Health Fair Project part 2

Names:_______________________________________________________________________ Period:___________________
Health Fair Project—Part 2
DO NOW Directions: Read this page and answer the questions on the bottom
The Health Fair is upon us! Now that you have researched and written an essay on the disease that you and your group
has chosen, you will now construct a display for our Health Fair up coming on April 10th.
This portion of the project will be a GROUP effort!
Man! I learned a lot
from these kids! Time
to start cooking
Something to think about:
This is a project for an
audience. Make sure that
what you create will
teach our visitors about
something valuable—you
never know, you might
just dramatically change
I am going to
stop smoking
for my family!
someone’s life!
Here are the options you have:
1. A large poster board display with pictures.
2. A 3D model display with a mini poster/ brochure explaining it
Use this Checklist to make sure you have the following:
 Information about what the disease is
 Information about the different ways you can get the disease
 Information about how it affects your organ systems—mention at least 1
 Information about what you can do to prevent it and/or treat it
 Visuals/ pictures/ model
Tips to Make Your Project Professional:
 Type out your information, or hand-write neatly—people need to read it
 Make something that the audience might want to take home (mini brochures, mini business cards,
recipe cards)
 Make something that the audience might be able to interact with (an experiment, demonstration, etc)
Here are some Questions to help you be creative and think outside the box:
 What makes a booth attractive and interesting?
How will you interact with visitors?
How will you “teach” your disease in an interesting way?
Jot down some more ideas you have for the project here:
Grading Rubric
Due Date and Time
Content is accurate, and
goes above and beyond
what is required.
Content is accurate.
Meets minimum
Project very well
organized, and clearly
labeled sections for
audience to easily read
and interact with
Project is extremely
creative with presenting
the material.
Project is well
organized. Some
sections may not be
very clearly labeled.
Project is extremely
well-presented to the
audience. Presenters are
ready to answer any
questions, and very
knowledgeable about
their topic. Audience
learns something new/
receives information to
take home.
Project is turned in on
time, following all
Content lacks a deep
understanding of the
topic. Too general and
not specific enough.
Project is somewhat
organized. Missing some
required portions.
Not complete and lacks
significant content.
Project is pretty creative
with presenting the
material. Some ideas
may be overused or
Project is generally
well-presented to the
audience. Most group
members are ready to
interact with the
audience and present
the material. Audience
seem to learn something
Project looks messy, or
done at the last minute.
Project is incomplete,
looks absolutely
unacceptable to present
to audience.
Project is presented to
the audience, but may
be confusing and
unclear. It is difficult for
the audience to learn
something, and they
may leave the
presentation with a lot
of questions.
Project is not ready to
be presented to the
audience. The group
members are not
prepared to share
Project is one day late.
Project is two days late
Project is three or more
days late.
Project is not organized.
Did not follow