Introduction to Ecology

Introduction to Ecology
Ecology is defined as
A. Study of plants
B. Study of animals
C. Study of organisms focusing on energy
D. Study of the earth
Ecology is defined as
A. Study of plants
B. Study of animals
C. Study of organisms focusing on energy
D. Study of the earth
The environment is made up
A. Animals and plants only
B. Abiotic and biotic factors
C. Weather and soil only
D. People, weather, and soil only
The environment is made up
A. Animals and plants only
B. Abiotic and biotic factors
C. Weather and soil only
D. People, weather, and soil only
The order of our social order, from largest to
smallest is
A. Biosphere, ecosystem, population, community,
and organism
B. Organism, population, community, ecosystem,
and biosphere
C. Community, populations biosphere, ecosystems,
and organisms
D. Biosphere, ecosystem, community, population,
and organism
The order of our social order, from largest to
smallest is
A. Biosphere, ecosystem, population, community,
and organism
B. Organism, population, community, ecosystem,
and biosphere
C. Community, populations biosphere, ecosystems,
and organisms
D. Biosphere, ecosystem, community, population,
and organism
A unicellular organism is
A. A single celled, living organism
B. Two celled, living organism
C. A multicellular living organism
D. A part of earth that has survived the glacial
A unicellular organism is
A. A single celled, living organism
B. Two celled, living organism
C. A multicellular living organism
D. A part of earth that has survived the glacial
A group of organisms one species living is the
same place at the same time that interbreed is
A. A community
B. An ecosystem
C. A population
D. A biosphere
A group of organisms one species living is the
same place at the same time that interbreed is
A. A community
B. An ecosystem
C. A population
D. A biosphere
Several interacting populations that inhabit a
common environment and are interdependent is
A. Population
B. Community
C. Biosphere
D. ecosystem
Several interacting populations that inhabit a
common environment and are interdependent is
A. Population
B. Community
C. Biosphere
D. ecosystem
An ecosystem can be defined as
A. Communities in a population and the abiotic
factors with which they interact
B. Populations in a community and the abiotic
factors with which they interact.
C. Communities in a population and the biotic
factors with which they interact
D. Populations in a community and the biotic
factors with which they interact.
An ecosystem can be defined as
A. Communities in a population and the abiotic
factors with which they interact
B. Populations in a community and the abiotic
factors with which they interact.
C. Communities in a population and the biotic
factors with which they interact
D. Populations in a community and the biotic
factors with which they interact.
The life supporting portions of Earth composed
of air, land, fresh water, and salt water as well as
being the highest level of organization is a
A. Population
B. Community
C. Biosphere
D. Family
The life supporting portions of Earth composed
of air, land, fresh water, and salt water as well as
being the highest level of organization is a
A. Population
B. Community
C. Biosphere
D. Family
A ___________ is the role a species plays in a
community; its total way of life/
A. Population
B. Niche
C. City
D. family
A ___________ is the role a species plays in a
community; its total way of life/
A. Population
B. Niche
C. City
D. family
What is the definition of a limiting factor?
A. The amount of money in a community
B. The number of people in a community
C. The amount of food available in the
D. Any biotic or abiotic factor that restrict the
existence of organisms in a specific
What is the definition of a limiting factor?
A. The amount of money in a community
B. The number of people in a community
C. The amount of food available in the
D. Any biotic or abiotic factor that restrict the
existence of organisms in a specific
An example of a “limiting factor” would be:
A. Any biotic organism
B. Any abiotic organism
C. Any amount of food
D. Any type of car
An example of a “limiting factor” would be:
A. Any biotic organism
B. Any abiotic organism
C. Any amount of food
D. Any type of car
The three types of feeding relationships are
A. Producer-consumer, predator-prey, parasitehost
B. Producer-prey, predator- consumer, parasitehost
C. Parasite-producer, consumer-host, parasitepredator
D. Producer-consumer, predator-parasite, preyhost
The three types of feeding relationships are
A. Producer-consumer, predator-prey, parasitehost
B. Producer-prey, predator- consumer, parasitehost
C. Parasite-producer, consumer-host, parasitepredator
D. Producer-consumer, predator-parasite, preyhost
A producer is
A. At the top of the food chain
B. At the middle of the food chain
C. At the bottom of the food chain
D. Not on the food chain at all
A producer is
A. At the top of the food chain
B. At the middle of the food chain
C. At the bottom of the food chain
D. Not on the food chain at all
Consumers can
A. Only survive by taking in the sun.
B. Survive only by using photosynthesis
C. Be primary or tertiary
D. Only consume plants
Consumers can
A. Only survive by taking in the sun.
B. Survive only by using photosynthesis
C. Be primary or tertiary
D. Only consume plants
A. Eat only meat
B. Eat both plants and animals
C. Eat only plants
D. Can be lions
A. Eat only meat
B. Eat both plants and animals
C. Eat only plants
D. Can be lions
Symbiosis is
A. Many species living together
B. the same species living together
C. An agreement between the same species to
share food
D. Two species living together
Symbiosis is
A. Many species living together
B. the same species living together
C. An agreement between the same species to
share food
D. Two species living together
Commensalism is one form of symbiotic
relations that
A. Neither species benefits from the
B. Both species benefits
C. One species benefits and the other species is
D. One species benefits and the other is neither
harmed nor helped
Commensalism is one form of symbiotic
relations that
A. Neither species benefits from the
B. Both species benefits
C. One species benefits and the other species is
D. One species benefits and the other is
neither harmed nor helped
One type of symbiotic relationships is mutualism
A. Benefits neither participant
B. Benefits both species
C. One species benefits, the second is not
D. Neither species benefits
One type of symbiotic relationships is mutualism
A. Benefits neither participant
B. Benefits both species
C. One species benefits, the second is not
D. Neither species benefits
A trophic level
A. Represents a feeding step in the transfer of
energy and matter
B. Is only observed in a symbiotic relationship
C. Represents high tide and low tides of the
D. Is determined by the depth of the ocean
A trophic level
A. Represents a feeding step in the transfer of
energy and matter
B. Is only observed in a symbiotic relationship
C. Represents high tide and low tides of the
D. Is determined by the depth of the ocean
__________ is transferred upwards but is
diminished with each transfer.
A. Biomass
B. Compost
C. Energy
D. Food chain
__________ is transferred upwards but is
diminished with each transfer.
A. Biomass
B. Compost
C. Energy
D. Food chain
A food chain is a model that shows
A. A complicated design of matter and energy
moving through the ecosystem
B. The proper eating diet for a long life
C. how matter and energy move through an
D. The process of food production in the
A food chain is a model that shows
A. A complicated design of matter and energy
moving through the ecosystem
B. The proper eating diet for a long life
C. how matter and energy move through an
D. The process of food production in the
Different from a food chain, the food web shows
A. All possible feeding relationships in a
community at each trophic level
B. The simplicity of a species acquiring food
C. The problems species have in a hostile
environment of obtaining food
D. How different foods are obtained by different
Different from a food chain, the food web shows
A. All possible feeding relationships in a
community at each trophic level
B. The simplicity of a species acquiring food
C. The problems species have in a hostile
environment of obtaining food
D. How different foods are obtained by different
Nitrogen makes up about how much of the air in
the atmosphere?
A. 3-5%
B. 30-50%
C. 80-90%
D. 78-80%
Nitrogen makes up about how much of the air in
the atmosphere?
A. 3-5%
B. 30-50%
C. 80-90%
D. 78-80%
Nitrogen fixation
A. Makes NH4 become N2
B. Makes NH4 become NH2
C. Makes N2 become NH4
D. Makes N2 become N4
Nitrogen fixation
A. Makes NH4 become N2
B. Makes NH4 become NH2
C. Makes N2 become NH4
D. Makes N2 become N4
__________ organisms are one-celled.
• Unicellular organisms are one-celled.
• Which of these statements best describes a
niche in an ecosystem?
– A. the role of a species in its population
– B. the role of a species in its community
– C. the way a species uses the resources in its
– D. the way a species interacts with other species
in its habitat
• Which of these statements best describes a
niche in an ecosystem?
– A. the role of a species in its population
– B. the role of a species in its community
– C. the way a species uses the resources in its
– D. the way a species interacts with other species
in its habitat
• A spider hides in an orchid flower. It captures
and eats insects as they enter the flower. How
could this be an example of mutualism?
– A. if the spider is also eating part of the flower
– B. if the spider’s actions do not affect the orchid
– C. if the insects that the spider captures are
harming the flower
– D. if the insects that the spider captures are
pollinating the flower
• A spider hides in an orchid flower. It captures
and eats insects as they enter the flower. How
could this be an example of mutualism?
– A. if the spider is also eating part of the flower
– B. if the spider’s actions do not affect the orchid
– C. if the insects that the spider captures are
harming the flower
– D. if the insects that the spider captures are
pollinating the flower
• Why are decomposers an essential part of a
healthy ecosystem?
– A. Decomposers are a necessary part of the diet of
most consumers.
– B. Decomposers convert plant material into a form
that primary consumers can use.
– C. Decomposers make resources available to
producers by breaking down waste materials.
– D. Decomposers extract energy from sunlight as they
break down plant materials, adding returning energy
to the system.
• Why are decomposers an essential part of a
healthy ecosystem?
– A. Decomposers are a necessary part of the diet of
most consumers.
– B. Decomposers convert plant material into a form
that primary consumers can use.
– C. Decomposers make resources available to
producers by breaking down waste materials.
– D. Decomposers extract energy from sunlight as they
break down plant materials, adding returning energy
to the system.
• Which of the following best describes what
scientists consider when they study ecology?
– A. the interactions of organisms with their
– B. the interactions of organisms with weather and
– C. the interactions of organisms to reproduce and
produce offspring
– D. the interactions of organisms with one another
and the environment
• Which of the following best describes what
scientists consider when they study ecology?
– A. the interactions of organisms with their
– B. the interactions of organisms with weather and
– C. the interactions of organisms to reproduce and
produce offspring
– D. the interactions of organisms with one
another and the environment
• Which of the following determines where a
population can live?
– A. whether its needs are met by the biotic factors
in the habitat
– B. whether its needs are met by the abiotic
factors in the habitat
– C. whether its needs are met by the abiotic and
biotic factors in the habitat
– D. whether its needs are met by the other
populations of organisms in the habitat
• Which of the following determines where a
population can live?
– A. whether its needs are met by the biotic factors
in the habitat
– B. whether its needs are met by the abiotic
factors in the habitat
– C. whether its needs are met by the abiotic and
biotic factors in the habitat
– D. whether its needs are met by the other
populations of organisms in the habitat
• Which of the following is a biotic factor in an
• A. wind
• B. tree leaves
• C. small rocks
• D. light from the sun
• Which of the following is a biotic factor in an
• A. wind
• B. tree leaves
• C. small rocks
• D. light from the sun
• Which of these statements describes a species?
• A. A species is a group of organisms that are
closely related.
• B. A species is a group of organisms that live in
the same habitat.
• C. A species is a group of organisms that live in
an area and interact.
• D. A species is a group of organisms that are
closely related and produce fertile offspring.
• Which of these statements describes a species?
• A. A species is a group of organisms that are
closely related.
• B. A species is a group of organisms that live in
the same habitat.
• C. A species is a group of organisms that live in
an area and interact.
• D. A species is a group of organisms that are
closely related and produce fertile offspring.
• The water cycle includes
A. photosynthesis, respiration, and
releasing oxygen
B. evaporation, transpiration,
condensation, precipitation
C. nitrogen, photosynthesis, oxygen,
D. evaporation, transpiration, respiration,
• The water cycle includes
A. photosynthesis, respiration, and
releasing oxygen
B. evaporation, transpiration,
condensation, precipitation
C. nitrogen, photosynthesis, oxygen,
D. evaporation, transpiration, respiration,
• What is the difference between a food chain
and a food web?
• What is the difference between a food chain
and a food web?
• A food chain includes only one line of social
order; a food web includes several lines of
social order.
What are the two types of water biomes?
• What are the two types of water biomes?
• a. Freshwater
• b. Saltwater
• How does the environment determine where
an organism can survive?
• Explain your answer.
• How does the environment determine where
an organism can survive?
• Explain your answer.
• An organism lives where it does because it
can survive under the conditions in that