M0271_PowerPoint Map Turkey


UN Joint Programme MDG-F 1928

Growth with Decent Work for All: National Youth

Employment Programme and Pilot

Implementation in Antalya


A. UNJP at the first glance

B. Brief overview of outputs

C. Achievements / Good practices

D. Lessons Learnt

The Joint Program at the First Glance




3.98 M $ (MDG-F)

36 months (September 2009 – September 2012)

Turkey Employment Agency of Turkey (ISKUR)


Main Activities

To promote youth employment and contribute to the reduction of unemployment among young population

Sectoral Development and Clustering

Youth employment policy development; Support to the vocational training programmes/ALMPs

Migration management

Rural development and employment

Programme Partners ILO, UNDP, IOM, FAO

Coordination among UN Agencies

Decent Work for All, UN Joint Programme

Employment Policies &

Vocational Trainings/ALMPs ILO

Sectoral Development

And Clustering UNDP


Rural Employment

IOM Migration Management/



Brief Overview of Programme Outputs

National Level

Policy development, Strategy and Planning

Research work, capacity building and labour market assessments

Antalya Pilot Province

Strategy and Planning


Institutional Capacity Development

Vocational and Life Skills Training Programmes & Rights at Work

National Level Results

Policy Dev.

National Youth Employment Action Plan(2011-2015)

Strategy and


First ever Action Plan/Policy Document targeting youth employment

Drafted by a National Technical Team: Public agencies, Workers and

Employers’ organizations, Academia and NGOs

National Youth Employment

Action Plan

(2012-2015) https://www.idmarch.org/img/96df183425bf019edeed6f5568ec17 f4.jpg

National Level Results

Research Structure of Rural Employment in Turkey

Both at national and provincial level (Antalya);

-Economic and socio-cultural context

-Labour market and employment situation

-Rural and agricultural employment

Occupational Outlook in Turkey

Medium term projections on population, labour force and employment until 2020

Preferred occupations,

Occupational growth trends,

Population and labour market trends

Local Interventions in Antalya Pilot Province

Training Programmes and Rights at Work

Institutional Capacity


Strategy and Planning


Local Interventions in Antalya Pilot Province

Research Strategic Sector Scan

Identification of alternative sectors with high potential for competitiveness/job creation

Seed production, cut flower, yacht production and

Health tourism

Antalya Labour Force Survey and Analysis

Gender-sensitive identification of the sectoral labour demand, labour force structure and training demand. Conducted with TurkStat with a view to ensure sustainability

Cluster Analyses

Cluster and value chain analyses for the sectors and occupations that emerged with the sector scan (seed and luxury yacht production)

Migration and Employment: Antalya Labour Migration Research

• Assessment of impact of migration on labormarket

Assessment of Existing Agricultural Training Progs

Impact assessment of agricultural VET programmes implemented by various actors in Antalya

Local Interventions in Antalya Pilot Province

Strategy and


Roadmaps for Selected Clusters

• Seed production

Yacht production

Cluster Development Action Plan for Dev. Agency

Capacity Support for Provincial Employment and Vocational Training

Board (PEVTB)

• Inclusion of rural employment in the focus areas of PEVTB and representation of rural actors in PEVTB meetings

• Evidence-based policy making support to PEVTB using the labormarket assessment and labor migration studies.

Labour Market, Migration, Social Inclusion, Gender Equality and

Environmental Sustainability

• Maınstreaming and integration of migration, social inclusion, gender equality and sustainability in all strategy documents and action plans

Local Interventions in Antalya Pilot Province

Institution al Capacity


Institutional Needs Assessment

• Support institutional infrastructure for sustained

Impact of interventions

• Inst’l Needs assessment for İŞKUR/PEVTB

Capacity Development Response Plan

Capacity Building Interventions (İŞKUR, PEVTB, NTT)

Training programs

Study tours

• Workshops (e.g. Labour Migration Workshop)

Activities for Local Institutional Partners

• Clustering Trainings

Workshops (e.g. Labour Market and Women’s Employment)

Toolkits, Guidelines and Resource Documents

Guideline for Integration of Employment and Sectoral Development

• Handbook on Rights in Labour Life and web-based animation

Capacity Building for Newly Recruited Job Counsellors

Training Programs

Local Interventions in Antalya Pilot Province



Vocational Training Programs

Building on Antalya Labour market research and

Sector Scan

• 654 participants in 14 branches.

Pilot Entrepreneurship Trainings

• 190 trainers in partnership with KOSGEB

Trainings for Rural Employment

• Cut flower, sewing and packaging

Seed production and quality

• Women farmer trainings (good farming, agricultural enterprise management, marketing, etc)

Ornamental plant production

• In continuous partnership with local actors

Basic Life Skills Trainings for Youth

• Adaptation skills of migrant youth and their families

Close cooperation with Antalya ISKUR, with their staff

Achievements / Good Practices

Nomination of the NYEAP by social partners/government of Turkey as a national best practice in employment policy in Turkey in G-20 Labour and Employment Ministers’ Meeting in Mexico in 2012: a remarkable example of ownership.

Effective coordination b/w national and local levels to shape training and capacity building activities, supported with research.

• The Programme was implemented with gender (58% of VET beneficiaries were women-far above the local and national average!) and rights perspectives , and designed for the local context and closely collaborate with the local bodies at all times.

Innovation matters: First ever interactive mobile (iOS and Android) application promoting rights at work: More than 10,000 downloads only on Android platform without any particular promotion.

Achievements / Good Practices http://www.gezginler.net/mobil/resimler/9128/resim2_calismayasaminda-haklar-1.jpg

Lessons Learnt…

Policy coherence (employment-local economic

development) and

coordinated approach

among UN agencies and stakeholders

(‘Delivering as One’)

Stronger linkage between labor demand and labor supply actors

( Sectoral growth/cluster strategies to speak with employment actors and vice-versa)

Strengthening vocational skills with soft skills (e.g.

life skills training)

Evidence-based policy making (follow-up survey for

VET beneficiaries; NYEAP)


For more information:

Berna Bayazit, UNDP Turkey: berna.bayazit@undp.org

Ozan Cakmak, ILO Office for Turkey: cakmak@ilo.org
