Unit 2-1 Worksheet - English through Media


Name: accost devious


Junior Vocab 2-1 Worksheet animadversion avid brackish celerity gambit halcyon histrionic incendiary

Completing the Sentence: Choose the word that best completes each sentence. You may have to change the word ending.

1. The __________________ with which he accepted our invitation to dinner suggested that he was badly in need of a good meal.

2. The tons of ________________ material ignited and turned the waste disposal plant into a roaring inferno.

3My brother is such a(n) ________________collector of toy soldiers that I sometimes think our house has been invaded by a pint-sized army.

4. We looked back on those ___________________ years before the war broke out as a kind of “golden age” in our history.

5. As an employee of the local polling service last summer, it was my job to _______________ people on the street and ask their opinions.

6. To our dismay, we discovered that the water we had worked so hard to bring to the surface was too

____________________ for human consumption.

7. On the return trip, we cut straight through the meadows rather than take the more _________________ path along the river.

8. Any book on chess strategy usually discusses the standard opening move, such as the “knight’s _______________.”

9. Saying that “people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones” is not an effective response to their

____________________ on your conduct.

10. To be really convincing on stage, an opera singer must possess both vocal and ______________________ abilities.

Synonyms: Choose the word that is most nearly like the words below.

11. was taken in by her STRATEGEM

12. swam in the BRINY water



13. apologized for his unnecessary REBUKE

14. memories of our SERENE beginnings

15. CONFRONTED the thief at the door

16. completed the job with ALACRITY





17. took an INDIRECT route _____________________

Antonyms: Choose the word that is most nearly the opposite of the words below.

18. identified the PEACEMAKER

19. make a very LOW-KEYED plea for mercy



20. one of the most RELUCTANT perticipants _____________________

ADDITIONAL HW Nights: Write a sentence using the vocabulary words. Circle the vocab. Word and underline all clue words. Use a separate paper for each. Write Unit 1-2 first 5 (HW#2) and 2 nd 5 at the top (HW#3).
