Mahatma Gandhi documentary Movie Notes
Mother very religious. Deep Hindu faith, Prayer and fasting, father politician, stern forgiving. Married at 13
He cared for his father, went to sleep with wife and father died. Leading to a sense he failed his father and did not do his duty. Life shaping event
17 goes to England to study law. Wears top hat and silver tip cane, takes dancing lessons. Returns to India and freezes in court.
Accepts job offer and Gandhi goes to South Africa. Faced discrimination by not being allowed to sit in first class on a train. Thrown of the train.
Turning point. Stays in South Africa and Resists
Fights in courts but on not successful. Works with different groups. Still loyal to the British Empire he serves as a stretcher carrier. Zulu and
Boer Wars witnesses massacres Turning Point
1906 laws of registration required Indian woman strip before white police. Outrage hears man say he will go to prison first. This is a new idea for him. Another turning point
Age 45 returns to India. Society is failing under 200 years of British imperial rule. India was the most profitable colony of the British Empire, but by taking resources have left Indian Industry devastated.
1919 Gandhi creates a National Strike, a group to south meets and due to non assembly laws, the group are massacred
Homespun Movement Gandhi unites Indians, Muslims and groups under nationalism. Wears simple clothes. Homespun to show Indian solidarity Gandhi spins yarn. Connects with all Indians. The start of him wearing loin cloth Turning Point
Insisted on peace when many wanted violence. Gains moral high ground
1930 Salt March - due to monopoly Indians could not make salt. Marches 240 miles to sea to make salt.
Beginning with 80 followers built huge support only marching 10 miles a day, news spread and foreign reporters came 100 of thousands make the journey. Picks up salt at the sea and encourage Indians to make salt as rebellion. He and many are jailed and beaten
World Pressure causes Brittan to negotiate with Gandhi goes to London, appears before King in loin cloth. Criticized for not dressing appropriately said the king he is wearing clothes for both of them
Held daily pray meeting back in India in front on 100 of thousands, becoming more spiritual to point of laying with naked Hindu girls to test his celibacy. Gandhi is now taking form of deity of followers
1942 Gandhi declares independence "Quit India" Speech. He and the Indian Congress are arrested.
Leads rebellion from prison for 2 years
1947 Brittan did not have resources to rule India
Hindus and Muslims resume hatred. Try's to unite the two but fails
Pakistan is created to create a Muslim state. Mass migrations
Gandhi goes on hunger strike until the Muslims and Hindu unites. Gandhi wins over Hindus in New Deli saving Muslims.
Pakistan India border violence rages. Gandhi makes a barefoot journey enduring angry crowds. Great sense of failure that India is divided.
Anticipates assassination. At 78 a Hindu kill Gandhi
National morning Million of Millions. "The father of India"
Influence the future with non violence peaceful disobedience. MLK, Nelson Mandela. Union strikes all peaceful civil disobedience is owed to
Pakistan and India today are fierce rivals. Both have the nuclear bomb. In Pakistan they call it the Muslim Bomb. The boarder is similar to the
DMZ of South and North Korea
How did G parents influence his later life?
How would you describe Gandhi’s self-esteem as a young man?
Why would Brittan by unwilling to give up India as a colony?
Give several (meaning at least3) examples of symbolism Gandhi used to achieve his goals and explain their meaning their purpose?
Why was the Salt March so effective bring world awareness?
As Gandhi aged explain his spiritualism effect on others?
Why did Brittan finally give India its independence?
What was the purpose of the creation of Pakistan and why did Gandhi consider that a failure?
How did Gandhi die?
Explain Gandhi’s future influence.
What is the condition of relations with Pakistan and India today?