during this prayer in which
Claudius confesses his sin--the murder of his brother.
Hamlet draws his sword, prepared to kill, and stops,
deciding against it since the king was praying.
Summary 3.4
In Act 3, we see the conversation between Hamlet and his
mother. With his first few words, Hamlet gets upset
and Gertrude, worried for her life, calls for help.
Polonius answers from behind a curtain and Hamlet,
believing this to be the King, makes a rash decision,
killing the person behind. This is the climax of the
story. After seeing his mistake, he guilt trips his
mother for her remarriage. Gertrude can no longer
take it, begging him to stop.
Now the ghost shows up, reminding Hamlet of the revenge
that needs to take place. Gertrude can't see the ghost
that Hamlet speaks to and really thinks he's lost his
marbles. Hamlet leaves, dragging Polonius's body after
a few last sorrowful words with his mother.
Significant Quotes
"To be or not to be, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to
suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against
a sea of troubles and by opposing end them." Act 3, Scene 1.
This could be taken in the way that he himself is contemplating his own
suicide or just wondering why others reject the idea of suicide, possibly
because we don't know for sure what's there for us after.
"And make us rather bear those ills we have than fly to others that we know
not of?" Act 3, Scene 1.
We thought this quote was significant because it's so relatable--how quick we
are to throw our problems out there and takes ours back everytime.
Significant Quotes
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks." Act 3, Scene 2.
This is Gertrude speaking to Hamlet replying to his question on what she
thinks of his play, this is significant because she's viewing herself in a
different way and it bothers her on the inside, and she's feeling guilty.
"O, my offence is rank, it smells to heaven; It hath a primal eldest curse
upon't, a brother's murder." Act 3, Scene 3.
This passage is significant simply because Claudius admits to murdering
Hamlet's father and he realizes he committed the same crime as Cain.
"Nay, I know not. Is it the king?" Act 3, Scene 4.
This passage is significant because it's the climax. He draws his sword and
stabs it through the tapestry, killing the unseen Polonius, thinking it is
Claudius. Here our hero shows his flaw, and seals his fate along with
everyone else. Gertrude is aghast and asks what Hamlet has done.
Modern Connections
PTS- Hamlet has gone through several traumatic experiences and
has suffered mentally and is no longer the same person.
High School "Puppy" Love- Ophelia loves Hamlet and she thinks he
is the only person for her. However, Hamlet doesn't feel that way
and promptly dumps her and she thinks the world has stop
spinning. Like most high school relationships when they end some
people think it's the end of the world but it really isn't a big deal.
The assassination of world leaders- World leaders have been killed
in recent years because someone close to them wants power or
want the person in charge out of power. Claudius wanted power
so he killed his brother, and then Hamlet doesn't want Claudius in
power so he tries to kill him.
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