Target 2- The New England Colonies


Target 2- The New England Colonies

CAUSE long winters, growing season was short

Climate the Atlantic Ocean- whales, mackeral, halibut, cod, and other fish; forests provided lumber

Natural Resources

Soil and Geography rocky soil- subsistence farming is the production of enough food for themselves and a little extra for the town NE had great harbors and bays

Geographic Expansion of

New England

Productive Resources AND

Economic Expansion


English settlers made up the largest group of people- most of the New England farmers lived near towns because they sold larger plots of land to a group of people

GREAT MIGRATION- 20,000 Puritans made their way to Massachusetts from 1620-1640

Fishing Industry; shipbuilding and timber industry; TRADE in coastal cities like Boston

(commerce) bay areas and harbors

Economic Expansion- Triangular Trade- name given to the trading route with three stops

(America, Europe and Africa) Navigation Acts to make money England forced colonial trade with the “mother country”, England- smuggling to benefit the colonists

Target 3- People

What do you notice about the movement of people to New England?

What do you notice about the products of

New England? small towns around Puritan churches which divided the land among its members- farmhouses surrounded a green- a central square where a meetinghouse was located and where public activities took place ; few African slaves in New England (cities there were few slaves); gradual decline of Puritanism GREAT MIGRATION- 20,000 Puritans made their way to Massachusetts from 1620-1640 ; moved as congregations


Primary focus on

Shipbuilding (timber), Fishing/Whaling (oil) and Trade

What ideas (religious/social/political) make the New England Colonies different or

The New England Way- work hard and be faithful to God was essential to life;

Education was important- emphasis on reading (Bible); Puritans settled other colonies (RI, CONN.) for religious freedoms unique?

Decline of Puritan NE- economic competition, other religions, and government changes

Target 2- The New England Colonies

CAUSE long winters (short growing seasons)


Natural Resources whales- Atlantic Ocean – mackeral, cod, halibut, “fishies”

Forests- trees

Soil and Geography rocky soil

Geographic Expansion of

New England

Productive Resources AND

Economic Expansion


“hunting” for more forests and fishing grounds as more people enter New England- Puritan strength/presence declines (economic/other religions cause it to go away) whale oil- lighting; shipbuilding, fishing and trade (SERVICE) lumber and ships (shipyard)

triangular trade is trade routes which have 3 “legs” of trade (America, Africa, Europe)

Navigation Acts were laws to expand England’s economy = wealth (gold/silver)- this process of making profit for the parent colony is called MERCANTILISM

Target 3

What do you notice about the movement of people to New England?

What do you notice about the products of

New England?

English settlers (not diverse)- land was sold to groups (Congregations) of

Puritans- communities were called commonwealth; divided land into “greens” with meetinghouses- town meetings were self government “happened”



Shipbuilding, Fishing industry, and trade


What ideas (religious/social/political) make the New England Colonies different or unique?

The New England Way- idea of stressing hard work, duty and godliness for the community- knowing how to behave in their commonwealth; Education important stressing reading the Bible other colonies were founded by Puritans who were forced out of Mass.

(Connecticut/Rhode Island) where it belongs????

subsistence farming- is growing enough crops for yourself and some extra for the town.

Target 3- The New England Colonies

CAUSE long winters (short growing season)


Atlantic Ocean- whales and fishing; trees for ships/lumber

Natural Resources

Soil and Geography rocky soil

EFFECT movement inland for more trees; expand out onto other fishing grounds

Geographic Expansion of

New England Colonies

Productive Resources AND

Economic Expansion commerce/trade, whale oil, shipbuilding, fishing (cod, halibut, mackerel, other ‘fishies’) and timber; triangular trade was a series (3) of stops where trade goods were shipped and sold from port to port (Europe, Africa, America)- Navigation Acts ensured profit for


Target 3

What do you notice about the movement of people to the New England Colonies?

What do you notice about the products of the New England Colonies?

Puritan congregations (Church) bought plots o’ land to farm- farmhouses formed “greens” with a meetinghouse in the center; few African Americans in

NE due to the type of farms Great Migration- 20,000 Puritans move to NE formed commonwealth for towns- town meetings (self-gov) shipbuilding, fishing/whaling, trade (service)

What ideas (religious/social/political) make the New England Colonies different or unique? religion? The New England Way- belief that one should show godliness, duty and honor (honesty) community first; education was important esp. reading- gateway to the Bible

subsistence farming- NE’ers produced enough crops to feed themselves and a lil’ extra to sell

Puritan ministers were removed from Mass. Bay Co. for different beliefs- formed Connecticut,

Rhode Island colonies

Puritan NE declines (1720’s) due to 1) economic interest, 2) competition among other Christian groups 3) political changes

Target 3- The Middle Colonies


Natural Resources

Soil and Geography


Geographic Expansion of

Middle Colonies

Productive Resources AND

Economic Expansion

Target 3

What do you notice about the movement of people to the Middle Colonies?


What do you notice about the products of the Middle Colonies?

What ideas (religious/social/political) make the Middle Colonies different or unique?

Target 3- The Southern Colonies


Natural Resources

Soil and Geography


Geographic Expansion of the Southern Colonies

Productive Resources AND

Economic Expansion

Target 3

What do you notice about the movement of people to the Southern Colonies?


What do you notice about the products of the Southern Colonies?

What ideas (religious/social/political) make the Southern Colonies different or unique?
