Grade 6-8 Our Changing Earth [$39.00] (Science in a Nutshell) Explore Earth processes and what causes changes in Earth's surface. Erosion: River Cutters [$25.00] Explore the concepts of erosion, pollution, toxic waste, and human manipulation of rivers. Students create river models, acquire geological terminology, and begin to understand geologic time. River Cutters Teacher’s Guide needed (ISBN 0-924886-32-3) Convection: A Current Event [$7.00] Observe and chart the convection currents in a liquid, discovering one of the ways in which heat moves. Convection affects the Earth’s crust and volcanic eruptions, the weather, the wind, and many other natural events. Convection: A Current Event Teacher’s Guide needed (ISBN 0-912511-15-X) Energy Science Kit [$25.00] Build two models that use alternative energy sources, make a pizza box solar oven. Choose your own project to show what you have learned about alternative energy. Light: More Than Magnifiers [$9.00] In this unit on physics, optics, and light, students use two lenses in different ways to create optical instruments and learn how the measurable properties of lenses are used in magnifiers, simple cameras, telescopes, and slide projectors. More than Magnifiers Teacher’s Guide needed (ISBN 0-912511-62-1 ) One and Only You [$39.00] (Science in a Nutshell) Investigate heredity; build models of cells, chromosomes, and genes. TOPS Green Thumbs: Corn and Beans [$24.00] Construct lab equipment, compile a complete written and visual record of growth; graph daily height and weight gains; study how leaves photosynthesize; examine the role of cotyledons in plant development; learn to distinguish monocots from dicots in flowering plants, and much more. TOPS Science Green Thumbs: Corn and Beans teacher’s guide-student workbook is included. TOPS Rocks and Minerals [$34.00] Using simple materials, students will explore crystal structure and formation, classification of rocks into igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic and further subdivision of these groups based on geological formation. May be used with high school Earth Science students as well. TOPS Science: Rocks and Minerals teacher’s guide-student workbook is included. Physical Science Experiments [$11.00] Nine engaging experiments to investigate forces and motion, chemistry, astronomy and buoyancy/density. May be used with high school Physical Science students as well. Density [$11.00] Secret formulas, salt solutions, color layering in liquid, and other activities and demonstrations of density reinforce students' practical understanding of this important concept in the physical sciences. From their understanding of density in liquids, students learn to infer the relative densities of solids and gases. As appropriate, the mathematical equation for determining density is introduced. Discovering Density Teacher’s Guided needed (ISBN 0924886-61-7) Chemical Reactions [$11.00] An ordinary zip-locking bag becomes a safe and spectacular laboratory as students mix chemicals that bubble, change color, and produce gas, heat, and odor. Chemical Reactions Teacher’s Guide needed (ISBN 0-924886-06-4) Microscope Kit [$50.00] In the joyous spirit of discovery, this introduction to hand lenses and microscopes explores the up-close worlds of minerals, fabric, fingerprints, postage stamps, kitchen powders, pond life, and even sand. Includes the use of a microscope for 1 learning period. Microscopic Explorations Teacher’s Guide needed (ISBN 0-924886-005)