Name______________________________ Guided Notes Public Speaking, Debating and Negotiating: Flow of Debate Procedures 1. Motioning to Debate: Before debate begins, delegates must set a ______________, which is the allotted amount of time a delegate has to make a speech during committee. Any delegate can propose a speaking time (usually 30 seconds to two minutes) by making a _________. • A motion is a __________that a delegate makes to the Chair, requesting that the committee as a _______ do something. For example, a delegate can make a motion (move) to go into an unmoderated caucus or to set the speaking time. The Chair will periodically ask if anyone has any motions. Any delegate who would like to propose something may. Then, the _________ committee will _______on each motion. 2. Preparing for Debate: 1. Roll Call: At the beginning of each committee session, the Chair will read through _________________and the delegates will say “present” or “present and voting.” A delegate’s decision to simply be “________” indicates that he or she may _________ (refrain) from __________ on a resolution. A delegate’s decision to be “present and voting” indicates that he or she ______________ from voting on a resolution, and must take a clear affirmative or negative __________ on all issues regarding the given _______________. 2. Setting the Agenda: Because each committee will discuss _________, delegates must decide the ________ in which these topics should be debated. Delegates can make a __________ proposing the _________ in which the _________ should be discussed. The motion(s) will then be voted on, the ________will be set, and delegates will _______________ on the first topic. 3. Formal Debate: 1. Speakers list: Once a topic order is set, the chair will open __________ on the first topic by ___________ delegates who wish to _______ to raise their __________ (a piece of paper with the __________of the country of each delegate). Chairs will then place those delegates on a ______________. Rules of the speakers list: • A country may only be on the speakers list _________. • Delegates will always return to the speakers list after caucusing. • Delegates can be _________to or removed from the speakers list at any time. 2. Going down the Speakers list: At the beginning of the committee session, the Chair will go down the speakers list and delegates on it will be able to make _____________. (This will continue until a delegate makes a motion to move on to a caucus- group discussion). 3. Opening Speeches: Although there is no requirement to make an opening speech, delegates ___________to ________their country’s __________ on a _________should ask to be added to the _____________ and should make an _______________. These should essentially be abridged versions of ____________. Delegates should make an opening speech by: • Thanking the presiding official: “Thank you Honorable Chair…” • Providing a _______________ of the issue as it relates to their country. • Explaining how the ________________ their country. • Providing their country’s ____________on the issue. • Presenting ideas for a _______________. • Indicating whether or not their country is willing to ______________. • Calling other countries to ___________, and emphasizing the importance of resolving the issue. 4. Informal Debate: Informal debate is any debate that takes place __________of the _________ list. This happens when a delegate motions to go into a moderated or unmoderated ___________. When motioning to enter a caucus, the delegate must also ___________ the ________________ the committee will spend in caucus before _____________ to the speaker’s ___________, often about ten to fifteen minutes. Moderated Caucus: works much like a __________________ without a ____________. All delegates may raise their _____________ at any moment, and the chair will call on them ______________ to speak for an amount of time. When a delegate motions for this type of caucus, he or she must ___________ (in addition to stating the total time that will be allotted for the caucus) the ___________of each speech or question being ________, and also what the _________of the caucus is. o For example, a delegate might make a motion along these lines: “The Russian Federation motions for a ten minute ______________ with thirty second speaking times for the purpose of _________________.” Note that the delegate ___________ use a ________________ here; in committee, a delegate is _________ his or __________; he or she is the delegate from ____________, and must refer to his or herself as such. Unmoderated Caucus: the committee recesses, allowing time for delegates to meet _____________ and speak ________________. Delegates often use this time to meet with other countries that have ______________ to flesh out their plans and begin ___________draft resolutions. It is important for delegates to know ___________ their allies are and what ___________ they belong to so that they can effectively participate in unmoderated caucuses. 5. Close of Debate: When the speakers list is ___________ and no one _________ to go into a moderated or unmoderated caucus, or if a delegate motions to go into _______________, then it is time to vote on ______________. • Voting Procedures: Once all resolutions are ______________ on (more than one resolution can be passed) the committee moves on to the next topic on the __________ beginning the speakers list (and the rest of the ___________) over again. Sample Resolution International Atomic Energy Agency Sponsors: Sweden, UK ______________: Iran, Spain, Canada, Pakistan, Syria, Japan, Italy, Brazil, Israel Topic: Iran's Nuclear Energy Program The International Atomic Energy Agency, ___________ the right of all nations to peaceful nuclear energy technology, as stated in Article IV, Clause I of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Recognizing the suspicion surrounding Iran's nuclear program and its intended uses, 1. _____________ a ban on heavy water use in Iranian nuclear facilities; 2. Demands full Iranian compliance with the NPT Safeguards Agreement; 3. Calls for the creation of a commission of willing nations with nuclear expertise to assist Iran in implementing civilian nuclear technology; 4. _____________ a deadline of 12 months for implementation of clauses 1 and 2; 5. ___________ further IAEA action if clauses 1, 2 and 3 are not implemented in full over the next 12 months.