Name: Date: Period: 2.1 Intro to Genetics Sub Packet: Dissection

2.1 Intro to Genetics Sub Packet: Dissection Reading
Dissection Reading: Read the following 2 articles. Take 5 notes about the pros (good tings) about frog dissections
and take 5 notes about the cons (bad things) about frog dissections. Don’t forget 5 word summaries!
The dissection of animals has raised many controversies over animal rights. There have been
arguments over whether or not animal dissection at schools should be banned. Dissecting animals helps
us learn more about animals and how they function; on the other hand, it hurts and ultimately kills the
animal that is used.
Dissection for Research
The truth is, animal dissection may harm the animal, but it helps humans! We, as animals, learn
more about how our own bodies work by experimenting on other animals. The only other option to
using animals would be to dissect other humans. This is even more immoral and wrong! Most of the
medication that we use was developed by scientists who tested on other animals that are similar to
humans, such as mice. This allows scientists to make sure the medication is safe and effective. Without
animal testing and dissecting, humans would suffer consequences: we would live less healthy lives, and
perhaps more painful lives, because medication would not be as available, safe or effective.
The big question: Should we dissect animals in middle school and high school?
The question is, do we need to dissect animals for learning in the classroom? The frog dissections
that are performed in middle school do not help scientists develop medicine or treat people. There are
still good arguments for frog dissections and against frog dissections. You need to be the judge!
Dissection in the Classroom
Pro Argument
For students, dissection gives similar
benefits, although to a lesser degree. Although
students are not finding life-saving cures, they
are dissecting to help their own education.
Hands-on experience makes learning more
interactive and avoids the boredom students feel
from listening to long lectures or looking at
simple powerpoints, which commonly results in
half the class falling asleep. Dissection offers an
active learning environment in which students
can learn the anatomy (body) of an animal.
Research has shown that students
remember 90% of what they physically perform,
but only about 10% of what they see or hear.
What better way is there to learn about the small
intestines or the pancreas than by feeling the
Anti Argument
While science educators use animals for
many purposes, by far the most outdated, wasteful
and unethical (evil) practice of all is classroom
dissection. This is defined as “the practice of
cutting apart or separating tissue for anatomical
study.” In dissections, students study the organ
systems and body parts of the animal. Dissections
are simply unnecessary. Animals do not need to
die for students to learn. Over a million animals
are dissected each year!
Dissection is wrong because animals
deserve to live. When students dissect a frog, the
frog has to die. Scientists do euthanize (kill with
medicine) frogs with compassion. Even though the
frog doesn’t feel paint, the frog should be able to
live a full life. It is unfair to the frog to take its life
just so students can learn.
The biggest problem with frog dissections is
that it might give students the view that animals are
unimportant. This could make people not care
about animal suffering. This may also discourage,
or make kids not want to become scientists or
health care professionals because animals are
cruelly treated in order for them to do their job.
2.1 Intro to Genetics Sub Packet: Dissection Reading
wriggling organs with your very own hands?
Doing frog dissections also introduces
another learning method to students, kinesthetic
learning. Research has shown that students learn
more effectively when exposed to the same
In addition to taking the life of animals,
dissections are also dangerous. Students are
exposed to harmful chemicals that preserve, or
keep, the animal’s body “fresh.” In addition,
students use sharp objects, like scalpels, that could
seriously injure students if used incorrectly or in the
case of an accident.
information by different methods.
For example, if students are first lectured
about the organ systems in an animal and are
then allowed to dissect an animal, they would be
more likely to remember the information they
learned. The brain forms multiple connections
different by the 3 different forms of learning:
Students visually take notes and hear the teacher.
This uses visual learning and auditory learning.
Then when students dissect the frog with their
hands, they learn using kinesthetic learning.
Defense against common anti arguments
Animal Cruelty
A common argument against animal
dissection is that animals are cruelly treated.
However, the actual dissection does is in no way
inhumane (super wrong), since the animal is
already dead when it is dissected. In addition,
animals used for dissection are usually
euthanized (killed) gently. Scientists treat the
animal with compassion, but also to make sure
that the animal is not injured in any way when
they are prepared for the dissection.
Virtual dissections
Dissection provides a realm of knowledge
that can be replaced by no other means of
learning; it is as real as it gets. Many point to
Defense against common pro arguments:
Frog dissections could motivate students to go
into a career of science
This may be true, but the reverse is also true.
Some kids that may have wanted to become
scientists may turn away from science because
they do not want to hurt animals. Some
students can leave frog dissections with a very
negative opinion of science.
Hands on experiences help students learn
This argument (kids need to learn with their
hands) is old and outdated. With technology,
students can have the exact same experience
without hurting the animals. There are many
virtual dissection simulations that allow students
to go through all the steps of dissection without
hurting a single animal. Students still experience
the same hands on experience while using the
technology to open and inspect the animals. In
addition, students are not exposed to any
chemicals and do not have to use sharp and
dangerous objects!
useful internet dissections. These online tools use
detailed photographs, videos and experiences, it
does not compare to using forceps and scalpels
to inspect the animal, hands on. The hands on
2.1 Intro to Genetics Sub Packet: Dissection Reading
experience will be more impactful and the
student is more likely to remember on the test.
Nothing compares to learning, involving, looking
and listening in real life.
Overall conclusion
As you can see, there is no clear right or wrong answer. Everyone has different opinions and you
are allowed to have your own opinion! As helpful of an educational source dissection may be, cutting
open any once-living organism may be against the ethical standards (right vs wrong) of many students.
As a result, there is by no means any requirement that a student partake in a dissection experiment.
While teachers encourage dissection, they are aware that they have no right to force someone to do
something that violates genuine ethical values.
This protects students who are against dissection from hurting their grade. Therefore, dissection is
beneficial and also does not affect those who are against it.
Animal dissection is such a useful tool for biology classes to use; in America, high schools dissect
over six million animals every year, which shows that biology teachers approve of the benefits of
dissecting animals. There is no other way for students to gain such a unique and hands-on form of
learning about the anatomy of animals.
Summarize: what was this article about? What did you learn? What did you think?
Pros and Cons of Dissections-T-Chart
List 5 pros and 5 cons Minimum on classroom dissections in your own words.
Pros (+)
2.1 Intro to Genetics Sub Packet: Dissection Reading
Your Opinion: In the space below write 2-3 sentences stating your opinion on
whether or not dissections should be required for everyone in science classes
Should dissections be required for EVERYONE (you are forced to dissect even if you don’t want to)
Your Opinion: In the space below write 2-3 sentences stating your opinion on
whether or not if students who want to dissect should be given the opportunity or if
dissections should not be allowed for any students!
Should students dissect if they want to or should no students be allowed to dissect period because it is
2.1 Intro to Genetics Sub Packet: Dissection Reading