English III Agenda: Week of June 3 through 10 Monday, 6/3 IRLA—No number! Last set overdue! This week we will be doing something different during independent reading. We will be practicing reading poems independently, answering multiple choice questions about them, and identifying literary elements, techniques and devices the authors use and to what effect they use them. You have been provided a packet with three poems, questions pertaining to each and a space to write a one paragraph response on one element of your own choosing for each poem. Please feel free to use Writer’s Inc. for your written responses. Remember the strategies for multiple choice questions—cover the choices and try to answer the question first; read the “stem” with EACH option next; turn statements into questions; always look back at the text; eliminate obvious wrong choices immediately; never leave a question blank— there is no penalty for guessing on the Regents exam. Your grade on this final set of six IRLA responses will be based entirely upon your attendance in class for those days. We will discuss the poems and the answers each day, so you will not be able to get credit for the days you were absent. We will share and discuss our written responses, and because you want to pass the exam, you will do your absolute best on these for that reason—not for the grade. This is our last opportunity to prepare you for a very high stakes exam—please be in attendance and do your best. Begin today with the poem “Habit” and the multiple choice questions for it. RA-TA-TA: Read HF, Chapter 33, pp. 224—231. How would you describe Tom Sawyer, in terms of character development? What purpose does he serve in this novel? Tuesday, 6/4 IRLA: Written response for “Habit.” See packet. Work Period: Use Spark Notes to read summaries and analyses of chapters 34 through 41 of Huck Finn. http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/huckfinn/ Wednesday, 6/5 IRLA: Passage II and multiple choice questions. RA-TA-TA: Read HF, Chapter 42, pp. 283—91. Thursday, 6/6 IRLA: Written response for Passage II Work Period: Continue work on The Souls of Black Folk. Friday, 6/7 IRLA: “Night Light” and multiple choice questions. RA-TA-TA: Read HF, Chapter “The Last” and “Afterword,” pp. 291—305—or as far as we get. Would you describe the ending of this novel as satisfying? Why or why not? Overall, what is your opinion of the book. Work Period: Begin analysis of themes. http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/huckfinn/ Monday, 6/10 IRLA: Due upon completion of this response. No late work will be accepted. Turn in what you have, please. Written response for “Night Light.” RA-TA-TA: Finish HF, “Afterword.” Finish list of themes that run throughout the book. Make a secondary list, if time allows, of minor thematic concerns.