Bell Work Reconstruction

Bell Work Reconstruction
BW 1
• Describe what makes it difficult to make up
after a fight. What are some things that keep
bugging you even after you and a friend have
become friends again?
Bell Work 2
• In your own words, without looking in your
notebook, describe amnesty.
• Predict what hardships freedmen might
experience after the Civil War.
Bell Work 3 1/14/14
• Use your notetaking guide to compare
Lincoln’s 10 percent plan to the Wade Davis
Bill. Write in complete sentences.
Bell Work 3 1/15/14
• What were the two plans for reconstruction
called? Which was lenient? Which was strict?
Reconstruction plans
Lincoln’s 10 Percent Plan
• Lincoln = Lenient (EASY)
Wade-Davis Bill
• Wade-Davis = Difficult (hard)
• 10% of voters have to be
• Abolish slavery
• Amnesty for confederates
with loyalty oath
• 50% of voters have to be loyal
• Abolish slavery
• Confederates were banned
from voting for representatives
Bell Work 4
• What were the two plans for reconstruction?
• Which one was more lenient? Which was
Bell Work 5
• Explain Black Codes and impeachment
• Why might each of these things be bad?
• Predict:
- What do you think Reconstruction has to do
with MLK, JR and the Civil rights?
Bell Work 6
Explain carpetbaggers
Who is Andrew Johnson?
What are radicals?
Who were the two presidents during
Bell Work 7
• Who were Hiram Revels and Blanche Bruce?
Why were they important?
• What is Radical Reconstruction?
Bell Work 8
• What are the 13, 14, 15 amendments?
BW 9
• Explain the KKK. What was the goal? How did
they achieve their goal (what did they use)
• Did Radical Republicans want to make life
better or worse for the African Americans
freed in the South?
BW 10 2/3
• Explain Literacy tests
• What is a poll tax
• How would these things make life hard for
African Americans?
BW 11 2/4/14
• What is Segregation?
• Who was Homer Plessy?
• Connect: What does Homer Plessy have to do
with segregation?
BW 12
• Why is Plessy v. Ferguson significant?
• What are sharecroppers?
• Freedmen in the South became
sharecroppers. What happened to these
Bell Work 13 2/6
• If republicans wanted Reconstruction, What
did Democrats want?
• What does it mean to be self-sufficient? (make
your best guess)
• One result (EFFECT) of Reconstruction that we
have talked about is . . .
BW 14
• Which political party lost power? (The
Republicans or the Democrats?)
• What was wrong with Ulysses S. Grant’s
• Why was the Election of 1876 important?