Chapter 1- European Renaissance and Reformation, 1300

Freshman, World History
• Please open your books
to p. 36. ***Analyze
the painting with your
group members and
brainstorm for 4-5 min.,
different answers to the
questions in blue-text on
the bottom.***
• ***How did Chancellor
Rolin, (The dude who looks
like Moe, want himself to
be viewed?***
• Key terms that I want you to know (Creating a vocabulary list for
each chapter would be wise; however, organize them by chapter
• Renaissance – Means rebirth; however, considering Italy, it meant rebirth of
art (sculpting, painting, literature, poetry, music) and learning (science,
technology, innovation/invention).
• humanism – Focus on human potential and achievements and less on
• secular – Worldly and concerned with the here and now (What the heck does
that mean?)!!!
• patron – Loyal customers (of the arts and inventions)
• perspective – An art technique that creates the appearance of 3-dimensions
(Done before, but abandoned in medieval times and rediscovered by an
artist named Masaccio).
• vernacular – Writing in one’s own native language instead of Latin
• So……..the people in Italy said the heck with medieval thought
of having to endure suffering and looked back to the classical
times of Greece and Rome.
• They decided to have a Renaissance
• Began in Italy around the year 1300 A.D.
• It eventually spread to northern Europe, but not quite yet (England and
France were having a lovers’ quarrel called the Hundred Years’ War).
• Without the Renaissance, we might still be using candles at night, riding a
horse, or having parts of our brain removed for headaches
• Why Italy?
• Thriving Cities (Large urban centers in Northern Italy)
• ***What’s urban and why did Northern Italy become urban?***
• C:\Users\snigbor\Desktop\Renaissance.kmz
• Merchants (People who were the wealthiest of Italy, but not some
spoiled brat; these dudes worked their way from the bottom-up
like most of us have to do).
• A famous merchant family were the Medici who got rich from trading and
banking ***Most merchants bought a lot, and I mean, a lot of art!***
• Cosimo de’Medici started to grow the wealth
• He never sought political office, but instead influenced the politicians with
money and pretty much ran Florence, Italy. What Cosimo de’ Medici did, was
similar to a modern day lobbyist ***What’s a lobbyist?***
• Classical Heritage
• Returning to the classic ways of the Greeks and Romans
• Why? Inspiration (No dark and gloomy plague/war scenes)
Classical and Worldly Values
• Study of Classical Greek works led to humanism
The focus on human potential, thought, invention, beauty, etc.
The Humanities (classical education became popular which consisted of the study in the
areas of history, literature, philosophy, and science.
• Enjoyed worldly Pleasures by becoming secular
Realization that enjoying life doesn’t necessary mean offending God.
Most everybody was concerned with the here and now (Still believed in God, but losing
faith in the Holy Catholic Church/organized religion.)
• Patronage of the arts means patrons (customers) buying the arts.
Some patrons were even religious figures like popes, cardinals, bishop and any other
religious figure who held power and money.
Wealthy merchants who started at the bottom and became rich from working hard in
trading or banking (i.e. Medici Family) wanted to be recognized for their hard work and
purchased many self-portraits.
• Becoming a Renaissance Man.
All educated men were expected to create art and master every area of study (i.e.
philosophy, poetry, analyzing literature, sculpting, inventing, physical fitness, health, etc.)
In 1528, Baldassare Castiglione wrote the Courtier (Like a “Hanging out with Kings,
Queens, Princes, Princesses, Nobles, Popes, etc. for Dummies”.
• Assignment:
1. Read the expectations of Renaissance men in The Courtier in your groups.
2. Student Groups will decipher the Renaissance language into more
modern and understandable terms (Nominate a group recorder and
please ask Mr. N for help; he loves to be hands-on!).
3. (***From the Primary Source, The Courtier, students will answer the three
essential questions individually***) (20-min. in & out of class if needed)
***Students will be assigned a mini research project and write a 5paragraph essay that will be due Monday, Sept. 17.*** Prompt: How
would you describe one or more characteristic(s) that The Courtier
portrayed of Renaissance men that was not expected of Renaissance
women and how do you think that has impacted either men, women, or
both as of today; citing a specific example of a person, or group of
people? (Note: Students should gather their research on Tuesday
evening from the websites Mr. N supplied (***On his webpage for the
school district***), so they can write their rough draft on Tuesday
evening or on Wednesday).
• How did the Renaissance Revolutionize Art?
• No more mythical religious art portrayed in Medieval Times, but realistic
religious art in the Renaissance times.
Lacks perspective and sizes are
All goofed up.
Has perspective and looks
Like a real image.
• How did the Renaissance Revolutionize Art?
• Prominent citizens were painted instead of religious symbol
• Art focused more on realism and glorified individual people or groups.
• Michelangelo glorified the human body.
• Donatello sculpted and carved statues of people in their natural
• Masaccio rediscovered the perspective art form and made painting
even more realistic
• Perspective are is a form of 3D art based on an optical illusion of parallel
lines stretching far away and eventually touch.
• l
• Renaissance Writers Change Literature
• Writers started to show pride in themselves and country
• Started writing in the vernacular – Writing in native language instead
of Latin
• Dante started this trend, but also started the trend of expressing one’s
thoughts and feeling through writing and highlighting the expertise (i.e.
subject matter – science, history, philosophy, politics, war, etc.
• Modern day writers, even you and I, still write like Dante!
• Another famous Italian writer name Petrarch who wrote sonnets, 14line poems in the vernacular.
• Activity time!!! Get in groups of 4-6
Make sure at least one person in your group has a smart phone.
As a group, respectfully and quietly text lines of a sonnet back and forth
(each group will do 7 lines – Goal: Stump the other group). You only
have 10 minutes though, so hurry up! Also, keep it clean!!!
• Renaissance Writers Change Literature
• Boccaccio wrote the Decameron which contained, real-life, off-color stories
(Sort a Renaissance comedian)
• Example: 3rd Day – 3rd Tale- Three young men love three sisters, and
flee with them to Crete. The eldest of the sisters slays her lover for
jealousy. The second saves the life of the first by yielding herself to the
Duke of Crete. Her lover slays her, and makes off with the first: the
third sister and her lover are charged with the murder, are arrested
and confess the crime. They escape death by bribing the guards, flee
destitute to Rhodes, and there in destitution die.
• Not exactly our kind of humor – Right?
• Renaissance Writers Change Literature
• Niccolo Machiavelli – Examined how people were selfish, corrupt, and not
very nice or thoughtful
• He advised royalty in his writing, The Prince, that since people lacked
in morals, that royalty shouldn’t necessarily be concern themselves with
what is moral, but what’s politically effective. (What do you think
about this?)
• His works are still used to this day in Law Schools all over (In Latin and