Gary Handman 643-8566 This is not a PowerPoint Presentation What We’ll Be Covering: •Journal Index and Abstracts •Reviews and Critical Analyses •Current and retrospective •ejournals: licensed and open-source •Monographs •Books and eBooks •Whole Works and Contents •Dissertations •Film Credits Databases •Archival Sources Online Indexes •Hundreds of disciplinary, multi-disciplinary, and news-based-- licensed by the library (many via CDL) •Each indexes dozens to hundreds of journals •Multiple indexes sometimes under one company portal (eg: CSA Illumina, EBSCO, Wilson) •Coverage better for current than retro (in most cases)…relatively few before 1960 •Some overlap in coverage between dbs •Full-text availability: varies from database to database; many are still citation only •Most citations have UC eLinks (more about which later) •Accessible from off-campus via proxy Online Indexes: Current Reviews and Scholarship Where to start GH Desert Island Film Studies Index/Article Database List: Current •EBSCO databases (Academic Search Complete; Film & TV Lit Index, and others) •MLA Bibliography •International Index to the Performing Arts •JSTOR (most retro, but in 2011, some current) GH Film Studies Desert Island List: Retrospective •Readers Guide Retrospective •Internat’l Index to Performing Arts •JSTOR •Historical Newspapers (ProQuest) •International Index to the Performing Arts •Periodicals Archive Online (PAO) •AFI and BFI Indexes •Remember: the farther back in time, the thinner the scholarship and academic writing… GH Desert Island List: Retrospective Film Reviews Print Sources •Variety Film Reviews (soon to go online) Print in MRC, 1907– (online in 2011!!!) •Hanson and Hanson: Film Review Index (in MRC) •Retrospective index to film periodicals, 1930-1971 (in MRC) •Readers Guide to Periodical Lit (print) •SEE Kristen Whissel List! Ejournals Including •Open-source and commercial one-offs •Publishers’ collections*: Some can be accessed directly; Some only thru an index *e.g. Taylor and Francis; Caliber (UC Press), Cambridge Sage; Wiley Film ejournals: All ejournals (searchable or browseable by title) ejournals A-Z OskiCat: Can look up journals by title: links to full text when available Where Do I find The Most Recent Articles on Griffith’s Intolerance? MRC Bibliographies Take em’ out for a spin.. UC eLinks •Books on Buñuel: OskiCat •Books on Buñuel since 2000: OskiCat with publication limits •Chapters or essays on Buñuel in books •Notes keywords in OskiCat (advanced search) •MLA and Essay and General Literature Index •Google Scholar!! (includes Google Books!) •Ebrary (electronic books collection) Archives Listing of International Archives via LC FIAF (Db of international archival holdings) (UCB/proxy only) American Memory Project (LC) (early films, animation, et al.): Europa Film Treasures Film Archives online (European archives) Internet Moving Image Archive (ephemera, orphans, PD works) UbuWeb (streamed avant-garde works) •Where do I find out about recent archival film acquisitions in the broader UC system? •Where do I find foreign-language film databases (which might include, say, more French journals from the early twentieth century than would an English database)? • I've seen the immense Shakespeare adaptations bibliography on the Media Resources website; where do I find such a resource for other authors? •Scholarship on prisons and silent cinema (e.g. representation of prisons/figure of prison in silent cinema) •Information about film screenings in alternative exhibition sites such as prisons •Scholarship that references the mug shot in silent cinema Gary Handman 643-8566