
Sandy Ramirez
Kate Kimball
English 1010-92
On August 8, 1942 Gandhi delivered his plan of action to the All India Congress
Committee at Gowalia Tank Maidan a park that is in Bombay, Hindustani. Gandhi told Indians to
do a non- violence civil demonstration and to also act as an independent nation. In Gandhi’s
speech "Quit India" he uses many forms of rhetoric that proves to be effective to get his point
across. In the beginning of his speech he said "Let me place before you one or two things, I
want you to understand two things very clearly and to consider them from the same point of
view from which I am placing them before you. I ask you to consider it from my point of view
because if you approve of it, you will enjoined to carry out all I say. It will be a great
responsibility." (Gandhi.) In this statement he wants to try and get people to feel what he was
going through, he wants them to be open-minded and not be bias about the situation. Gandhi
uses forms of rhetoric to make his speech effective, including pathos, logos, and ethos.
Gandhi begins his pathos appeal by describing a democracy where everyone is equal,
“Everyone will be his own master” (Gandhi.) Here Gandhi is referring to African Americans who
were slaves to their “white masters”. Gandhi gives hope to the people and tries to make them
feel something by telling the people not to think about the differences between the Hindus and
Muslims but “as Indians only, engaged in the common struggle.” (Gandhi.) Gandhi uses the
people’s hatred for the British government and tries to turn their feelings on the matter. The
British government isn’t something you should hate but rather the people should “Try to save
them from their mistakes.” (Gandhi.) Throughout his speech Gandhi shows ways in how he
Sandy Ramirez
Kate Kimball
English 1010-92
believes in non-violence and how he has lived through many struggles but has never hated
anyone, “I can say that I have never felt any hatred.” (Gandhi.) Pathos is greatly used when
Gandhi describes himself as someone willing to die for the cause. Gandhi also uses pathos
appeals when he describes a “true Islam” as someone who does not “Distrust the words of one
who makes a public declaration of his faith.” (Gandhi.) Freedom and non-violence are big
pathos appeals that Gandhi uses, striving to have freedom and to do so without violence is the
hope he tries to instill in the people.
The Congress is brought up throughout Gandhi’s speech, “The Congress does not
believe in the domination of any group or any community.” (Gandhi.)By trying to make the
people unite towards a common goal Gandhi hopes to get the people to listen to what he has
to say. Gandhi uses pathos when he describes his eldest son embracing Islam and then asking
the audience a direct question, “In what separate homeland would you put my son who
embraced Islam?” (Gandhi.) When Gandhi uses freedom as a motivator for peace he describes
freedom as something everyone chooses and has control over. “I was your bond slave till this
moment, but I am a slave no longer.” (Gandhi.) Gandhi reinforces his feelings on dying for the
cause by saying a mantra; “Do or Die” (Gandhi.) Suppression is also an issue Gandhi addresses,
he tells journalist to not be afraid of the government and to write the truth.
Gandhi speaks out to not only the audience but also to princes, soldiers, and
government workers. He asks them to declare themselves with the Congress. This is effective
because it helps let the people know that freedom can be attained by changing your mindset.
Sandy Ramirez
Kate Kimball
English 1010-92
“No power on earth will then be able to keep you in bondage any longer.” (Gandhi.) By
describing himself as a servant and not a leader Gandhi makes himself appear modest and
genuinely having good intentions. An emotional appeal is used when Gandhi portrays himself as
someone who will “Stand up against the world although you may have to stand alone”
(Gandhi.) Gandhi uses a great deal of pathos and is effective because he references the fact
that he stands up for what he believes in and is willing to die to free India.
By saying that congress believes that true democracy can only be an outcome of nonviolence and then relating it to the Hindu-Muslim question; Gandhi uses logic to say violence is
something we must do without. “You want to kill the Congress which is the goose that lays
golden eggs.” (Gandhi.) In this quote Gandhi is referring to the Congress as something that
greatly benefits the people. An appeal to logos is used when Gandhi states “India is without
doubt the homeland of all Mussulmans inhibiting this country. Every Mussulman should
therefore co-operate in the fight for India’s freedom.” (Gandhi.) Here Gandhi states that since
India is the homeland of Mussalmans, then they should fight for the place they live. Logos is
effective with pathos because it helps Gandhi seem like he has India’s best interest at heart, but
is also rational and knows what has to be done. By combining logos into his speech, Gandhi
makes himself appear more knowledgeable and smarter than his opponents.
The Congress is a big ethos appeal that Gandhi uses throughout his speech. Gandhi uses
the Congresses beliefs inn democracy to his advantage. “It believes in democracy which
includes in its orpit Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Parsis, Jews-every one of the communities
Sandy Ramirez
Kate Kimball
English 1010-92
inhabiting this vast country.” (Gandhi.) By using a credible source such as the Congress Gandhi
builds himself up to be a reputable person of power. Gandhi accounts to know what he is
talking about from having many experiences with Musslmans and Hindus. “I made friends with
other Musslamans there” “and gained a reputation for integrity and good faith.” (Gandhi.) By
showing that he has lived and made friends with Mussalmans tells the audience that Gandhi
has gained much experience and acknowledges that there is truth to what he says.
By using Pathos, Logos, and Ethos Gandhi managed to show the world that he was
devoted to India's independence. Gandhi wanted independence, but without violence and
believed in Ahimsa. Gandhi believed that if a person could change their mindset they could be
free. The speech was not focused on making Gandhi a leader but rather someone who
proclaimed to be a servant of the people. Ethos plays a role with pathos and logos by
influencing the people’s minds with a sound argument, a credible leader, and a touching story
about suppression and the desire for freedom.
Sandy Ramirez
Kate Kimball
English 1010-92
Works Cited
Gandhi, Mahatma. “Ouit India”. Bombay Hindustani, 1942.