Understanding Leadership Styles in the Workplace

Leadership Styles in the
Bill Gallagher
4 Leadership styles
 Driver/Red: Production is everything in the
 Organizer/Blue: Planning is everything in the
 Stabilizer/Green: Peaceful environment is
everything in the workplace
 Promoter/Yellow: People are everything in
the workplace
5 Common Leadership Strengths
Quality Work
Team builder
5 Common Leadership Weaknesses
Poor listener
Too easygoing
Fears conflict
Recognizing the Drivers
 Clothing: Practical, comfortable, seasonal.
 Office: Simple, professional desk,
achievements, plaques, degrees, awards. Few
 Telephone: No time for small talk, may ask
quickly, “What can I do for you?” seem in a
hurry or on a mission, business only!
Recognizing the Organizer
 Clothing : sharp, meticulous, conservative
colors in style, ironed and creased well.
 Office: Everything in place, a lot of family
pictures, highly organized.
 Telephone: Professional greeting always, they
sound and “feel” busy, prefer not to chit-chat,
and will delegate or pass on information to the
right source.
Recognizing the Stabilizer
 Clothing: Casual, relaxing for them, not flashy
and plain colors.
 Office: Simple, art or scenes of nature, hi-tech,
very few family pictures, personal photography.
 Telephone: Very pleasant, monotone in voice
inflection, low volume, not wordy (generally one
word answers), would prefer to text or email.
Recognizing the Promoter
 Clothing: Colorful, flashy, current, a lot of
 Office: Piles, organized chaos, family pictures,
usually music.
 Telephone: Sound delighted to hear from you,
loud voice, cheerful sounding, very talkative,
can ask personal questions and be too
transparent about their personal life!
Getting the Most out of the Drivers
 What to go to them for
1.Big picture and ideas
2. Project management
3.Setting and accomplishing goals
 How to work with them
1.Give bottom line quickly
2.Don’t make excuses or procrastinate
3.Determined success by action and results
Getting the Most out of the Organizers
 What to go to them for
1. Developing a detailed plan
2. Research, analysis and management of data
3. Accuracy and completing tasks with precision
4. Editing: They are the first to spot an error
 How to work with them
1. Be specific with what you want and leave them
2. Be prompt with what you say you are going to do
3. Don’t spring sudden changes on them
Getting the Most out of the Stabilizers
 What to go to them for
1. Encouraging teamwork and cooperation
2. Process improvement and excellent ideas
3. Clarity and solutions with difficult issues
 How to work with them
1. Slow down with instructions and be clear with
deadlines and expectations
2. Reduce conflict by approaching them in a calm way
3. Support them in working alone
Getting the Most out of the Promoter
 What to go to them for
1. Motivating others through change
2. Team development
3. Scheduling out of office events
 How to work with them
1. Give them deadlines and help them focus
2. Don’t micromanage, give them independence
3. Occasionally acknowledge their worth in the
What Drivers Want
 Respect: Loyalty from team, sense of being in
control, credit for accomplishments and a
strong work ethic from others.
 Energy Level: Highest of all, needs little rest,
thrives on working with people they can
What Organizers Want
 Understanding : Desires hard, accurate work
and integrity from others, support when down,
quiet space to work alone and personal self
 Energy Level: Moderate energy,
overwhelmed, drained by people.
What Stabilizers Want
 Fairness : Everyone to get along, occasional
solitude, concise and clear direction and
appreciation for their quiet insights.
 Energy Level: Lowest of all, need a lot of rest,
drained by people (especially if there is
What Promoters Want
 Acknowledgement: Desires attention,
approval, acceptance and variety with
 Energy Level: Very fast paced with sudden
exhaustion spells. They thrive on
How to Interact With a Leader
Heart Thinkers
Head Thinkers
Head Thinkers
Heart Thinkers
Presentation by Barry Whetstine / ScorpionGFX
Approaching Each Leader
 Driver
They desire to take charge, or being given something to do. Don’t repeat
yourself, give them options. Be solution oriented and value their insight.
 Organizer
Verbal appreciation, informing them in advance if a project is going to
change or be delayed, keeping your word, taking their concerns
 Stabilizer
Listen carefully without interruption, stay calm with presentation, give them
time to process request. Try not to verbally cut them off.
 Promoter
Appreciate their creativity and new ideas, be patient with and learn to work
with their procrastination, acknowledge their value as a team member.
Put a positive spin on criticism.
Communication that Drivers listen to
“Brevity is Everything”
Drivers have a goal in every conversation, rambling doesn’t work!
They want to know the main point upfront.
They want the answer.
They need solutions.
Words that work: “I need to quickly ask, what’s more efficient,
what’s your opinion or viewpoint on this, my purpose in coming to
you is, when can we discuss?”
Communication that Organizers listen to
“Timing is Everything”
Every “spur of the moment” conversation is an interruption.
Schedule a time for lengthy or critical topics.
Try to remove all distractions.
Make sure their current project is completed.
Words that work: “Would you think about this, when can we
discuss, I need you to think about something”
Communication that Stabilizers listen to
“Verbal Respect is Everything”
Conversations shouldn’t frequently lead to conflict
Look for the good in them
Don’t give too much information at one time
Wait patiently for their responses
Words that work: Does this make sense or what do you think? I’m
looking for your objective insight, take time to process this and get back
to me.
Communication that Promoters listen to
“Positive Feedback is Everything”
 They desire your interest
 Eye contact is important
 Ask questions about their subject matter
Words that work: I appreciate you, what matters to you
matters to me, I have confidence in you, can I share something
that could be helpful to you?
When Strengths Become Weaknesses
(When your Driving is too fast)
Natural Strengths
Strengths too extreme
Born leader
2. Decisive and in charge
3. Quick and active
4. Loves to work
Angry when
2. Decides for everyone
3. Impulsive choices
4. Works beyond what’s
When Strengths Become Weaknesses
(When your Organizing is too inflexible)
Natural Strengths
Strengths too extreme
Schedule oriented
2. Functions well alone
3. Precise with projects
4. Very thorough with
Struggles without one
2. Isolates; reclusive
3. Demands accuracy
4. Expects everyone else
to be thorough
When Strengths Become Weaknesses
(When your Stabilizing is too weak)
Natural Strengths
Strengths too extreme
Low-keyed emotions
2. Easy going /Adaptable
3. Cooperative
4. Mellow
Hides Emotions
2. Lets others decide
3. Too Easy- “yes man”
4. Lazy and too laid back
When Strengths Become Weaknesses
(When your Promoting is too flippant)
Natural strengths
Strengths too extreme
Magnetic personality
2. Good communicator
3. Sense of humor
4. Socially magnetic
Depends on charm
2. Talking=Security
3. Not serious enough
4. Too loud and wild
Being the best Driver you can be
Drivers Do……..
Drivers Don’t…….
 Encourage others
 Expect everyone to do it
verbally or in writing
 Make time for other’s
 Consider other’s ideas
 Issue a request instead
of an order
your way
 Assume everyone
wants your advice
 Expect everyone to
produce like you
 Write others off if they
are emotional
Being the best Organizer you can be
Organizers Do….
Organizers Don’t….
 Grow thicker skin
 Expect everyone to
 Think before you say
have lists and
 Assume others know
your needs
 Assume the worst
 Refuse to delegate
 Give room for other’s
 Graciously allow for
interruptions and delays
Being the best Stabilizer you can be
Stabilizers Do…
Stabilizers Don’t….
 Say what you mean
 Let resentment build
 Learn to say “No”
 Always say “I don’t
 Write problems and
care, make a choice”
 Procrastinate
 Keep running from
solutions down
 Face conflict quicker
Being the Promoter you can be
Promoters Do…
Promoters Don’t….
 Listen better
 Expect others to protect
 Remember your
you forever
 Over commit yourselves
with projects
 Laugh everything off
 Dominate conversations
 Use a calendar
 Acknowledge rank and
The Driver/Red
“Let’s Lead My Way”
 Desire: Have control of decisions and future successes.
 Could improve if: They became more patient, didn’t expect
everyone to produce as he/she does, slow down and focused on
the need at hand.
As a leader he/she: Has a natural feel for being in charge, a
quick sense of what will work and a sincere belief in his/her
ability to achieve, but may overwhelm less aggressive people.
Reactions to stress: Tighten control, work harder, run faster, and
very little compassion for those who are “incompetent”.
Recognized by: Fast moving approach, quick grab for control,
self-confidence, and overpowering attitude.
Feels respected when: There is compliance, everybody is a
team player, and loyalty to the organization.
The Organizer
“Let’s Lead the Right Way”
 Desire: Have it right and follow protocol.
 Could improve if: He/she didn’t take life quite so seriously and
didn’t expect staff to be perfectionists.
As a leader: Organizes well, is sensitive to people’s feelings,
has deep creativity, wants quality performance, and has
compassion for the hurting.
Reactions to stress: Withdraws, becomes moody, feels like
giving up, and recounts the problems.
Recognized by: Serious, sensitive nature, well-mannered
approach, self-critical comments, meticulous and well-groomed
looks and full calendar.
Feels respected when: They are appreciated, listened to, and
not expected to adjust the standards of their work .
The Stabilizer
“Let’s Lead the Easy Way”
 Desire: “For everyone to get along”, and keep peace.
 Is valuable in work: Because he/she cooperates and has a
calming, stabilizing influence; mediates between contentious
people, and objectively solves problems.
Could improve if: Sets goals and becomes self-motivated, be
willing to move faster than expected and become more decisive
in handling problems, “nipping issues in the bud.”
Reactions to stress: Live in denial and hope issues go away on
their own, stuff problems, avoid confrontation.
Recognized by: very casual and calm approach, relaxed and
likeable, easy going presence.
Feels respected when: you remain calm and solution oriented
with problems and don’t force them to be or act different.
The Promoter
“Let’s Lead the Enjoyable Way”
 Desire: Enjoy work.
 Is valuable in work: For promoting ideas, optimism, encouraging
others, and good with P.R.
 Reactions to stress: Change the scenery, minimize serious
problems, and blame others for negativity.
 Recognized by: Accepting of all staff members, enthusiastic,
ability to mix easily, an abundance of fresh ideas and are either
greatly loved by co-workers or highly irritating to the structured
thinkers of the organization (so my “blue/red” nurse wife says).
 Feels respected when: They feel valued, ideas are
acknowledged, and they are given freedom to be creative.
Thank You
Bill Gallagher
Phone (541) 773-4656
Cell (541) 621-5402