may LI math & analogies

May L.I. Math Homework Calendar
Draw 2 hexagons, 5 trapezoids,
and 7 rhombuses. Color each
shape then write a sentence
describing the shape.
John jumped as far as he could.
Mary measured his jump in craft
sticks. Bob measured his jump in
baby steps. Mary and Bob got
different answers. Is that okay?
Why or why not?
I have 9 crayons.
Some are blue and some are
I have fewer blue crayons.
How many of each could I have?
Rosa has a necklace with 8
beads on it. Kate’s necklace has
twice as many beads. Mary’s
necklace has 5 fewer beads
than Mary’s. How many beads
does each necklace have.
Include a picture, equation, and
What comes next in this pattern:
10, 21, 32, 43, ___, ___, ___ , ___
Create a story problem for this
equation and solve:
29 – 11 + 8 =
How many tens and ones are in
these numbers?
81, 18, 108, 80, 53
Find 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, and
10 less for each of these
26, 45, 89, 101
Math Stars Worksheet
Math Stars Worksheet
Math Stars Worksheet
Math Stars Worksheet
I have 10 crayons.
Some are blue, and some are red.
Fewer crayons are red.
How many of each color crayon
could I have?
Mary had 10 gumballs. Some
are red and some are pink. How
many of each could she have?
Find all the combinations.
I have 9 crayons.
Some are red, some are blue,
and some are green.
I have the same number of each
color crayon.
How many of each color crayon
do I have?
Sort the following shapes. Then
draw and explain how you
sorted them.
Trapezoid, rectangle, hexagon,
square, heart, and oval.
Create a story problem for this
equation and solve:
18 + 17 – 9 =
Find 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, and
10 less for these numbers:
11, 33, 71, 99, 105
What comes next in this pattern:
9, 20, 31, 42, ___, ___, ___, ____
How many tens and ones are in
these numbers?
3, 34, 43, 77, 98
Math Stars Worksheet
Math Stars Worksheet
Math Stars Worksheet
*Students should be encouraged to explore games and Compass Learning 2x a week in addition to math & reading homework for
10 minutes.
Homework is due every Friday morning and should be submitted in their “Homework Folder.” The last day for homework to be turned in for the year
will be Friday, May 29th.
May L.I. Analogies
Homework Calendar
Analogies Worksheet
Analogies Worksheet
Ted is very brave. He is as
brave as ________.
Write a story using 3 idioms
you can think of.
Rewrite the sentence, fill in the
blank, and write 1-2 sentences
explaining why you selected
that word.
Your sentence should be at
least 5 sentences.
Analogies Worksheet
(remember an example of an
idiom is, “under the
Analogies Worksheet
Analogies Worksheet
Create your own idiom,
analogy, or metaphor. Explain
the literal and figurative
meaning of your creation.
Draw a picture showing the
literal meaning of your
Find a picture in a magazine
or book that you like.
Write at least 5 sentences
about the picture using similes
and metaphors.
Analogies Worksheet
Analogies Worksheet
Analogies Worksheet
Find a picture in a magazine
or book that you like.
Peter is very thin. Peter is as
thin as ______.
Create your own idiom,
analogy, or metaphor. Explain
the literal and figurative
meaning of your creation.
Draw a picture showing the
literal meaning of your
Write at least 5 sentences
about the picture using
similes and metaphors.
Rewrite the sentence, fill in the
blank, and write 1-2 sentences
explaining why you selected
that word.