Shae Fahey Accounting I 2013 - 2014
Chapter 11 Definitions & Concepts
Subsidiary ledger: a ledger that is summarized in a single general ledger account
Accounts payable ledger: subsidiary ledger containing only accounts for vendors from whom merchandise is purchased on account or other items are bought on account
Accounts receivable ledger: subsidiary ledger containing only accounts for charge customers
Controlling account: account in general ledger that summarizes all accounts in subsidiary ledger
Balance of controlling account equals total of all account balances in its related subsidiary ledger
Vendor number for any vendor is a 3-digit number o Example: American Paint is the vendor, and the vendor number is 210
The first digit, 2, shows that the controlling account is a liability
The second and third digits, 10, show the vendor number assigned to American
Accounts arranged in alphabetical order within subsidiary ledger
When balance of vendor account in accounts payable or accounts receiver ledger is changed, the balance of the controlling account (accounts payable or accounts receivable) is also changed
Each new account is opened by:
Writing the vendor name on the heading of the ledger account
Writing the vendor number on the heading of the ledger account
Schedule of accounts payable: listing of vendor accounts, account balances, and total amounts due all vendors o Schedule of accounts payable prepared after all entries in journal are posted
Accounts receivable are assets and assets have a normal debit balance, so the form used in the accounts receivable ledger has a Debit Balance column instead of a Credit Balance column, as we see in the accounts payable ledger
Some businesses record both customer name and customer address on the ledger form
However, address information is usually kept in a separate name and address file
Shae Fahey Accounting I 2013 - 2014 o Eliminates having to record the customer address on the ledger form each time a new ledger page is started or the address changes
Schedule of accounts receivable: listing of customer accounts, account balances, and total amount due from all customers o Schedule of accounts receivable is prepared after all entries in a journal are posted
Account name, account number, and account balances are recorded on the new page of an account in a general ledger
Each amount in the general columns of a cash payments journal is posted individually to the general ledger account written in the Account Title column o Only monthly total of each special amount column is posted to a general ledger account