Mrs. Coats APCA11 Class Schedule: January 25-February 11 Unit: The Grapes of Wrath and Argument Essential Questions: 1. Should the Joads or Wilsons have accepted government aide, if it had existed, and why? 2. Can an individual impact or change a community? 3. How are gender roles portrayed throughout The Grapes of Wrath? Objective: Students will be able to read a variety of texts, including time-period fiction, non-fiction, and comics, to help form an opinion and make an argument that contains a claim, warrant(s), and evidence. Purpose: This unit has plenty of value outside of the school setting. If you desire to be a successful adult, you must understand the importance of a valid, strong argument (a set of reasons and warrants). This unit of argument coincides with the content you are learning in your American History course, which you will see through reading The Grapes of Wrath (GoW) and The Worst Hard Times (TWHT). ***For your benefit: It is crucial for you to be in class every single day. Missing just one day can put you behind. This is an AP class—you must push yourself to think harder, work harder, write more. I have made Part I of the schedule for this unit. This is so you will know what to expect from day-to-day. I will be providing the second portion of this calendar when we get closer to the end of this one. January 23/24 Would you ever consider using government support? What government programs can you think of? Here is a list a questions you will be reading for as we make our way through The Grapes of Wrath: 1. What are some times that the Joads or the Wilsons could have used government aide (even if it was not available back then)? 2. How do you see gender roles being displayed (give specifics)? 3. How does/can an individual or group impact or change a community? As you go through reading these texts, you should use sticky-notes to annotate. I-Search Activity January 25/28 Hand out books, read Chapter 1 of GoW as a class. Annotating—what to look for (EQs)—hand out sticky-notes As we read, o Put stickies in Chapter 1 as a class o Vocab—words we don’t know, words we see being repeated o QAR—levels of questions to ask ourselves as we read. All good readers do this. This may mean rereading passages for clarification, questioning the author’s purpose, and discussing portions of the text as we read. o Model Summary Analysis Black Blizzard clip **Write your first reactions to the clip on your blog. Homework: Read and annotate Chapter 2 of GoW and Chapter 5 of The Worst Hard Times (minus pages 80-86) for next time. Make a list of words that you see being repeated and a list of words you don’t know. January 29/30 Entrance Ticket: Discussion board post o Vocabulary, Summary, RADCAP EPP—argument: If a dust storm hits your city, eminent death is likely. o Novel discussion o Start integrating sources chart—Modeling during discussion Homework: Read Chapter 5 of GoW and 91-96 of TWHT and complete a Summary Analysis of GoW and 91-96 of TWHT. January 31/February 1 Entrance Ticket: Discussion board post Answer Garden: Words being repeated between GoW and TWHT. o Discuss words Books Discussion: pair a passage from GoW 5 and TWHT 91-96 to compare/contrast Homework: Read Chapter 6 of GoW and complete a Summary Analysis. February 4/5 Entrance Ticket: Discussion board o Novel discussion Argument PowerPoint Pt. I Examine an EPP article for argument that is taught in the PowerPoint Homework: Blog post with vocabulary, summary, and RADCAB February 6/7 Independent Reading Present blog posts from last time Argument PowerPoint Pt. II o Examine article for the next piece of argument Watch GoW Chapter 8 movie clip—fill out guided notes Homework: Read Chapters 9 & 10 of GoW and revisit 95-96 of TWHT. Complete a Summary Analysis of GoW 9 & 10. February 8/11 Entrance Ticket: Discussion board o GoW and TWHT discussion o Integrating Sources chart Complete in groups Compare the information that you have found so far with others in your group Argument PowerPoint Pt. III o Examine article for the next piece of argument Homework: Read Chapters 13 & 14 of GoW and pages 121-122 of TWHT. Complete a Summary Analysis of Chapters 13 & 14 of GoW.