First Christian Academy Handbook 2012-2013 9184 Ford Ave Richmond Hill, GA 31324 Work: (912) 756-3407 ext. 124 Fax: (912) 756-2163 Vision Statement: First Christian Academy strives to teach children to grow like Jesus in knowledge, service, and wisdom. But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:14) Table of Contents Letter from the Pastor 3 Introduction, Mission Statement, Vision Statement, Our Philosophy of Education 4 Our Commitment to Parents 5 School Calendar 6 Academic Program 7 Spiritual Program, Electives 8 Admissions Policy, After Care Services 9 Attendance Requirements, Binding Arbitration 10 Bullying, Car Line Procedures, Care of Property, Child Abuse Reporter, Church Attendance 11 Classroom Assignments, Crisis Management, Discipline 12 Discrimination and Harassment, Dismissal, Special Needs, Field Trips, Finances 14 Grading Scale, Hair and Dress Code 15 Health and Wellness 17 Homework 18 Honor Roll, Lost and Found, Lunch Program 19 Media Center-Library, Money, Parent Chaperones, Parent-School Communication 20 Parent-School Relationship, Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO), Parties 21 Pets, Photography and Publicity, Promotion, Re-enrollment, Retention, School Office 22 School Supplies/Textbooks, Solicitation and Distribution 22 Technology 23 Telephones, Testing Program (Standardized), Toys, Withdrawal from School 24 2 First Christian Academy – Student Handbook 2012-2013 Letter From the Pastor On behalf of First Baptist Church Richmond Hill, I would like to take a moment to thank you for entrusting your child’s care and education to First Christian Academy. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” This verse in scripture is referring to the parental duty of making sure your children are taught the way of the Lord. Our desire is for the school to come alongside you and to help you educate and shape your children in such a way that they have a real connection with God, their Creator, which lasts a lifetime. First Baptist Church understands how important it is for children to have a biblical world view. That’s why we have chosen to partner with FCA. Also, we would love to have you and your family visit our Sunday worship services anytime. We have a traditional service at 8:30 a.m. and a contemporary service at 11:00 a.m. You are also welcome to contact me and set up an appointment to discuss how we might be able to minister to you and your family. I would love to get to know you so that I can pray specifically for you and your family. Again, thank you for entrusting your children’s care and education with FCA and we look forward to serving our Lord together by serving your children. May God richly bless you and your family. In His Service, Scott Speer Pastor- FBC Richmond Hill 3 First Christian Academy – Student Handbook 2012-2013 PURPOSE OF HANDBOOK The purpose of this handbook is to inform parents, students, and prospective students of our policies, procedures, and philosophy in providing the highest quality Christian education for every student who attends First Christian Academy. While no one book could cover every circumstance that we may encounter, this handbook will attempt to cover the main issues that will be of most concern. Any issue not covered in this handbook will be left to the discretion of the administration. We trust that this handbook will provide you with the information that you desire to know. We want every parent and student well informed with our policies. Please pay close attention to all of the information in the handbook. MISSION STATEMENT The purpose of First Christian Academy is to glorify God by developing the active and creative thinking of His children. We stress the total development of each child: spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, emotional, and physical. The role of First Christian Academy is to help each child come into confident possession of his or her God-given talents. We assist parents in developing responsible young leaders who have courage to act on their beliefs and have compassion for others. We engage with challenging academics and scripture so that our pupils will become active citizens and responsible stewards of our world by serving Jesus Christ. VISION STATEMENT First Christian Academy strives to teach children to grow like Jesus in knowledge, service and wisdom. OUR PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION We understand that wisdom and knowledge come from God. Man’s education is complete only when God and His word are at the center of all learning. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Proverbs 1:7). As Christian educators, we are concerned with the total person: the intellectual, spiritual, physical, and social being. We believe the needs of the total person can only be met as approached from a Christian or Biblical philosophy. “Yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live” (I Corinthians 8:6). There is much responsibility upon us to train our students in the right way. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 22:6 to “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” We want to provide the best academic training possible while also developing a Christ-like character in every student. Christ must be at the center of all our endeavors. Realizing this, we know He expects our best in all that we do. We will continually strive for excellence in every area because our desire is to bring honor and glory to God in all things. We will provide the best textbooks that are available while remembering that God’s word is the most important book our students will ever read. Knowledge of the word of God will instill into our students the desire to do their best in every avenue of their lives to the glory of God. 4 First Christian Academy – Student Handbook 2012-2013 Our teachers, staff, and administration are not only qualified in the academic area for which they serve, but must give testimony of having become a Christian. All are expected to be godly examples to their students and to those with whom they come in contact. It is our desire that First Christian Academy and all those affiliated with us have a Christ-like testimony everywhere that we go. OUR COMMITMENT TO PARENTS To strive for a secure, happy, productive, environment for every child To offer instruction that builds upon prior learning, is age appropriate and inviting, and helps each child grow to his/her potential To remain open to parental input – striving to appreciate your point of view and willing to adjust our practices when appropriate To love and respect every child and endeavor to communicate the love of Christ in all that we do and say This handbook is designed to clarify those areas where clear communication between the school and the parents we support is most needed. To assure that First Christian Academy achieves and maintains the purpose of this policy manual and to assure the organization’s continued ability to meet its needs and those of its students and families, First Christian Academy reserves the right to modify or revoke any and all policies, procedures, practices, and statements contained in this manual at any time. We invite our parents to read this handbook, discuss it with their children, and direct any questions or comments to the administration. It is the goal of First Christian Academy to create an environment where Christ is honored every day and where there are few distractions to learning. 5 First Christian Academy – Student Handbook 2012-2013 First Christian Academy 2012 – 2013 School Calendar 6 August 1-3, 6-7 August 6 August 8 August 7-9 August 9 August 13 August 31 September 3 September 26, 27, 28 October 15 October 23 November 12 November 15 November 16 November 19-23 November 27 December 19 December 20 December 21 December 24 – January 4 January 7 January 21 February 18 March 14 March 21 March 28 March 29 April 1-5 May 23 May 23 May 24 May 28-29 Pre-planning for Elementary Staff Elementary Open House First Day of Elementary School Pre-planning for Preschool Staff Preschool Open House First Day of Preschool Parent Conferences (Half Day) Labor Day Holiday No School (Teacher Training) End of First Nine Weeks Fall Pictures & Class Pictures (wear chapel uniform) Veterans’ Day Holiday Preschool Thanksgiving Celebration Elementary Thanksgiving Celebration Thanksgiving Break Picture Retakes (wear chapel uniform) Preschool Christmas Cookie Social Elementary Christmas Pageant End of Second Nine Weeks Christmas Break Students Return, Begin Second Semester Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Presidents’ Day Holiday End Third Nine Weeks Spring Pictures and Class Pictures Easter Program Good Friday (No School) Easter Break Last Day Preschool (Half Day) Kindergarten Graduation (6:00 p.m.) Last Day Elementary (Half Day) Post-Planning for Staff PROGRESS REPORTS REPORT CARDS Thursday, September 6 Thursday, November 27 Thursday, February 12 Tuesday, April 30 Thursday, October 18 Tuesday, January 10 Tuesday, March 21 Friday May 24 First Christian Academy – Student Handbook 2012-2013 ACADEMIC PROGRAM The A Beka Book curriculum and textbooks, written from a Christian perspective are used. A. Bible: Bible study is recognized at First Christian Academy as a fundamental requirement for all students. Without a thorough understanding of the Bible a student can hardly be educated in the true sense of the word. The Bible says in Proverbs 1:7, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge.” The Bible offers the best guide for this life, and the only hope for the life to come. No other book can enrich and influence the minds and hearts of children like the Bible. Christian character development is the most important aim of our school. Because of this standard, all students are taught a planned program of Bible study and the Bible is integrated in all subjects taught as much as it is possible. For clarity and continuity, the New International Version of the Bible is the version used in all classes and programs at First Christian Academy. B. Mathematics: Classroom instructional time is used to introduce and develop new skills and concepts. Parents are expected to work with their children at home on a regular basis in memorizing basic math facts for quick recall. Weekly math homework will be assigned. Timed tests will be given in class to encourage mastery of all basic math facts, but parents are asked to set aside time at home for essential drills and practice. C. Reading and Language Arts: Mastery of reading skills is essential to learning in all academic areas. Because of this, parents are expected to read to their children, listen to them read, and encourage outside reading during the school year and over the summer. Initially, students will learn phonemic awareness, phonics, letter knowledge, oral language, and emergent writing. As students advance, they will further develop language skills. D. Accelerated Reader Program (AR): The AR program is an integral part of the reading program at First Christian Academy. Students take a preliminary computerized test called the STAR test to help determine their reading levels. By reading books at the appropriate level, students will be more successful in their reading. 1. The program allows students to take a quiz on books they have read. Students aim to answer all comprehension questions with at least an 80% accuracy average. 2. Students can access the Accelerated Reader program from any computer in the school. Teachers designate time in the day for students to take quizzes over books they have finished reading. Teachers set AR reading goals for students to reach. Students earn points in the AR program for the scores they receive on the quizzes they take. Students who reach their point goal and maintain an 80% average earn small prizes and coupons. 3. With the Home Connect website, parents can check on their children's progress in Accelerated Reader. They can even receive email alerts each time their child takes a test. 4. Accelerated Reader has a website called AR Bookfinder that allows parents and students to check the titles of any books and find out the reading level and point value of any book. 5. All testing has to be done at school. 6. Students will also take the STAR test three times per year to evaluate progress in reading comprehension, vocabulary, and syntax. 7. Kindergarten students will take the STAR Early Literacy test three times per year. E. History: At First Christian Academy, we focus on God’s role in history. History is important because it describes how God handles human beings through the centuries. F. Science: Creation brings glory to God. In science, students study the laws that He created and come to realize the complexity and orderliness of our Creator. G. Writing: The ability to write clearly and expressively is extremely important. The handwriting program in the early grades combines handwriting with phonics. In the upper elementary, the program expands into a variety of writing formats, and includes creative writing, phonics review, and dictionary work. 7 First Christian Academy – Student Handbook 2012-2013 Spiritual Program A. Bible study at First Christian Academy is a required subject. It augments the study of English, history, geography, and science. The Bible gives direction for this life and the only hope for the life to come. No other book can so enrich the minds and hearts of men as God’s holy word. “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man” (Luke 2:52). B. Knowledge of the Bible is one of the greatest educational assets anyone can have, in addition to the moral and spiritual values resulting from the study. Character development is the most important work of a school. No other course offered in the school affords greater opportunities for laying the foundation for Christian character. C. Spiritual education is accomplished through daily Bible instruction, weekly chapel services, scripture memorization, and the integration of Biblical principles and content with instruction in the academic areas. We view each discipline situation as an opportunity for spiritual growth and believe in teaching by example – conducting ourselves in a manner consistent with the teaching of scripture. We emphasize that spiritual education is the responsibility of the parent. We cannot do it for you, but can only support you as you labor to train up your child “in the way he should go” (Prov. 22:6). We encourage each parent to be active in prayer, church attendance, family devotions, and living a godly lifestyle in the eyes of your child. D. First Christian Academy students are required to memorize Bible passages. Bible memorization not only improves vocabulary, reading, and writing skills, but, most importantly, produces spiritual growth by opening our hearts to fellowship with our Lord Jesus Christ. This weekly memorization is most effective when parents and their children practice and review together at home. Learning God's word as a family has lifelong benefits. Electives Art Education The Art Department at First Christian Academy strives to develop each student's creativity and encourages self-expression through fine arts. Students will learn the basic elements of art and will expand upon them using different mediums such as, crayons, markers, paint, oil pastels and chalk. Students are presented with a directed instructional lesson, and are assisted to become successful in completing projects. Students are required to have an "art box" that will be kept in their homeroom class and will be brought with them to each art class. A supply list will be given during open house. Computer Education First Christian Academy offers a dedicated technology center housing 16 computers, in addition to a computer in each classroom. Our computer classes utilize many educational programs that help enhance the learning of our students. Many of the software programs provide enrichment instruction for spelling, mathematics, geography, and history. Additionally, students learn all of the hardware and software components of the computer, keyboarding skills, word processing, creating greeting cards, Microsoft Office programs, and safe computer practices. Students in grades K - 7th will develop these tools in weekly classes, relating these tools to the appropriate grade levels and classroom units of study. Music Education First Christian Academy administration and faculty agree that musical aptitude enhances academic acuity. In kindergarten-5th grade music class, students explore all aspects of music - composers, instruments, music genres/styles and rhythm. FCA has been blessed with hands-on instruments such as Boomwhackers, percussion instruments, and hand drums. Songs and rhythm patterns for these instruments are taught 8 First Christian Academy – Student Handbook 2012-2013 progressively. We emphasize building a strong foundation on the fundamentals of music: loud/soft, high/low, long/short, fast/slow. We praise the Lord by singing praise songs and hymns, and other times children learn sign language, dance or instrumentation. Performance opportunities occur throughout each school year and include holiday programs as well as special chapel services. Grades are based on participation as well as written academic work. 6th and 7th grades will explore general music elements as well as an introduction to choral music and an introduction to band instruction. All 4th grade music students will be responsible for purchasing a recorder in the spring. A note will be sent home later in the year that will give more information. Physical Education Requirements In our physical education program at First Christian Academy, we teach the basic principles of physical fitness and health in grades Kindergarten–7. We encourage students, regardless of skill level, to participate in and enjoy a wide variety of physical activities. We aim to help students discover their God-given talents which will promote lifelong physical well-being. All students are required to participate unless they have a written excuse from a doctor. ADMISSIONS POLICY First Christian Academy, as a private institution, reserves the right of setting and maintaining its own standards of student dress, conduct, cleanliness, and scholarship. The school maintains the right to refuse admittance to anyone it chooses and to suspend or expel any student who violates the standards set down in the student handbook, or other rules of conduct as defined by the administration. It is understood that attending to First Christian Academy is a privilege and not a right, which may be forfeited by any student who does not conform to the standards and regulations. The administration may request the withdrawal of any student at any time that does not fit into the spirit of the First Christian Academy, regardless of whether or not the student conforms to the rules and regulations. New students transferring from other schools or homeschooled, in first grade and above, will be tested to ensure that they are academically ready for the grade that they apply to enter. If entrance tests indicate a student is deficient in some areas, either (a) the parents will be notified that their child will be placed under academic probation during the first nine weeks, (b) the child may be entered in the previous grade, (c) the child may not be accepted or (d) the child must be tutored and re-tested before school starts. If placed on probation and adequate improvement is not shown, the child may then be placed in a lower grade. Testing is done by appointment only. A copy of the student’s latest report card must also be brought in with registration materials. All admissions are pending the acceptance of the administration and the receipt of records from the student’s previous school. The administration also reserves the right to refuse to define the criteria or reason when applicants are not accepted. AFTER CARE SERVICES After Care is a safe place for students to stay who are not able to leave for home when school ends. We have an excellent staff to help students with homework and other activities. These activities include playground time, special crafts, game time, snacks, etc. After Care at First Christian Academy is a relaxed, yet structured program that provides lots of fun and creative and interesting things to do. After Care students must be picked up by 5:30 p.m. A $15 fee (per student) will be charged if a student is not picked up by 6:00 p.m. After 3:00 p.m., all students that are not picked up will be taken to After Care and fees will apply. Students are not allowed to wander the building after school. 9 First Christian Academy – Student Handbook 2012-2013 ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS A. In order for your child to gain the most in school, regular attendance is vital. Please do not keep your child at home for reasons other than sickness or an emergency. Planned absences such as family vacations must be excused in advance. Failure to get advance permission will result in no credit for work missed. Contact the teacher or elementary office. B. Only work missed due to excused absences may be made up for credit. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange with the teacher to make up work within a reasonable period of time. A general rule for makeup time is the number of days missed plus two. Vacations during the school year cause hardships on the educational process. If advance approval is not obtained, missed work will receive a zero. Make-up work for long periods of absenteeism is given special consideration and is handled on an individual basis. C. When a student is absent, a written excuse must be presented to the teacher the day the student returns. The note should include the following information: 1. Date of absence or tardiness 2. Reason for absence 3. Signature and phone number of parent or guardian D. If a student is absent more than 15 days during the year, the student may be retained at the discretion of the administration. E. School hours are Monday – Friday from 8:10 a.m. -2:50 p.m. F. Habitual tardies to school could have a negative effect on the student and the class and should be avoided whenever possible. 1. A student is considered tardy when not in class before the 8:15 a.m. bell rings. 2. Late arrivals are to report to the First Christian Academy office. A late student will not be admitted to class without an official late slip. 3. Three tardies to school will result in loss of a recess. 4. The school office will contact parents of students who have excessive tardies. 5. When a student must leave school early, a note must be presented to the teacher. The note is to include the student’s full name, date, time of departure, estimated time of return (if returning that day), reason for leaving early and a parent’s signature. The student will need to be signed out at the front desk and the academy secretary will then send for the student. Parents are encouraged to avoid early departure. Please be mindful that frequent early dismissal will affect the student’s grades. 6. Students must stay at school until 2:50 p.m. (the end of the school day) unless they are attending a scheduled doctor’s appointment or emergency arises G. Excused Absences: 1. Sickness or injury 2. Quarantine 3. Death in the immediate family 4. Medical/dental appointments 5. Court/administrative proceedings 6. Educational opportunity/out–of-town trip (advance notice required) BINDING ARBITRATION SECTION 1 – SUBMISSION TO ARBITRATION: Believing that lawsuits between believers are prohibited by scripture, parents who place their children at First Christian Academy agree to submit binding arbitration any matters which cannot otherwise be resolved, and expressly waive any and all rights in law and equity to bringing any civil disagreement before a court of law, except that judgment upon the ward rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court have jurisdiction thereof. SECTION 2 – NOTICE OF ARBITRATION: In the event of any dispute, claim, question, or disagreement arising out of or relating to this school handbook or other school matter, the parties should use their best efforts to 10 First Christian Academy – Student Handbook 2012-2013 settle such disputes, claims, questions, or disagreements as Christians. To this effect, they should consult and negotiate with each other in good faith and, recognizing their mutual interests not to disgrace the name of Christ, seek to reach a just and equitable solution. If they do not reach such solution within a period of sixty days, then upon a notice of either party to the other, disputes, claims, questions, or differences should be finally settled by arbitration as described in section 1, above, and such Procedures for Arbitration as are adopted pursuant to Section 3, below. SECTION 3 –LIMITATIONS ON ARBITRATION DECISIONS: The Procedures for Arbitration should be as adopted by the pastor and the school committee until the school board is in place. BULLYING It is the policy of the First Christian Academy to maintain a safe learning and work environment that is free from bullying, both verbal and physical. Students, staff, and the school community are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful, Christian manner, and demonstrate a level of respect and dignity towards others. Parents and students who have knowledge of such behaviors are encouraged to report this information and may do so without fear of consequences. Additionally, students who feel that they have been or are becoming the victims of bullying behaviors should notify the teacher or administration. The administration of First Christian Academy reserves the right to treat any single act as severe enough to warrant dismissal from school. CAR LINE PROCEDURES A. Adult supervision is provided from 8:00 a.m. until 8:15 a.m. only. Children must remain in their cars with their parents until teachers report to duty at 8:00 a.m. B. All elementary students are expected to use the car line. C. Please be sure your child exits the car with his/her book bag and lunch bag. D. Seating should be arranged so children can exit the car on the right. E. The first car in line should pull to the next available cone. F. In order to provide for the safety of our students and to expedite the flow of traffic, please follow the directions of those directing traffic. Please use your automobile’s turn signal to indicate when turning. G. Any student entering the building after 8:15 a.m. must stop by the school office for a tardy pass before entering the classroom. A parent must accompany the child. CARE OF PROPERTY First Christian Academy belongs to God. Destruction of school property will not be tolerated. Damage to school property by a student is hereby specifically prohibited and may result in detention, suspension and/or expulsion of the student. In addition, the cost of repair or replacement due to such conduct is the responsibility of the student and his/her parents. Littering, writing on walls, defacing of buildings, or other such act will be dealt with immediately. CHILD ABUSE REPORTER The law requires that all suspected child abuse be reported to the Department of Social Services in the city/county where the child resides. This includes emotional, physical, and/or sexual abuse. CHURCH ATTENDANCE Being active in a local church is a necessary part of every Christian’s life. As a Christian school, we encourage our students to attend the services of a doctrinally sound, Bible-teaching church. Our goal is to complement the spiritual training of the students’ homes and churches. 11 First Christian Academy – Student Handbook 2012-2013 CLASSROOM ASSIGNMENTS When a grade has more than one classroom, students are assigned to their classrooms after a thorough evaluation of all pertinent information. The decision of the administration is final. Therefore, please do not request a particular classroom assignment or teacher. CRISIS MANAGEMENT The Academy has developed a comprehensive emergency plan and our staff is trained annually in its use. Students are drilled in evacuation procedures. A. Bad Weather and School Cancellations 1. First Christian Academy is linked into the National Weather Service. Our public alert radio is always on, and we will be advised of any adverse weather conditions in our area. 2. If weather conditions exist that would merit cancellation of school, parents will be notified via radio and TV. First Christian Academy follows the same guidelines as that of the Bryan County School District. B. Fire/Disaster Drills 1. Fire/Disaster drills are held periodically. Fire and disaster procedures are posted in every classroom. When the signal for a drill is given, all class activities will cease and the teachers’ instructions must be followed immediately and silently. Students are to stay with their teachers. DISCIPLINE Our Philosophy of Discipline Believing that discipline is necessary for the welfare of the student as well as the entire school, each teacher is given the liberty of making and enforcing classroom regulations in the manner which she feels is in accordance with Christian principles and discipline as set forth in the Bible. Discipline at First Christian Academy not only creates a healthy learning environment, but also helps our students learn self-discipline and good character traits. Students are expected to abide by the Biblical principle, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” First Christian Academy students must exhibit honesty, honor, and integrity in relationships with fellow students, teachers, and the school administration. In general, minor disciplinary problems will result in consequences such as lost recess time, a student/teacher conference, written assignments, etc. Serious problems will result in office referrals. Poor behavior is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. The following is not a complete list but is representative of unacceptable behavior: talking without permission, failure to complete assigned work, physical aggression, lying, stealing, disrespect, cursing, plagiarism, forging another’s name, cheating, intentionally damaging school or another’s property. First Christian Academy expects full cooperation from both student and parent in the education of the student. When the school feels that student/parent cooperation is lacking, the student may be dismissed from school. Demerit System: Grade 5th – 7th The teachers will give one warning to the student on the following items listed. After the first warning, demerits will be given. Please understand that in some situations the student needs to take responsibility for his or her own actions and will have to accept the consequences the first time without warning. Weekly demerit sheets will chart the student’s behavior. Demerit sheets along with detention notices will be sent home each Friday. The student and parent will sign the demerit sheet and return to the teacher on Monday. *The demerit system will start over at the beginning of each 9 week grading period. This means that your child’s slate is wiped clean after each 9 week grading period. *When a student is suspended or expelled, the report will be filed in the students’ permanent record. 12 First Christian Academy – Student Handbook 2012-2013 Demerit: 1 per occurrence Classroom or chapel disruption Talking in class Failure to complete homework Failure to follow instructions Failure to get papers signed in a timely manor Unprepared for class—no books, agenda, pen, etc. Running in the halls and rowdiness Disrespect (Non-verbal) Entering another student’s personal belongings Bad attitude Throwing objects in class or hallway Direct disobedience Level One - 10 Demerits 1. Conference with the student 2. Parent called 3. Lunch detention Level Two – 20, 30, and 40 Demerits 1. Administration conference with the student 2. Parent called 3. One hour of after school detention a. Served on Thursday, 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. b. The fee for Thursday afternoon detention is $10.00. All money due for detention is paid to the Thursday detention supervisor that day (The fee is to offset the cost of having a staff member monitor the student). c. The failure to complete an assigned Thursday detention may result in further disciplinary action, unless prior arrangements have been made with the administration. 4. Letter sent home Level Three - 50 Demerits 1. Administration conference with the student and parent 2. Two hours of Saturday detention a. Served on Saturday, 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. b. The fee for Saturday morning detention is $25.00. All money due for detention is paid to the Saturday detention supervisor that day (The fee is to offset the cost of having a staff member monitor the student). c. The failure to complete an assigned Saturday detention may result in further disciplinary action, unless prior arrangements have been made with the administration. 3. Loss of all leadership involvement 4. Letter sent home Level Four - 60 Demerits One day suspension Office Referral (Could result in suspension) Profanity or inappropriate language Uncooperative attitude Inappropriate physical contact between students Deliberately damaging school property Skipping a class or classes Lying 13 First Christian Academy – Student Handbook 2012-2013 Bullying (Verbal or Physical) Fighting Verbal Disrespect Cheating Stealing Smoking Immediate Dismissal Drugs Weapons DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT The First Christian Academy community is expected to be one of respect and reconciliation. Therefore, student and/or teacher disrespect will not be tolerated. Students are to refrain from words or actions that demean, insult, bully, or threaten others. A teacher, administrator, or staff member should never be called by his or her first or last name alone. They should be addressed with Mr., Mrs., or Miss. Christians are to treat others with respect and to show deference to those in authority. Talking back, sarcasm, complaining, and gossiping will not be tolerated. Respect is important in student/teacher relationships as well as relationships among students. Disrespect will not be tolerated in the form of being rude to other children, damaging another’s self-esteem, willful disobedience, or damaging property. “In all things showing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine showing incorruptness, gravity, sincerity, sound speech that cannot be condemned” (Titus 2:7-8a). Our students must not: Use God’s name in vain or substitute words (Lev. 20:7). Use profanity or vulgarity (1 Peter 2:1). Use unkind or hurtful words (Eph. 4: 29). Verbal attacks on one’s sex, race, religion, or ethnic origin is not acceptable. Explicit or subtle references of sexual nature, e-mails, notes, letters, comments, or jokes with sexual overtones, obscene language, unwanted physical advances or the invasion of one’s personal space have no place within the First Christian Academy community. Any student engaging in such activity will be considered in violation of school policy. DISMISSAL Parents should not enter the school building before 2:45 pm. Children may be picked up starting at 2:50 pm. After 3:00 pm students will be sent to After Care and fees will apply. All persons who are responsible for picking up a student must be listed on the student release form. SPECIAL NEEDS First Christian Academy is not equipped to offer special education services for, and will not admit students with, learning disabilities, behavioral issues, or medical conditions. FIELD TRIPS Field trips will be taken throughout the year to enrich the learning experiences of the students. All field trips must be approved by the administration. Parents must sign a permission slip that authorizes the trip as well as protects First Christian Academy and the teachers from any liability. Parent chaperones are assigned by teachers to supervise groups of students. Chaperones may be asked not to bring additional children. FINANCES Tuition Tuition is due on the first of every month. A $20 late fee will be charged after the tenth of each month. 14 First Christian Academy – Student Handbook 2012-2013 Payments may be made by cash, check, or debit/credit card. 3% extra is charged when using a debit/credit card. IMPORTANT: Your child’s enrollment will not be finalized until all fees are paid in full and all documents have been submitted to the office and accepted. Refunds The registration fee is non-refundable. Tuition fees are non-refundable. No refunds will be made for fees such as books, lunch, etc. Withdrawals If a student’s balance is not up-to-date at the time of withdrawal, all grades and records will be held until the balance is paid in full. Parents must complete the withdrawal form from the office to officially remove a student from First Christian Academy. Delinquent Accounts Any unpaid account is delinquent after 30 days. If all delinquent payments have not been paid and brought up-to-date after a total of 60 days have elapsed, the student may be suspended until payment has been made. Report cards will not be released for students whose accounts are delinquent. Miscellaneous Expenses In addition to tuition, there are other fees for various services or activities during the course of the school year. These may include optional food service days, field trip participation, school picture packages, class functions, and music programs. Most of these expenses are optional. The school makes every effort to keep these expenses to a minimum. Kindergarten Graduation Fee The kindergarten class cap and gown fee for graduation is $20 and will be included on your May statement. (All fees must be paid in full before the student can graduate.) GRADING SCALE The following grade scale will be used by First Christian Academy: 97-100 A+ 87-89 B+ 77-79 C+ 0-69 F 93-96 A 83-86 B 73-76 C 90-92 A80-82 B70-72 CHAIR AND DRESS CODE Hair Hairstyles for girls are to be traditional and feminine in nature. If hair is highlighted or dyed, only natural colors may be used in traditional styles as deemed appropriate by the administration. With the exception of tasteful and natural highlighting, the hair should not be dyed or bleached. Haircuts for boys are to be traditional and masculine in nature. Hair must be worn above the eyebrows and off the collar. Extreme hairstyles are not permitted, such as Mohawks or etchings. Dress A. Boys’ Uniforms: First Christian Academy’s uniform for boys consists of khaki or navy pants or shorts. Boys may wear a red, white, navy, or light blue polo shirts. The 2012-2013 is a transitional year and the polo shirt embroidered with First Christian Academy is optional but recommended. (As of August 2013, all polo shirts will be required to be embroidered.) 15 First Christian Academy – Student Handbook 2012-2013 Boys must wear white, black, or navy blue socks. Boys may wear tennis shoes, brown or black shoes. Boots are not permitted. A belt is required with all pants or shorts that have belt loops. Layering of shirts and turtlenecks is not permitted. B. Boys’ Chapel Uniforms: Every Tuesday boys will wear khaki pants (no shorts) without cuffs, a white oxford button up shirts with the First Christian Academy logo and the school plaid ties. The white oxford shirt must be purchased at a school uniform supplier and must be embroidered. All boys are required to purchase a NEW school tie for the 2012-2013 school year. The tie is now plaid. C. Girls’ Uniforms: First Christian Academy’s uniform for girls consists of khaki or navy skirts, shorts, skorts, capris, or pants. Shorts under jumpers and skirts are required. Girls may wear a red, white, navy, or light blue polo shirts. The 2012-2013 is a transitional year and the polo shirt embroidered with First Christian Academy is optional but recommended. (As of August 2013 all polo shirts will be required to be embroidered.) All socks and tights must be white or navy blue. Girls may wear tennis shoes, brown, blue or black shoes. Boots are not permitted. Belts are required for all garments that have belt loops. Solid navy dresses, solid khaki or navy jumpers and leggings are not permitted. Layering of shirts and turtlenecks is not permitted. D. Girls’ Chapel Uniforms: Every Tuesday girls will wear school plaid jumpers with white “Peter Pan” collared blouses, or the school plaid skirts or skorts with white oxford shirts. All chapel uniforms must be purchased from the uniform suppliers. The plaid jumpers and all chapel shirts must be embroidered with the First Christian Academy logo. Only white tights or socks are to be worn with the school plaid. *Girls skorts offered only at Bahama Joe’s. Supplier: Please be sure to purchase specific items such as the plaid skirts, skorts, jumpers, ties and all chapel shirts from the approved suppliers. Bahama Joe’s School Uniforms Patrick’s Uniform Store 4755 Waters Avenue 2307 Highway 80 Savannah, GA 31405 Garden City, GA 31408 912-355-6960 912-355-0205 E. Additional Uniform Guidelines: Shirts must be tucked in at all times. No emblem other than the school emblem may be worn on any garment. Sweaters and sweatshirts worn in the classroom must be solid red, white or navy. However, school sweatshirts are available at Bahama Joe’s School Uniforms and may be worn during class. Tattoos or body piercings are not permitted. Large, dangling earrings, excessive or unusual jewelry are not permitted. Boys are not allowed earrings. Girls 6th grade and above are allowed to wear makeup. Make-up must be applied moderately and be natural in appearance. Girls (5th grade and below) are not allowed to wear makeup. Skirts, dresses, and shorts should be no more than three inches above the top of the knee when sitting or standing. Proper age undergarments must be worn at all times. 16 First Christian Academy – Student Handbook 2012-2013 Nail polish must be traditional in color – no black or unusual colors or designs are acceptable. Boys may not wear nail polish. All students must arrive and depart from school in accordance to the dress code. All students must dress modestly. F. Non-Uniform Dress Guidelines: Throughout the school year there are a number of “Non-Uniform Days”. This is a special privilege and students are expected to come to school dressed in a neat, modest, and appropriate manner conducive to learning. Clothes must be neat and clean with no holes or tears. Students may wear slacks, jeans, cargo pants, wind pants, sweatpants, or capris. Examples of some restrictions include pants with words or quotes, low riders which display undergarments, or cutoffs. Shirts with sleeves, blouses, sweaters, sweatshirts, turtlenecks, knit shirts, or t-shirts are appropriate. Examples of some restrictions include bare midriffs, see-through garments, undergarment shirts, strapless, spaghetti straps, halter tops, bare back, one shoulder or off-the-shoulder and low cut blouses. Tops should be long enough so that bare stomachs are not showing at any time. Skirts, dresses, skorts, and shorts should be no more than three inches above the top of the knee when sitting or standing. Obscene or profane language, tobacco and alcohol advertisements, and provocative pictures on clothing is prohibited. Students may wear the First Christian Academy uniform on non-uniform days, if preferred. As parents of children in a Christian school, please use your best judgment in regards to any examples not listed. As with the regular uniform policy, students and parents are asked to comply with this policy, so it doesn’t interfere with the education of our students. G. Violations: At the administration’s discretion, any student who attends school and does not follow the proper uniform policy will not be allowed to attend class. Parents will be called to bring the proper uniform for their child. The Bible commands the Christian to do, “All to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). In today’s society this command has special reference to the fact that God may be honored or dishonored by personal dress and grooming. First Christian Academy believes that these commands apply to the dress and grooming of students. We glorify God when we dress and conduct ourselves with good taste and modesty. God is glorified when our dress is appropriate for the occasion and free from being distracting or offensive. HEALTH AND WELLNESS First Christian Academy desires to maintain a healthy school environment by instituting controls designed to prevent the spread of illnesses. A student is not to come to school if vomiting, diarrhea, a fever of 100 degrees or higher, or have had a fever in the past 24 hours. A student should be fever free for 24 hours without the use of a fever-reducing medicine. A student who becomes ill while at school will be sent to the school office and the parents will be called to pick up the student. If a student suffers a serious injury at school, First Christian Academy will call for immediate medical assistance and then attempt to notify the parents. State Law mandates that copies of birth certificate, current immunization record, and emergency card must be on file in the student’s record. A. Examples of When to Stay Home Sore throat Fever of 100 degrees or higher Vomiting or diarrhea Runny nose that is green or cloudy 17 First Christian Academy – Student Handbook 2012-2013 Inflamed throat or mouth Runny or pink eye Croup, coughing, or sneezing Any skin infections such as boils or unexplained rashes, ringworms, or impetigo Symptoms of childhood diseases: i.e. scarlet fever, mumps, chicken pox, measles, or Coxsackie’s virus (also known as hand, foot, and mouth disease). B. Communicable Disease Policy First Christian Academy desires to maintain a healthy school environment by instituting controls designed to prevent the spread of communicable diseases. The term "communicable disease" shall mean an illness that arises because of a specific infectious agent that may be transmitted either directly or indirectly from a susceptible host or infected person or animal to other persons. Any parent or teacher that reasonably suspects that a student or employee has a communicable disease shall immediately notify the administrator. Any student or employee with a communicable disease for which immunization is required by law shall be temporarily excluded from school during the recognized periods of communicability. Students and employees with communicable diseases for which immunization is not available shall be excluded from school while ill. If the nature of the disease and circumstances warrant, First Christian Academy may require an independent physician's examination of the student or employee to verify the diagnosis of communicable disease. First Christian Academy reserves the right to make all final decisions necessary to enforce its communicable disease policy and to take all necessary actions to control the spread of communicable diseases within the school. C. Illness/Accidents/Medications When the need arises, a designated staff member will administer first aid procedures. Parents must complete the Authorization to Administer Medication form. The administration will administer medicine if it is prescribed by a physician and in its original container. Parents are responsible for informing and training the administration. Any adverse reactions from prescribed medication by the student will be documented and the parent contacted immediately. The school will administer non-prescribed internal medicine (such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen) if the parent has completed the Authorization to Administer Medication form and provided the necessary medication. All medication must be kept in the office and in its original labeled package/bottle. An accident report will be completed if a child is injured at school. Minor injuries, i.e. scrapes, will not require a phone call. However, the parent will be informed upon arrival at school. In case of emergency, parents will be notified immediately. A staff member will accompany the child if he/she is transported by ambulance to the hospital according to medical necessity. HOMEWORK A. Purposes for Homework: For practice – Following classroom explanation, illustrations, and study, it may be good for a student to pursue the activity independently for continued mastery and understanding of the skills and concepts taught. This may include review of materials already covered. For Drill – It may be necessary to engage in drill for mastery of facts and certain skills and concepts. For Remedial Activity – At times it may be necessary for students to do individual assignments as a means of overcoming academic weaknesses. 18 First Christian Academy – Student Handbook 2012-2013 B. C. D. E. F. G. For Enrichment Activity – Many students need to be challenged to move on to higher levels of attainment. Their own creativity will motivate them to independently reach a broader scope of understanding in various subject fields. For Special Projects – Extension of classroom activities may result in book reports, compositions, special research, searching for various materials to bring to class, and construction of various types of projects. Guidelines for Homework Kindergarten students do not have homework. Homework assignments made by the classroom teacher should be completed by the student and turned in at the time designated, usually the following day. Please provide a definite time and quiet location for your child to work undisturbed. Each student is responsible for his/her own work. Parents are asked not to do homework for their children. Teachers cannot accurately evaluate a child’s needs if the homework has been completed by the parent. Mid-week Homework No homework will be assigned for Wednesday night. Homework may be assigned-or a test announced-on Tuesday that will be collected or given on Thursday. Assignment Folder: Students in grades K-7 have assignment folders that are sent home each day to be signed by the parents and returned the next school day. Project assignments and tests that are due, or occur during an absence, are to be completed or madeup according to the teacher’s class policy. Please contact the teacher if there is a question about homework or some other issue with assignments. Copying another student’s homework is not an acceptable practice at First Christian Academy and will be classified as a form of cheating. HONOR ROLL A Honor Roll – Students who have earned all A’s during a grading period. A/B Honor Roll – Students who have earned all A’s and B’s during a grading period. Any grade below a B disqualifies a student from this honor roll. LOST AND FOUND: Students are encouraged to have all personal belongings labeled. If an item is lost or misplaced, students are to check the Lost and Found located at the front office. At the end of the school year, items not claimed will be donated to charity. LUNCH PROGRAM First Christian Academy offers a hot lunch program at reasonable prices for all students. Hot lunch is offered Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Monthly menus will be sent home. The cost is $3.50 per day. Lunches must be pre-paid in the office. Outside meals may be brought for the student on special occasions if the parent stays to eat with the student. Students can bring their own lunches from home. We cannot warm up lunches, so please only send items that do not need to be heated. Lunch fees are nonrefundable and nontransferable. 19 First Christian Academy – Student Handbook 2012-2013 MEDIA CENTER - LIBRARY A. Use of Media Center: Students using the media center during class hours, including study hall periods, must have passes issued by the teacher in charge of the class. Students are not to be in the media center unattended. A librarian or teacher must be present, including before or after school and lunch time. B. Book Checkout Policies: Books may be checked out for a one-week period and then renewed for a one-week period. Kindergarten & 1st grade students may check out two books a week. 2nd -7th grade may check out three books a week. Any student owing a media center fine will not be able to check out another book until the fine is paid. A fine of 10 cents per day will be charged for each overdue book. Teachers are allowed to check out two seasonal books for a one-week period. No eating or drinking is allowed in the library. Students should remain quiet while in the library. Reference books and magazines are not to be taken from the media center unless requested by the teacher for class use. MONEY When money is sent to school for book orders, field trips, lunches, etc., please enclose it in a sealed envelope with the following information on the front: Teacher’s Name and Grade Student’s Name Amount Purpose PARENT CHAPERONES A. There are times throughout the school year when parents may choose to serve as chaperones at schoolsponsored activities such as sporting events and field trips. Parents are encouraged to volunteer their services. B. Parents should observe the spirit of the school dress code as given in this handbook. While serving as chaperones, parents must be willing to abide by school policies. PARENT-SCHOOL COMMUNICATION A. Weekly Newsletters: Teachers will send home weekly newsletters every Monday. This is the primary method for communication regarding academic topics, Bible passages, regular and special assignments, and upcoming events. B. Weekly Assignment Folders: Teachers will send home a folder containing the student’s work and graded papers. Please sign and return this folder to indicate receipt and discuss the contents with your child. C. Letters from the Administration: Periodically, letters from the school administration will be sent home to address issues that involve First Christian Academy families. D. Parent – Teacher Conferences: Conference time is built into our school calendar. This is an opportunity for our teachers to meet with all parents in a consistent effort to keep them informed of their children’s progress. Conferences between parents and members of the school staff are encouraged. If at any time during the school year you have a question or concern, special arrangements can be made for conferences during non-school hours. It is imperative that you schedule a conference time with your child’s teacher and that you do not discuss the specifics of your child’s program with the teacher at arrival or dismissal times. 20 First Christian Academy – Student Handbook 2012-2013 E. “Open Door” Policy: Parental input is always welcomed. Please feel free to see the administration to discuss your concerns any time. A parent must sign in and receive a visitor’s badge at the office prior to entering the hallways or classrooms. F. School Website: First Christian Academy can be found on-line at This website provides access to policies and procedures of First Christian Academy as well as current news. Our web site is currently a work in progress. G. Accelerated Reader Test Scores: Parents may sign into Home Connect in the Accelerated Reader Program to check their child’s progress on testing. PARENT-SCHOOL RELATIONSHIP To increase cooperation and the overall effectiveness of First Christian Academy’s educational efforts, parents are asked to carefully practice the following: A. If any question arises over a decision made or rumor heard, please call the teacher directly. Complaining to your children, criticizing the school, or calling another parent undermines our position and greatly hurts our efforts with your child. We are most effective when we work together. B. Questions regarding school policy should be made directly to the administration. If there is no resolution of an issue that began with a teacher, an appointment should be made with the administration and the teacher in order to resolve the situation. Only after a meeting with the administration will the School Board become involved. Requests for Board attention should be submitted to the school office in writing for consideration at the next Board meeting. A written response will follow from the Board. This procedure parallels the pattern set in Matthew 18 for resolving disputes. PARENT-TEACHER ORGANIZATION (PTO) The purpose of the Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) is to assist in coordinating volunteers that will serve both the classroom students and the teachers and to assist in raising funds that will directly benefit and enhance the learning experience for First Christian Academy students. The mission of this support group is to promote Christian education and to create a greater fellowship among all parents, teachers, staff, and the student body. The PTO is a valuable asset to First Christian Academy. PARTIES A. The following parties are pre-approved: Fall, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, End of the Year and Field Day. B. Holiday parties are planned at the classroom level. Parent volunteers may coordinate with teachers to host class parties. Since we are a Christian school, we focus on Christian symbols as opposed to secular symbols. For example, please do not bring to school any items with Santa Claus, ghosts, bats, witches, or Easter bunnies. C. Birthdays may be celebrated at school. Parents are responsible for making arrangements with the teacher and furnishing all refreshments. Parties should be simple and limited to snack time or the last 15 minutes of the school day. If you would like to give birthday invitations to the students in your child’s class, please include every student. Birthday party invitations will not be sent out in the classroom unless one is sent home with each student. D. First Christian Academy does not provide supplies for parties. Classes must make sure all necessary items are brought in by the parents. 21 First Christian Academy – Student Handbook 2012-2013 PETS Children may not bring pets to school without prior permission from the teacher. If permission is granted, a parent may bring the pet to the classroom, show it, and after a brief time, take it home. No pets are to be left at the school without a parent in control of the pet. The parent assumes all responsibility for pets brought onto school property. PHOTOGRAPHY AND PUBLICITY First Christian Academy students are photographed (and videoed) on a regular basis. These photos and videos may be used to promote the school. Upon enrollment, each family is asked to complete the “Media Consent Form.” PROMOTION A. Kindergarten–Fourth Grade A student will be promoted if he/she completes language arts and math satisfactorily and has not failed more than two other core subjects. Students who miss more than 15 days may not be promoted at the discretion of the administration. B. Fifth – Seventh Grade A student must pass Bible, English, math, science and one other academic class to be promoted to the next grade. Students who miss more than 15 days may not be promoted at the discretion of the administration. RE-ENROLLMENT During re-enrollment for the next school year, present students are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Enrollment at First Christian Academy is a privilege, not a right. First Christian Academy reserves the right to deny re-enrollment to any student who has not satisfactorily conformed to the standards and expectations contained in this handbook. Financial accounts must be up to date and the previous year’s bill paid in full before a student can be re-enrolled. RETENTION Students who are clearly not ready for promotion to the next grade level are retained. The final decision is made on the basis of physical, emotional, and development readiness, as well as academic criteria. Failure in two academic subjects with F’s, one of which is either math or reading, is automatically retained. SCHOOL OFFICE The school office hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. When visiting the school, please come to the front office and sign in. Do not go directly to the classrooms. Lunches, homework, etc., may be left in the school office for delivery to the students. SCHOOL SUPPLIES/TEXTBOOKS Parents are responsible for purchasing the student’s school supplies, including uniforms, backpack, and lunchbox. Student’s supplies should be labeled – i.e., backpacks, lunch boxes, water bottles, or personal belongings. Books must be replaced by the student if damaged or lost during the school year. SOLICITATION AND DISTRIBUTION Students and parents are not to distribute or sell non-First Christian Academy items (such as candy, tickets, political materials, or petitions, etc.) without the permission of the administration. 22 First Christian Academy – Student Handbook 2012-2013 TECHNOLOGY Technology plays a vital role in assuring equitable access to a variety of resources. First Christian Academy provides access to resources that help conduct the instructional, operational, and administrative business of the school. A part of the network resources is the internet. As a learning resource, the internet is similar to books, magazines, audio recordings, videos, CD-ROMS, laser discs, and other informational media that can be used to meet educational needs. The internet also provides access to material that is of no educational value. However, the value of the information found and interaction available outweighs the possibility of locating inappropriate material. *Students will be held responsible for any material that violates school policy placed on a web site. A. Online Responsibilities 1. Acceptable Use – The goal of providing network/internet access for students and staff is to support education and research consistent with the educational objective of First Christian Academy. Transmission of any material in violation of any federal and state regulation is prohibited. This includes-but is not limited to-copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material, or material in violation of First Christian Academy’s policies. 2. Privileges – The use of the internet is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in the suspension of the privilege. All user accounts are property of First Christian Academy. School staff or system administrators may deny access at any time that it is deemed necessary. Serious and/or repetitive infractions will be reported to teachers and administrators and handled according to student discipline policy. First Christian Academy reserves the right to review all usage logs, internet history and messages sent and received through the network. 3. Network Etiquette – While each user has the right to free speech, all are expected to abide by the First Christian Academy handbook. The following are not permitted: a. Accessing, producing, posting, sending, or displaying material that is offensive in nature. This includes obscene, discriminating, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, threatening, disrespectful, or sexually suggestive language or images, including images of exposed private body parts. b. Knowingly or carelessly performing an act that will interfere with the normal operation of computers, terminals, peripherals, or networks, including vandalism, and the creation, upgrading or disseminating of computer viruses. c. Violating copyright laws. All communication and information accessible via the network are private property unless otherwise stated. d. Using another’s identification and password. e. Illegally using, destroying or manipulating data in folders or work files. f. Arranging or agreeing to meet with someone met on-line. g. Gaining unauthorized access to First Christian Academy’s network. h. Engaging in any illegal activities or accessing material advocating illegal acts of violence. This includes pornography and hate literature. i. Posting false or defamatory information about a person or organization. j. Downloading files without prior approval from supervising staff. B. Internet Security 1. First Christian Academy utilizes a technology protection measure that monitors and filters internet access. The filtering service utilizes a customizable database that denies access to sites that are identified as obscene, pornographic, or harmful to minors. 2. Students will not be allowed access to email, chat rooms, and other forms of electronic communication except related to special projects and only under direct supervision by authorized 23 First Christian Academy – Student Handbook 2012-2013 personnel. Activities must be related to the educational program and determined not to be harmful to minors. C. Sanctions 1. Violations of any of the above provisions may result in access being suspended and/or future access being denied. 2. Disciplinary action related to inappropriate use of electronic resources will be determined in accordance with existing handbook policies as stated by First Christian Academy. When deemed necessary, the infractions may be referred to law enforcement agencies for appropriate legal action. TELEPHONES A. Students may use the office telephone for emergencies or sickness under the supervision of First Christian Academy staff. With staff permission, calls may be made under special circumstances. B. Cell phone use by the students is prohibited on campus during school hours, Before Care and After Care. Any student caught using a cell phone during school hours will have it confiscated. A cell phone must be on silent and stored in the student’s own book bag during school hours. The exception is when a call must be made and the teacher or administration grants permission for that call to be made. C. Abuse of these privileges will result in the confiscation of the cell phone for the purpose of returning it to the parent. Continued abuses will result in the student not being allowed to bring a cell phone on campus. TESTING PROGRAM (Standardized) The Stanford Achievement Test, a nationally standardized testing program, is administered to some elementary grades. The test scores enable the administration and parents to monitor the academic development of the students. The results of this test are included with the end of the year report card. Parents should not put unnecessary pressure on their children for high scores as this usually makes the children nervous and produces lower scores. TOYS Toys should not be brought to school. Students may bring special things from home for “show and tell.” WITHDRAWAL FROM SCHOOL Should it be necessary to withdraw a student from school for any reason, parents must submit the withdrawal form provided by the First Christian Academy office as soon as possible. The school also has the right, for any reason consistent with the best interest of the student, the other students, and the school, to ask a student to withdraw, giving a 5-day notice. This provision is separate and apart from suspension or expulsion under the school’s disciplinary policies. When a student is withdrawn from school, either by the parents or at the request of the school administration, the following policies will govern the withdrawal: all fees, tuition, and charges (lunch, library, etc.) must be paid in full and all textbooks must be returned before a transcript will be released. Students having attended one day or more of any period will owe the full month’s tuition. IF NECESSARY, THIS HANDBOOK MAY BE AMENDED DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR. 24 First Christian Academy – Student Handbook 2012-2013