LESSON: Response to Literature ESSENTIAL QUESTION How do we respond to a piece of literature? ELA6W2 DAY ONE How do we use technology and media resources to create a response to literature? ELA6LSV2 TEACHER/TEAM: Bowling – Team 6-2 ACTIVATING STRATEGY TEACHING STRATEGY/PROCEDURES SUMMARIZING ACTIVITY Warm-up: Discuss what discrimination and prejudice mean. Talk about examples from history and real life. Students will watch the video of the Sneetches by Dr. Suess, while reading along with the poem in the Literature book. Do you ever treat someone who is different like the star-bellied Sneetches treated the plain-bellied Sneetches? How do we analyze a piece of literature for moral standards? How do we respond to a piece of literature? ELA6W2 DAY TWO How do we use technology and media resources to create a response to literature? ELA6LSV2 How do we analyze a piece of literature for moral standards? SUBJECT: Language Arts Warm-up: Show students the sample video that I put together for the project they will create. We will stop the video at points to address questions: - Why are the star-bellied and plainbellied Sneetches opposed to one another? - Are they treating each other fairly? - Does the star really make a Sneetch different? - How can you relate this story to your life? Project: Create a digital story video about prejudice and discrimination in the world. Use what you learned from the Sneetches to inspire your video. Training Day: - Go over Windows Movie Maker with the students. - Show a sample story board and help students begin to make their own story boards. TECH Video of the Sneetches by Dr. Suess Why is that wrong? How can you change your prejudices and discrimination? Have portions of your story board filled out for your video. Sample video Windows Movie Maker How do we respond to a piece of literature? ELA6W2 DAY THREE How do we use technology and media resources to create a response to literature? ELA6LSV2 Warm-up: Allow students time to look at the resource kit that is on the student shared drive. Training Day: - Audacity - Windows Movie Maker Warm-up: Review requirements and goals for the project. Using the resource kit and the tools we went over in the past few days, students will start putting their videos together. Review the requirements of the project. Computers for all students. Resource Kit on the student shared drive Audacity Windows Movie Maker Go over the requirements of the project again. Computers for all students. Resource Kit on the student shared drive Audacity Windows Movie Maker Students need to start adding definite sound and images to their story boards. How do we analyze a piece of literature for moral standards? DAY FOUR-EIGHT How do we respond to a piece of literature? ELA6W2 The teacher will facilitate and help students that need help with the project. How do we use technology and media resources to create a response to literature? ELA6LSV2 How do we analyze a piece of literature for moral standards? How do we respond to a piece of literature? ELA6W2 DAY NINE-TEN How do we use technology and media resources to create a response to literature? ELA6LSV2 How do we analyze a piece of literature for moral standards? Warm-up: Students will make finishing touches on their projects. Allow students to share their videos with the class. Discuss how these videos relate back to the prejudice and discrimination we discussed at the beginning of the week. Discuss how we can tell others what they do well in their writing and what can be improved. Read Aloud: Dawn Treader