
 “Geography in the Media” Discussion Board Assignment
o Each student will be required to locate an article from the media on a country
OUTSIDE of the United States. “The Media” can include online news sites,
magazines, newspapers, and/or television. After you find the “article” of your
choice, you will create a thread under the appropriate Geography in the Media
forum (under discussions) and include the following information in a 2-3
paragraph submission:
 Name of Article
 Source of Article
 Name of country
 Where country located
 Summarize the article and/or why this country was in the media
 DO NOT copy and paste article in your thread. You will need
to read the article and SUMMARIZE the main points.
 Your opinion on the event/situation
25% of your grade (5 discussions @ 4% each)
You MUST fully participate in all 5 to receive full credit toward your final grade.
Participation means the following:
o Student contributes a 2-3 paragraph essay that details the above requirements
o Student responds to AT LEAST one other student’s post
 This post must address what the student’s original post has stated and
add to the discussion. (ex: “I agree” is not acceptable)
o Student completes both of these requirements BY THE DUE DATE
 Please note: any postings submitted AFTER the due date will result in a
0. Emergencies will be handled on an individual basis.
Proper tone, professional language, grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Excellent (A)
Above Average
Grading criteria
The original posting contains the name and source of article;
name of country; informs others where country is located;
summarizes the article; and gives opinion of the event/situation.
The posting is accurate, original, and well-written, following
proper tone, professional language, grammar, punctuation, and
spelling requirements. Student has posted on at least one other
student’s posting and it has addressed the student’s original
posting and has added to the discussion.
The original posting is missing 1 of the requirements for the
Slightly Above
Average (B-)
Average (C)
Minimal (D)
Unacceptable (F)
assignment (name/source article; name/location country;
summarization is weak; no personal opinion; no posting on
another student’s post). The posting is still accurate, original,
and well-written, following proper tone, professional language,
grammar, punctuation, and spelling requirements.
The original posting is missing 2 of the requirements for the
assignment (name/source article; name/location country;
summarization is weak; no personal opinion; no posting on
another student’s post) but is still slightly above average in
quality. The posting is still accurate, original, and well-written,
following proper tone, professional language, grammar,
punctuation, and spelling requirements.
The original posting is missing 3 of the requirements for the
assignment (name/source article; name/location country;
summarization is weak; no personal opinion; no posting on
another student’s post). The posting is unorganized and is
lacking proper tone, professional language,
etc….Postings/comments which are solely based upon personal
opinion or quickly done often fall within this category.
The original posting is missing 4 or more of the requirements for
the assignment (name/source article; name/location country;
summarization is weak; no personal opinion; no posting on
another student’s post). The posting/comment presents little or
no information. One point postings are granted simply for basic
participation in the assignment.
The following will result in a 0 for the post: 1) The posting adds
no value to the discussion.
2) The posting is submitted after
the due date. 3) The posting is missing 5 or more of the
requirements for the assignment.