HOLT World History CHAPTER 1 THE HUMAN JOURNEY The Emergence of Civilization Section 1: Prehistoric Peoples Section 2: The Foundations of Civilization HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON HOLT World History Section 1: THE HUMAN JOURNEY Prehistoric Peoples Objectives: How do anthropologists, historians, and geographers study prehistory? What were the achievements of Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon peoples? What important changes did the Neolithic agricultural revolution cause? 2 HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON HOLT World History Section 1: THE HUMAN JOURNEY Prehistoric Peoples Exploring Prehistory Scientific methods – ex. hominids Studying artifacts – culture Limited evidence – educated guesses Major discoveries – Johanson and Leakey Stone Age 3 HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON HOLT World History Section 1: THE HUMAN JOURNEY Prehistoric Peoples Early Humans The first people – Hunted, migrated; 100,000 to 400,000 years ago Homo sapiens appeared The Ice Age – Periods of very cold weather occurred over many years Neanderthals – Homo sapiens who buried their dead, believed in afterlife Cro-Magnons – Made tools and art, lived in many areas 4 HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON HOLT World History Section 1: THE HUMAN JOURNEY Prehistoric Peoples The Agricultural Revolution Middle Stone Age New Stone Age Nomads began to settle, developed agricultural, domestication of animals Societies changed from hunter-gatherers, social roles changed, cities developed 5 HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON HOLT World History Section 2: THE HUMAN JOURNEY The Foundations of Civilization Objectives: What three main characteristics are shared by civilizations? What two other characteristics may be shared by civilizations? What other characteristics and achievements marked the first river valley civilizations? 6 HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON HOLT World History Section 2: THE HUMAN JOURNEY The Foundations of Civilization Characteristics of a Civilization Surplus food and irrigation Cities and government Division of labor – artisans, merchants, traders 7 HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON HOLT World History Section 2: THE HUMAN JOURNEY The Foundations of Civilization Other Characteristics Developing a calendar Inventing writing – around 3000 B.C. 8 HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON HOLT World History Section 2: THE HUMAN JOURNEY The Foundations of Civilization The River Valley Civilizations The use of metals – copper, tin, bronze, iron Family and religion 9 HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON