2611008 (Nov. 2014) 米国博士論文集 「言語学」最新博士論文 Linguistics Degree Years:2014 全 80 点 当リストに先生のご研究に役立つ論文を収録しています ◎学位論文活用のメリット◎ *研究分野における最新の動向・方法論を知ることができます。 *通常の研究書では取り上げられない極めて専門的な論文を探すことができます。 *論文末尾の参考文献一覧により、どのような資料・文献を利用したかわかります。 *論文の構成や特有の表現等を身につけることができます。 形 コピー版 *DVD(PDF) 態 標準価格 代引/クレジット価格 Clothbound ¥19,440 ¥17,000 Paperbound Express (未製本) ¥16,200 -------¥11,880 ¥14,000 ¥9,900 ¥10,000 *DVD 版は論文を PDF 形式で格納したものです。1 回のご注文で 10 点(\118,800)以上ご注文いただきますようお 願いいたします。なお容量を超えない限り、PDF 形式でご注文いただいた論文は、すべて 1 枚の DVD にまとめて格 納されます。 ◎表示価格は論文 1 点当りの消費税 8%込み価格です。国内送料を含みます。 ◎Cloth, Paper は約 1 ヶ月半、DVD は約 3-4 週間、Express は約 2 週間でお届けいたします。 ◎代引/クレジット価格でご購入の場合は、ヤマト宅急便の代金引換払い、またはクレジットカード(JCB, UC, VISA, DC, AMEX, MASTER)のお支払いに限ります。 ◎Pub. No.に MK, KL, NK, NL の記号が付いている論文はマイクロのみの供給となる場合があります。 ◎著者の意向などにより論文が入手できない場合、また論文中の図版等が不鮮明な場合がございます。 ◎版元の価格変更、為替変動等により、予告なしに定価が変わることがあります。 ◇「プロクエスト学位論文データベース(PQDT)」 も取り扱っております。詳しくは小社営業員にお尋ね下さい。◇ 1 Choi, Jaehoon Pronoun-Noun Constructions and the syntax of DP The University of Arizona,2014, 255p.Ph.D., Pub No:3620077 2 Hilchey, Christian Thomas Prefixation of simplex pairs in Czech: An 10 analysis of spatial semantics, distributive verbs, and procedural meanings The University of Chicago,2014, 220p.Ph.D., Pub No:3615654 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Vaughn, Charlotte Reiss Language-Being-Spoken and Other Indexical Dimensions in Monolingual and Bilingual Speech Processing Northwestern University,2014, 333p.Ph.D., Pub No:3638319 Cox, Katie A. Connections between linguistic and musical sound systems of British and American trombonists The University of North Carolina at Greensboro,2014, 83p.D.M.A., Pub No:3624180 Myler, Neil Joseph Building and Interpreting Possession Sentences New York University,2014, 523p.Ph.D., Pub No:3635281 Miller, Tate The impact of intercultural competency training on perceived levels of conflict among multicultural student groups TUI University,2014, 147p.Ph.D., Pub No:3583429 Rudolph, Michael Allen Reclaiming Gammaalpharho: The semantic significance and structural implications of Gammaalpharho as an intersentential conjunction in Romans through Hebrews Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary,2014, 437p.Ph.D., Pub No:3581124 Collier, Lizabeth C. Good Writing in Increasingly Internationalized U.S. Universities: How Instructors Evaluate Different Written Varieties of English Arizona State University,2014, 198p.Ph.D., Pub No:3619373 2 Siegel, Jason F. Nou oblije pale mo-to: Code-switching between two Creoles and their lexifier in French Guiana Indiana University,2014, 302p.Ph.D., Pub No:3628660 Bohensky, Michael The lived experiences of successful ELL student regarding second language acquisition from the perspective of students, parents, and teachers Lamar University - Beaumont,2014, 161p.Ed.D., Pub No:3622922 11 MacVane, Maureen Renee The Effects of Vocabulary Instruction on Meaning Retention of Dialectically Ambiguous and Dialectically Neutral Words for Urban First Grade Speakers of AAE Cardinal Stritch University,2014, 288p.Ph.D., Pub No:3629434 12 Dillard, Aubrey Non-native Speaker Attentional Capacity and the Processing of English Phrasal Verb Constructions University of South Carolina,2014, 187p.Ph.D., Pub No:3626951 13 Barnwell, Brendan Barnett Effects of nonlinguistic context on language production University of California, Santa Barbara,2014, 136p.Ph.D., Pub No:3637372 14 Schertz, Jessamyn Leigh The structure and plasticity of phonetic categories across languages and modalities The University of Arizona,2014, 165p.Ph.D., Pub No:3626170 15 Fullilove, William B. Definiteness in Qumran Aramaic The Catholic University of America,2014, 413p.Ph.D., Pub No:3626617 16 Fancher, Eileen Lexical processing in sentence context: Semantic and syntactic factors The Florida State University,2014, 214p.Ph.D., Pub No:3637980 17 Weissglass, Christine A. Spanish stop-rhotic sequences in Spanish-Basque bilinguals and second language learners: An acoustic study The Florida State University,2014, 184p.Ph.D., Pub No:3638096 18 Beck, Erica Lynn The Role of Socio-indexical Information in Regional Accent Perception by Five to Seven Year Old Children University of Michigan,2014, 179p.Ph.D., Pub No:3619617 19 Norris, Mark A theory of nominal concord University of California, Santa Cruz,2014, 277p.Ph.D., Pub No:3630736 20 Boyd, Samuel Lanham Contact and context: Studies in language contact and literary strata in the Hebrew Bible The University of Chicago,2014, 503p.Ph.D., Pub No:3627816 21 22 23 24 Kim, Kitaek Unveiling linguistic competence by facilitating performance University of Hawai'i at Manoa,2014, 252p.Ph.D., Pub No:3582925 Leeming, Ian Paul Emergent leaders and small groups in the EFL classroom Temple University,2014, 480p.D.Ed., Pub No:3623203 Wood, Rebecca Jo Language socialization, revitalization and ideologies in the Salish-Pend d'Oreille community University of Montana,2014, 191p.Ph.D., Pub No:3628964 Northrup, Oliver Grounds for commitment University of California, Santa Cruz,2014, 257p.Ph.D., Pub No:3630737 3 25 Iskandar, Sam The Metaphor Interpretation Test: Cognitive Processes Involved and Age Group Differences in Performance University of Windsor (Canada),2014, 138p.Ph.D., Pub No:3630885 26 Garcia, Paula Perception of American English vowels by adult Spanish-English bilingual listeners Columbia University,2014, 252p.Ph.D., Pub No:3620218 27 Piazza, Jessica One of many doors: Sensing the literary sense through a cognitive poetics-inclusive reading approach University of Southern California,2014, 331p.Ph.D., Pub No:3628282 28 Puglisi, Diana C. A relevance theoretic account of definite descriptions Georgetown University,2014, 308p.Ph.D., Pub No:3619176 29 Stevens, James M. Control and disposal of demonstratives, with electrophysiological evidence from English and Japanese University of Minnesota,2014, 163p.Ph.D., Pub No:3630268 30 Jamjoom, Saja M.K. Story Reading and Literary Arabic Vocabulary Acquisition in Kindergarten Northwestern University,2014, 123p.Ph.D., Pub No:3626739 31 Wang, Jing The Effect of Implicit vs. Explicit Instruction on Learning Form-based vs. Meaning-based Language Features University of Pittsburgh,2014, 207p.Ph.D., Pub No:3582635 32 Butler, Becky Ann Deconstructing the Southeast Asian sesquisyllable: A gestural account Cornell University,2014, 230p.Ph.D., Pub No:3579056 33 Yik, Ting Fen A predictive modeling analysis of Vietnamese tonogenesis State University of New York at Buffalo,2014, 321p.Ph.D., Pub No:3640924 34 Udoff, Jonathan Andrew Mouthings in American Sign Language: Biomechanical and Representational Foundations University of California, San Diego,2014, 167p.Ph.D., Pub No:3640134 35 36 37 38 39 40 Wu, Ying Strategies of L1 and L2 greeting and small talk in Chinese Purdue University,2014, 183p.Ph.D., Pub No:3636690 Arzate, Nancy Ascencio The Supervision Experiences of Non-Hispanic Bilingual Therapists Who Worked With Spanish-Speaking Clients Alliant International University,2014, 142p.Psy.D., Pub No:3611906 Munoz Ledo Yanez, Veronica Voice and Valency in San Luis Potosi Huasteco University of California, Santa Barbara,2014, 239p.Ph.D., Pub No:3618790 Galambosh, Alexandra Perfective Implicative Constructions in Russian The University of Wisconsin - Madison,2014, 211p.Ph.D., Pub No:3625088 Harper, David An analysis of perceptual factors in the evolution of Spanish approximants University of Colorado at Boulder,2014, 182p.Ph.D., Pub No:3635837 Livitz, Inna G. Deriving Silence through Dependent Reference: Focus on Pronouns New York University,2014, 229p.Ph.D., Pub No:3614882 4 41 Nguyen, Luan Viet Generalized Categorial Grammar for Unbounded Dependencies Recovery University of Minnesota,2014, 208p.Ph.D., Pub No:3612711 42 Bruhn, Daniel Wayne A Phonological Reconstruction of Proto-Central Naga University of California, Berkeley,2014, 455p.Ph.D., Pub No:3640368 43 Gorrie, Colin Fraser Ideal-typology The University of Arizona,2014, 297p.Ph.D., Pub No:3628641 44 Lapomarel, Rose R. Unilingual English speaking therapist working with limited English speaking (LEP) Haitian clients in substance abuse and mental health treatment Capella University,2014, 136p.Ph.D., Pub No:3633826 45 Pardo, Rebecca M. Looking forward/looking back: The production of television and the television audience at MTV Canada University of Pennsylvania,2014, 228p.Ph.D., Pub No:3623903 46 Stewart, Joshua E. The frequency and distribution of the x-finite verb clauses in the second book of the psalter New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary,2014, 299p.Ph.D., Pub No:3581262 47 Mwamzandi, Mohamed Yusuf Swahili word order choices: Insights from information structure The University of Texas at Arlington,2014, 240p.Ph.D., Pub No:3626940 48 Glover, Justin Liquid vocalizations and underspecification in German dialects Indiana University,2014, 238p.Ph.D., Pub No:3626262 49 Michel, Daniel Individual Cognitive Measures and Working Memory Accounts of Syntactic Island Phenomena University of California, San Diego,2014, 467p.Ph.D., Pub No:3639177 50 Fukuyasu, Yoshiko The History of Russian-to-Japanese Translators from the Edo Period Onwards University of California, Los Angeles,2014, 214p.Ph.D., Pub No:3623487 51 Essien, Hannah Structural study of Arabic morphology Indiana University,2014, 269p.Ph.D., Pub No:3636955 52 Johnson, Gregory, II Restructuring and infinitives: The view from Appalachia Michigan State University,2014, 207p.Ph.D., Pub No:3633644 53 54 Chan, Lionel Non-standard Italian dialect heritage speakers' acquisition of clitic placement in standard Italian City University of New York,2014, 150p.Ph.D., Pub No:3612317 Konnerth, Linda Anna A grammar of Karbi University of Oregon,2014, 794p.Ph.D., Pub No:3619580 55 Larsen, Darrell Particles and particle-verb constructions in English and other Germanic languages University of Delaware,2014, 445p.Ph.D., Pub No:3631189 56 Yang, WeiWei Mapping the relationships among the cognitive complexity of independent writing tasks, L2 writing quality, and complexity, accuracy and fluency of L2 writing Georgia State University,2014, 232p.Ph.D., Pub No:3637700 57 Kalin, Laura Mennen Aspect and Argument Licensing in Neo-Aramaic University of California, Los Angeles,2014, 231p.Ph.D., Pub No:3622798 5 58 Van Tiem, Jennifer Many Secrets Are Told Around Horses: An Ethnographic Study of Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy Columbia University,2014, 226p.Ph.D., Pub No:3621572 59 Gottwald, Stephanie The struggle to express themselves: An examination of the relationship of syntactic knowledge to text reading and comprehension Tufts University,2014, 116p.Ph.D., Pub No:3624704 60 Skelton, Christina A New Computational Approach to the Ancient Greek Dialects: Phylogenetic Systematics University of California, Los Angeles,2014, 145p.Ph.D., Pub No:3623507 61 Atanassov, Dimka Processing strategies for scalar implicatures University of Pennsylvania,2014, 235p.Ph.D., Pub No:3635466 62 Jackson, Daniel O. The relative contribution of input modification, learner awareness, and individual differences to second language construction learning University of Hawai'i at Manoa,2014, 346p.Ph.D., Pub No:3582920 63 Teubner-Rhodes, Susan Elizabeth The neural bases of the bilingual advantage in cognitive control: An investigation of conflict adaptation phenomena University of Maryland, College Park,2014, 169p.Ph.D., Pub No:3628029 64 Lee, Hye Seung A grammar of com 'a little' University of Hawai'i at Manoa,2014, 208p.Ph.D., Pub No:3582929 65 Kahng, Ji Min Exploring the production and perception of second language fluency: Utterance, cognitive, and perceived fluency Michigan State University,2014, 109p.Ph.D., Pub No:3626197 66 Perez, Lissette How output affects explicit and implicit knowledge of Spanish indirect object pronouns Temple University,2014, 222p.Ph.D., Pub No:3611160 74 Egbert, Jesse Reader perceptions of linguistic variation in published academic writing Northern Arizona University,2014, 278p.Ph.D., Pub No:3621088 67 Renaud, Jeffrey Bernard An optimality theoretic typology of three fricative-vowel assimilations in Latin American Spanish The University of Iowa,2014, 367p.Ph.D., Pub No:3628435 75 Fiedler, Judith Germanic it-clefts: Structural variation and semantic uniformity University of California, Santa Cruz,2014, 277p.Ph.D., Pub No:3630678 68 Montes, Amanda Lira Gordenstein The Use and Perception of English In Brazilian Magazine Advertisements Arizona State University,2014, 218p.Ph.D., Pub No:3619698 76 Abdurrahman, Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Sociophonetic Perception of African American English in Minnesota University of Minnesota,2014, 156p.Ph.D., Pub No:3635069 69 Wright, Jeremy Bryan Simultaneously acquiring the syntax and semantics of spatial referring expressions The University of Arizona,2014, 94p.Ph.D., Pub No:3636459 77 Bervoets, Melanie Jane On Opining: Modal Verbs, Dispositions, Free Choice, and Negation University of California, Los Angeles,2014, 207p.Ph.D., Pub No:3623263 70 Hunter, Cristina Language development among bilingual and monolingual Spanish-speaking children: Investigating the role of contextual factors on language patterns of Spanish-speaking children Boston College,2014, 146p.Ph.D., Pub No:3630157 78 Atagi, Eriko Representations of nonnative speech Indiana University,2014, 180p.Ph.D., Pub No:3628667 79 Marlen, Michael Scott An approach to natural language understanding Kansas State University,2014, 180p.Ph.D., Pub No:3627753 80 Herazo Rivera, Jose David Second language (L2) development as concept-mediated textual activity: Exploring the role of functional language concepts in classroom L2 communication and learning University of Pittsburgh,2014, 366p.Ph.D., Pub No:3582542 71 Gerndt, Jennifer Lynne Perceptions of pronunciation and the link to oral production anxiety among German students Purdue University,2014, 207p.Ph.D., Pub No:3636023 72 Thompson, Andrea Beyond deep and surface: Explorations in the typology of anaphora University of California, Santa Cruz,2014, 285p.Ph.D., Pub No:3630760 73 Lee, Jieun Co-participation in story eliciting and narrating phases: An analysis of Korean reported speech in media talk University of Hawai'i at Manoa,2014, 253p.Ph.D., Pub No:3582930 6