Field Placement Requirements/Procedures

Field Placement Coordinator:
(619) 594-1254
Field Placement (a.k.a. field practice, internship, field
practicum) – The placement of a student in a real world
setting that gives the student an educational experience in
direct public health work. Application of what is learned in
course work.
Field Placement Coordinator – Your go-to person for
assistance and guidance through the internship or career
development process.
Field Placement Site (a.k.a. Preceptor, Agency Site, Field Site)
The organization/company where the practicum will take
Field Placement Planning Form (FPPF) – A required form for all
students wishing to obtain PH 650/750 credit. Includes
learning objectives and tasks/duties for planned internship.
Field Supervisor (a.k.a. Field Practice Supervisor) –
Management-level employee individual of the field agency
that is responsible for on-site supervision of the student.
Must agree to meet with the student at least 2 hours/week
for guidance and feedback.
Professional Liability Insurance - Known as malpractice
coverage; this protects students against liability for damages
and cost of defense based upon his/her alleged or real
professional errors and omissions or mistakes.
Service-Learning Agreement – A formal agreement
between SDSU/GSPH and the field sites. Sites with agreements
on file will ensure student liability through the SDSU Student
Professional Liability Insurance Program (SPLIP).
The primary purpose of the field practice is
to provide GSPH students with a real-world
public health learning experience, where
the student will have the opportunity to
apply the skills and knowledge they have
acquired through their coursework.
Enhances your resume with career related experience.
Contacts for your future job search.
Learn more about your chosen industry or field.
Apply academic learning to hands-on situations.
Become more knowledgeable about general work functions.
Investigate organizational culture.
Learn career-related skills such as, public speaking, reportwriting, dealing with customers...
Polish communication skills needed in the workplace.
Hard times means most need paid jobs or
internships, however don’t be quick to reject
unpaid internships. Consider these reasons:
stand out to that employer as someone who is
sacrificing $ for the opportunity and they will look for
ways to keep/pay you.
a student, you get the first foot in the door during a
rough economy with thousands of people looking to get
get the opportunity to network and may find a parttime job in the field.
1. It must be an educational experience, the equivalent of
vocational school.
2. It must primarily benefit the trainee.
3. The intern cannot do work that would otherwise be done by a
paid employee, and must work under the close supervision
of a manager.
4. The employer cannot profit from the intern's work.
5. The employer must not promise upfront a paid job at the
conclusion of the internship. It's OK to offer a job once the
internship ends.
6. The intern and employer must agree if no wages are to be
paid. It's best to put this understanding in writing, and have
both parties sign the paper.
Sources: Jay Zweig, a Phoenix labor lawyer; U.S. Labor
All MPH students are required to have successfully
completed a community-based public health field
practice experience before graduation.
Requirement of a minimum of 3 units in a
community setting, and a maximum of 12 units of
PH 650/750 (6 of 650/6 of 750) will be allowed
One unit of field practice credit equates to 60
hours or 180 hours for 3 units (360 hours for 6
Exposure to community health issues,
practices and culture.
Experience with diverse ethnicities/cultures.
At least 60% of your duties/activities involve
working outside of a university research
office. For example, community members,
public health/healthcare professionals and
other stakeholders.
Requests to work on a research project of SDSU or
any other university for the community field
practice credit is acceptable as long as it can be
demonstrated that it is a “community-based” project.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION - If you cannot find the name of the project on
the list of Approved Sites located on the GSPH field practice website,
then the project description on the FPPF must demonstrate that it is a
“community-based” research project.
indicate which duties will be in the research office and which will be in
the community (i.e. community organization, outside venue, other
public health orgs).
Students employed in the public health field may be approved
to work at their site for credit; however, students must
demonstrate that the experience will not be part of currently
assigned work-related duties. Hours spent on reassigned
duties must equal that of the required hours.
Students requesting a continued internship may be approved
to continue at the same site for credit; however, students
must provide new learning objectives and demonstrate that
the experience will include advanced skill acquisition and
other new learning opportunities.
Employer/Preceptor Verification of Field Practice
Requirements form along with FPPF
PH 650 (option of 3 or 6 units) – The first internship
experience. Should be the “community-based” field
practice requirement. After you meet requirement your
next internship does not have to include duties in the
NOTE: If you choose 3 the first semester, you can enroll in another 3
in another semester, but not recommended unless you have to.
PH 750 (option of 3 or 6 units) – The second/third
internship. An advanced training experience. May be at
the same site.
Course has corresponding division code:
D = EH
3 UNITS (180 hours) or 6 UNITS (360)
Hours can be spread out over two semesters (max).
Register in the semester the hours will be completed (at least
80% of hours must be completed by the last day of classes) or in
the semester following.
Example: You start in June and you will finish by end of August.
You could register in the summer OR fall.
You start in September and you’re pretty sure you will have
worked 144 hours by Dec.18th. You can register in Fall. If not,
you would register in Spring.
NOTE: You must complete required hours (180/360) by the end of
the month.
Field Placement Planning Form (FPPF) – Site info,
Employer/Preceptor Verification of Field Practice
Requirements – Supervisor/student verification
learning objectives & duties. All students are
required to email me a DRAFT (without
signatures) no less than 2 weeks before last day
of spring classes (summer) or 2 weeks before last
day to add/drop (fall/spring).
that internship is different. Only for those who
request another semester at the same site OR
credit for work at place of employment. Must be
turned in with FPPF.
Verification of Professional Liability Insurance
1. A Service-Learning Agreement is NOT on file;
1. You are employed by site;
2. You are covered with company liability policy
(need to ask supervisor or HR dept.);
3. You purchase your own liability coverage (see
instructions on form)
Field Practice Enrollment Application (web-based) –
Student Evaluation of Field Placement (web-based)
– Within 2 weeks of completing hours or by the last
Schedule number application. Submit only AFTER
you received email approval from Field Placement
week of classes, whichever comes first.
Supervisor Evaluation of Field Placement (webbased) -
Within 2 weeks of completing hours or by the last
week of classes, whichever comes first.
1. SDSU Student Professional Liability Insurance
Program (SPLIP) - all students are eligible to be
covered under the university insurance policy,
Student Professional Liability Insurance Program
(SPLIP) as long as a formal Service Learning
Agreement is on file between the university and
the internship site.
NOTE: SLA sites will be posted on website. Process of
establishing agreement can take at up to 4 weeks.
2. Employer Coverage – Students employed by their
field site are most likely covered. Have Supervisor
complete the Verification of Professional Liability
Coverage form.
3. Personal Coverage – Students who select a site
without a formal agreement in place and do not
want to wait 2-4 weeks to establish a ServiceLearning agreement may opt to purchase their
own coverage (approx. $20-30 annually). The
student must sign the Verification of Professional
Liability Coverage form and email or attach copy
of policy.
In order to ensure that students are
getting a truly integrative learning experience,
the field practice must be completed in in a
community setting including but not limited to:
 Hospitals
 Managed Care Organizations
 Government Agencies
 Community Based Organizations
 Research Institutions
 Private Institutions
 Some SDSU research projects/services (check
Site, project and duties are relevant and appropriate to
For “community-based” requirement: Duties/Tasks
must include activities in the field/community via
interaction with community members and/or public
health professionals (for “community-based”
requirement). Examples include interviews, surveys,
community meetings, health fairs, outreach, etc.
Organization can provide the student with two or more
learning opportunities, and has adequate staff and
support (i.e. not just data entry).
Field Supervisor (FS) holds a paid managementlevel position within the organization, with the
ability to assign duties.
FS is able to devote at least 2 hours per week to
field training activities, including planning,
supervision and evaluation.
FS agrees to complete online Evaluation Survey.
Read instructions and utilize sample FPPF on the
Fill out completely and thoroughly.
Provide bulleted learning objectives;
comprehensive description of the organization
AND the project and list duties in office AND
Email me DRAFT at least 2-3 weeks BEFORE your
planned start date (longer if no SLA on file). No
signatures at this time.
The competencies, skills, knowledge or
understanding that you hope to acquire
through your field experience, NOT duties.
Minimum of 3
Specific, reasonable and realistic
Concise statements
Written in present tense with action verbs that
describe how learning will be demonstrated
*See FPPF Instructions and Field Practice Manual for more
Acquire skills in survey design and administration
for a Latino health study assessing physical activity
and nutrition habits of adult Latinas.
Develop and facilitate HIV health education classes
for youth ages 12-24.
Network and develop working relationships with
members and participating organizations of the
Coalition of Children and Weight.
Review, revise and prepare study protocols
Perform literature review
Data Entry/Analysis
Research and develop study tools, materials and curriculum.
Participate in outreach activities including health fairs and
other community events.
Conduct street surveys, stakeholder surveys and focus groups
at various sites.
Conduct health education classes for teens at community
recreation centers.
Attend community and professional meetings.
Go to the GSPH website and SDSU Career Services for
resources (i.e. internship listing and ideas):
Sign-Up for GSPH List-Serve (Student Handbook) as well
as others (i.e. APHA/ASPH)
Determine what semester to do your field practice in
(consider class load/finances, etc.)
Do a complete self-assessment of your skills,
personality traits, interests, goals and preferences for
work settings (office, lab, field, etc.).
Set up Informational Interviews with several
Network with faculty, students, friends, etc.
Update your resume & cover letter (SDSU Career
GET INVOLVED!! - DSAC, clubs, community coalitions
related to your health area of interest, professional
organizations (APHA)
Does the internship site/project qualify as an
appropriate GSPH field practice site?
Are the duties/responsibilities appropriate and
relevant to my concentration? Skill level?
Will I be able to apply what I am/have been
learning in the program?
Will I learn a new skill (s) that I have wanted to
Is the work setting/environment a good fit with my
Will I have the opportunity to participate in
trainings, conferences or other professional
development events?
Does the Field Supervisor have sufficient time and
interest in being a mentor/supervisor?
Is there a potential thesis opportunity?
Keep yourself in check: You may be a student but it
is expected that you adhere to the same rules as
the employees. Observe the office
rules/environment/culture and adapt to it.
Always be professional: Good manners, respect,
appropriate dress and language at all times.
Don't refuse any task: Take on all tasks and do
them well and willingly…you will get noticed and
Ask questions: It is okay if you don’t know
something, even if you think you should.
Keep a journal/portfolio: Keep track of your
contacts, resources and products you developed.
Utilize me as your resource to assist you
throughout your internship and pathway to
your public health career.
Tell me about problems: If your supervisor is
not giving you the guidance/support you
would like, you’re not being given a variety of
learning experiences, you don’t’ have the
resources you need to do your job, etc….then
Read Field Practice Manual thoroughly.
Download the Field Placement Check-List
Email DRAFT of FPPF and other documents:
1. Summer - 2 weeks prior to the last day of
spring classes;
2. Fall/Spring - 2 weeks before the last day to
3. During a semester- 2 weeks before the start of
the internship.
I review and approve. If not completed correctly I
will send back to you. Otherwise if okay I then send
to your Faculty Advisor for final approval.
Once the site/project has been approved, I will
send you an email with approval and instructions
to obtain signature from field supervisor &
complete online Field Practice Enrollment
When you submit the application you will receive an
electronic confirmation informing you that the
schedule number and add code (for late
registration) will be sent to you within 5-7 business
Use schedule number (and add code if applicable)
to officially add your course through WEBPORTAL.
IMPORTANT: University deadlines apply, therefore
do not delay this step.
December – Submit evaluations for completed fall
internships by last week of classes
Dec/January – Submit FPPF for spring internships
 Submit FPPF for summer internships
 Submit Evaluations for spring internships by last
week of classes.
 Submit FPPF for fall internships
 Submit Evaluations for completed summer
Option #1 – You want to work in the summer, but get credit
in the Fall.
Must submit paperwork before summer break.
Wait until Fall registration to submit Enrollment App.
Option #2 – You want to work and get credit in the summer
(Not an option for all divisions- Check summer schedule).
You will need to submit your paperwork no later than
April 30th.
Must submit enrollment application at least 1 week
prior to last day of summer registration