WWII - Somerset Academy

On How many different fronts was World war II
Name Two important Generals during World
War 2?
Name the major bill that helped rebuild post
war Europe?
Chapter 21 The second Great War
Reading Quiz
How did joining World War II change the U.S.
economy? What kind of items did they
How did the U.S. build up its army?
What was the role of African Americans and
women in the war effort?
In Class
Using your notes from last class or reading pages
714- 717 answer the following questions
What actions did America have to make to be
ready for war?
How did the U.S. Mange these Major changes?
What was the U.S. producing?
Leaving the depression
Though Franklin Roosevelt is afraid of having to
fight a war on two fronts the U.S. will surprise
the world with its build-up.
Part of the success was that the government had
started mobilizing the country before the
country entered the war.
Working with business
Roosevelt believed that the government and
business had to work together.
He creates the National Defense Advisory
The committee will help mobilizes the economy.
Several business leaders serve on the
Cost Plus
It was believed that the government should
provide some incentives for participating
Cost plus: The government agreed to pay a
company whatever it cost to make a product.
Plus guarantee a percentage of the costs as
War Production Board
As the U.S. started to produce weapons
government agencies began to argue about
To deal with this the U.S. develops the War
Production Board.
Allowed the board to have authority over
production and control distribution.
Production of vehicles
How do major car companies contribute to the
Automobile factories did not just produce
vehicles, but also mines, helmets, rifles.
Eventually Henry Ford would produce an
assembly line to produce the B-24 bomber.
Reading Quiz
What was the Bataan Death March?
Name one of the major battles in the Pacific?
Explain the convoy system?
America’s Army Grows
Using your notes from last class or reading pages
718- 721 answer the following questions
How does the U.s bolster it’s forces? What
problems does the country face as the army
grows ?
How are the different minorities treated as the
army grows and the country industrializes
Video Questions
What is the importance of the Joe Lewis Max
Schmeling fight?
Did the soldiers at Pearl Harbor have any warning
about the attack? Why does the military have
trouble detecting the Japanese planes?
What kind of industrial products is the U.S.
producing, and how many?
Why are women the best kept secret of World War
II? What kind of projects did they work on? What
are the risks?
The Pacific
The Philippines
Only after a few hours after the bombing of
Pearl Harbor the Japanese attacked
American airfields in the Philippines
The Leader of the American forces Douglass
MacArthur retreated to Bataan Island
Eventually they would evacuate to Australia
The Bataan Death March
The remaining soldiers on the Bataan Peninsula
were forced to surrender, a total of 78,000
These troops are forced to march to a prison camp
65 miles away.
10,000 men died of sickness and exhaustion.
The Coral Sea and Mid Way
Coral Sea
The Japanese believed they could make two
successful attacks due to their secrecy.
Unknown to them pearl Harbor code breakers
found out about the attack.
The U.S. would send the Lexington and the York
Both ships were sake but this attack kept U.S.
territories safe.
The Pearl Harbor code breakers learned of
another attack on Midway Island.
The U.S. was able to set-up an ambush for the
unsuspecting Japanese Navy.
Considered to be the turning point in the war of
the Pacific, with the destruction of four
Japanese battleships.
Assisting Allies
As the U.S. joins the war effort the lend lease
policy begins to assist the U.S. Allies.
Particularly the USSR who even after
industrialization was lacking weapons.
Even with this Assistance Stalin urges the U.S. to
open a second Front.
Churchill’s Disagreement
Churchill did not agree with Stalin and did not
believe that U.S. and Britain were strong
enough to invade Europe.
Instead he pushed to fight on the periphery of
the German Empire.
This idea is what lead to the conflict in North
Invasion of North
In response to Churchill’s Plan Roosevelt
orders the invasion of Morocco and Algeria.
This would place the U.S. forces against the
famous German general Rommel.
Eventually after a 12 day Battle Eisenhower
plans a trap between his forces and Patton.
Rommel retreats and leaves control of Algeria
and Casablanca to the allies.
Section 3 The home front
Women in the work place
It was believed married women should not work
Most working women were young and single.
They normally worked in clerical positions, like
The women hired 4 million to work during the
Most worked as secretaries but factory workers
caught the attention of the nation.
On your own answer the following questions.
What responsibility is this poster stressing to the audience?
Why is this important to the U.S. during WWII?
African Americans and labor
Though the U.S. was hiring more female workers
what the state of African Americans during
Most companies resisted hiring African Americans.
A. Phillip Randolph spoke to the President about
this issue stating that he would lead a march on
Roosevelt began to remove discrimination from the
work place
The Great Migration
During World War I we saw that there was a
migration of African Americans from the south
to the North.
As jobs become more available again in the
North during WWII, we see the migration
increase again.
As we see more African Americans enter the
North we see an increase in racial violence.
The worst occurring in 1943 in Detroit. As
people crowed around the river to cool off a
confrontation arose which lead to deaths of
25 African Americans and 9 whites.
Writing assignment
On your own write 1 paragraph about the
following prompt, using the following quote.
How would you feel if the government
discriminated against you in the way the U.S.
acted against Japanese immigrants? Do you
think the U.S.’s actions are just considering
what happened at Pearl harbor.
• We saw all these people behind the fence, looking
out, hanging onto the wire, and looking out because
they were anxious to know who was coming in. But I
will never forget the shocking feeling that human
beings were behind this fence like animals [crying].
And we were going to also lose our freedom and walk
inside of that gate and find ourselves…cooped up
there…when the gates were shut, we knew that we
had lost something that was very precious; that we
were no longer free."
• Mary Tsukamoto
Zoot Suits
Fear grew about juvenile delinquency ad
Mexican Americans.
This culminated with the wearing of Zoot suites,
which required a lot of Fabric to make.
This was considered unpatriotic as U.S. citizens
were trying to save fabric.
Zoot Suit Riot
Many teenage Mexican Americans
had adopted the zoot suit.
Rumors were that these zoot suited
teens were attacking sailors
2,500 sailors stormed a local
Mexican American neighbor
hood and attacked the zoot
The police did not intervene.
Producing for the war
Use your notes or turn to page 734-735
How does the United States government pay for
the war, and how do they control prices and
What are some ways the average U.S. citizen can
help with the war effort?
In class
Open your book from 739-743
What is the plan for the invasion of Europe from
the allies? What is it called?
What does the term Island hopping refer to?
What is Douglas Macarthur’s role in the Pacific
when he returns
Operation Overlord
Over lord
The allies decided to invade France
They decided to fool the Germans by setting up
dummy equipment.
The actual attack would occur further south the
where the Germans expected.
The term D-day refers to the actual day that the
invasion of Normandy would begin.
The U.S. forces luckily had a strategy that
worked and attacked where the German
forces were weakest.
Nearly 2,500 Americans were killed.
What sort of production is made for the war?
How do soldiers prepare themselves for the
What is the special service that a soldier could
apply for?
What beach was the most renown?
Island Hopping
Why bother
The whole reason to take control of the small
Islands was due to two reasons.
1. They were Japanese controlled, enemy
influence had to be removed before moving
on to the main islands.
2. The islands could be used as a resources for
the invasion further on.(EG on some the
islands airs strips would be built)
Island Hopping
While the invasion of France occurred in June of
1944 the invasion of the Islands of Japan
starts in the fall of 1943.
Most of the Islands are coral atolls. This means it
is hard to land on the Islands with boats.
Leads to high casualties as soldiers have to wade
through water to get to land.
An Alligator will save them
Cod named the alligator the Amphtrac first
made its appearance in Florida to help clear
out areas.
Essentially it’s a large amphibious tractor.
It was innovations like these that would help
save lives during the Island invasion.
MacArthur makes a
As Admiral Nimitz controls leads one front of the
attack Douglas MacArthur leads the other.
Macarthur’s invasion starts with Guadalcanal
Eventually he would capture enough of the area
to push the Japanese presence out of the
Retaking the Philippines
The U.S. would send a substantial invasion force to
retake the Philippines.
MacArthur and his forces march onto the Island
with no resistance at all.
The Japanese sent a force to defend the Philippines.
The Americans were unaware as their battleships
were ambushed.
This attack would be known as the battle of Leyte
Battle of Leyte Gulf
This is the battle is where we would see the
introduction to the Kamikaze attack.
Kamikaze means “Divine Wind”
This was the act of crashing planes into U.S.
The Fall of Germany
The Battle of the Bulge: refers to period when
the allied forces began to move. In
response the German forces rushed west
bulging their forces.
The Soviets made it to Germany first, and the
American forces were close behind.
When Hilter saw the end was near he trapped
himself in a bunker committing suicide.
May 8 1945 was known as VE day or victory in
Europe day.
Changing of the guard
As the war in Europe came to an end Roosevelt
died of a heart attack.
This left Harry Truman as the President to take
over the war effort.
Iwo Jima and Okinawa
Back in the Pacific it was felt the bombing of
Tokyo was not going well
The decision was to invade the small island of
Iwo Jima and turn it into an air strip.
The invasion was long drawn out and bloody
The U.S. invaded Okinawa Island to make it into
a supply depot. The Japanese had dug into the
mountains and the fighting took months.
Fire bombing of Tokyo
To try and improve bombing rates the U.S. air
force decided to start using Napalm during
bombing runs.
Napalm is jellied gasoline, the bomb not only
explodes put catches fire.
Highly controversial due to the fact that Japan
had cities made completely of wood.
Manhattan Project and the bomb
Back in Arizona the United states is working on
creating the first Atomic bomb.
This was code named the Manhattan Project.
Headed by scientist Robert Oppenheimer.
After successful testing of the bombs the U.S.
would drop the first Atomic bomb.
The first was dropped on Hiroshima the second
on Nagasaki.
How were the different minorities treated
during World War II ?
What is the point of the Nuremberg trials? In your
opinion are they successful? Why?
Why was the United nations formed?
What happened at Iwo Jima and how could you make the
point that this event leads to the dropping of the
Atomic Bomb.
Answer one of the following:
Explain one group that was either helped or hindered by
the events of World War II
Explain the events of one of the major battles we
Multiple choice
What early efforts did Roosevelt make to help
the British?
A. Selling goods and equipment
B. Buying land
C. Attacking German submarines
D. Providing Britain with air fields.
Multiple Choice
Why was the United States unprepared for Pearl
Lack of technology
Neglected radar
Neglected warnings
B and C
Multiple Choice
What term refers to German annexation of
A. Kristallnachet
B. Anschluss
C. Munich Confrence
D. Nazi Soviet non Aggression Pact
Multiple choice
What type of government considers the
Government more important than the
A. Dictatorship
B. Monarchy
C. Fascism
D. Democracy
Multiple Choice
In the 1930s the United States responded to the
rise of facism by
A. Invading Germany and Italy
B. Forming Military Alliances
C. Passing a series of Neutrality Laws
D. Joining League of nations
Multiple Choice
Concentration Camps and extermination camps
were part of what Nazis called
A. Justice for all
B. The “Final Solution”
C. Population control
D. The last straw
Multiple Choice
One complaint of African Americans at the
beginning of World War II
A. Integrated
B. Employed
C. Empowered
D. Disenfranchised
Multiple Choice
Winston Churchill wanted to attack the _____ or
edges of the German Empire
A. Eastern Front
B. Periphery
C. left flank
D. Western front
To aid in the war effort, American citizens
accepted the ____ of some items
Japanese Suicide bombers were known as ____
The large aquatic tractor that helped saved U.S.
lives in the Pacific was known as the
African Americans pushed for a _____ victorin
the war effort.
A. Tuskegee
B. Triple C
C. Double V
D. Carver
During the war effort, Americans ____ to collect
materials that could be used for the war
A. Planted victory Gardens
B. Held scrap drives
C. Conserved energy
D. Sold war bonds
Where did the allies begin their invasion of Italy
Planning for D-day was complicted by concerns
for the
A. German army
B. Amphtracs
C. Weather
D. Air forces
What was the code name for the plan to build
the atomic bomb?
A. Manhattan Project
B. Doolittle Raid
C. Operation Overlord
D. V-j Day