APA Style - Abilene Christian University


 Allows readers to crossreference your sources easily

 Provides consistent format within a discipline

 Gives you credibility as a writer

 Protects you from plagiarism

Cross-referencing allows readers to locate the publication information of source material. This is of great value for researchers who may want to locate your sources for their own research projects.

“Because one purpose of listing references is to enable readers to retrieve and use the sources, reference data must be correct and complete. …” (APA, 2001, p. 216).

Using a consistent format helps your reader understand your arguments and the sources they’re built on.

It also helps you keep track of your sources as you build arguments.

32 APA primary journals; as many as 1000 more in social sciences and psychology use APA as their style guide.

The proper use of APA style shows the credibility of writers; such writers show accountability to their source material.

“[Because] authors are responsible for all information in their reference lists. Accurately prepared references help establish your credibility as a careful researcher”

(APA, 2001, p. 216).

Academic honesty and integrity!

 Proper citation of your sources in APA style can help you avoid plagiarism, which is a serious offense. Plagiarism may result in anything from failure of the assignment to expulsion from school.

You are academically dishonest if:

Someone writes your paper for you

You purchase a paper

You copy a paper from online

You fail to cite your sources

 Your present someone else’s ideas as your own

 Content & Organization of a Manuscript

 Expressing Ideas & Reducing Bias in Language

 Editorial Style

 Reference List

 Parts of a Manuscript

Title Page


Discussion/Main body of the paper



 Title (centered, upper ½ of page, ds)

 Author’s name (1 ds below title)

 Institutional affiliation or course identification (ds below author’s name)

 Manuscript page header (upper right corner, 1 st 2 or 3 words of title, 5 spaces, then page #)

 Running head

Disability Attitudes 1


The Development and Psychometric Validation of the Disability Attitudes Implicit Association Test

Ima Student

Abilene Christian University

 Abbreviated title

 Maximum 50 characters including letters, punctuation, and spaces

 Left-justified below manuscript page header

 Example:

Running head: GENERATION X

 Includes manuscript page header

 Full title is centered on the top line of the page

 DS, only, between title and first line of text

Note. Double space, only, throughout the entire document.

 The levels of heading are established by format or appearance

 The hierarchy of sections help orient the reader to the structure of the manuscript – they function as an outline

 Topics of equal importance have the same level of heading throughout the manuscript.

 Start each section with the highest level of heading, even if one section may have fewer levels of subheading than another section


(Level 5)

Centered Uppercase and Lowercase Heading

(Level 1)

Centered, Italicized, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading

(Level 2)

Flush Left, Italicized, Uppercase and Lowercase Side Heading

(Level 3)

Indented, italicized, lowercase paragraph heading ending with a period.

(Level 4)

Centered Uppercase and Lowercase Heading

(Level 1)






 If directly quoted from another author’s work should be reproduced word for word

 Short quotations (fewer than 40 words) are incorporated into the text, enclosed with double quotation marks.

 Must be accompanied by a reference citation with a page number

Matkin (1985) stated “the compensation principle and accident prevention form an intertwined relationship whereby one enhances the other” (p. 29).

 At end of sentence – close quoted passage with quotation marks, cite the source in parentheses after marks, and end with the period or other punctuation outside the final parenthesis.

He found “Assessment or decisionmaking interviews are generally more focused” (Zastrow, 1998, p. 86) than other types of interview formats.

 In midsentence - End the passage with quotation marks, cite source in parentheses immediately after the quotation marks, and continue the sentence.

 Use no other punctuation unless meaning of sentence requires it.

Wang, Thomas, Chan, and Cheing (2003) stated the following:

Conjoint analysis has the potential to augment the study of attitudes toward disabilities in rehabilitation psychology research. Specifically, as an indirect measurement, conjoint analysis is less prone to social desirability effects. The trade-off method used in conjoint analysis to study people’s attitudes toward disability closely approximates human decision making in real life. Hence both conjoint measurements and conjoint analysis could increase the ability of rehabilitation psychology researchers to understand factors contributing to the

 formation of attitudes/preferences in multiple social contexts. (p. 200-201)

At end of block quote – Cite the quoted source in parentheses after the final punctuation mark

Do not single space long quotes. Indent 5-7 spaces from the left margin without the usual paragraph indent.

 General rule is to use figures to express numbers 10 and above

The client is 25 years old

Mr. Roberts has had 12 arrests

 Use words to express numbers below 10

Nora Edwards has had three previous marriages.

Always as numerals: Dates, Ages, Exact sums of money, scores and points on a scale, numbers and precise measurements

Each item on the Beck Depression Index is scored on a

5-point scale

The client receives $8 per completed hour.

Always as words: Any number that begins a sentence, common fractions

 Twelve participants were involved in the focus groups

 Author’s(s’) last name

 Year of publication

 Page number (if quoting)

 Example:

(Chan, 2000, p. 17)

 2 authors – cite both names separated by &


(Rubin & Roessler, 2002, p. 127)

 3-5 authors – cite all authors first time; after first time, use et al.


(Chan et al., 2000)

 6 or more authors – cite first author’s name and et al.


(Rosenthal et al., 1992)

 Multiple sources from same author – chronological order, separated by comma.


(Thomas, 1998, 1999, in press)

 Within same year:


(Chan, 1998a, 1998b, 1999, in press)

 Multiple sources – separated by semicolon, alphabetical order


(Chan, 1998; Pruett, 2001; Thomas, 1992)

 If the source has no known author, then use an abbreviated version of the title:

Full Title: “California Cigarette Tax Deters


Citation: (“California,” 1999)

 A reference to a personal communication:

Source: email message from Hanoch Livneh

Citation: (H. Livneh, personal communication,

November 22, 2002)

 A general reference to a web site

Source: University of Florida

Citation: (http://www.ufl.edu)

 If author(s) name is part of narrative, cite only year of publication in parentheses

Hess, Marwitz and Kreutzer (2003) report treatment planning following a spinal cord injury should include methods for identifying cognitive deficits.

On rare occasions you may have the year and author with no parentheses.

In 2000 Walker compared reaction times


 Keep references brief

 Give only information needed to identify the source on your reference page

 Do not repeat unnecessary information

There are many different combinations and variations within APA citation format.

If you run into something unusual, look it up!

On a separate page

References (the title) is centered on top line

Alphabetical list of works cited

If same author cited more than once, chronologically listed

Double spaced

Hanging indent

Titles of works and volume number in italics

 Garske, G. G. (2000). The significance of rehabilitation counselor job satisfaction. Journal

of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 31(3),10- 13.

 Shaw, L. R., & Tarvydas, V. M. (2001). The use of professional disclosure in rehabilitation counseling. Rehabilitation Counseling

Bulletin, 45, 40-47.

 Miller, L. J., & Donders, J. (in press). Prediction of educational outcome after pediatric traumatic brain injury. Rehabilitation Psychology.

 Smart, J. (2001). Disability, Society, and the

Individual. Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen.

 Parker, R. M., & Szymanski, E. M. (Eds.). (1998).

Rehabilitation Counseling: Basics and

Beyond. Austin, TX: PRO-ED.

 American Psychiatric Association. (1994).

Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental

disorders (4 th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

 Jaet, D. N., & McMahon, B.T. (1999). Implications of disability legislation for case managers. In F.

Chan & M. J. Leahy (Eds.), Health Care and

Disability Case Management (pp. 213 – 238). Lake

Zurich, IL: Vocational Consultants Press.

Internet articles based on a print source (exact replicate – usually a pdf file)

Smith, S., & Jones, T. (2001). The impact of authoritative supervisors on job retention {Electronic version}.

Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 12(2),


Internet articles that are not exactly as the printed article (i.e., htlm, doc, or txt files)

Smith, S., & Jones, T. (2001). The impact of authoritative supervisors on job retention. Journal of Applied

Rehabilitation Counseling, 12(2), 110-112. Retrieved

October 13, 2001, from http://jarc.org/articles

Articles in an Internet only journal

James, T. (2001, March 7). Cultivating positive emotions to optimize health and well-being. Prevention &

Treatment, 3, Article 01a. Retrieved November 20,

2000, from http://journals.apa.org/articles

Stand alone document, no author identified, no date.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (n.d.).

Retrieved August 8, 2000, from http://www.ahrq.gov

Avoid abbreviations except for long familiar terms


Explain what the abbreviation means at the first occurrence: American Psychological Association


If an abbreviation is commonly used as a word, it does not require explanation (IQ, LSD, RAM).

Use two-letter postal codes for U.S. state names.

 Be more specific, not less

Use age ranges rather than broad categories

Use the phrase Men and women – rather than generic


Avoid the generic “he”

Specific ethnic or racial labeling

 Mention differences only when relevant

 Use person-first language when describing and individual or group of people with a disability.

Example: people over the age of 65, people with learning disabilities

 Be aware of hidden standards that compare the study group to an invisible (standard) group.

Example: “culturally deprived” (by what standard?)

 Unparallel nouns

Example: man and wife - Instead: husband and wife

 Replace the impersonal term “subjects” with

- participants

- individuals

- college students

- children

Publication Manual of the American Psychological

Association, 5th ed.

 http://www.apastyle.org

Some other good links: http://www.docstyles.com/apacrib.htm

http://www.vanguard.edu/faculty/ddegelman/amo ebaweb/index.aspx?doc_id=2415
