THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Office of Human Research- Institutional Review Board Phone: 202-994-2715 Student Investigator IRB Responsibilities Agreement (HRP-290) IRB # (if already assigned, otherwise leave blank--will be assigned upon submission): STUDY TITLE: I understand that as the Student Investigator, in conjunction with the Principal Investigator and my site preceptor (if applicable), I am responsible for all aspects of this research study. I understand that intentional or involuntary violation of IRB policy is subject to appropriate penalties that could include further investigation into the noncompliance, forfeiture of collected data, study expiration, and/or IRB-directed study termination. By initialing the following statements I further agree that (initial below): I will promptly respond to all requests for information or materials solicited by the IRB Office. I will obtain and submit site permissions from any non-GWU location where I will be interacting with participants, including recruiting, consenting, or data collection (if the site is withholding permission pending IRB approval, this must be explicitly stated in the initial application). I will abstain from enrolling any individual in a research study (i) until such study is approved by the IRB and I have permission from the study PI and the site preceptor to begin study activities; (ii) during any period when the IRB, sponsor, or principal investigator has suspended study activities; or (iii) following IRB or sponsor/principal investigator-directed termination of the study. If I am working with others on this study, I will ensure that all associates, colleagues, and other personnel assisting in the conduct of the research study are appropriately informed of (i) the study procedures; (ii) informed consent requirements; (iii) the potential adverse events associated with study participation; (iv) adverse event reporting requirements; and (v) data collection and record-keeping criteria. In the event that I have concerns about the study’s ethical conduct, I will alert the PI and the site preceptor immediately. I will conduct the study in strict accordance with the current IRB-approved research protocol except where a change may be necessary to eliminate an apparent immediate hazard to a given human research subject. I will promptly report to the PI, site preceptor, and the IRB Office any deviations from the currently approved research protocol (except for exempt studies, wherein the IRB should only be informed if the risks to participants change, a new population is added, or there is a change in PI). I will promptly report to the PI, site preceptor, and IRB (and, if applicable, to the sponsor and FDA) any internal or external adverse event that is considered to be 1) unexpected; 2) serious) and 3) possibly or definitely related to the study. This may include participant complaints or concerns. I will request IRB approval of any proposed modification to the research protocol or to supporting documents (such as consent, recruitment, data collection tools) prior to implementing such modifications. 1 Student Responsibilities (HRP-290) V.04/23/15 THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Office of Human Research- Institutional Review Board Phone: 202-994-2715 Student Investigator IRB Responsibilities Agreement (HRP-290) I will obtain and document informed consent prospectively and in accordance with the current IRBapproved informed consent documents (i.e., unless the IRB has granted a waiver of subjects’ consent). I will maintain adequate, current, and accurate records of research data, outcomes, and adverse events to permit an ongoing assessment of the risk/benefit ratio of study participation. I will promptly report to the IRB any significant changes in the risk/benefit of study participation. I will ensure that, in the event a research subject experiences a significant adverse event, every reasonable effort is made to provide the subject with adequate care to correct or alleviate the consequences of the adverse event to the greatest extent possible. I will ensure that human research subjects are kept fully informed of any new information that may affect their willingness to continue to participate in the research study. I will maintain current training in Human Subjects Protections via the CITI training website ( while the study is active. I understand that Human Subjects Protections training is valid for two years then must be retaken. If my site preceptor has other training requirements I will ensure they are updated and valid. I will maintain current training on participant privacy/HIPAA (if PII or PHI is utilized in the research) via the CITI training website ( or GW Skillport HIPAA modules while the study is active. I will work with the PI and site preceptor ensure the submission of the research study for IRB continuing review at least 30 days prior to study expiration. I understand that if my research study expires before I am ready to close my study, I am required to submit a new application, new supporting materials, and obtain new signatures. If the study is expired, study activities must halt until re-approval is given. I will notify the IRB, via the submission of a Study Closure Form, once all data collection and analysis of identifiable information is complete. Data and Confidentiality I will never discuss participant information in the presence of any person outside of the program who is not directly affiliated with the participant’s experience in the study, including but not limited to use of cell phones outside of secure study-related environments. 2 Student Responsibilities (HRP-290) V.04/23/15 THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Office of Human Research- Institutional Review Board Phone: 202-994-2715 Student Investigator IRB Responsibilities Agreement (HRP-290) I will handle confidential data as discretely as possible and I will never leave confidential information in view of others unrelated to the specific activity. I will keep all confidential information in a locked cabinet when not in use. I will encrypt all computer files with personal identifiers when not in use. I will not use portable media (e.g. USB drives) or laptops for data analysis unless the devices are fully encrypted and the data have been de-identified. Identifiable data should never be kept on portable media. I will never use study data on public computers. I will maintain my computer protected by power on and screen saver passwords. I will not disclose my computer passwords to unauthorized persons. No data will be maintained outside of sanctioned and secured and encrypted devices. I understand that I am responsible for preventing unauthorized access to or use of my keys, passwords, and data codes. I understand that I am bound by these policies, even upon resignation, termination, or completion of my activities. Upon completion of my student project, my PI and site preceptor will advise me on handling of data, materials, and any remaining follow up prior to my departure from the program. I have received, read, and understood the above referenced guidelines. I agree to abide by the Student Investigator Responsibilities Agreement. ___________________________________________________ Student’s Signature ____ Date ____________________________________________________________ Student’s Printed Name ___________________________________________________ Principal Investigator's Signature _____ Date ___________________________________________________________ Principal Investigator's Printed Name 3 Student Responsibilities (HRP-290) V.04/23/15