Subject of Lesson: Social Studies Grade Level: 9-10 Time Estimate: 45 minutes I. Objective(s) Students will analyze pictures/ artifacts of the Pompeii site using the Edmodo website. II. NYS Learning Standard(s) - NYSS #2 (World History) III. Common Core State Standards - Reading Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies 9-10.1: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, attending to such features as the date and origin of the information. - Writing Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies 9-10.6: Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically. IV. Materials Computers SMART Board White Board Writing utensil NYT article: Pompeii’s preserved bodies tell their story V. Anticipatory Set Step(s) Have a writing prompt on the board for the students to complete as they walk into class. Key Questions, Comments, Directions Directive Writing Prompt: If you had only a short amount of time to gather items from your house before you were forced to leave, what would you bring? List the items (Top 10) VI. Body Step(s) Discuss the items the students said they would gather from their homes. Move the discussion into what the students think a person living in Pompeii would bring. Key Questions, Comments, Directions What would you bring? Why? Any Mementos? Would it help you to survive? What would a resident of Pompeii bring? Teacher reads the NYT article to class Students move to a computer with a partner and sign on EdModo Why Could it tell us something about their life? Read aloud Frequent pauses to assess students understanding Article shows us that we can learn about the residents of Pompeii from artifacts They will analyze pictures of the Pompeii sight today and draw their own inferences into what the picture can tell them about life in Pompeii. They can post on each picture; like Facebook VII. Closure: Steps Ask a few students to share what they inferred VIII. Key Questions, Comments, Directions The pictures with the running posts can be viewed on the classroom smartBoard Follow-Up: Students will compare the items they listed at the beginning of class to the ones they saw in the Pompeii site pictures. Will they have some commonality? IX. Evaluation: Students will be evaluated on if their inference has supporting details to back up their claim about life in Pompeii.